Starship Design Bureau

It will be funny if our supped up Ambassador-Class Enterprise C manages to kill the four Romulan ships and survive. Albeit the Irony of naming a heavy capital Ambassador is not lost on me.
Wait I just got an even better idea. Enterprise C kills 3 Romulans and is rendered a constructive loss. The heavy damaged survivor returns to the Star empire and the Senate deadlocks as everyone tries to get out of that disaster clean and roll the responsibility on their political opponents. Bonus points if the Tal-Shiar have a short Circuit once they see the sensor data about what that one ship could do.
[X]5 Type-9 Phaser Strips (Prototype]
[X]Rapid-Fire Photon Launchers (Prototype)
[X] 11 Type-9 Phaser Arrays
[X] Rapid-Fire Photon Launchers (Prototype)
With the bitch-slap firepower of the BIG phaser array to deal with potential conflict with Klingon or Romulan capital ships.
Dracinifel described Galaxies in that battle of DS9 as "They bullied that Cardassian cruiser out of existence, flew through furball, happy as clams, killing everything before them, turned around and flew back, still killing, without any visible damage. Maybe their captain was Andorians who wanted to show Klingons how it's done?"


At one hour time stamp exactly.
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Clearly, the less phasers on a ship, the more powerful they are. We're going from many individual phaser banks, to fewer interconnected phaser arrays, to a smaller number of larger phaser strips, and then the Galaxy class in the future has a mere two phaser rings. Somehow, that number needs to go down to one singular phaser... sphere? Phaser web? Phaser dish? :thonk:
Clearly, the less phasers on a ship, the more powerful they are. We're going from many individual phaser banks, to fewer interconnected phaser arrays, to a smaller number of larger phaser strips, and then the Galaxy class in the future has a mere two phaser rings. Somehow, that number needs to go down to one singular phaser... sphere? Phaser web? Phaser dish? :thonk:
The Galaxies had at least three phaser strips, there was one running port to starboard on the ventral side of the secondary hull. There was, IIRC, another on the secondary hull where it met the saucer for use during separated operations, but naturally it was covered by the saucer most of the time.
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