Starship Design Bureau

I think we generally want to avoid getting a "D" in anything if we can avoid it; especially as a relative score since that normally means it's severely underperforming in one of the requirements for a ship of its class. We can get an "S" without needing to trade-off and get a "D" in exchange. The Sovereign class for example was mentioned as being an "S" in Tactical and "B" in most other categories with a "C" in ease of production.

(Or possibly a "C+", I forget and can't be bothered to go back and look.)
Ease of Manufacture is C.
The Sovereign-class would probably be a B-C-S-B-B. Not much more highly scoring than the Renaissance and worse in the ease of production category. But it's a damn good combat ship and that's what she was mainly designed to do. Meanwhile the Galaxy would definitely have an S in comfort and science, but it might rate a D in ease of production or a C in maintenance.
(You owe me the couple of minutes it took me to look this up and make this post, btw.)
@Sayle for next time, I am curious but what kind of stat bloc would we need to achieve to replace the Miranda?
2339: Project Ferdinand (Retrospective)
Order -> Spaceframe -> Warp Core/Nacelles -> Tactical -> Scientific -> Internals -> Prototyping -> Certification -> Retrospective
Captain Edward Jellico
The Cardassian War

It was in 2357 that I got my first look at how the Cardassians conducted their border operations. I was commanding the USS Tikal responding to a distress call from an outlying colony that they were under attack. I think we all expected that it was probably the Cardassians, and when we dropped out of warp there she was - one of their shiny new Galor-class cruisers. They had control over the high orbitals and had forces on the ground sacking the colony. On paper there was no way the Tikal was a match for a ship that outmassed her by three times.

Of course we weren't going to just sit back and do nothing. I detached a shuttle on the edge of the system to sweep down to the other side of the planet as quietly as possible, aiming to land my entire security team and smuggle a photon warhead into the supplies they were looting from the colony. I'm told it was an eclectic supply of power modules and replicators they were after, both examples of Federation technology that surpassed Cardassian standard. Everything went according to plan, and as soon as their shuttle made a delivery back to their ship I brought the Tikal out of the system Oort cloud and pulled out of maximum warp right in front of them.

The Cardassians have a reputation for efficiency, but it's a lie. They just have a fear of failure, and that drives them to do stupid things when you have them on the back foot. When I hailed them and demanded they withdraw from Federation space or I'd detonate the warhead in their cargo bay, they refused even after confirming that the threat existed. In their eyes the ideals of the Federation were simultaneously fakery designed to keep our people docile and a demonstration of our weakness. Nevermind that these two conclusions were mutually contradictory. In short, they thought I was bluffing. Either the warhead was some sort of trick or I wouldn't actually pull the trigger and shoot first.

They were wrong. The explosion took out their main cargo bay and all the technology they had stolen, then blew out their entire ventral power network. With their shields fluctuating they still decided to fight rather than beam up their troops and limp off, despite my offer to do so. I'd like to say it was a short fight, but we were still outmatched. The Galor might not be a match for most starships nowadays, but it was a different story thirty years ago. I played the long game, keeping the Tikal moving and hitting their shields with everything we had from our phasers. When our shields dropped to half strength, I ordered my tactical officer to stage a power fluctuation in the grid.

Even a Klingon wouldn't have bought that so early in the battle, but they actually respect Starfleet. The Cardassians took the bait and swooped in to fire a torpedo right at us. It's not common knowledge how accurate and responsive the early Type-9s actually were, with the more advanced arrays sacrificing some of that rapidity for major power increases. But the second that torpedo left their shield envelope it met a phaser beam coming the other way. The photonic detonation was the last straw for their shields, and the two torpedoes we put into their engineering section right after blew their antimatter containment.

Part of me wishes that we could have sent the Galor's black box back to Cardassia as a lesson not to underestimate a Federation starship. Maybe they'd have changed their approach and they wouldn't have been shooting on sight in a few years. Fortunately the next time we met the Cardassians it was on much more equal terms…

When one project is over, another begins. There are three requests to consider: the first request is for a complement to the Oberth-class, which is restrained to short-range investigations. It's a very good science ship, but the Federation Science Council is interested in if a longer-range ship is viable. The second request is for a new heavyweight cruiser with modular capabilities, so it can quickly transition between roles with only a couple weeks in dock.

Last is a capital ship to exceed the size and capability of the Excelsior-class, which is now being outclassed by its competitors in the Klingon Empire. The days of it being able to fight off multiple Birds of Prey are slipping away. That's Starfleet's concern, anyway. The Federation Council would quite like a new diplomatic ship that can show off the latest advancements in Federation technology.

[ ] A new science ship capable of long range exploration and intensive analysis. (Light Cruiser)
[ ] A new workhorse starship with modular capabilities for varied mission parameters. (Heavy Cruiser)
[ ] A new flagship vessel for exploration and diplomacy. (Capital)
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Should we take Heavy Cruiser then all the prototype tech used in all three be combined for the Capital Ship?
[X] A new workhorse starship with modular capabilities for varied mission parameters. (Heavy Cruiser)

Ah, fuck it. Go through the trifecta before going for prime example.
Completed Designs (2335-2372) (Specs)
Constellation-class Light Cruiser [2282]
Ease of Maintenance: C
Ease of Manufacture: A
Tactical Score: B
Scientific Score: D
Comfort Score: D
Final Score: 40/100

[One Production Run of Twelve Ships - San Francisco Fleet Yards, 2282-2287]

Excelsior-class Heavy Cruiser [2285]
Ease of Maintenance: A
Ease of Manufacture: B
Tactical Score: S
Scientific Score: A
Comfort Score: B

[Nine Production Runs of Nine Ships - All Fleet Yards, 2290-2335]

Renaissance-class Light Cruiser [2337]
Ease of Maintenance: B
Ease of Manufacture: B-
Tactical Score: B
Scientific Score: B+
Comfort Score: B

[Two Production Runs of Twelve Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2337-2347]

Reliant-class Frigate [2339]
Ease of Maintenance: B+
Ease of Manufacture: B
Tactical Score: B
Scientific Score: C-
Comfort Score: B

[One Production Run of Twenty Ships - San Francisco Fleet Yards, 2339-2344]

Ambassador-class Heavy Cruiser [2341]
Ease of Maintenance: C
Ease of Manufacture: D+
Tactical Score: S
Scientific Score: A
Comfort Score: A-

[Three Production Runs of Six Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2341-2356]

Ushaan-class Light Cruiser [2368]
Ease of Maintenance: B
Ease of Manufacture: B
Tactical Score: A+
Scientific Score: C
Comfort Score: B
Warp 8/9.4

[Three Production Runs of Thirty Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2368-2383]

Endeavour-class Science Ship [2369]
Ease of Manufacture: B-
Tactical Score: B+
Scientific Score: A
Comfort Score: B
Warp 8.6/9.9

[Three Production Runs of Eight Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2369-2389]

Century-class Explorer [2371]
Ease of Manufacture: D
Tactical Score: S
Scientific Score: B+
Comfort Score: A
Warp 8/9.985

[Three Production Runs of Four Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2371-2384]
[Five Production Runs of Six Ships - Utopia Planitia, 2385-2410]
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IMO we should do the capital ship, then the science ship, then the modular cruiser if there are no higher priorities.

For the capital ship we can cram in lots of technology to meet that part of the requirements, and if it proves unreliable come back in one or two designs for a mass-producable class.

But for the modular cruiser, if we ever do it, we probably want that modularity to be the only really new system.
[X] A new flagship vessel for exploration and diplomacy. (Capital)

I think it is a good Idea to build a new Capital now. We need something that can counter new ships fromm the other species.
[X] A new flagship vessel for exploration and diplomacy. (Capital)

The wording of the request for a new capital ship is starting to sound urgent--which makes sense since it's been 4 years since it was initially asked for.
[x] A new flagship vessel for exploration and diplomacy. (Capital)

It's been several years since Starfleet has asked for a new capital ship, and the Enterprise-B at this point must be getting kind of worn out (if it still exists, timeline unclear)
[X] A new flagship vessel for exploration and diplomacy. (Capital)

Would be nice to do more prototyping to get even better tech for this, but that will always be true. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough.
[X] A new science ship capable of long range exploration and intensive analysis. (Light Cruiser)

Having done a frigate deficient in science, a light-cruiser *sufficent* in science should be our next project. And will give Yoyodyne time to work out the kinks in warp drives for our capitals.