TO: Office of the Admiralty, 24-593 Federation Drive, San Francisco, Earth
Concerning the Ambassador: Negotiations on Capability
Now that the Ambassador-class capital starship is entering production and service, I believe we can all agree that it is a monumentally impressive ship; monumental in its capabilities, and monumental in its operational and production requirements. As such, as is my wont, I took it upon myself to review the design for any potential adjustments that could be made to the design. Opportunities to narrow the class's mission profile, in order to ease the massive requirements for production.
Initially, I will admit I found myself stumped by this task; merely trading systems for alternate options would either produce minimal impact on the difficulty of production, or unacceptably reduce the performance of the class. However, when reviewing the earliest stages of the design I found a curious possibility, which I believe if implemented can not only ease the production requirements, but provide a substantial improvement in certain of the ship's capabilities.
I refer, of course, to the alternate saucer design which was proposed for the class. Although this was rapidly discarded as unlikely to contain sufficient space for the Ambassador-class to meet its design requirements, if the need for advanced diplomatic contact were removed and a minimal loss of recreation and science facilities were accepted, I believe it would prove perfectly serviceable.
Further, the reduction in saucer mass will increase the class's ability to move and maneuver at both warp and sublight. Even pessimistically, a cruising speed of Warp 8 could be expected with the alternate saucer design, with optimistic modelling suggesting Warp 9 crusing speeds with sprint speeds of Warp 11 may be possible. Impulse power, meanwhile, is expected to produce a near-30% increase in maximum speed and corresponding increase in maneuverability. Combined with the expected increases in ease of production, I believe the loss of conference areas and reduced size of the Cetecean ops and labs are a perfectly reasonable sacrifice if a narrower mission goal is accepted.
As an entirely new saucer design is far too drastic an alteration to justify calling this a variant of the Ambassador class, I have tentatively named this redesign the 'Negotiator', and earmarked it as a medium-ranged explorer and rapid response capital ship. All relevant files and initial design documents are attached.
I await your positive response, in the hopes that this will convince the engineers at Sol shipyards to stop sending me death threats.
Commander William Tempest