Starship Design Bureau

2339: Project Ambassador (Spaceframe: Part Two)
Order -> Spaceframe -> Warp Core/Nacelles -> Tactical -> Internals -> Prototyping -> Certification -> Retrospective​

[X] Plan for a thick saucer section with plenty of internal space.

While there's something to be said for faster speeds, raw capability asks for as much interior space as you can give it. The saucer section is working out to be a behemoth in its own right, 280 meters across with 15 decks. The same spaceframe techniques you used to build the Reliant are being used writ large here, and there are already excited murmurings from Starfleet and even civilian enthusiasts as the first components of the spaceframe are manufactured and then shipped to Utopia Planitia. Even those without clearance can do basic math and see that the ship is going to be a monumental undertaking.

With the skeleton of the saucer section planned, next is the secondary hull. The main sticking point here will be the model of main deflector used. The first is an extremely wide dish that uses particle emission density across a wide area, effectively brute-forcing the deflector field. The advantage is that the internal components are reasonably compact for its size, allowing you more space to play with in the secondary hull, although the increased verticality the design demands will bulk up the ship and potentially slow its maximum warp.

The second option is a little more exciting, consisting of a traditional recessed deflector with a much more comprehensive back-end. The design will benefit from being hooked directly into the warp transfer conduits and can tap an enormous amount of energy from the warp core. You can see the utility of such a synergistic system between the warp core and main deflector, but it does impinge deeper into the secondary hull. The design is admittedly experimental at present and may need some workshopping closer to launch, but the benefits are such that it may be worth it.

[ ] Enhanced Deflector Dish (Prototype)
[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)

Project Ambassador must be capable of long-range exploration and independent scientific investigation. It must be able to provide diplomatic amenities and appropriate quarters for dignitaries. It will ideally be capable of engaging on equal terms the Klingon Vor'cha class.

Tactical Score: A (Requested)
Scientific Score: B+ (Required)
Comfort Score: A (Required)

Two Hour Moratorium on Voting, Please.
The second option is a little more exciting, consisting of a traditional recessed deflector with a much more comprehensive back-end. The design will benefit from being hooked directly into the warp transfer conduits and can tap an enormous amount of energy from the warp core. You can see the utility of such a synergistic system between the warp core and main deflector, but it does impinge deeper into the secondary hull. The design is admittedly experimental at present and may need some workshopping closer to launch, but the benefits are such that it may be worth it.
Given how many gimmicks you can do with your deflector and Stuff, this seems like a very good choice.
dude, giving our deflectors a straight line to the warp core would let us do so much, but we are going to need to upgrade the power conduits like crazy to make sure the whole section doesn't explode when enemies start firing on it. maybe some extra secondaries power lines can be put in just in case. plus the brute force approach of the enhanced feels not starfleet enough

[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)
[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)

The main deflector dish is a prime source of technobabble solutions to negative space wedgies. Hooking it up directly to the warp core sound like the perfect way to pump maximum power to it. And, hey, if we're going to be rolling the prototyping dice for either choice, we might as well aim high.
A. There's a moratorium in place.
B. Admittedly somewhat counterintuitively, the Enhanced DD is actually less tanky than the Recessed.

Oops, didn't see that. I think both these options slow the ship down, since one is bulky and the other takes power from the warp core; might as well take the Recessed one as it sounds like it trades speed for more protection at least when the ship is out of warp. It sounds like at impulse speeds it just uses, energy that's otherwise left untapped, unless the captain orders a technobabble solution of rerouting power while responding to some emergency.
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dude, giving our deflectors a straight line to the warp core would let us do so much, but we are going to need to upgrade the power conduits like crazy to make sure the whole section doesn't explode when enemies start firing on it. maybe some extra secondaries power lines can be put in just in case. plus the brute force approach of the enhanced feels not starfleet enough

[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)
Top quality power condits sounds like something worth it anyway on this ship so not really a down side.
[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)

If we had the thinner disk to cancel out the speed loss I would be on board grabbing just the enhanced deflector so we aren't stacking both (Prototype) and (Experimental), but we don't and I would like this to keep some zip from whatever we do with the warp nacelles, so rolling the dice it is.

The extra inner space of the saucer should hopefully help up eat any problems that show up later.
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This is how I choose to believe our saucer looks:
Already loving the ship, and I agree that we should go for the more experimental deflector dish. For a deep space, long range explorer having as many tools as possible is important, and there are few tools in a starship captain's pocket quite like the Swiss army deflector dish.
We did pick more internal space in the saucer, so the recessed deflector taking up more space in the primary hull should be worth it. A better deflector can also help speed at warp, I believe, which obviously is also helpful...

...hmmm it might be worth asking a bit more.

The second option is a little more exciting, consisting of a traditional recessed deflector with a much more comprehensive back-end. The design will benefit from being hooked directly into the warp transfer conduits and can tap an enormous amount of energy from the warp core. You can see the utility of such a synergistic system between the warp core and main deflector, but it does impinge deeper into the secondary hull. The design is admittedly experimental at present and may need some workshopping closer to launch, but the benefits are such that it may be worth it.

[ ] Enhanced Deflector Dish (Prototype)
[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)

Would it be alright to have a little more info on what kinds of benefits we might hope to attain from a better deflector?

Faster cruise at warp, more ability to do Shenanigans with our deflector, more powerful shields?
The main deflector dish is a prime source of technobabble solutions to negative space wedgies. Hooking it up directly to the warp core sound like the perfect way to pump maximum power to it. And, hey, if we're going to be rolling the prototyping dice for either choice, we might as well aim high.
🎶 Bounce a graviton particle beam off the main deflector dish 🎶That's the way we do things, lad, we're making shit up as we wish🎶
the Recessed experimental dish taking up additional Secondary Hull space doesn't sound so bad, since it's connecting straight to the warp core, and the primary hull is so THICC.

Also the fatter deflector dish might impinge on speed, when we've already messed with the warp field dynamics.
Would it be alright to have a little more info on what kinds of benefits we might hope to attain from a better deflector?

Faster cruise at warp, more ability to do Shenanigans with our deflector, more powerful shields?

Better deflectors will give you a higher warp speed maximum. Also you can try and nuke the Borg with a warp-powered deflector beam like in Best of Both Worlds (a famously successful technique). But it's a complicated bit of kit that does a lot of stuff. Nothing to do with shields though.
Are deflectors different than shields? It's something I've never been 100% clear on.
Okay the Federation uses Deflector Shields. Every warp capable vessel uses them to go to warp. It pushes micro fragments infront of the ships out of the way. So they are not cored by space scrap. Shields re just more advanced and powerful version of this pushing field. The federation over time made their main deflector dish a multitool for a very wide variety of uses.

Does that help?
I kind of genuinely want to try the more experimental prototype here. Either way we're trying to make/use a prototype dish so we might as well push the envelope some.
[ ] Recessed Deflector Dish (Prototype) (Experimental)
The Federation Council wants a technological marvel of a ship to show off the Federations technical sophistication and advancement so lets make this the shiniest ship stuffed to the gills with advanced stuff.
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The prototype chonk deflector was used in our last ship and gave it reliable sprint 9, the experimental deflector could feasibly amp a capital ship into pointless flexing levels of speed, even with the sacrifice we made with the chonk primary hull, though I expect it will cause us some finicky issues.