What other aspects the main thing is speed and cost and we already brought cost down that increasing here for speed does not change the amount we would pay of we didn't modify anything on the frame to start with.
Speed 4 is already noted as being fast and we have other phases that will add to total cost so we don't want to increase that now. Plus ordering the stock engine makes it easier on obtaining them for production afterwards.
Speed 4 is already noted as being fast and we have other phases that will add to total cost so we don't want to increase that now. Plus ordering the stock engine makes it easier on obtaining them for production afterwards.
Our engineers need experience working with and on engines. And speed 4 is a normal speed especially on an older model like this. By making it our own it will move the owners to come back to us for support which mean more steady income. Also literally just look at the normal options for everything else and we still have a very cheap ship. Our frame was actually cheaper to start off than a normal transport and is infact now as cheap as a small sized ship frame. This single point of cost will not put us over the normal cheap total cost so far. And unless people are going to try and spend stupid amounts of credits on the cockpit, weapons, or special compartments beyond simple cargo slots which is all that is wanted we are not going to make an expensive ship from this single point use.
I'd personally rather save our advatnages, purge all the flaws then invest whatever left into cost reductions. we need something inexpensive to build and a low cost platform with no draw backs is gonna sell like hot cakes in our local area at least.
I'd personally rather save our advatnages, purge all the flaws then invest whatever left into cost reductions. we need something inexpensive to build and a low cost platform with no draw backs is gonna sell like hot cakes in our local area at least.
It already is cheap as it is. Increasing the cost by a single point is not going to make it any worse but it can make it better because speed is something very important to all traders. So making a freighter that is even faster than normal will be a far greater selling point. Also unless there is an option like with the frame the only way to make the ship cheaper is to choose the cheapest options in the first place. The testing phase is only to reduce flaws not to add more options to bring down cost that is only done during turns like this.
It already is cheap as it is. Increasing the cost by a single point is not going to make it any worse but it can make it better because speed is something very important to all traders. So making a freighter that is even faster than normal will be a far greater selling point. Also unless there is an option like with the frame the only way to make the ship cheaper is to choose the cheapest options in the first place. The testing phase is only to reduce flaws not to add more options to bring down cost that is only done during turns like this.
A far greater contribution to a ship's speed than the engine in this universe is the hyperdrive class, and those are pricy by default. We have a good amount of leeway for the budget so far and the stock engines are perfectly adequate.
A far greater contribution to a ship's speed than the engine in this universe is the hyperdrive class, and those are pricy by default. We have a good amount of leeway for the budget so far and the stock engines are perfectly adequate.
Dude that is what is part of the engine increasing the speed boosts both of them. There is a reason it is only engines and no hyperdive option. It is even talked about in the update itself.
The engine is already incredibly expensive relative to the rest of the ship. Consider that the entire frame only cost us 1, so the engine costs 4x the price of the frame. Adding another point of cost to that is massive.
The engine itself is bog standard for a fast freighter. It's what the customer would expect. We could go faster and surpass their expectations, but I think they care more about cost than they do speed. I want to build the cheapest possible ship that isn't bad in any areas. We have an engine that's perfectly acceptable in speed as-is.
I'm hoping To have a total cost of less than 10. A cargo hold will probably only cost 1, so with the 5 spent already that leaves 3 cost remaining to split between the cockpit and the weapons. That seems reasonable, if a bit tight. If we end up at or slightly above 10 that's not too bad either, but either way the engine is likely going to be the most expensive component.
[X] Yes, a better engine is always essential, even if it costs more!
-[X] Exchange 1 Advantage for the same amount in Speed and Cost
The ship is already cheap, and its one of the faster light freighters, but a lot of light freighters use the same engine as us. So while our ship is among the faster freighters, and its cheaper, its not faster. Hence... lets make it faster, it will still be a cheaper freighter.
[X] Yes, a better engine is always essential, even if it costs more!
-[X] Exchange 1 Advantage for the same amount in Speed and Cost
Cheap, fast, and decent cargo are what they want, so I am going to throw my hat into the ring.
The thing is, increasing speed on this by one increases the price by a very easy to negate amount. Simply, 1 choice to make something cheaper elsewhere would counteract the price increase, while it is likely that there is no way to increase speed elsewhere in the design....
Your father looked much older than the last time you saw him. The worry for the company was starting to get to him faster and faster. And it seemed that wasn't all that was troubling him as he watched the HoloNetNews from the Core. He nodded towards you as you got closer to him in the living room and finally sat next to him, but didn't say anything or look away from the news. As you looked over, you saw a young face with heavy make-up deliver a speech. From the indicators on the projection, you gathered that it was a repeat of an address given earlier in the Senate. You couldn't put a name to the face, but you were never one for politics. That was more your father's hobby.
"Who is that? A new senator?" you guessed as you watched the passion-filled speech usually only found in fresh politicians who still believed in their ideals. And that girl on the projection looked pretty young to you.
"The queen of Naboo. She has braved a breakthrough of the blockade the Trade Federation has established over her world to reach Coruscant. She is begging the Senate and chancellor Valorum to help her in this matter. Apparently, the Jedi he had sent wasn't enough. It seems as if it made things even worse, the Trade Federation has landed troops on her world, occupying Naboo."
With surprise, you looked towards the projection. A blockade was a harsh and illegal move, or at least on the dark side of grey. You had known that the Federation was unhappy with the dissolution of the Free-Trade-Zone; it had hit your family's business as well. But an occupation? That was far too much, even for a small world like Naboo.
"She doesn't have a chance, does she?"
"Sadly not. The Federation has too many allies in the Senate, and the bureaucracy will do what it can best: blow up the whole thing like a Hutt who tries to hold in a fart."
"If that is the case, why do you even watch it?"
"Besides the fresh feeling this young queen gives with her passionate speech?" your father asked, and you nodded. "Well, she just ended Valorum's career as Chancellor with an underhand move I, and everybody else hadn't expected. A vote-of-no-confidence hasn't happened in a long time. They are still counting the votes, but Valorum doesn't have many friends in the Outer Rim or Mid Rim. Let alone that any opportunist will do what they can to gain a grain of power. Our dear chancellor is history, he just hasn't realized it."
Stunned, you watched in silence as yet another recording of the whole deal was played. That the Senate was slow to respond to almost everything was known. That someone who was a victim of this spoke out and even removed the head of the whole Republic? Well, that was a radical move, to say the least. Indeed, it was so revolutionary that it almost wasn't possible to think about. In your head, more and more complications that would come about from such a move plopped up. This was either the most brilliant political move you had ever heard of, or the most suicidal.
"And now? The Senate will need months to decide on a new candidate. Until then, she can't get any help from the Republic. Any move to help her would look like the helping party was involved in the whole matter."
Your father chuckled. "Maybe, yes. But I think our young queen is much more calculating than you give her. The Republic is finally, completely paralyzed from the head down – that is true. But at the same time, no one will stop her if she gets help from somewhere else. She now has a much freer hand to get the Federation off her world. Or she already has a candidate on hand she wishes to put in Valorum's place. Whatever it is, I think that this move was far too calculated to be the deed of a naive politician."
"Alright, I understand. Looks young but is an evil, political mastermind. But what will this change for her world now? It will still be under Trade Federation occupation for the foreseeable future."
"As I said, she now has free reign to use more unsavory tactics. She could start a guerilla war or even ask other plants to send their PDFs to help. The Senate can do nothing against it, if they even pay attention with all the internal turmoil it will go through for the next few months. And it will take months to elect a new chancellor in the current climate the esteemed body is in."
You couldn't help but grin when your father let his old, sarcastic ways you knew so well from your younger days slip through. But as fast as he let it slip, he changed back to the old man you had grown accustomed to since he had told you the truth about the company. "And that is what worries me. If Naboo gets other planets involved in this matter, we could be looking at another Stark War. In fact, I'm sure we're looking right at the spark that lights the powderkeg."
You didn't say anything, but couldn't help but think …
[ ] that he is right. (We will see a divergence from the canon plot)
[ ] that he is wrong. (We will follow the canon plot)
[ ] that this isn't sure. (We will mostly follow the canon plot but OC elements will play a significant role)
You spent the rest of the evening with your father and discussed the political situation of the galaxy with him. He opened your eyes a bit to politics and how it directly influenced your life and the company. In the beginning, you only talked about the significant events, but soon the talk changed and you're talking about your home sector and its own politics, far more concerned with local problems. It was a nice, relaxed evening. With the NovaQuad-D from CEC, the skeleton of a ship in the projection began to look like the real deal. You had toyed with the idea to tweak the engines a bit, but decided against it to keep the ship cheap. Still, they were engines from CEC and had been on the market long enough that even a Gamorren could quickly modify them if they wanted. You had chatted with one of the guys from marketing you met in the hallway about the project. He at least could take away some of the worries you had about the engines.
Yes, currently, they were standard, but the Marketing guy expected customers to modify them as soon as they had their hands on the ship. Maybe not Far & Wide Trading for whom the design prototype was being planned, but the private owners tended to be more open-minded when it came to such modifications. He even seemed to have a sudden idea of how to market the ship and was away in a hurry. You had never seen a Neimodian move that fast without a buffet in the immediate vicinity.
When you reached your department, you saw Shen wave you over. The Duros was standing next to the big holoprojector that was used for conferences and meetings to show the current project. At the moment, it showed different cockpit variants, and you realized that they had finally finished the final list of potential cockpit designs. Pinagg was also standing near the projector, but looking at a pad, the Genosian only looked up when you reached him and Shen.
>>The final list is here.<<
"I noticed." You looked up at the different designs. Nod to no one directly, you speak. "Okay, give me your opinions. Pinagg? Do you want to start?"
>>If you wish, I will. My suggestion is that we come up with our own cockpit. It allows us to concentrate more on the aspects we want to prioritize. Most cockpit modules we've found on the market are for other ships. It would most likely lead to problems if we try to install them on our ship.<<
"I think we should buy a standard module. Yes, it will have some problems working with the overall ship, but it makes things cheaper. Not necessarily when constructing a ship, but with the later maintenance and repairs. Standard modules have some disadvantages, but they are so popular for a reason, they are cheap to replace. And most pilots that have official training know the common modules like the back of their hand, meaning less time to get used to a cockpit."
When you spoke with the others, you noticed that they were mostly divided between Pinagg and Shen. Some tried to bridge the gap between the two options, but in the end, fell in one of the two camps. So it was up to you to decide what to do. [ ] KDY-CC
Name: KDY-Controllcenter Light Freighter Mk. IV
Size: Normal
Maneuverability: 2
Weapons: 2
Advantage: 1
Flaw: 3
Cost: 1
[X] that this isn't sure. (We will mostly follow the canon plot but OC elements will play a significant role)
[X] Vulkan Shipyards Cockpit
-[X] Get personally involved (+1 Stress)
-[X]Small (+1 Compartment, +1 Maneuverability, -1 Cost)
[X] that he is right. (We will see a divergence from the canon plot)
As for the ship, I think we can probably do better than Maneuver 1/Weapons 2/-2 net Advantages/2 cost (the pre-size stats of the default small). Will we have ways of removing stress between ships?
[X] Vulkan Shipyards Cockpit
-[X] Get personally involved (+1 Stress)
-[X] Small (+1 Compartment, +1 Maneuverability, -1 Cost)
"And that is what worries me. If Naboo gets other planets involved in this matter, we could be looking at another Stark War. In fact, I'm sure we're looking right at the spark that lights the powderkeg."
You didn't say anything, but couldn't help but think …
[ ] that he is right. (We will see a divergence from the canon plot)
[ ] that he is wrong. (We will follow the canon plot)
[ ] that this isn't sure. (We will mostly follow the canon plot but OC elements will play a significant role)
Not sure how it would change canon...
1 possibility, though seems a bit unlikely is it might change how the queen would act,
But more likely, it would change how groups like ours would act, and start causing ripples in canon events.
[ ] that he is right. (We will see a divergence from the canon plot)
[ ] that he is wrong. (We will follow the canon plot)
[ ] that this isn't sure. (We will mostly follow the canon plot but OC elements will play a significant role)