[ ] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (# of Advantages used)
So, I guess this is more space for pretty much anything we might want to add?
[ ] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (# of Advantages used)
While this makes it cheaper to make?
[X] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (1 of Advantages used)
[X]You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
[X] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (1 of Advantages used)

[X]You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support
structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
[X] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (1 of Advantages used)

[X]You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support
structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
Why are you all not using the remaining advantage. It is there for a reason. And price reduction means a greater profit margin. This is only the first step. The other steps are about removing flaws and adding more advantages so we can modify the ship more if we want.
Why are you all not using the remaining advantage. It is there for a reason. And price reduction means a greater profit margin. This is only the first step. The other steps are about removing flaws and adding more advantages so we can modify the ship more if we want.
From what I understand, managing the advantages and disadvantages are a big part of design, simply spending all of our advantages is likely to create big problems due to how advantages and disadvantages are handled. While we can reduce the disadvantages, could we negate all of them? We don't really know how exactly this is gonna go.
Why are you all not using the remaining advantage. It is there for a reason. And price reduction means a greater profit margin. This is only the first step. The other steps are about removing flaws and adding more advantages so we can modify the ship more if we want.
This is just the work we're putting on the frame. We've still got all the other components to put together, and there's no guarantee we won't pick up additional flaws we'd like to mitigate.
I need a tiebreaker. Currently, we have a draw between this two option:

[ ] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (2 of Advantages used)

[ ] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)

If one could please vote and break it. Note: only the two options are up to vote!
[X] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
[X] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
Voting closed
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Jax on Jun 14, 2020 at 6:03 AM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (1 of Advantages used)
    [X] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (1 of Advantages used)
    [X] You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support structure with weaker but cheaper material. (2 of Advantages used)
    [X]You spend a few additional weeks to replace some of the support
    [X] You spend a few extra weeks to make some more room for compartments that would be added later. (1 Advantage)
So the tally's a bit meaningless since we didn't plan vote. RIP.
From what I understand, managing the advantages and disadvantages are a big part of design, simply spending all of our advantages is likely to create big problems due to how advantages and disadvantages are handled. While we can reduce the disadvantages, could we negate all of them? We don't really know how exactly this is gonna go.
Yes we can remove the flaws because that is part of the building and design phases. We are literally right at the start of the program. The entire point of this whole thing is go over the flaws and remove them and gain more advantages.
This is just the work we're putting on the frame. We've still got all the other components to put together, and there's no guarantee we won't pick up additional flaws we'd like to mitigate.
That isn't how this works there is post by the QM on what the phases are. And the whole point of the other steps is to add more advantages and literally remove flaws that is the reason we have more steps. And cost is the most important factor for this ship.
I found an error in my rules about Stress. At one point I say you guys can take stress up to the total number of Skill points, the next moment I say you can only once help in a design phase. Don't know why I did that, but I change it from this:

Your character has his own stats that are similar to the company. You can add your own ability to the design process. This will add your stat dice to the die pole. You can only take part in one of the design phases.

to this:

Your character has his own stats that are similar to the company. You can add your own ability to the design process. This will add your stat dice to the die pole. You can help as long as your maximal Stress isn't reached, but only one time per phase.

Also, the next Update is coming along good and I'm almost finished.
Engine Time
Pinagg clicked pleased and stroked his chin. In response, you pinched the bridge of your nose in an attempt to regain a bit of concentration. You hadn't been this tired since your days as a student. But it had been worth it. One look at the hologram of the frame, your family company's very own frame, was more than enough to make sure that you felt proud. With Pinagg, you had been able to squeeze a bit more room out of the frame and even made it a bit cheaper to produce.

Still, it had cost you almost a whole day to bring the cost of production so low and at the same time also make some room for further compartments. For the moment, that was the most you would get out of the frame. Maybe, if you weren't in the middle of a development phase for a new ship, you could take another look at this frame that was now known as the Mk.1 Vulkan Light Freighter Frame. For some reason, you had a feeling there was still some potential just waiting to be found.

"All right, that's it for today. I know you could go on for a few hours, but we weak humans, need sleep. Good night, Pinagg."

>>Good night rest. You will take a look at the engines? I had a few of the team weed out the designs that didn't meet our criteria. I think you will find this list much better.<<

"How many are left?"

>>Just three and, of course, the possibility that we go and create our own.<<

You gave the Genosian a critical eye. Even if you felt like you could sleep standing up, you could still feel his hesitation to say something. You couldn't put the finger on what exactly it was, but it was there. "What? You wish to say something, so do it. When I hired you, I did so for your expertise and not your tact. Trust me, Pinagg, you won't hurt my feelings that easily."

>>I would advise against trying to build your own engine. Not that it would be impossible, but the team lacks the experience to do so. They have a good grasp on the basics, as do you without any doubt, but at this time it would be too much risk to do so. Even if you take part in it.<<

"I will keep it in mind, don't worry," you say with a nod. "But now, good night."

Pick one:

[ ] CEC Light Freighter Engine
Name: CEC NovaQuad-D
Size: Normal
Speed: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Advantage: 3
Flaw: 1
Cost: 4

[ ] Koensayr Manufacturing Ion Engine
Name: Ion Push Engine
Size: Small (gain +1 Compartment)
Speed: 2
Maneuverability: 2
Advantage: 2
Flaw: 2
Cost: 2

[ ] KDY-Ion Engine
Name: Galaxy 14 Ion Engine
Size: Large (lose -1 Compartment)
Speed: 5
Maneuverability: 1
Advantage: 0
Flaw: 1
Cost: 5

[ ] Vulkan Shipyards
Name: Vulkan Mk. 1 Light Freighter Engine
Size: [ ] Small (gain +1 Compartment), [ ] Normal, [ ] Large (lose -1 Compartment), [ ] Extra Large (lose -2 Compartment)
Speed: ??
Maneuverability: ??
Advantage: ??
Flaw: ??
Cost: ??
-[ ] Help with the Creation for 1 Stress (0 / 6 Stress)

"Hey Boss, do you have a moment?" When you look up from your desk integrated computer to the door, you see Shen, one of the interns. His blue skin and red eyes gave away that he was a Duros, even if still a bit young. He gave you a wide smile when you returned his look. Then he held up a datapad. "My father sent me a recording of the Boonta Eve race, remember us talking about it? Well, I thought you could use some relaxation and wanted to watch it with the rest of us."

You blinked as you began to remember a conversation the two of you had a week or two ago, in the middle of the engine debate, about pod racing. Or better, Shen's almost religious love for the crazy sport. Apparently, he was, what were they called, a Pod-head – a massive fan of it. You were interested in seeing a race for yourself, more out of professional curiosity than genuinely interest in the races itself.

"I remember." You glance down at your computer and sigh. It was late already, and the newest simulation would need another hour to finish. You also had to get something to eet and needed a break. The decision came quickly to you as you stood up. "And I need a break. Well then, Master Shen, lead me to the break room. I hope you have snacks."

After you secured the computer, you followed Shen to the break room where they had put up one of the bigger holoprojectors so they could enjoy the recording of the race in the best quality. On one end of the room, a table was set up with all kinds of snacks and drinks just waiting for hungry guests. Some were already eating, and on the holoprojector, you could see different pod-racers together with the pilots. Apparently, your workers enjoyed a good discussion before the event, including races that had happened before.

You greeted them all and got yourself something to eat. Then you took a seat and listened to the discussion with interest. You had grown up with a distaste for most barbarian sports, including pod-racing, but you still found yourself drawn more and more into the discussions. Especially when it came to the racing machines itself. They were fascinating. Massive designs like you had never seen before, and each of them unique. You listened to races that had happened before, about the triumphs and the losses of different pilots. In the end, you also began to discuss with the others, throwing in your own knowledge of the more technical aspects.

After a good two hours, Shen pushed his way through the crowd of loudly arguing engineers. He positioned himself before the projector and got everyone's attention with a loud shout of "Shut up!". The Duros waited for a moment until he was sure that he had everyone's attention and then gave all gathered a wide grin.

"Let's begin with the main event! We've all spoken about the pilots and who are most likely to succeed: Sebulba!" The crowd cheered loudly. "Now then, let's watch the Boonta Eve! This special event takes place on an unimportant dust ball at the end of the galaxy, known as Tatooine! We've three rounds before us that will be filled with thrills, danger, and fast pod-racers! Let's get this started!"

You found yourself cheering with the rest of the crowd and then watched as the race went on. It was as exciting as you had been expecting and as surprising. Because it wasn't Sebulba who won the race, but the outsider. Some local boy named Anakin Skywalker won the Boonta Eve in the end, to the surprise of everyone. Humans, you knew, usually didn't have quick enough reflexes to be genuinely excellent at this kind of sport. Still, this boy had done the impossible and actually won the race! That was an incredible feat, and his pod-racer looked marvelous. After the race, there were some discussions about it, but you all noticed how late it was and that you all needed to be up in three hours.

Compartment: 11 (Mk. 1 Vulkan Light Freighter Frame)
Weapons :
Special Compartment:
Advantage: 1
Flaw: 3
Cost: 1
[X] CEC Light Freighter Engine

Speed 4 seems a good amount and we are not losing space like a larger engine. Also having 2 more advantage than flaws would allow us to use one or two to try and reduce cost I imagine which is the only problem I see with it. Honestly it just looks so much better than the other two engines the designers really did good work there.

Fast and cheap where the two main requirements of the request so the CEC meets that the best. KDY has 1 flaw and 0 advantage for +1 speed +1 cost and -1 compartment and manuverability, compare that to the 3 advantage 1 flaw of the CEC engine. Koensayr on the other hand at 2 flaw, 2 advantage speed 2 is just too slow (you could burn 2 advntages on trying to up speed but then you might have a speed 4 cost 2 flaw 2 when you could burn 2 advnatges on CEC cost to get the same speed and cost for 1 adv and 1 flaw left over)
Last edited:
[X] CEC Light Freighter Engine
Name: CEC NovaQuad-D
Size: Normal
Speed: 4
Maneuverability: 2
Advantage: 3
Flaw: 1
Cost: 4

Oh look ways to gain more advantages who could have seen that coming.

This is the best deal overall. Fast and reliable all we need for this design. The KDY engine is faster but not enough to make it worth the cost and size.
Oh look ways to gain more advantages who could have seen that coming.

This is the best deal overall. Fast and reliable all we need for this design. The KDY engine is faster but not enough to make it worth the cost and size.
That KDY is just bad, +1 speed for +1 cost, -1 comparment and -3 advantage and oh -1 maneuverability? trading 1 stat for 6 seems like a bad idea. Then again the CEC engine just feels so good and if we burn 2 advantages on dropping the cost we are in good shape.
[X] CEC Light Freighter Engine

For sure. I am not worried about cargo space, if you make the ship cheap enough, the company can afford to purchase more ships. More ships means more cargo. Cheap & Fast, second lesser priority on armament. So this engine really is a no brainer.
That KDY is just bad, +1 speed for +1 cost, -1 comparment and -3 advantage and oh -1 maneuverability? trading 1 stat for 6 seems like a bad idea. Then again the CEC engine just feels so good and if we burn 2 advantages on dropping the cost we are in good shape.
Yep the KDY is not worth it for this design. Maybe for a larger ship it would be worth it but for a small freighter it is over priced.