Okay more thinking. I'm down to wanting to do either a utility craft or a fighter.

Both of these are fairly low cost per unit to build and the former will always be in demand while the latter will be in demand soon if we metagame...

So I'm thinking we can compromise: let's build the utility craft this turn then pull an X wing and make a fighter next with parts comptabaility to drag lifetime costs down for the fighter.
Don't know if we can pull something as good as the x wing at all even in the far future yet.
Ainlee Teem can be bribed but is in the Trade Federation pocket.

Bail Antleles is a Core centrist who will continue policies that screw the Rim to benefit the Core Worlds.
A cheap interceptor would be nice but I don't think we have any of the R&D to make one. If we go for a generalist patrol ship for customs forces and gendarmerie work we can use some of the stuff we already have on hand.
We dont really have much in the way of good equipment for that, only weapon we have access to is the basic blaster which is, well not great
A bit better than "basic" blaster, but true. On the other hand, cheap is a market that is unlikely to have been tapped yet. Give it external pylons for ordnance and you can sell it to corporate or colonial security who don't strictly need to fight first rate military hardware... Or what passes for such in this era.

A cheap interceptor would be nice but I don't think we have any of the R&D to make one. If we go for a generalist patrol ship for customs forces and gendarmerie work we can use some of the stuff we already have on hand.
A fair point, but.

A bit better than "basic" blaster, but true. On the other hand, cheap is a market that is unlikely to have been tapped yet. Give it external pylons for ordnance and you can sell it to corporate or colonial security who don't strictly need to fight first rate military hardware... Or what passes for such in this era.

A fair point, but.

A cheap interceptor would be nice but I don't think we have any of the R&D to make one. If we go for a generalist patrol ship for customs forces and gendarmerie work we can use some of the stuff we already have on hand.
If we want some sort of combat ship we will need to either ask for weapons or do some more weapon research first. So either way I think we should be doing 3 budget on upkeep and 3 budget on ask for weapons or one of the weapon research, then next turn we can start in on a patrol ship or fighter and do more research/ask as well
Huh, that is a very interesting divergence from the original Star Wars Plot.

After all, as original defined in movie and legends, the issue of taxation was the question of whether these routes should be taxed at all. The Federation objected, and it's blockade of Naboo was a matter of strongmanship, to force the Republic to fold and withdraw the taxation bill.

Having the bureaucracy and the Trade Federation on the same side is a suprising divergence, that redraws the lines of power. Because without a bad relationship between Republic State and the Trade Federation, the latter does not have as much motivation to support the Confederacy.
Not really.

The taxation of the trade routes to the Outer Rim is Vallorum's political baby. The bureaucracy, like any of its kind, likes it if things stay the same and are predictable. With the chance that the Trade Federation will lose massive volumes of stock value, production on a galactic scale is relatively high, which means fewer taxes. In addition, I assume they also get some pocket money from the Trade Federation.

So, it's not much different from OT yet - I just slightly extend it.

Do we need to carry budget over to turn 5? As is after upkeep we have 3 budget to spend
Not clear what you ask? Do you want to know if you can safe up Budget?
Thanks for that!
Guys, we can still request weapon from other places. So a fighter is still a good pick. We just will need to balance our budget more instead of making the best. So I'm down for that.

I say we do a light freighter that can be modified. Also try to do it cheap. It's a good smuggler ship or small business.
Guess I'll be the first vote for the election. Whilst I was extremely tempted Ainlee Teem, right now good ol' canon's winning out.

[X] Sheev Palpatine
[X] Sheev Palpatine

[X] Prep Work Beta
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines

I decided to keep this basic for now. Also drawing up plans won't cost so much at th moment. We can have places ready to build when we get more businesses or maybe market something else.
[X] Prep Work Beta
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines

A cheap interceptor for poor worlds. Ideally with external ordnance mounts/pylons so Stuff can get strapped onto it. Useful for anti-pirate work and general security. No integrated hyperdrive (for savings), shields might help against the kind of retrofitted civilian ships they can be expected to need to intimidate or scare off, aerodynamic hull to operate if the/both engines are damaged.
[X] Prep Work Beta
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines
A quick note from me: you don't spend 3 Budget from the total of 6 you have this turn. Additionally, you only pay for the Upkeep of the Research department. I don't know if this is intentional...
Might as well then.

[x] To Have a Horton
-[x][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[x][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Research][1B] Basic Laser
-[x][Production][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines
Valorum can't run for re-election because he's term limited to two terms anyways. This just pushes him out in disgrace, not that it would make sense for him to get a third term regardless considering his high unpopularity
Valorum can't run for re-election because he's term limited to two terms anyways.
This is not a regular vote; it's a vote of nonconfidence. This means that a member of the Republic doesn't believe he is the right man to handle the leadership of the Republic. If he wins this vote, he can continue leading the Republic until his term ends.
[x] To Have a Horton
-[x][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[x][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Research][1B] Basic Laser
-[x][Production][1B] Upkeep
-[x][Production][1B] Ask for Sublight Engines

[X] Ainlee Teem
[X] Finis Valorum

[X] Plan: Brewing Storm
-[X][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][2B] Basic Autoblaster
-[X][Production][1B] Upkeep
[X] Bail Antilles

[X] Plan Plan a Fighter and get stuff done
-[X][Design][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Design][1B] Plans for a Fighter
-[X][Research][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Research][1B] Basic Shielding
-[X][Production][1B] Upkeep
-[X][Production][1B] Ask for Plating