Star Wars: Rebellion

Here's a whole order of them.'daii_Order Hell there are several others as well. Kyle Katarn for one.

I didn't think we were drawing much from the Expanded Universe in this quest.
I.E got the impression we're sticking with the movies + some of the Video Games. (Maybe a few canon books as well that take place in this time period?)

Which means that using the Dark Side of the force is Bad.
You've just about got the gist of it.
I wish I had known that. Probably wouldn't have followed this quest then. No offense to you voikirium but I really dislike the whole dark side is evil when there is plenty of proof otherwise in star wars lore.
Oh yeah. The guys who thought no matter what, every actions would have a good outcome. Because thats not insane or anything.
That's not what they thought.
I wish I had known that. Probably wouldn't have followed this quest then. No offenise to you voikirium but I really dislike the whole dark side is evil when there is plenty of proof otherwise in star wars lore.
There really aren't. There are a few outliers of good guys who use a few dark leaning abilities. And even they caution against the risks involved. The Dark Side is corrupting. It always has been. It always will be. That is canon. Anything else is badly written EU.
There really aren't. There are a few outliers of good guys who use a few dark leaning abilities. And even they caution against the risks involved. The Dark Side is corrupting. It always has been. It always will be. That is canon. Anything else is badly written EU.
No. Fuck that. That is an utterly retard point of view that can die in a fire. Statements like this make me really wish I was in front of lucas so I could deck him. He completely and utterly mangled the eastern philosophies he drew inspiration from with the whole the dark side is evil and unnatural.

Anyway I really don't want to derail this quest into a debate. I'm just not going to follow it any more. Later Voikirium.
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Uh, yes it is. Using the Dark Side causes a person to become steadily cruler and more aggressive, and embodies all the worst qualities of human/alien nature. As far as I'm aware there's never been a nice Darkside User, or anyone that uses it isn't nice for long.
Oh there's a plethora of "Nice" Darkside users. 'Course, there's a difference between "nice" and "not absurdly morally bankrupt".
No. Fuck that. That is an utterly retard point of view that can die in a fire. Statements like this make me really wish I was in front of lucas so I could deck him. He completely and utterly mangled the eastern philosophies he drew inspiration from with the whole the dark side is evil and unnatural.


The whole point of using actual philosophies as basis for stories is to ya know, make your own thing out of them.
I like Star Wars BECAUSE Lucas made it quite clear that Light Side = Good Jedi. Dark Side = Bad Sith. Whether or not he actually based it off some real philosophy somewhere or if he by chance made something similar isn't something I care about. It's like Paladins in D&D. Light Side Paladins fall if they use Dark Powers / Break their oaths. Ectera.

Heck the games have a bit where you can use the Dark Side in combat, but they cost more if you're a Jedi, AND the nastier (and better ones) give you dark side points for using them. About the only one that you can spam freely IIRC was Force Lightning.

The whole point of using actual philosophies as basis for stories is to ya know, make your own thing out of them.
I like Star Wars BECAUSE Lucas made it quite clear that Light Side = Good Jedi. Dark Side = Bad Sith. Whether or not he actually based it off some real philosophy somewhere or if he by chance made something similar isn't something I care about. It's like Paladins in D&D. Light Side Paladins fall if they use Dark Powers / Break their oaths. Ectera.

Heck the games have a bit where you can use the Dark Side in combat, but they cost more if you're a Jedi, AND the nastier (and better ones) give you dark side points for using them. About the only one that you can spam freely IIRC was Force Lightning.
Yeah, but Force Storm cost only marginally more than Lightning and it was basically the game's Win Button.
Good riddance. I mean, he literally brought that up out of nowhere with literally no relation to what was going on, and proceeded to have a debate even though we've had this debate before and I've pointed out that on a list of the 100 worst, most evil Force users, almost or all of them would be Dark-Side users.

That a few people once in a while have used the dark side and not been evil isn't all that significant.

Like, literally and genuinely, he's arguing that because of exceptions we should embrace a set of beliefs and powers which have almost always wound up hurting MILLIONS of people.

And he pulls up several examples from across tens and tens of thousands of years, most of which ended badly, whether because of the Dark Side or not.

Without even mentioning how the Jedi Order's kept peace for thousands of years without giving into the Dark Side.

The Old Order was flawed (especially the emotions thing, though even that's vaguely understandable) but they kept peace and helped people and lived mostly fulfilled lives in the force for thousands of years, keeping the Old Republic safe and helping millions and millions and millions of sentients while doing so.
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Good riddance. I mean, he literally brought that up out of nowhere with literally no relation to what was going on, and proceeded to have a debate even though we've had this debate before and I've pointed out that on a list of the 100 worst, most evil Force users, almost or all of them would be Dark-Side users.

That a few people once in a while have used the dark side and not been evil isn't all that significant.
All. It'd be all. As I said earlier:
Dark is anger, fear, hate- destructive, and not in a necessary "Forest fire to cleanse old growth" way but in a "Cancer that is also shooting lightning and making you a total asshole" way.

You might have a Jedi that is a total prick- but by God, he'll be a prick that saves puppies from house fires!
All. It'd be all. As I said earlier:

You might have a Jedi that is a total prick- but by God, he'll be a prick that saves puppies from house fires!

Eh, I meant use in the 'Jedi accidentally force-chokes someone once' sense. Or in the Kyle 'Dark side once in a while like how you only smoke a cigar once in a while to not die of lung cancer.'

Anyways, yeah, sorry if that up there was an off-topic rant, it just sorta steams me sometimes--I get into the same rants when people talk about how evil the Old Jedi Order was, and flawed and child-stealing and cult-like...
Because the topic came up earlier today, I feel the need to clarify with regards to canon and EU for this quest. To put it as simply as I can, until and unless I say, write, or otherwise make clear that there is a difference between this quest and canon- EU or otherwise- you can assume something at least vaguely similar happened, excepting the obvious.
Vote is called, winners are:



Ion Cannon (Ruusan)

Lightning Fists

For The Light (Conversion)


A Challenge

Fleet Commander
A Base
Vote for Double Down will be closed in two hours.
[X] DD on For the Light (Conversion)

I'm...startled that won! But if we're doing it, we need to not fail something like that too badly or Asajj might be hurt.