Star Wars: Rebellion

I wanted to see how we'd escape the Death Star blowing Alderaan up, but...

[X] DD on For the Light (Conversion)
Disappointed that we're not looking into that alcove. That sounds like something that we would have so many uses for. It doesn't even take that long to do either.
Turn 18 Results
Turn 18

In the dark, red lances fly and strike their target. Ice's bridge explodes, the carrier's shields sabotaged a week ago. A modified gunship, twenty soldiers on board, lands in the hangar, blasters firing and tearing apart weak resistance from shattered and confused soldiers. You take careful aim with your blaster, blasting through the uniform of one officer and striking the winch that controls the elevator.

From there, a running gun battle ensues, disguised Jedi cutting their way through to the brig. Pulling off a satchel from your belt, you lay it next to the databanks for this floor and pull out your saber, green blade springing into brilliant existence. Slashing through the thin door, you stand before children, potential Hands. They are terrified, malnourished, and alone. "I'm Ahsoka Tano. We're here to rescue you."

Martial: Your timing was pretty damn great: it might not have dominated the news, but incom was nationalized last year.

Second In Command: Soont is good, but he can only do so much without your permission or personal touch. You imagine you won't ever see him retire, but you could use another assistant, if only so you don't get stressed.
Needed:25 Rolled:3+5=8 Revan Reroll:83+15=98

-At first, it seems like no one will take the position; the incident with the Corellian brandy appears burnt into the minds of each soldier. However, one does step forth eventually, one of the survivors of the Purges, a Jedi named A'Sharad Hett. Ambitious, yes, but brilliant none the less, and loyal to the Jedi who saved him.
Reward: A'sharad Hett as Second-In-Command,+1 Martial Action

Diplomacy: Words are a tool. You might not use it often, but you respect them; words changed your life, after all.

Kashyyyk, Fight!: There is a strong undercurrent of resistance on Kashyyyk. You think there may very well be enough there to forge an underground cell on the planet, one which will ignite the fires of Rebellion that have burnt so long in that Forest World and bring them to the Alliance.

-An Imperial fortress, one of the largest in the sector, is burnt to the ground by a strike team consisting of Shaak Ti, Arrilow, and yourself, along with your Padawans. You are quite proud of the accomplishment.

Resistance: The League Of Five Worlds joined the Rebellion, helped to found it. However, it does not represent all the rebel cells on those worlds, only the largest and most successful. You are a face well respected by the inhabitants of the League, and as such, Bail has requested you attempt to get these minor cells to join with the alliance.
Needed:10 Rolled:50+5=55

-You go amongst the Rebels. They respect you, and will listen.

Stewardship: You are somewhat busy this year.

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.

-Putting the finishing touches on your work, you must laugh. The Corellian Merchantmen, represented by one Kaneo Takarada, have agreed to move the finished results of your cleaning up of Nalle's Empire, representing a truly massive sum: 250,000 Credits without the large scale crime and evil he was so fond of. The rest has been ceased, his soldiers waiting for orders and the worst of the lot summarily executed. However, this has brought a question to your mind:

You swore yourself to the Rebellion. You lead her troops, you fight her battles. There is not a time or place you do not have some influence in. However, this is your money. You have earned it, fair and square. But a part of you- the patriotism, the optimism, the idealism- says that this needs to be used for something better than yourself.
[] Donate the profits and control to the Rebellion, get a smaller piece of the pie for yourself as Commander-In-Chief.
[] Keep it all for yourself.
Regardless, you have broken an Empire, if not the one you had hoped for.
Reward: Broke the Nalle Empire, Credits, Soldiers, ???

Ion Cannon(Ruusan): The temple must not fall. Build an ion cannon, and you can make very, very sure them damn kids stay off your lawn. As a bonus, being built by you on what may as well be your planet will keep costs low and ensure that there will be no lack of acceptance for the idea.
Needed:20 Rolled:68

-Work has begun on a fairly large Ion Cannon, recessed in the valleys of Ruusan, where it can aim at any ship that hopes to bombard the Temple.

Learning: With work finished on the Charger, you have a surplus of time, one being used for Droid production.

Droid Production: Producing Droids is expensive but very necessary, a key component for any modern fighting force. You have the scientists, the engineers, the keys to the kingdom as it were. Now, you just need to use them
-Work continues.

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.
Needed:30 Rolled:70+5=75

-Work begins producing the Electric Fists.

Piety: You have a few options, this year.

Theological Argument: The Jedi before the Purge were not allowed to marry or have relations with a few exceptions. You doubt anyone will particularly care about what you and Mira have- and even if they do, it's none of their damn business- but constant and open communication will be the key to the Jedi Revival. Bring it before your comrades, so that you might put that requirement in the trash, where it belongs.
Needed:20 Rolled:25+10=35

-Ad Hominem, Ad Hominem everywhere. About the best argument the coalition opposed to attachment has is to attempt and say you are biased, and only doing this for you own gain. One of those is true, but it's certainly not the second. Fortunately, there are few convinced by this line of argument.

For The Light (Conversion): Asajj has infiltrated the Dark Sider cell. Composed of twenty individuals, it consists of Dark Jedi who were led by the self-proclaimed "Dark Lord Of The Sith" Leroy Marchand, and his "Apprentice" Dacks Star. You have two real plans to deal with them.

You were a servant of the Dark Side once, as was Asajj, and a good sized chunk of the people who serve the Rebellion even now. You will not damn them to die like this. Instead, Asajj will attempt to convert them to the Light. Dangerous, but if it succeeds, worthwhile.
Needed:50 Rolled:78+30=108

-Asajj sets to work with a passion. Apparently, the Cell has information you are lacking, coordinates of some sort, to a planet in the Deep Core.

Intrigue: Marlo the Hutt has drawn your attention, this year.

Slaves: No more shall slavers hunt down innocent beings, no more shall the Galaxy run on the back of innocent being. Jorek Laforge has connections in the form of old friends, slaves one and all, through whom he can influence an uprising much like the one that struck at the Hutts amongst the Imperials and their oppressed victims.

-A former Wookiee slave by the name of Chewbacca has joined your mission, dragging his friend Han Solo with him, an improbable series of events dragging the usually self-centered smuggler with him.

Genocide: The Empire murders millions each day,for no reason. You have the proof. You have the survivors, the victims, the corpses. Discretely leak it to the people, let them say what they pay for, what they fight for, what they serve. Let them all know the crimes of the Empire.
Needed:30 Rolled:73+10=83

-The whole damn Galaxy knows. The Empire tries to hide it, but truth can only be shrouded in shadow so long. "An Anonymous Source" proves the veracity of each word, leaks survivors and victims. There will be no shortage of fighters, no lack of good men.
Reward: Death Camps leaked, Bonus to Rebellion Recruitment

Personal: You have received an intriguing offer from the Mandalorian Spar.

Padawan Training: Put specific focus on training your Padawan even more than usual for the next few years. Jorek could use the help.

-He makes good progress over the year. One or two more, and he may well be ready to face the Trials.

A Challenge: For various reasons, the Mandalorian warriors, led by Spar, have left their homeworld, and are searching for a new home. They have laid a challenge at the feet of any man willing to take it: Fight their leader in single combat, and gain their service. It doesn't have to be you- there are plenty of fighters amongst the Alliance- but doing it yourself will do good things for your reputation, if nothing else.

-To fight Spar will be no simple matter, no easy task. But with the Force on your side, you will prevail.
Reward: Battle against Spar mini-turn

Minister Of War: As Minister Of War, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.

Fleet Commander: You prefer fighting and leading planetside, and do not excel as finely amongst the stars as you do on the Plains. You need to find a proper Admiral- someone who can lead a fleet, and well at that.
Needed:50 Rolled:49+5=54

-Gial Akbar was a slave, a servant of Wilhuff Tarkin, and leader of his people's resistance. He is now acting supreme Admiral of the Alliance Navy, such as it is, and functionally an ambassador between the Shipyards of Mon Cala and the rest of the Alliance. His planned flagship, the Home One, is currently still in construction, but should be ready in about two years time. As a gift, he has brought about four MC-30 frigates from Mon Cala's shipyards, and plans to produce more.

A Base: There is no singular capital of the Alliance, no place where you can coordinate with each other. Right now, you have a few small cells and the many facilities of the Alliance, but no capital. Bail intends to change that. You can focus solely on the Military part- supplies, hangars, that sort of thing.

-Those cruisers, along with the bulk of the Alliance's military might, has been moved above one of the moons of Yavin, the fourth. Hangars, barracks, and defenses the equal of your own on Taris and Ruusan are laid down, while sentries are raised. This is the Alliance's home for the moment; best to make as well as you can with it.
Reward: Base on Yavin IV fortified.

Rebellion Morale: Determined

Temple Roll:30+17=47
Praxeum Roll:59+17=76

Jedi Knights/Masters:148+6=154

Imperial Suspicion:14%


-Pirate Attacks uptick this year, drawing the Empire's focus away from flickering lights to the concrete problem of burly men with big beards and incomprehensible accents stealing their stuff.

[Due to a purge in the ranks of traitors, suspected or otherwise, Jonas Cass has been disposed of by Lord Vader himself. Fortunately, the fledgling Rebel Spy Network, headed by General Vernan, has filled the gap.]

Rebel News:

Battle On Corellia: Darth Vader has been dispatched to Corellia to wipe the Rebel Base there from existence. Fortunately, evacuation plans laid down years ago by Tellus Othello and the Resistance leader Garm Bel Iblis means that most members were evacuated. However, a thousand soldiers have stayed behind, led by Bel Iblis- they hope to contest the Sith Lord's reign soon. The Sith has formed a blockade around the planet, denying entry and exit to the planet.

Super Weapon?: Rumors have reached the Alliance leadership's ears of a dreadful new superweapon. The Ministers of Education and Minister of State are currently working together on a proposal to deal with it.
Fixed Commander-In-Chief to what it should be.

Battle against Spar should be up soon.
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Minorly bad luck on the temple roll, but we're still reasonably close to on-track for getting the Army of Light, and if those 20 Dark Side Users could join as Knights, or something...