Star Wars: Rebellion

The vision shows that something really bad is going to happen.

A question does Dash Rendar still lives in this universe?, thank you for answering my last question.

Would you like a TV Tropes page for this quest, and the Warhammer Quest?
Whydoesitmatter does not have a monopoly on the idea.

It's not that, it's just... underwhelming on the wow factor I guess. Though I'll probably change my mind later when the event hits us.

Wonder which way the Imperial Remnants could go?

Probably putting our name on the highly illegal document.

Which got sent to Palpatine Himself.

Think about the implications there.

He doesn't know our rank, or that we're a Jedi. Records show us as a ex-special forces and whatever Om sent before he defected. So we're going to be mid-way down on his 'crush' list.
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Well if the Empire takes the situation like they did in Canon the Rebellion is just a nuisance until the Death Star gets blown up.
Here though, they need a easy PR win, after the war with the Hutts.

I wonder how Vader feels about the declaration?
Depends on the messenger. MSE Droid might be going through a few walls, Stormtrooper or random LT gets off with only a slight breathing problem.
A Day In The Life (Morning)
A Day In The Life (Morning)

Sipping your caff, you look over the Big Blue Table Of Death. Writing up an order for half-a-hundred rifles to be shipped to Alderaan, you dispatch it to TaggeCo, while Soont heads out with the Breavheart. By the time he returns, Soont ought to be accompanied by half-a-dozen mercenaries and adventurers- friends of his, willing to work for reduced rates.

With a thump, the door to your office slides open, and Mira walks in, the Alderaanian holding a cup of caff twice the size of your own. "Morning, handsome. Sleep well?"

"Of the many people here, dear, you are perhaps the one who can say without doubt that the answer to that is yes."

"What can I say? I worry. I've seen the way you push yourself, Tellus."

"Eight hours sleep is eight hours sleep, hon. Thank you, though."

"You know, if you need a vacation, I'm fairly certain I can get one for you. Organa owes me a favor, or ten." She smiles, a pretty thing, none of the diplomatic training she has received used here and now. Honesty is a rare commodity in her line of work, but you drip in it. "Just you, me, and a week together. A little love nest, high up in the mountains of Alderaan, everything we could ever need right there. Pretty sure I have small estate up there, as a matter of fact."

"Don't have the time for it this year, dear." Instantly she deflates, plans torn out from her hands. Nearly instantly she perks up again, however.

"Next year, then. You, me, and scenic vistas far as the eye can see."

You smile a bit. "Sounds like a plan."

She goes in for a kiss, a blush playing across your features.

"Love you. See you at lunch?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Mira."
Wanted to do something more domestic, so to speak.

Did I succeed?
Just joined this forum, this was the first thing to really catch my attention, so I binge-read it. Very neat, cannot wait to see how this plays out.
Turn 18
Turn 18


In the dark, red lances fly and strike their target. Ice's bridge explodes, the carrier's shields sabotaged a week ago. A modified gunship, twenty soldiers on board, lands in the hangar, blasters firing and tearing apart weak resistance from shattered and confused soldiers. You take careful aim with your blaster, blasting through the uniform of one officer and striking the winch that controls the elevator.

From there, a running gun battle ensues, disguised Jedi cutting their way through to the brig. Pulling off a satchel from your belt, you lay it next to the databanks for this floor and pull out your saber, green blade springing into brilliant existence. Slashing through the thin door, you stand before children, potential Hands. They are terrified, malnourished, and alone. "I'm Ahsoka Tano. We're here to rescue you."

Martial: Your timing was pretty damn great: it might not have dominated the news, but incom was nationalized last year.
(Pick 1)

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits. Of course, Om might manage to be useful and help if you hit them- though you'll probably only get a smaller chunk of the reward.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. With Om's aid, it should be much easier- the twi'lek still has some power in this sector, and could pull a few strings to ensure that more, less protected convoys get sent through.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Second In Command: Soont is good, but he can only do so much without your permission or personal touch. You imagine you won't ever see him retire, but you could use another assistant, if only so you don't get stressed.
Cost: 500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Tanks But No Tanks: "Poor" is no longer an apt descriptor for yourself and your Rebel Cell. You can afford to pay the exorbitant costs of Taggeco without breaking the bank, helped by the fact that they are willing to be surprisingly generous for a Megacorp. It will be expensive- but will fill up your vehicle bay as much as possible with fairly decent tanks.
Cost: 10,000 credits for 9 turns

Reward:+1 Strikebreaker unit each turn for 9 turns

Planned Assault(Minor): Om has come up with a list of the Death Camps that are lightly guarded enough for you to hit. Thousands of beings die each day in them, and you hope you will be capable of liberating them soon.
Cost: 15,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 65%

Reward: Death Camps Liberated on Outer Rim and Mid Rim worlds

Diplomacy: Words are a tool. You might not use it often, but you respect them; words changed your life, after all.
(Pick 1)

Kashyyyk, Fight!: There is a strong undercurrent of resistance on Kashyyyk. You think there may very well be enough there to forge an underground cell on the planet, one which will ignite the fires of Rebellion that have burnt so long in that Forest World and bring them to the Alliance.

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Bread Crumbs: Mira is well aware of the Empire's propensity towards paranoia, and would like to turn it on them by leaving a few suggestions of who the third party would be- unpopular moffs, corrupt businessmen, knight-templars crusading with vigorous hate against the Hutts- maybe a few of the cartels hoping to see the enemy brought low?
Cost: 700 Credits

Chance Of Success: 80%

Declaration Of Rebellion: The Senators sent in a certain document to the Emperor himself, who has attempted to decry the Rebel Alliance as terrorists, pirates, bandits, and worse. You could act as part of it, your face plastered on the Holoscreen- your name and your title- to bring all the put-to-pasture soldiers, the man who doubts his cause, the people who wish to leave the Empire, but will not for the sake of stability into the Alliance. It might work, but even if it does, you will need to be ready to leave as quickly as possible- there will be no hiding for you after such a thing.
Cost: 3,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Soldiers join you and the Alliance in greater numbers,???

Resistance: The League Of Five Worlds joined the Rebellion, helped to found it. However, it does not represent all the rebel cells on those worlds, only the largest and most successful. You are a face well respected by the inhabitants of the League, and as such, Bail has requested you attempt to get these minor cells to join with the alliance.
Cost:10,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success:90%

Reward: Minor cells of the Five Worlds join the Alliance, bringing soldiers, gear, etc.

Stewardship: You are somewhat busy this year.

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.

Alcove: You'd like to see what could be done with the high ground in the caverns that you excavated last year. Maybe some bigger guns could be set into the recessed rock? Only one way to find out.
Cost: Varies

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Survey

Ion Cannon(Taris): You have the power grid, the defenses, and the sheer strength needed on Taris to build an Ion Cannon, a very strong one, to cover any escapes or retreats you need to make from Taris in a rush. Of course, being a world with Civilization, someone might just disagree with the idea.
Cost: 30,000 credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Ion Cannon

Ion Cannon(Ruusan): The temple must not fall. Build an ion cannon, and you can make very, very sure them damn kids stay off your lawn. As a bonus, being built by you on what may as well be your planet will keep costs low and ensure that there will be no lack of acceptance for the idea.
Cost: 25,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Ion Cannon on Ruusan

Learning: With work finished on the Charger, you have a surplus of time, one being used for Droid production.
(Pick 1)

Droid Production: Producing Droids is expensive but very necessary, a key component for any modern fighting force. You have the scientists, the engineers, the keys to the kingdom as it were. Now, you just need to use them

Swording: Chainswords are unwieldy beasts, big and personal. You aren't saying they should stop being so- but getting them controllable for people not laced with muscle could be a gift from above for your soldiers.
Cost: 4,000 Credits, 4 Years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Slimmer, more easily controlled Chainswords

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.
Cost: 3,000 credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Lightning fists

Piety: You have a few options, this year.
(Pick 1)

Theological Argument: The Jedi before the Purge were not allowed to marry or have relations with a few exceptions. You doubt anyone will particularly care about what you and Mira have- and even if they do, it's none of their damn business- but constant and open communication will be the key to the Jedi Revival. Bring it before your comrades, so that you might put that requirement in the trash, where it belongs.

Scanning The Galaxy: There are sure to be a few Jedi the Purges missed- you yourself failed at least twice. You can try to find them, and hope to the Force they will listen to you. They will join their brethren in striking at the Empire from the shadows.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success: 40%

Reward: Jedi Survivors (Note: can be taken once as a Piety action)

Lightsaber Supplies: You found a good amount of lightsaber parts in Tyber Zann's office after you killed him. However, they will eventually run out. You are hoping that they will take at least a decade to run out- and they will certainly last you a while, at least- but as a wise man once said, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." You can think of at least a few dealers for some parts- why not contact them?
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Lightsaber parts secured even when Zann supply runs out

Begone With It: Decades ago, a veil of darkness was draped over the Galaxy by the Sith like a smothering blanket. The Jedi have the power to tear that veil away- a sure sign, perhaps, but one that will be necessary if ever the Dark is to be forced from the Galaxy like the Poison it is. There is a long ritual to remove it, difficult as well, but it is well worth the cost.
Cost: 20,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success: 40%

Reward: Veil On The Force Removed

For The Light (Destruction): Asajj has infiltrated the Dark Sider cell. Composed of twenty individuals, it consists of Dark Jedi who were led by the self-proclaimed "Dark Lord Of The Sith" Leroy Marchand, and his "Apprentice" Dacks Star. You have two real plans to deal with them.

In this one, you will destroy them. Asajj will lead them on a series of suicide runs on important Imperial Targets, success or failure furthering your cause either way. Of course, such behaviour is somewhat-- and by somewhat you mean entirely-- ethically questionable, and might cause a few headaches if it gets out.
Cost: 5,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

For The Light (Conversion): Asajj has infiltrated the Dark Sider cell. Composed of twenty individuals, it consists of Dark Jedi who were led by the self-proclaimed "Dark Lord Of The Sith" Leroy Marchand, and his "Apprentice" Dacks Star. You have two real plans to deal with them.

You were a servant of the Dark Side once, as was Asajj, and a good sized chunk of the people who serve the Rebellion even now. You will not damn them to die like this. Instead, Asajj will attempt to convert them to the Light. Dangerous, but if it succeeds, worthwhile.
Cost: 10,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success: 50% (must be passed each year)

Reward: Dark Side Cult turned to the Light

Intrigue: Marlo the Hutt has drawn your attention, this year.
(Pick 2)
Slaves: No more shall slavers hunt down innocent beings, no more shall the Galaxy run on the back of innocent being. Jorek Laforge has connections in the form of old friends, slaves one and all, through whom he can influence an uprising much like the one that struck at the Hutts amongst the Imperials and their oppressed victims.
Cost: 1,500 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 60%(Rolled each turn)

Reward: Uprisings in Imperial Slave Markets

Punishment: You have the criminals responsible for these atrocities in your sites, their names and ranks, where they are stationed. The Evocii have volunteered to put them down, to get what justice may be found for these murdered souls.
Cost: 5,000 Credits, 3 Years

Chance Of Success: 80%

Reward: Imperial leaders dead, Crimes against sophonts punished

Genocide: The Empire murders millions each day,for no reason. You have the proof. You have the survivors, the victims, the corpses. Discretely leak it to the people, let them say what they pay for, what they fight for, what they serve. Let them all know the crimes of the Empire.
Cost: 4,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Death Camps Leaked

Personal Power: Return Marlo The Hutt to his people, in return for certain personal favours and payouts. Amongst them would be credits for your personal cell and access to certain planetary specialities that are otherwise unavailable.

Reward: More credits for personal use,???

Personal: You have received an intriguing offer from the Mandalorian Spar.
(Pick 1)

Padawan Training: Put specific focus on training your Padawan even more than usual for the next few years. Jorek could use the help.

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people.

Vacation On Alderaan: Mira has a plan to spend some time together. You can't say you're overly opposed to the idea.

Reward: Spend time with Mira alone.

A Challenge: For various reasons, the Mandalorian warriors, led by Spar, have left their homeworld, and are searching for a new home. They have laid a challenge at the feet of any man willing to take it: Fight their leader in single combat, and gain their service. It doesn't have to be you- there are plenty of fighters amongst the Alliance- but doing it yourself will do good things for your reputation, if nothing else.
Reward: Battle Spar yourself

Commander In Chief: As commander-in-chief, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.
(Pick 2)
Budget: 130,000 Credits

Army: 27,000 Troopers

Separatist Gear: There's plenty of leftover CIS junk just waiting around, waiting to be claimed, Send your men and their ships, and set to taking that for the Alliance, instead of just letting it all rust.
Cost: 60,000 Credits, 3 Years

Chance Of Success: 80% ( Note: rolled each turn)

Reward: Random Confederate Ships, supplies, etc.

Republic Remnants: Being a former soldier, you know where more than a few holdouts are that hold the remains of the Republican War Machine. These are likely to be protected far better and with far more vigour than the CIS supplies, but are also likely to be both of a greater quantity and quality.
Cost: 70,000 Credits, 4 years

Chance Of Success:45+10=55%(Defector From Decadence Bonus)(Rolled Each Turn)

Reward: Republic Ships, supplies, etc. Each turn

Recruitment: You need more soldiers more than you need anything. There are already plenty of people being funneled into the Rebellion, the joys of being a galaxy spanning organization, but it's slow, and relies mostly on word of mouth. Renovate it, and your life should be far easier.
Cost: 45,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Bonus to Rebel Alliance Recruitment, Recruitment increases

Fleet Commander: You prefer fighting and leading planetside, and do not excel as finely amongst the stars as you do on the Plains. You need to find a proper Admiral- someone who can lead a fleet, and well at that.
Cost: 60,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 50%

Reward: Fleet Commander

Spar Battle: Someone from the Alliance needs to be the one who defeats him. You counted at least 40,000 soldiers and three Crusader Corvettes. Find the finest duelist or soldier you can, then have them battle the Mandalorian.
Cost: 10,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%, 40% if not taken

Reward: Mandalorians join the Rebellion

X-Wing Conversion: The T-65 is ready to be pushed into production. Being part and parcel of Incom, they are willing to sell at a much reduced rate compared to how much they would normally be charging for the first contract: five Squadrons worth, for 150,000 credits in total. Still pretty damn expensive, but not as much as they will be charging.
Cost: 150,000 Credits

Reward: 5 X-Wing Squadrons

Folding In: Fold your part of the Army in with the Alliance as a whole. This will make it easier for your improvements to filter down through the ranks, and vice-versa. This ought to be fairly cheap.
Cost: 5,000 Credits

Reward: Taris Cell folded into the rest of the Rebel Alliance

A Base: There is no singular capital of the Alliance, no place where you can coordinate with each other. Right now, you have a few small cells and the many facilities of the Alliance, but no capital. Bail intends to change that. You can focus solely on the Military part- supplies, hangars, that sort of thing.
Cost: 30,000 Credits

Reward: Main Base fortified

Escargot: The Rebellion will need credits, soldiers, and supplies to fight the Empire. The Hutt Empire has all three in spades. Sacrifice a chance for wealth and leverage by allowing the Rebellion to use it.
Cost: Free

Reward: Rebel Alliance as a whole gains leverage over the Hutts,???

Rebellion Morale: Determined

Jedi Knights/Masters:137+11=148

Imperial Suspicion:14%


-Pirate Attacks uptick this year, drawing the Empire's focus away from flickering lights to the concrete problem of burly men with big beards and incomprehensible accents stealing their stuff.
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Oh, by the way, @Voikirium , are you still counting the Padawans off-screen, to have an idea of what the total final numbers will be, since at least some of the Padawans feed into/learn how to become Jedi Knights? Just checking. And, hrm, a lot of good options this turn.

But yeah, below-average year for Jedi recruitment, which means we've been pushed a year back in the Army of Light struggle. But, ah well, we can still manage it.
Martial: Your timing was pretty damn great: it might not have dominated the news, but incom was nationalized last year.
(Pick 1)

Second In Command:

Diplomacy: Words are a tool. You might not use it often, but you respect them; words changed your life, after all.
(Pick 1)


Stewardship: You are somewhat busy this year.


Learning: With work finished on the Charger, you have a surplus of time, one being used for Droid production.
(Pick 1)

Lightning Fists:

Piety: You have a few options, this year.
(Pick 1)

Lightsaber Supplies:
Intrigue: Marlo the Hutt has drawn your attention, this year.
(Pick 2)



Personal: You have received an intriguing offer from the Mandalorian Spar.
(Pick 1)

A Challenge:

Commander In Chief:
As commander-in-chief, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.
(Pick 2)
Budget: 130,000 Credits

Army: 27,000 Troopers

Folding In:

A Base:
There is really no point taking any more actions to upgrade the Taris Base. We are going to have to leave it all behind when we get identified. In fact, I'd be all for packing everything up and flying it to Russan then revealing ourselves as a Leader in the Rebelion. Do it the same turn we activate the Army of Light as well and reveal our Jedi Knight status for extra awesome.