Star Wars: Rebellion

Military - Smash Him (2000 credits)

Let's take care of him now; I feel like we have time to do so.

Diplomacy - Meeting

Fine, I guess we won't hire Tycho Nalle's employees out from under him. Boo!

Stewardship - Buy Him Out, Money Maker (20000 credits)

We'll have to pay him off to get rid of him this year. Money Maker because, well, we need to stabilize the books and the earlier the better.

Learning - Jedi Ship (2000 credits)

Worth a shot. Not sanguine on have the repair-man/navigator be vulnerable to external fire, but I admit an R2 (or some of the later R-series) droid is a useful companion for a Jedi, storing various information, carrying sensors and small devices and handling technology.

Intrigue - Who Wants Me Dead, Slaves (2500 credits)

I'm not exactly sanguine about encouraging an uprising - the backlash tends to be... unpleasant. But if we can give them covert assistance and places to flee to, that can be mitigated.

Personal - Heroics, Trials

Oh dear, we're just running all over the place and need a break - helping people out will do nicely. I'm not sure I want to meet with Leia at this time. Besides, we'll be talking to Bail already this year.
Leia is probably going to ask about finding her Brother and by extension Obi-Wan; finding them and getting them on board quickly would be helpful to us.
So, I kinda don't know the Yuuzhan Vong that well. I also plan on this continuing a fair while after the Galactic Civil War, but lack the money to rectify said lack of knowledge. That being said, I have plans for after the current conflict.

One of them involves a crossover of sorts, the other does not. Would you be okay with the Crossover, or no?
De-canonizing the Yuuzhan Vong was one of the best things to come out of Disney's purchase of Star Wars, in my opinion. As for the crossover thing, it probably depends on the source material.
That's why I said "one of", not "the". Also, while I don't disagree that there were worse things in the EU, I can't think of anything that was as big as the Vong invasion that was also worse than it.
Mara Jade's death, and if that doesn't count as big enough, the entire travesty of Karen Traviss' Mandalorians.
I haven't read anything of it, and have no strong feelings one way or the other.

The real problem is how often the Republic is smashed and "forged anew" every other novel cycle. Each one promising to be the last time, only for everything to go wrong. If we can make a Republic that lasts 50 years before falling apart, we'll have literally done ten times better than no-longer-EU-canon.
the entire travesty of Karen Traviss' Mandalorians.
Were those the Mandalorians seen in the Clone Wars animated series? If so, I actually rather liked them (pleasedon'tkillme), though I haven't read any of her books, so I don't know how much the series' portrayal diverged from her written one (or not). Maybe not the entire execution, but the general idea of "a former warrior people turned peaceful"; seems like a more interesting idea overall than "everything and everyone stays the same, forever".
Were those the Mandalorians seen in the Clone Wars animated series? If so, I actually rather liked them (pleasedon'tkillme), though I haven't read any of her books, so I don't know how much the series' portrayal diverged from her written one (or not). Maybe not the entire execution, but the general idea of "a former warrior people turned peaceful"; seems like a more interesting idea overall than "everything and everyone stays the same, forever".
No, the Clone Wars Mandalorians were about the exact opposite of the kind Traviss wrote, and infinitely more interesting.