Star Wars: Rebellion

Turn 16
Turn 16

Drawing your blade, you duck under the shot of the remote, and stabbing the training droid through its single cyclopean eye. Pulling your saber out, you smash your fist into the remaining remote, before turning to face your currently training padawan. His blue blade flashes twice and cuts the holographic Maul, the servant of the Dark falling before the withering and precise assault the Evocii brings to bear. Jorek might not be as great a general as you, but he is certainly still a fine duelist, the form VI practitioner unstoppable. Balance and grace- odd coming from him- play from his blade, and in five minutes he has his training routine done and over with. Or at least, so he thinks.

Rising from its heap on the floor, Maul smacks him with his training saber, and the Evocii falls to the ground.

"You still have much to learn, Padawan."

Martial: Tensions are rising. Soon, the whole galaxy shall be placed into war once more.
(Pick 1)

Forged In Fire: Your assault troopers represent some of the finest soldiers of the Rebellion. Each is worth his weight in credits, and is well capable of battling the stormtrooper even at the worst odds and coming out with a successful mission. There are currently at least five worlds currently containing armed insurrectionists, not counting Ruusan. You could send some of your men to each world, to rally and train the defenders.

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits. Of course, Om might manage to be useful and help if you hit them- though you'll probably only get a smaller chunk of the reward.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. With Om's aid, it should be much easier- the twi'lek still has some power in this sector, and could pull a few strings to ensure that more, less protected convoys get sent through.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Smash Him: If the Empire won't, you will. Take some men, and march on Hosk's base, to end his reign of terror in the outer rim. It should give you a good opportunity to test the CR70s you received, as well.
Cost: 2,000 credits

Chance Of Success 75%

Reward: Hosk broken

Diplomacy: Bail has requested the pleasure of your company on, of all places, Corellia.
(Pick 1)

Diplomats: Mira has offered to train some actual diplomats, compared to your current friendly soldiers. They would represent a serious step up in your ability to negotiate.

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Bread Crumbs: Mira is well aware of the Empire's propensity towards paranoia, and would like to turn it on them by leaving a few suggestions of who the third party would be- unpopular moffs, corrupt businessmen, knight-templars crusading with vigorous hate against the Hutts- maybe a few of the cartels hoping to see the enemy brought low?
Cost: 700 Credits

Chance Of Success: 80%

Reward: Empire focused on Someone else

What Do You Say?: Rahm Kota, Ferus Olin, and their allies are also rebels- independent cells, working in disarray from you. You think they respect you, but you are not more than a thorn in the Empire's side right now. Working together, you can be something more. Something greater than his poison. But someone will need to lead- and you will admit to a certain fondness if it ends up being you.
Cost: 3,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success:40%

Work For Me: Tycho Nalle is a slave driving Kriff loving son of a gun who enjoys making other people miserable.

You, in contrast, are a fair employer, giving decent wages, abundant vacation time, and are simply far more pleasant than Tycho, if aloof. You could- probably- simply convince his crew to jump ship straight for you.
Cost: 8,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 60%

Reward: Tycho Nalle is broken, gain his resources

Meeting: You have been invited to Corellia by Bail and Rahn, both planning something. You might know what. This is fairly obviously a one time deal-only so many galactic meetings in a year, after all.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:100%(Note: Rolls for attending individuals)

Reward: Two part mini-turn

Stewardship: You now have an escape plan.
(Pick 2)

Advanced Offenses: Bigger turrets, meaner traps, and other "Aggressive Defenses" to supplement your current base will do good things for your ability to fight your foe. You would quite like to have something at least equal to a high quality Pirate base.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Reward: More Killy Base

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.
Cost: 10,000 Credits, 3 Years

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Large increase in income

Buy Him Out: Kriff it- you'll just buy out Tycho, and take all his stuff for yourself. He's just greedy enough for that to work.
Cost: 10,000 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Buy out Tycho Nalle criminal empire intact

Alcove: You'd like to see what could be done with the high ground in the caverns that you excavated last year. Maybe some bigger guns could be set into the recessed rock? Only one way to find out.
Cost: Varies

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: Survey

Learning: You've had a thought, or three, this year.
(Pick 1)

Power Armor MK 2: You've got combat data for the Power Armor in your current possession and a few new ideas how to improve its usability for your forces-mainly, you've been wondering on the practicality of attempting to hybridize it with your own armor, so that the Jedi can have something better to work with. Admittedly, there are many who will prefer agility over anything else- but for those who, like you, simply are not over agile, it may be a blessing.

Swording: Chainswords are unwieldy beasts, big and personal. You aren't saying they should stop being so- but getting them controllable for people not laced with muscle could be a gift from above for your soldiers.
Cost: 4,000 Credits, 4 Years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Slimmer, more easily controlled Chainswords

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.
Cost: 3,000 credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Lightning fists

Jedi Ship: The Jedi have often produced specialized ships for themselves, their own requirements being generally different from most, if not all, other pilots. The men at Incom and your own scientists could work together to produce something- maybe a modified form of the T-65 that's still in development?
Cost: 2,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 85%

Reward: Jedi Starships

Piety: This year is pretty well booked.

Ruusan Temple: There ought to be a temple proper on Ruusan, a place where Jedi can rest their heels. Fortunately, you don't need to look for a location there- you can think of no place better than the Valley Of The Jedi. You will also have the aid of what few Jedi Artisans still survive and thrive to build it, ensuring that it will be beautiful.

A Minor Thing, Pt. 2: You have your location- now you just have to build. Of course, that should be much easier and quicker given the Schematics you found- but with Om on your case, it rather balances out, given the need for secrecy.

Intrigue: You're not nearly as busy this year as you were even just a few short years ago.
(Pick 2)

Underfoot: Hosk has certain habits frowned on by his Imperial masters. If you were to gather both proof and the means to disperse it, he would have little choice but to- at least- no longer work against Allon.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success:55%

Reward: Hosk no longer a threat, possible takeover

Who Wants Me Dead?: The thought had honestly escaped you, but someone apparently wants you dead so badly they'd send a Dark Jedi after you. You doubt they'll try again soon, but even just knowing who has that kind of connection and wants you dead could be useful.
Cost: 2,000 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Knowledge of who wants you dead

John Star Mission: The good captain would like to help your organization and put down an old target of his- Marlo the Hutt. A member of the Grand Council, he is of some import to them, and their enemies know that, hiring John to kill him, or to kidnap him. The mission went smoothly, and he did shoot the Hutt with enough firepower to bring down a tank, but against all reason and probability, the Hutt lived, soiling Star's reputation. Normally a personal problem, John has an idea to both repair his reputation and to earn some leverage over the Hutts- they are capricious and backstabbing, yes, but to take one of the mightiest hutts, capture him, and to bring his holdings, and possibly Clan, to heel through him? Would send a message they would never ignore, or forget.
Cost: 1,000 Credit, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 65+5=70(Graun Racial Hatred bonus)

Reward: Marlo The Hutt captured and imprisoned

Slaves: No more shall slavers hunt down innocent beings, no more shall the Galaxy run on the back of innocent being. Jorek Laforge has connections in the form of old friends, slaves one and all, through whom he can influence an uprising much like the one that struck at the Hutts amongst the Imperials and their oppressed victims.
Cost: 1,500 Credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 60%(Rolled each turn)

Reward: Uprisings in Imperial Slave Markets

Personal: You have learned to employ Juyo. Difficult to use and dangerous in the extreme, it is the ultimate test of a Jedi's self control, for to use without control over the self is surely to fall to the Dark Side. You have cut back a bit on training, now- you will need time to master this in practical combat, and simply cannot maintain the breakneck speed you were at.
(Pick 2)

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people.

Trials: Ahsoka has requested you accompany her to Ruusan, where Shaak Ti has asked,quite politely, to speak to her, for many reasons.
Cost: Free

Reward: Travel with Ahsoka

Leia: Leia Organa, Bail's daughter, has asked to speak to you. You can't imagine what the senator-in-training could want.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success: 75%

Reward: Meet with Leia Organa

Jedi Report:

Jedi Knights/Masters: 92+24=116/200
Jedi Senior Padawans: 68+15=83/100

Current Imperial Suspicion: 10%

Imperial Preparation: Little, War Weary


-The Imperial Authorities are distracted by both the destruction of the Sovereign and reports of one Star Tours ship managing to lead a Lancer Patrol Cruiser on a merry chase, the sloppily programed droid apparently heading from locales as diverse as the Vergesso Asteroid Field to the moons of Yavin before finally being shot down...over Coruscant. Thankfully, by some miracle of the Force, the ship was empty and hit only the deserted Jedi Temple, one last gift from a fallen friend to the Capital.
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[X] Smash Him

[X] Meeting

[X] Money Maker
[X] Buy Him Out

[X] Jedi Ship

[X] John Star Mission
[X] Slaves

[X] Trials
[X] Leia
Jedi Knights/Masters: 92+24=116/200
Jedi Senior Padawans: 68+15=83/100

So, it's 3 BBY and each turn is a year, so if we estimate an average of 13 new Knights each turn, plus a few of the Padawans graduating into Knights (we know there's a roll for that every turn, or every other turn or something), we're probably looking at 6-7 more years before we're ready to go Army of Light, with a chance, of course, to speed that up with our actions.
If the meeting is what I think it is, the we should attend the founding of the Rebel Alliance.

And I think we should find out who wants us dead over the slave option.
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Jedi Knights/Masters: 92+24=116/200
Jedi Senior Padawans: 68+15=83/100

So, it's 3 BBY and each turn is a year, so if we estimate an average of 13 new Knights each turn, plus a few of the Padawans graduating into Knights (we know there's a roll for that every turn, or every other turn or something), we're probably looking at 6-7 more years before we're ready to go Army of Light, with a chance, of course, to speed that up with our actions.
[X] Smash Him


It's probably about time to start getting the Rebel Alliance going full swing. We should do "What Do You Say?" next turn, as well.

[X]Money Maker
[X]Buy Him Out

Proper funding is required to fight on a galactic scale, and more men, bases of operation, and ships will be of obvious use.

[X]Jedi Ship

We have Jedi, and we're going to be involved in space battles, so having the design in production by then seems important.

[X]Who Wants Me Dead?
[X]John Star Mission

We should follow up on who tried to kill us, just to make sure there aren't any new factions butting in, and screwing over Hutts is always good karma.


We absolutely need to get in contact with Leia - if we don't, and Vader finds her...
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Martial: Tensions are rising. Soon, the whole galaxy shall be placed into war once more.
(Pick 1)

Smash Him:

Diplomacy: Bail has requested the pleasure of your company on, of all places, Corellia.
(Pick 1)


Stewardship: You now have an escape plan.
(Pick 2)

Advanced Offenses:

Money Maker:

Learning: You've had a thought, or three, this year.
(Pick 1)

Power Armor MK 2:

Intrigue: You're not nearly as busy this year as you were even just a few short years ago.
(Pick 2)


Who Wants Me Dead?:

Personal: You have learned to employ Juyo. Difficult to use and dangerous in the extreme, it is the ultimate test of a Jedi's self control, for to use without control over the self is surely to fall to the Dark Side. You have cut back a bit on training, now- you will need time to master this in practical combat, and simply cannot maintain the breakneck speed you were at.
(Pick 2)


So, I kinda don't know the Yuuzhan Vong that well. I also plan on this continuing a fair while after the Galactic Civil War, but lack the money to rectify said lack of knowledge. That being said, I have plans for after the current conflict.

One of them involves a crossover of sorts, the other does not. Would you be okay with the Crossover, or no?
Crossover for me.

And considering our votes, Luke and Leia will meet within the year if that option goes like I thinkit does.
I'm open to the idea of a crossover, but first we have an Emperor to kill and a Republic to create... though considering us we'll most likely end up running the Jedi Order.