Star Wars: Rebellion

You know I cannot help but think the proper way to reintroduce Jedi to the galaxy would be a reverse version of this

Targeted at the imperial palace. For the irony and the hole it would poke in the imperial order.

"You were deceived."

"since the end of the clone wars we have rebuilt."

"While you hunted our stragglers, the most capable thrived and found new students."

"while you sat on your throne we have prepared."

"You deceived the galaxy into giving you power but you have been deceived in turn."

"your own trust in the dark side has blinded you."

"Now our banners unfurl and war returns to the galaxy."

"The Army of Light marches once more for The Republic."
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Gollywyd, early morning in the land of twin moons. You pull in for a landing, as does Om' in his personal shuttle. The loading ramp slides open and you step down, the thud of your boots satisfying in your ears. Om' is far less dramatic in his entrance, armor modified to fit him a dull white. Your own clothing is a simple set of robes, the gift of the Wookiees.

"You wanted to show me something at home, sir?"

You swallow in awkwardness. This won't be pretty, but he deserves to know. "Yes. Follow me, please." Soft leather soles slap on stone and dirt, the nearly feudal world still far cleaner than it was when you were deployed here as a soldier. Following dirt paths laid down when you were still young, and the world was still ruled by Kings and Emperors.

"You might not know this, being that it was before your time, but in the New Sith Wars, your world was invaded; only a battalion of Sith , they still ravaged defenders who relied on swords and shields and slugthrowers, whose most advanced technology was still Millennia less advanced than the enemy."

You pause, letting the words settle. "All seemed lost. The petty kings bickered, the queens of Hrothgar preferring capitulation to resistance. Thousands perished, minute long battles where entire armies were squashed like insects under the heels of the Sith, Dark Side granted strength burning in them." Silence reigns for long moments, the ancient history leaving large scars in the landscape, ones Om' takes in. "We stand in the result of one of these early battlefields- the Five Minute Slaughter."

"Not that I mind the history, but do you smell something burning?"

"I'll get to that, later. As I was saying, the planet was doomed. Then the Jedi came. We do not a name, but her title was Umid- hope. She certainly earned the title- the Miralukan arrived to a planet burning with war and hate, and she said 'No More.' She found nineteen students, sensitive to the Force and willing to fight and die for their people and their planet. Taking a stolen Sith shuttle, she and her pupils fought. Blades twirling in the moonlight, they would fight for a week, forty-to-one. Each was like a god with their blade, unstoppable and relentless. Not a one died who served the Republic, while every Sith, even the few Darths who had been deployed here, was destroyed, or redeemed. In repayment for these acts, the people of the planet declared that same ground neutral forever, building a monument to Umid and her nineteen heroes."

The ash has become thick in the air. You know what is coming, and you truly wish you didn't.

"And do you want to know what that same neutral ground is used for now?"

On the ridge over looking the Memorial Victorious, you see a huge camp, filled to the brim with starving, wounded, and abused citizens of the planet- aliens, mostly, but you see more than a few humans. As you watch, you see men, women, and children shuffle into the core complex.

They don't shuffle back out.

Om's face is a blank mask, a shadow under his eyes. You can feel something through the Force though, and it's not rage.

Save Them.

Tearing the assault cannon from his back, Om' takes careful aim for three items. First he zooms in on the gate lock mechanism, and paints it with the target finder on his wrist. Next, blows a dart at the incoming grav train, filled to the brim with beings. Finally, he points a miniature mortar at the main guard tower, before flicking his fingers at the train in a vague order. "Tellus, get the train. I'll take the guards." His voice brooks no argument, so you don't even try.

Instead, you simply leap down from the ridge and land right on top of the control car. Flicking your saber through the top, you land on scorched hot metal, golden blade shooting off sparks each time it makes contact with the the armor of your foe. The two stormtroopers at the front each die in a second, head separated from their bodies by a twirl of the wrist.

What follows is nothing less than a blood bath as three cars worth of troopers are simply cleaned of the white murderers, the footing growing tough. Finally, the stormtroopers are defeated, the people rushing out of the grav train towards freedom. Looking out through the hole you cut through the thick doors, you look outside, and are very impressed.

Where there were once two-hundred stormtroopers, there are now twenty. A you watch, Om' lures them out with a recorder of some sort and destroys them with a thermal detonator.

Slipping in your comm piece, you can feel someone's presence from all the way over here. "Nicely done."

"Not nicely enough. How many died, Tellus? How many died because I was blind and arrogant and unwilling to see what was right in front of me?"

"Many. But you can change that. I am a leader of a group of concerned citizens- rebels, miscreants, and..." Flicking your saber on, you cut away the patch right over his left eye with stunning precision. "Jedi. And I ask you now, in the spirit of universal brotherhood, stand with me. Fight the Empire, perhaps as a double agent."

"From now on, the praetorian battalion will be knife in the back of the Empire, a weight on their wrist."
I have a college visit tomorrow, so there probably won't be an update.
Wouldn't that make it rather difficult for Om to work as a double agent?
No? I'm not talking about showing Om defecting, I'm talking about footage of the fracking deathcamp.

If the empire has other death camps (which I think its safe to say it does), then our raids to save them won't likely involve Om.

There also have to be rumors and whispers about atrocities on this scale, both in the Imperial military, and the local populations.

Now presuming we have had other forces with us who are now cleaning up/capturing the imperial garrison and helping/evacing survivors, we may have a shot of obtaining what we need from the camp.

Their records and shipping manifests.

We get those, along with footage, we can spread word. And that word might be dismissed as rumor at first, but then that rumor will revealed to have absolute proof backing it.

Not to mention the word of the survivors.
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No? I'm not talking about showing Om defecting, I'm talking about footage of the fracking deathcamp.

If the empire has other death camps (which I think its safe to say it does), then our raids to save them won't likely involve Om.

There also have to be rumors and whispers about atrocities on this scale, both in the Imperial military, and the local populations.

Now presuming we have had other forces with us who are now cleaning up/capturing the imperial garrison and helping/evacing survivors, we may have a shot of obtaining what we need from the camp.

Their records and shipping manifests.

We get those, along with footage, we can spread word. And that word might be dismissed as rumor at first, but then that rumor will revealed to have absolute proof backing it.

Not to mention the word of the survivors.
Ah, misunderstood what you meant somehow. I thought you were saying we should broadcast Om's turning, as that is what you were quoting. Derp. I need to get to sleep.