Star Wars: Rebellion

Vote is called.

I got a big paper I still gotta revise for tomorrow, so it might be a wee bit late, or even tomorrow, til the update proper is out.
Turn 15 Results
Turn 15

Turning, you leap under the attack. Jorak brings his practice saber up and manages to clip you in the side, sting going through your side. Lashing out with a kick, you get him right in the ribs, hard. Blocking his blade with your hard gauntlets, you punch him twice in the nose. He blocks both your follow up strikes. He does not block your next headbutt, and falls.

Pulling him to his feet, you steady him with your arms. "Train more."

He sighs, before beginning to defend himself. "You must admit, that twirly attack right at the beginning, that was nearly perfect."

"Nearly isn't enough. Palpatine wants us all dead, and if we're going to stop him, you need to be flawless in battle and level headed outside of it."

Martial: Last year was a really good year.

Forged In Fire: Your assault troopers represent some of the finest soldiers of the Rebellion. Each is worth his weight in credits, and is well capable of battling the stormtrooper even at the worst odds and coming out with a successful mission. There are currently at least five worlds currently containing armed insurrectionists, not counting Ruusan. You could send some of your men to each world, to rally and train the defenders.
Needed:30 Rolled:60+5=65

-Sent out on the CR70s, your men have made contact with the Rebels. They should be of some aid to the resistance.

Artillerists: You have artillery but no one who is trained specifically for it, which makes you somewhat angry. Have some men trained and Kusza manufactured, enough to maintain at least battlefield parity.
Needed:20 Rolled:3+5=8 Revan Reroll:84+15=99

-Everything nearly goes to hell. The men nearly die, half the stock nearly explodes, you nearly end up incapable of having children.

You say nearly because, as the improperly built artillery bolts flew towards you, you grabbed them from the air and sent them flying into the mountain side. You just opened up an alcove for yourself and your men to use, at least.
Reward: Artillerists, Alcove, 10 Kusza Heavy Mortars

Diplomacy: Om will be leaving this year, the Twi'Lek's mission done.

Proof: Om'Veda serves the Empire because he believes it brings stability and peace to his home. By personal experience, you can call that a damn lie, the sort you once told yourself. You can prove it.
Needed:40 Rolled:89+25=114

-You got a lot more than just the Twi'lek.
(Continued in Interlude)

Diplomats: Mira has offered to train some actual diplomats, compared to your current friendly soldiers. They would represent a serious step up in your ability to negotiate.

-Mira sets to work.

Stewardship: You're still working on the escape plans.

Bugging Out: You'd like to have an escape plan for the base, so that you can get out and to Ruusan before the Empire can march on you and kill you dead. First you'll be building the A-55s you need, then comes the actual plan.

-The plan is simple: you will buy time with charges strategically located to block off every route to your base by land, while in the air, the CR70s and A-55s will simply rush out as soon as possible, using the detector satellites you set up in orbit as bait and missile both, guiding them to distract and destroy the imperials.
Reward: Escape plan

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.
Needed:40 Rolled:16 Reroll:37

-You don't find anything just yet, but you may be on to something.

Learning: You are seriously busy- as per usual.

Power Armor MK 2: You've got combat data for the Power Armor in your current possession and a few new ideas how to improve its usability for your forces-mainly, you've been wondering on the practicality of attempting to hybridize it with your own armor, so that the Jedi can have something better to work with. Admittedly, there are many who will prefer agility over anything else- but for those who, like you, simply are not over agile, it may be a blessing.

Hunting Him Down: For a very wanted man, Crussk is very bad at hiding. See to it that his attempts to infiltrate the science expos he so wishes to attend ends with him in cuffs and you laughing at him.
Needed:35 Rolled:60+5=65

-You aren't saying you're the guy who pushed the big red button that burnt Crussk to a crisp in his endoskeleton disguise in an accident involving twelve pounds of fertilizer, a starship engine, and a Mynock, but you definitely weren't surprised when the siege of Rydon was stopped in its tracks by the droids and probes simply deactivating, along with his ship.
Reward: Crussk dead

Piety: Good news, as it well should be.

Ruusan Temple: There ought to be a temple proper on Ruusan, a place where Jedi can rest their heels. Fortunately, you don't need to look for a location there- you can think of no place better than the Valley Of The Jedi. You will also have the aid of what few Jedi Artisans still survive and thrive to build it, ensuring that it will be beautiful.

-Work continues.

A Minor Thing, Pt. 2: You have your location- now you just have to build. Of course, that should be much easier and quicker given the Schematics you found- but with Om on your case, it rather balances out, given the need for secrecy.
Needed:10 Rolled:89+5=94

-Not only do you begin production of the academy this year, you do it with gusto. Not having to worry about Om' snitching you out makes your life much easier.

Intrigue: Blackmail is...such a harsh word.

Soften Them: To test their training, Jorak has offered a grim mission for the Evocii- head amongst the masters of both the Hutts and the Imperials, and make them bleed. He will lead them, the Evocii stealthy even before the addition of the Force.
Needed:30 Rolled: 46+10=56

-Half a dozen mid rank Imperials, servants of Walder Frey and his wife, are found with holes the size of a fist in their chest, a sign of retaliation from the Hutts that cannot be ignored. Mika of the Anjiliac clan is also killed, an obviously Imperial assassin, in reality your own Captain John Star wearing stolen Imperial armor, striking him down where he stood. Altogether a minor hutt- but the slugs are still wrathful that one of their own has died, if constrained by the capitularies they signed. A cold war has developed between the Hutts and the Empire, and you can only laugh from your position.
Reward: Tensions, cold war.

Let Me Help: The Jedi are currently smacking Imperial convoys heading to Hand training centers- where kids go in, and monsters come out. The Evocii are, themselves, rather fond of kids- their mistreatment the one way to get the usually docile race riled up consistently- and as such, have volunteered to help the Jedi with this mission.
Needed:30 Rolled:49+10=59

-The Minoru heads out with the convoy of Jedi holding the good Captain and half of a hundred Evocii, and when it returns, it is filled to the brim with Younglings- Force Sensitives, torn from their parents, most of whom ended up dead, to serve Palpatine as his Hands, indoctrinated in the ways of the Dark Side. There were more than younglings in the ships, but those older have either found a master or joined up with their brethren. You, however, are the only one with facilities meant for habitation by large numbers of people, so the Jedi have sent all of the Youths to you.
Reward: Younglings saved, +5 Senior Padawans, +8 Master/Knights

Personal: Reaching deep inside yourself, you managed something you never had before- and blocked a blaster bolt with your bare hand. (+1 Piety)

Jedi Initiation: Jorek needs a lightsaber. Asajj has two, but they're a grim reminder of past sins. You have both the location and supplies needed for those two to take up arms once more as Jedi- and introduce Asajj as one.

-Traveling to Ossus, Asajj and Jorek negotiate well with the natives, and enter the temple. Entering into a meditative trance, the three of you look deep into the Force. Your student enters deeply, guided by your words, while Asajj is quiet. However, you see nothing, the shroud of the Dark Side too strong. Asajj reports to Master Shaak Ti, joining the Jedi in their seclusion with two blue blade- made of crystals gifted from a mysterious source- while Jorek stays with your style of a single blade, though his has a blue crystal and hooked hilt- too focused on precision, that one, and aesthetics, over function.

Jedi Order Reports:

Oddity: Ahsoka Tano and her student Entani Typhe disappeared into the unknown region for half a month. When they returned, the Zeltron had a saber of brilliant purple and was distinctly less…Motti esque.
(Entani Typhe gains trait: Senior Padawan, +1 Piety)
(Ahsoka Tano gains ???)

Ventress: The Dathomir born Dark Lady turned herself into the authority of the Jedi, claiming to have turned to the Light. Many are skeptical, but Grandmaster Shaak Ti has been surprisingly kind, and was accompanied by the one time near Sith on her raids on the Battle Group Calamitous Intent that had been ferrying the Force Sensitive children who would be the Emperor's Hands.

Mission Successful: A series of raids conducted by acting Grandmaster Shaak Ti has achieved success greater than anything you had hoped for before. One of the Empire's finest Inquisitors, a nameless, but feared Pau'an, found his death at the end of her Lightsaber, as did his commandeered Star Destroyer. Though Imperial authorities have attempted to keep it under wraps, the fact remains that news has filtered out to the rest of the Galaxy that someone wrecked the Emperor's toys. Gloriously, they cannot even link it back to the Jedi- vaporization by star tends to leave little evidence, after all. Reports indicate that even more Jedi have been freed from what was nearly certain death by the sheer distraction and chaos caused by this, most immediately the Jedi he had imprisoned there.
(Gain +3 Jedi Knights/Masters, +2 Senior Padawans)

Senior Padawans-Increased->40+25=65/100+3=68

Current Imperial Suspicion: 5%

Imperial Preparation: Little, War Weary

Imperial Roll:38

They don't suspect Jedi, at least.
Imperial News:

Wait, What?: The Sovereign has fallen with all hands, some unknown group assaulting it in orbit over Mustafar. The records sent out afterwards are sketchy, but the result is obvious- the ships was, by some manner, forced into the pull of the sun, Priate, of the Mustafar system, where it was obliterated with nary a trace.
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Jar Jar takes over the Empire?

God damn it ninjaed by the OP!
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Younglings saved: Good
Ventress fully Jedi: Good
Star Destroyer down: Excellent
Critical success with Om'Veda: Excellent
Cold War between Imps and Hutts: Excellent
"Accident" involving twelve pounds of fertilizer, a starship engine, and a Mynock: Spectacular
Also, wow, we're almost halfway there already and the Imperials don't even suspect it. If we can actually manage it, getting an entire Jedi army built while they don't even suspect it...
Wait, What?: The Sovereign has fallen with all hands, some unknown group assaulting it in orbit over Mustafar. The records sent out afterwards are sketchy, but the result is obvious- the ships was, by some manner, forced into the pull of the sun, Priate, of the Mustafar system, where it was obliterated with nary a trace.

Take that Tarkin! I wonder how he's handling his little near-death experience.