Star Wars: Rebellion

If we can get the Jedi Order to not murder her, she counts as a Jedi Knight for sure. Which adds one to the slowly increasing tally!

Hopefully, though, once we have a temple, a base, and a Praxeum, it'll accelerate a little.

Seriously though, we need to start the Praxeum next turn since it'll take 3 years to complete.
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Sweet! Asajj will be a very good companion!

Asajj is very skilled in using Makashi with Jar'kai, right? By Force powers, she seems to only know the basic mind trick, push, and telekenises, but quite skilled and powerful when using them.
Good, good, let's keep suspicion low, the Empire unprepared and the Jedi appearing to be "extinct".

On the bandit side, I feel like we should see about taking out Crussk first. Not by trying a challenge perhaps - too much chance of the news reaching other ears - but let's see if we can remove him or at least cripple his operations significantly.

Bonus points if we can manage to do so by a mutual encounter with Imperial forces. Now, how to convince Darth Vader that Obi-Wan may be hiding in the colony that happens to be Crussk's next target.... ^___^
Also seems to have picked up healing
She may have learned that from the Jedi who raised/trained her.

You know the one who she enshrined in her Capital on Rattatak.
The shrine Obi-Wan desecrated and stole his Lightsaber from.

Seriously, dont ever let those two be one the same planet.
Ventress will rip him in half and deny him death.
Seriously, dont ever let those two be one the same planet.
Ventress will rip him in half and deny him death.

Really? Because my familiarity with Ventress comes from the more recent Clone Wars series, and I got the impression from there that she had the hots for him on some level. Though that could have just been her preferring him as a target for her female mind games.

At the very least they've shown the ability to work together when necessary.
Really? Because my familiarity with Ventress comes from the more recent Clone Wars series, and I got the impression from there that she had the hots for him on some level. Though that could have just been her preferring him as a target for her female mind games.

At the very least they've shown the ability to work together when necessary.

Snap Hiss, Kiss Kiss?
... My bad, I read the comics that I honestly don't know whether or not they predate the cartoon.
And the only hots she had for him was "How long until those worms eat you skull inside out"

I dont think they mentioned Dathomir that the cartoon made her an sister of at all in the comics though, so I think the comic was first.
But hell if I know how accurate my memory is and how much the cartoonists ignored the comics.

Ah... The Battle for Jabiim, good comic, apparently Ignored.
Fuck you you cowardly fight abandoning "Hero" Skywalker, feeling all high and mighty choking your allies as you abandon them...
In a different timeline, the commander of an imperial special ops force would not have defected. A slot would not have opened up and let a man in. This man would have been assigned to Tatooine instead. The man would have taken command of the garrison and removed corruption. The soldiers would have patrolled instead of gambling. While on patrol, the soldiers would have killed Tusken Raiders. These Tusken Raiders would not have attacked the Lars household.
Turn 15
Turn 15

Turning, you leap under the attack. Jorak brings his practice saber up and manages to clip you in the side, sting going through your side. Lashing out with a kick, you get him right in the ribs, hard. Blocking his blade with your hard gauntlets, you punch him twice in the nose. He blocks both your follow up strikes. He does not block your next headbutt, and falls.

Pulling him to his feet, you steady him with your arms. "Train more."

He sighs, before beginning to defend himself. "You must admit, that twirly attack right at the beginning, that was nearly perfect."

"Nearly isn't enough. Palpatine wants us all dead, and if we're going to stop him, you need to be flawless in battle and level head outside of it."

Martial: Last year was a really good year.
(Pick 2)

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits. Of course, Om might manage to be useful and help if you hit them- though you'll probably only get a smaller chunk of the reward.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance. Of course, doing it under the Twi'Lek's nose could be… difficult.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Forged In Fire: Your assault troopers represent some of the finest soldiers of the Rebellion. Each is worth his weight in credits, and is well capable of battling the stormtrooper even at the worst odds and coming out with a successful mission. There are currently at least five worlds currently containing armed insurrectionists, not counting Ruusan. You could send some of your men to each world, to rally and train the defenders.
Cost: 2,000 credits, 2 Years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Rebels against the Empire properly trained/armed

Smash Him: If the Empire won't, you will. Take some men, and march on Hosk's base, to end his reign of terror in the outer rim. It should give you a good opportunity to test the CR70s you received, as well.
Cost: 2,000 credits

Chance Of Success 75%

Reward: Hosk broken

Artillerists: You have artillery but no one who is trained specifically for it, which makes you somewhat angry. Have some men trained and Kusza manufactured, enough to maintian at least battlefield parity.
Cost: 5,000 Credits

Chance Of Success; 80%

Reward: 10 Kusza Heavy Mortars, 20 Siege Engineers

Diplomacy: Om will be leaving this year, the Twi'Lek's mission done.
(Pick 2)

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Bread Crumbs: Mira is well aware of the Empire's propensity towards paranoia, and would like to turn it on them by leaving a few suggestions of who the third party would be- unpopular moffs, corrupt businessmen, knight-templars crusading with vigorous hate against the Hutts- maybe a few of the cartels hoping to see the enemy brought low?
Cost: 700 Credits

Chance Of Success: 80%

Reward: Empire focused on Someone else

What Do You Say?: Rahm Kota, Ferus Olin, and their allies are also rebels- independent cells, working in disarray from you. You think they respect you, but you are not more than a thorn in the Empire's side right now. Working together, you can be something more. Something greater than his poison. But someone will need to lead- and you will admit to a certain fondness if it ends up being you.
Cost: 3,000 Credits, 3 years

Chance Of Success:40%

Reward: Ferus Olin and Rahm Kota will follow your commands

Proof: Om'Veda serves the Empire because he believes it brings stability and peace to his home. By personal experience, you can call that a damn lie, the sort you once told yourself. You can prove it.
Cost: 500 Credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Om'Veda defects to the Rebellion
Work For Me: Tycho Nalle is a slave driving Kriff loving son of a gun who enjoys making other people miserable.

You, in contrast, are a fair employer, giving decent wages, abundant vacation time, and are simply far more pleasant than Tycho, if aloof. You could- probably- simply convince his crew to jump ship straight for you.
Cost: 8,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 60%

Reward: Tycho Nalle is broken, gain his resources

Diplomats: Mira has offered to train some actual diplomats, compared to your current friendly soldiers. They would represent a serious step up in your ability to negotiate.
Cost: 2,000 Credits, 2 years

Reward: Diplomats

Stewardship: You're still working on the escape plans.
(Pick 1)

Bugging Out: You'd like to have an escape plan for the base, so that you can get out and to Ruusan before the Empire can march on you and kill you dead. First you'll be building the A-55s you need, then comes the actual plan.

Advanced Offenses: Bigger turrets, meaner traps, and other "Aggressive Defenses" to supplement your current base will do good things for your ability to fight your foe. You would quite like to have something at least equal to a high quality Pirate base.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Reward: More Killy Base

Money Maker: The fact of the matter is, right now, you are working on charity, spit, and dreams. You have no way of producing even nearly enough credits to really take the fight to the Empire. You need some way of gaining galactic scale credits to use in the fight, or you won't last long.
Cost: 10,000 Credits, 3 Years

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Large increase in income

Buy Him Out: Kriff it- you'll just buy out Tycho, and take all his stuff for yourself. He's just greedy enough for that to work.
Cost: 10,000 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Buy ought Tycho Nalle criminal empire intact

Learning; You are seriously busy- as per usual.
(Pick 1)

Power Armor MK 2: You've got combat data for the Power Armor in your current possession and a few new ideas how to improve its usability for your forces-mainly, you've been wondering on the practicality of attempting to hybridize it with your own armor, so that the Jedi can have something better to work with. Admittedly, there are many who will prefer agility over anything else- but for those who, like you, simply are not over agile, it may be a blessing.

Swording: Chainswords are unwieldy beasts, big and personal. You aren't saying they should stop being so- but getting them controllable for people not laced with muscle could be a gift from above for your soldiers.
Cost: 4,000 Credits, 4 Years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Slimmer, more easily controlled Chainswords

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.
Cost: 3,000 credits, 2 years

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Lightning fists

Hunting Him Down: For a very wanted man, Crussk is very bad at hiding. See to it that his attempts to infiltrate the science expos he so wishes to attend ends with him in cuffs and you laughing at him.
Cost: 1,000 credits (Tickets are expensive, man)

Chance Of Success:65%

Reward: Crussk arrested

Piety: Good news, as it well should be.
(Pick 1)

Ruusan Temple: There ought to be a temple proper on Ruusan, a place where Jedi can rest their heels. Fortunately, you don't need to look for a location there- you can think of no place better than the Valley Of The Jedi. You will also have the aid of what few Jedi Artisans still survive and thrive to build it, ensuring that it will be beautiful.

A Minor Thing, Pt. 2: You have your location- now you just have to build. Of course, that should be much easier and quicker given the Schematics you found- but with Om on your case, it rather balances out, given the need for secrecy.
Cost: 5,000 Credits, Three Years

Chance Of Success: 75%

Reward: Jedi Praxeum building

Scanning The Galaxy: There are sure to be a few Jedi the Purges missed- you yourself failed at least twice. You can try to find them, and hope to the Force they will listen to you. They will join their brethren in striking at the Empire from the shadows.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success: 40%

Reward: Jedi Survivors (Note: can be taken once as a Piety action)

Lightsaber Supplies: You found a good amount of lightsaber parts in Tyber Zann's office after you killed him. However, they will eventually run out. You are hoping that they will take at least a decade to run out- and they will certainly last you a while, at least- but as a wise man once said, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." You can think of at least a few dealers for some parts- why not contact them?
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Lightsaber parts secured even when Zann supply runs out

Theological Argument: The Jedi before the Purge were not allowed to marry or have relations with a few exceptions. You doubt anyone will particularly care about what you and Mira have- and even if they do, it's none of their damn business- but constant and open communication will be the key to the Jedi Revival. Bring it before your comrades, so that you might put that requirement in the trash, where it belongs.
Cost: 3 years

Chance Of Success: 80% (Must be passed each turn.)

Reward: No Attachments clause of the Jedi Code removed

Intrigue: Blackmail is...such a harsh word.
(Pick 2)

Underfoot: Hosk has certain habits frowned on by his Imperial masters. If you were to gather both proof and the means to disperse it, he would have little choice but to- at least- no longer work against Allon.
Cost: 4,000 credits

Chance Of Success:55%

Reward: Hosk no longer a threat, possible takeover

Soften Them: To test their training, Jorak has offered grim mission for the Evocii- head amongst the masters of both the Hutts and the Imperials, and make them bleed. He will lead them, the Evocii stealthy even before the addition of the Force.
Cost: 2,000 Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Tensions between Empire and Hutts remain, Imperial Suspicion remains low

Let Me Help: The Jedi are currently smacking Imperial convoys heading to Hand training centers- where kids go in, and monsters come out. The Evocii are, themselves, rather fond of kids- their mistreatment the one way to get the usually docile race riled up consistently- and as such, have volunteered to help the Jedi with this mission.
Cost: 500 Credits

Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Potential Hands of the Emperor saved,???

Personal: Reaching deep inside yourself, you managed something you never had before- and blocked a blaster bolt with your bare hand. (+1 Piety)
(Pick 1)

Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people.

Jedi Initiation: Jorak needs a lightsaber. Asajj has two, but they're a grim reminder of past sins. You have both the location and supplies needed for those two to take up arms once more as Jedi- and introduce Asajj as one.
Cost: Free

Reward: Asajj and Jorak build lightsabers
Challenge: Crussk is a prideful lizard, dismissive and insulting to Jedi. You can use that- you and your master could challenge him and his finest droids, and bring him down.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:65%

Reward: Crussk removed from play

Jedi Order Reports:

Senior Padawans-Increased->40+25=65/100

Current Imperial Suspicion: 5%

Imperial Preparation: Little, War Weary

Imperial Roll:38

They don't suspect Jedi, at least.
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Forged in Fire
Smash Him


Buy Him Out

Can we afford this? If not, I'll change it.

Hunting Him Down

A Minor Thing, P2

We can do the Theological thing as *soon* as another slot opens.

Soften Them
Let me Help

Jedi Initation
Martial: Last year was a really good year.
(Pick 2)

Forged In Fire:


Diplomacy: Om will be leaving this year, the Twi'Lek's mission done.
(Pick 2)

Bread Crumbs:


Stewardship: You're still working on the escape plans.
(Pick 1)

Advanced Offenses:

Learning; You are seriously busy- as per usual.
(Pick 1)

Hunting Him Down:

Piety: Good news, as it well should be.
(Pick 1)

Theological Argument:

Intrigue: Blackmail is...such a harsh word.
(Pick 2)

Soften Them:

Let Me Help:

Personal: Reaching deep inside yourself, you managed something you never had before- and blocked a blaster bolt with your bare hand. (+1 Piety)
(Pick 1)

Jedi Initiation: