Star Wars: Rebellion

Forged in fire-We need a power base
Smash him-Let's handle the lords now

Proof- Spy
Work for me-Guys, lord

Money maker- We need this

Hunting him down- Last lord

A minor thing - Army of light goal

Soften them- Keeps up tension

Jedi initiation- Best remaining option
Well, lessee what we can get done this year.

Martial - Forged in Fire, Artillerists (7000 credits)

Artillery (in the form of mortars) is, to be honest, a pretty effective guerilla weapon. And let's go about training up the other rebels.

Dipomacy - Proof, Diplomats (2500 credits)

Since Om's about to leave, I think it's the best time to try to turn him. And we really need some specialists to up our success chances.

Stewardship - Buy Him Out (10,000 credits)

I think we can take the whole thing out and repurpose/dismantle it (as is appropriate for each piece).

Learning - Hunting Him Down (1,000 credits)

Let's get him! :p

Piety - Theological Argument

Let's get this dealt with now, before it causes problems later.

Intrigue - Soften Them, Let Me Help (2500 credits)

Keep the Imperials looking at the Hutts and pull away future elites from the Empire.

Personal - Jedi Initiation

I kind of want to do Heroics, but we should probably take care of this now.
Well, lessee what we can get done this year.

Martial - Forged in Fire, Artillerists (7000 credits)

Artillery (in the form of mortars) is, to be honest, a pretty effective guerilla weapon. And let's go about training up the other rebels.

Dipomacy - Proof, Diplomats (2500 credits)

Since Om's about to leave, I think it's the best time to try to turn him. And we really need some specialists to up our success chances.

Stewardship - Buy Him Out (10,000 credits)

I think we can take the whole thing out and repurpose/dismantle it (as is appropriate for each piece).

Learning - Hunting Him Down (1,000 credits)

Let's get him! :p

Piety - Theological Argument

Let's get this dealt with now, before it causes problems later.

Intrigue - Soften Them, Let Me Help (2500 credits)

Keep the Imperials looking at the Hutts and pull away future elites from the Empire.

Personal - Jedi Initiation

I kind of want to do Heroics, but we should probably take care of this now.

All relatively good, but I'm still going to argue we need to build the School because right now our "production" of Jedi Knights and Senior Padawans (especially the former, but making more of the latter leads to some of the latter becoming the former) means it'll be decades at best before we reach Army of Light standards.

Seven new Knights a year, that's far too low for what we want.
@Night_stalker , can I plead with you to hold the Theological argument vote off for a turn? We NEED to start the school if we're ever going to reach our Army of Light goal anytime in the next decade.

Shouldn't we delay the army of light a little bit while reducing imperial suspicions?

That way we can actually get a fleet and some armour regiments up and running(or get us some allies and/or bleed the empire a bit more before we take over).

Edit: or before we come out of the shadows at least. I'd personally prefer a slightly bigger target number.
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All relatively good, but I'm still going to argue we need to build the School because right now our "production" of Jedi Knights and Senior Padawans (especially the former, but making more of the latter leads to some of the latter becoming the former) means it'll be decades at best before we reach Army of Light standards.

Seven new Knights a year, that's far too low for what we want.
Not gonna lie, you have had absurdly terrible rolls for your Jedi Knight recruitment so far.

For your padawan recruitment, on the other hand, you just got the best possible roll.
Shouldn't we delay the army of light a little bit while reducing imperial suspicions?

That way we can actually get a fleet and some armour regiments up and running(or get us some allies and/or bleed the empire a bit more before we take over).

Getting a school isn't going to automatically get us into Army of LIght mode, but it's the only way we're going to do so within the next decade. And, considering if we're waiting a decade to go Army of Light mode that'll mean that we literally did worse than canon did in beating the Empire...

Also @Voikirium , do the Senior Padawans eventually bleed into being Knights? Like some sort of 'chance' each turn?
Getting a school isn't going to automatically get us into Army of LIght mode, but it's the only way we're going to do so within the next decade. And, considering if we're waiting a decade to go Army of Light mode that'll mean that we literally did worse than canon did in beating the Empire...

Also @Voikirium , do the Senior Padawans eventually bleed into being Knights? Like some sort of 'chance' each turn?

I forgot to do the thing again.

Give me like five minutes to go roll some things up.
I'm going to have to agree we need the Praxium up and running as soon as possible; it takes three years to build and the sooner we get it built the sooner we can get the amount of Jedi we need to stay important enough to matter for when the Rebellion eventually kicks off. We should be leading the vanguard of it not showing up late, else the Jedi reputation doesn't improve.
It taking longer doesn't automatically mean we'll do worse.

Maybe, but I'd prefer we actually have a Praxeum one turn earlier than if we did the 'Attachments' thing. And, it doesn't in one sense, but literally every year of its existence, and every year the war goes on, millions of sentients suffer under the Imperials yoke in the worst ways (massacres, slaughters, imprisonment) and billions in lesser ways (oppression, loss of opportunity...)
@Qeqre; Imperial suspicion is at 5% they don't suspect the Jedi and the Praxium is being built on Russan so that shouldn't raise it.

Edit: Something else to consider, we need the Praxium up and running soon so that we can replenish our Jedi losses fast for when the fighting begins.
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So, as it turns out you've get ten extra Jedi Knights.

Sorry 'bout not rolling that stuff earlier.
[X] Forged In Fire
[X] Artillerists

[X] What Do You Say?
[X] Proof

[X] Advanced Offenses

[X] Hunting Him Down

[X] Scanning The Galaxy

[X] Soften Them
[X] Let Me Help

[X] Jedi Initiation
Forged In Fire

Trained, professional Rebels 'nough said


Diplomats to subvert more Planets, Corporations and other cribblies to our cause.
This appears to be our last chance to subvert Om but I am somewhat on the fence if it is worth it.

Money Maker

A well funded Rebellion is a succesful Rebellion.

Hunting Him Down

The first rival of our very own banditking to go.

A Minor Thing, Pt. 2

Seems very useful.

Soften Them
Let Me Help

Keeps the empire on its toes, we get Palpies potential Hands in our hands

Jedi Initiation

Our Padawan and Asajj come one step closer to full and complete Jedihood thingy.
Martial: (Pick 2)
Raiding Pirates(1y/₢600/75%) is nice, but there are other, much nicer things. Supply Lines(1y/₢500/50%) is an attack against the Empire, but since Om'Veda is still in our guest quarters and hasn't been turned, it's quite risky. Forged In Fire(2y/₢2000/70%) has a fair chance of success and will get the civilian Rebellion in gear, training- and equipment-wise. We have nice toys and training, they have numbers. Smash Him(1y/₢2000/75%) is one of two methods for dealing with the first bandit, Hosk, this turn (the other is under Intrigue, Underfoot, costs double and has 20% less chance of succeeding, but if we crit it we end up with his stuff). Artillerists(1y/₢5000/80%) is cool and I burn with the desire to take it, but it could possibly maybe be postponed for a turn so we can get the bloody bandits ready to join up by the next year.

Diplomacy: (Pick 2)
The Underworld(1y/₢500/75%) will get us extra rogues. I'm yet to see our dear Cpt. John Star actually do anything. Bread Crumbs(1y/₢700/80%) is wasteful because we're still under 5% suspicion. What Do You Say?(3y/₢3000/40%) nets us extra, good resources, but will need DD or in all likelihood rerolls. Proof(1y/₢500/60%) gets us Om'Veda. It would be nice for him, but failing this at this point would mean the guy would probably squeal on us, just as we're about to get free of him. Work For Me(1y/₢8000/60%) is one of two methods of dealing with the second bandit this turn, Tycho Nalle; the other one, under Stewardship, Buy Him Out, costs another 2k creds for an extra 15% likelihood of success and a greater part of assets turned. Diplomats(2y/₢2000/100%) will probably earn us bonuses to our weakest attribute, which at 13 is not really all that weak anymore.

Stewardship: (Pick 1)
Advanced Offenses(1y/₢4000/100%) is needed, but there are other, more urgent actions to be taken. Money Maker(3y/₢10000/60%) absolutely must be taken, but with our current balance we can afford to wait a turn. Maybe. Buy Him Out(1y/₢10000/75%) is the second method for dealing with the second bandit, Tycho Nalle; the first one is under Diplomacy, Work For Me. It's a couple thousand credits cheaper, but has less of a chance of succeeding and probably wont net us as large a fraction of his assets.

Learning: (Pick 1)
Swording(4y/₢4000/70%), like Lightning Fists(2y/₢3000/70%) improves our troops' melee capabilities. The first probably would increase their combat effectiveness more, but at four years it's a brutal commitment of our most precious resources: actions; while the second could possibly maybe eventually come to be handier if we ever need to have our troops take out our opponents alive. It's all moot, though, since Hunting Him Down(1y/₢1000/65%), the first method for dealing with the third bandit, Crussk; the alternative is under Personal, Challenge, which saves us the thousand credits for the same odds of finding the guy, but probably has us risking life and limb against this moron.

Piety: (Pick 1)
A Minor Thing, Pt. 2(3y/₢5000/75%) will speed up the recruitment of Jedi for the NAoL, and if Om'Veda goes away next year as planned, this could end up getting finished sooner or with greater confidence. Scanning The Galaxy(1y/₢4000/40%) gets us a shot at an one-time boost for the NAoL and maybe some extra hero units. Lightsaber Supplies(1y/₢4000/60%) is the solution for a nonexistant problem, and it has a suspiciously low chance of success as well. Theological Argument(3y/₢0/80%x3) will avoid future problems within the Jedi community, but it can wait until the Ruusani Temple gets built.

Intrigue: (Pick 2)
Underfoot(1y/₢4000/55%) is the second method for dealing with the first bandit, Hosk. A high roll here could net us some of his assets, and we wouldn't risk our troops against him, but he'd probably still be free to plague the spaceways, which leaves a bad aftertaste. The alternative is under Martial, Smash Him, which costs only half as much as this one does in credits but probably more in troop lives, is a full fifth more likely to succeed. Soften Them(1y/₢2000/70%) keeps the war going and further bleeds the Empire and the Hutts. Let Me Help(1y/₢500/70%) is surprisingly cheap and likely to succeed, weakens the Hand and may boost the NAoL; we just need to be wary of plants, as a single agent of the Emperor at Ruusan would be a disaster.

Personal: (Pick 1)
Heroics:(1y/₢0/80%)helps to win the public opinion, which makes it more likely that more people will support the Rebellion when we come out of the closet. Jedi Initiation(1y/₢0/100%) gets us two more Jedi, probably both as hero units. Challenge(1y/₢0/65%) is the second method of dealing with the third bandit, Cussk. The alternative is under Learning, Hunting Him Down, which costs a thousand credits more and has the same odds of success but probably won't result in us risking our necks.

Bandits cheat sheet:
Hosk: Smash Him or Underfoot
Tycho Nalle: Work For Me or Buy Him Out
Crussk: Hunting Him Down or Challenge
Vote is called, winners are:
Forged In Fire


Money Maker

Hunting Him Down

A Minor Thing PT.2

Soften Them
Let Me Help

Jedi Initiation

Vote for Double Down will be called in one Hour.