Star Wars: Rebellion

Diplomacy: (Pick 1)
At first blush this seems useless, but it's ridiculously useful. He can easily feed counterintelligence to the Empire, and since we're nominally helping by kicking the slugs out of Ojoster... Also, fairly soon he'll be gone and we'll lose the window. Besides, we're doing this guy a favor, he's a nonhuman imperial flunky.

Stewardship: (Pick 1)
Advanced Offenses
Bugging out is good, but takes three years. We can do that next turn when our other action is free, and we're not planning on declaring ourselves the Rebellion this soon, are we?

Learning: (Pick 1)
Power Armor MK 2 is armor for Jedi; odds are kinda low and it takes quite a while. but Lightning Fists is too much of a fringe benefit and it still ties up our action for next turn. It would be better to pick Swording instead, which is at least a general-use sidearm.

Piety: (Pick 2)
Ruusan Temple
This will help get Ruusan up to snuff, and Archives won't tie up an action. I hope once the Jedi can get back on their feet they can help build up that planet, but for now...
Vote is called, winners are:

Tanda And The Fair Harbor-Planetary Government

Bugging Out

Power Armor Mk 2

Ruusan Temple

Vote for Double Down will be called in one hour.
Last edited:
After one and a half hours I am calling the vote. Could I please receive a vote count?
Turn 14 Results
Turn 14

It's nearly over. In a cruel but strategically brilliant move, Walder and Crudelia have slaughtered the middle managers of half a dozen Hutt aligned planets, allowing Imperial forces to land and take control. They have a straight shot for Nal Hutta, and plan on using it. However, their advance is not unopposed. Many of these planets, having seen the true colors of the Imperials and funded by yourself, have maintained rebellious poise, guerrilla warfare ringing through the galaxy. Ojoster still needs cleaning.

Martial: You are extra busy this year. You have no time to even think of starting new programs.

At Your Disposal: There are still plenty of Hutt facilities in the Ojoster Sector. Working with Om to remove them is the easiest way you can think of to get him off your back- but it'll take time, and you'll have to help Imperials.

-Finally, it is done. Denova burns, thousands of lives have been lost, and the fields of Suurja have been wracked with war once more. However the Hutts have been thwarted once more, their forces slaughtered. Your own men gain valuable experience, and the Imperials have lost hundreds if not thousands. As payment, Om has seen fit to have a few Pilots- old friends of yours, in point of fact, here on suspected "Seditious Business", though it was never proven- into your custody. Hardly aces most of them- but they follow orders, and you know for a fact that they're better pilots than your average TIE pilot.
Reward: Ojoster Sector cleansed, 401st Fighter Wing

Extra Training: Strikebreakers are fairly easy to pilot and use- a benefit that you simply could not ignore. However, they are still tanks, and as such, it might benefit you to have some extra training for your men in charge of piloting them. You know a guy or two who can help.

-Not much to say here. Extra training for your men is very good on the face of it, and did very good things for their piloting. You won't say they're invincible- but they're clever and cunning, and know their machines well, something to be respected.
Reward: +5 All Tank rolls

Diplomacy: A few odd connections could be utilized for you know what.

Mandalorian Aid: Mandalore has been torn apart by war, and though you have little love lost with the Jedi's second ancestral foe, the fact remains that innocent beings suffer when you- sending some part of your vast credit fortune- could ease their suffering. Something in that equation strikes you as terribly, terribly wrong.

-In a flurry of paperwork, credits, and blasters, the recently returned Duchess Satine Kryze has reasserted law and order over the shattered planet. She has ceased hostilities with the Empire- on the surface at least.

Look a little deeper, with blinders off, and you find supercommandos disappearing, the Duchess herself traveling to Alderaan multiple times, and funds going to places no Imperial accountant will ever find without an army and quite the imagination.

For her part, the Duchess has also sent payment to you for your part in the rebuilding of Mandalore- well, not "sent" so much as "has it ready", apparently she plans on a surprise. You are eager to see what it is.
Reward: Rebellion-Friendly elements in control of Mandalore,???

Tanda and the The Fair Harbour- Planetary Governments: You are quite willing to bet that someone somewhere would be quite willing to pay from amongst the many planetary governments which Tanda has hurt- though it is unlikely to be so potent as The Imperial Reward.

-Sadly the ship is pressed back into Imperial service, the Fair Harbor finally leaving your berth to be sent against its former masters. Tanda is taken in chains to Kessel, where you lose track of him. However, the planets that were torn apart by the Hutt and his allies are not ungrateful. A month later, three CR70 Corvettes roar into orbit. Surplus and somewhat old, they are still fully functional and represent a massive improvement for your currently small navy.
Reward: 3 CR70 Corvettes (Freedom's Ring, Righteous Endeavor, Braveheart)

Stewardship: You hope for the day when your men will no longer have to scarper and flee.

A New Base: Given the bastard currently poking around in your affairs, it might be wise to have a new base- a basic one- built somewhere else in the galaxy, for privacy's sake.

-Extending out from the in-construction Jedi Temple like rays from a sun, the base and its amenities are fully constructed and in places, barracks and turrets out and about. Its walls are strong, the traps ready and the defenses a match for your own on Taris- though the offensive measure could use some work.
Reward: Base On Ruusan

Bugging Out: You'd like to have an escape plan for the base, so that you can get out and to Ruusan before the Empire can march on you and kill you dead. First you'll be building the A-55s you need, then comes the actual plan.
Needed:60 Rolled:84

-The A-55s are ready, joining the CR70s in orbit over the planet. Now you need the actual plan.

Learning: You are ready for the Mortars to be done. Really, really, ready.

Mortars: Artillery is great. You'd like to have some for yourself, but for obvious reasons you can't exactly rely on being capable of purchasing them. Best to know how to produce your own, yeah?

-They're done. The equal of their Imperial Counterpart, the Kusza can also fire far more quickly than it has any right to. A modification by Gavin- caused by him dropping isotope he uses to produce the original firing- means it can be set to fire at insanely high speeds, or be set to hit with far more punch than something its size has any right to.
Reward: Kusza Heavy Mortar, May fire in High Speed or High Power mode

Power Armor MK 2: You've got combat data for the Power Armor in your current possession and a few new ideas how to improve its usability for your forces-mainly, you've been wondering on the practicality of attempting to hybridize it with your own armor, so that the Jedi can have something better to work with. Admittedly, there are many who will prefer agility over anything else- but for those who, like you, simply are not over agile, it may be a blessing.
Needed: 60 Rolled:73+25=98

-Gavin and his crew are certainly on the right track.

Piety: The Jedi will return. The evil which strikes at the world will end. There will be peace, freedom, and justice.

Ruusan Temple: There ought to be a temple proper on Ruusan, a place where Jedi can rest their heels. Fortunately, you don't need to look for a location there- you can think of no place better than the Valley Of The Jedi. You will also have the aid of what few Jedi Artisans still survive and thrive to build it, ensuring that it will be beautiful.
Needed: 10 Rolled:21+5=26

-It's not pretty, the process slow and paranoid from over a decade of persecution- but by the stars, a Jedi Temple is taking shape for the first time in nearly twenty years. That which has been done will be undone. Palpatine won't know what hit him.

Archives: You have a few items of note- some scrolls and copies- greatly enhanced by the find on Ossus. Perhaps you could build and dedicate something to holding your meager findings? At the least it should allow for easy archival of new information.
Needed:25 Rolled:90+5=95

-You have great quarters and databanks erected on Ruusan first. You actually find a few things you had been missing- the returned reports from the Alderaan temple, for one- and manage to crack a particularly irritating code from Ossus- nothing particularly great there, just some random sketches from the natives of Ossus that ended up being some particularly Non-Objective descriptors from the battle of Tython.
Reward: Archives on Ruusan,???

Intrigue: Busy. Always busy. You wonder how anyone can deal with this.

Meeting: Allon is a Bandit Gen'dai and contender for King. You would like him on your side- but for various, obvious reasons, you can't exactly just march up and meet with him. This must be both stealthy and fruitful- you'll need time to put it together.

-The meeting between yourself and the Gen'dai is short and to the point. He is quite willing to march against the Empire for obvious reasons, but currently cannot muster enough support to battle them and maintain the loyalty of his "Soldiers". Breaking three of his strongest contenders ought to allow him to take their might for himself- and, by extension, yourself.

They are, as follows:

Hosk Lya'Fey, an honor bound Bothan- Yes, you read that right- who has styled himself as the scourge of the Mandalorians and foe of dissidents. Not, technically, a bandit- being closer to a favored mercenary of the Empire- the fact remains that to the people who suffer under him, he may as well be. Brute force could avail yourself in a battle against him, though there are whispers of certain...materials he would rather not have leaking that could be used to bring him under foot.

Tycho Nalle, a Mandalorian by birth but trader in lifestyle, who bullies, extorts, and pillages those less than him. He and Hosk battle constantly, the Bothan's blind rage against the men who burnt his home to ground outweighing his own rationality. A smooth talker, he could simply be bought out, or you could have one of your more convincing men go amongst his men- they tire of serving a fat oaf, or could be persuaded to.

Crussk, a bandit scientist who uses droids and probes to kidnap entire colonial settlements and perform twisted experiments on the prisoners. He disdains Jedi, considering them irrational, and would, as a matter of pride, come running should one challenge him. He also manages by several disguises to attend certain scientific conventions, where he could be captured and imprisoned.
Reward: Info

Strike From Afar: You have Morningstar snipers, and Evocii who would like to use them. You can have them trained in Marksmanship, and other, less pleasant things. It will take time, though.

-The proof you receive of the effectiveness of the Evocii training is rather...morbid: a lightsaber without its owner which produces a red blade.

Yes, it would seem someone was rather worried about little old you- most likely not the Emperor, or even someone very high up, truly- but someone. In any case, you should now have a dar easier time both with assassination and on the battle field.
Reward: +5 All intrigue actions, sniper support available on battlefield

Personal: You came up with a new few ways to funnel Credits into your war chest. It's a nice feeling. (+1 Stewardship)

Please, Listen: Asajj might just be willing to listen, might be willing to turn her back on the dark, given how kind you have been.
Needed: 35 Rolled:22+27=49

-It does not come with fanfare or panoply, or the sound of rolling thunder. The heavens do not announce it, nor does the universe proclaim it.

It starts with something simple. A trooper falls, and cuts himself somewhat severely during the shifting of the guard. Normally, Asajj would have done nothing, or laughed at her most petty and vicious. She does neither.

Instead, holding out her hands and laying them on him, she heals his wounds. You have given her permission to go as she wishes about the base- given an observer- and she reciprocates by assisting the Jedi several times in various raids and such.
Reward: Asajj turned to the Light, One last action to take

Jedi Order Reports:

Senior Padawans-Increased->27+12=39+1=40/100

Current Imperial Suspicion: 4%

Imperial Preparation: Little, War Weary

Like Master, Like Student: Jorek LaForge runs where others walk. Already, he has taken the step to Senior Padawan- the Evocii excels under pressure, and has a strong grasp on the Force.
(Jorek LaForge Gains Trait: Senior Padawan)

War Report: The Jedi Performed 5000 Credits worth of sabotage in the form of raids on transport convoys headed for Hand training facilities, and are currently considered Extinct.

Imperial Rumors:

Random Attacks: There have been attacks on random ships in the Inner Rim. Naturally, our most enlightened Emperor Palpatine has decried these attacks.