Star Wars: Rebellion

Just to establish exactly when you will be "Stepping Into The Light", I'm thinking at least 200 Knights/masters and half that number in senior Padawans. If you have any thoughts on that, please speak now.

Seem like that'd work, but a quick question.

How many total people are at the meeting, what's the break down for what our core group (those old-hands, as it were) is like? Like, how many are Padawans that have survived, how many are Knights and Masters, or as close as we can get to a general idea of what we have to start with, since if it's 9 people and a canoe, it's going to take a *long* time to get to 200, for instance.
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Seem like that'd work, but a quick question.

How many total people are at the meeting, what's the break down for what our core group (those old-hands, as it were) is like?
62, mostly old Clone Wars veterans, though there are a few padawans. If you mean who's who, I'm far too tired for that, though most of them could be found on this page, with a few obvious exceptions, and Obi-Wan and Yoda are still hiding even from you.
Some of the most notable are, in order of notability:

Shaak Ti
Ahsoka Tano
Ferus Olin
Rahm Kota
Quinlan Vos
62, mostly old Clone Wars veterans, though there are a few padawans. If you mean who's who, I'm far too tired for that, though most of them could be found on this page, with a few obvious exceptions, and Obi-Wan and Yoda are still hiding even from you.
Some of the most notable are, in order of notability:

Shaak Ti
Ahsoka Tano
Ferus Olin
Rahm Kota
Quinlan Vos

Then yeah, 200/100 seems like a pretty fair goal. Probably, of course, they'll not be Bureaucrats about it, and will judge it sorta holistically, so if they have 200 but some of them are shaky, nay, 195 but they're rock solid...but yeah, 200/100 seems like a fair number to shoot for, and with 62, it'll certainly add up fast. I mean, two of us here already have Apprentices and are working on obtaining a secret surprise Jedi Knight. So I think they can manage it! What about other voices? I'm just one person, and though it's my write-in vote it's winning (at the moment) because of voters like you!

So, thoughts, feelings, etc?
Then yeah, 200/100 seems like a pretty fair goal. Probably, of course, they'll not be Bureaucrats about it, and will judge it sorta holistically, so if they have 200 but some of them are shaky, nay, 195 but they're rock solid...but yeah, 200/100 seems like a fair number to shoot for, and with 62, it'll certainly add up fast. I mean, two of us here already have Apprentices and are working on obtaining a secret surprise Jedi Knight. So I think they can manage it! What about other voices? I'm just one person, and though it's my write-in vote it's winning (at the moment) because of voters like you!

So, thoughts, feelings, etc?
*Shrug* I liked your plan and it makes sense; build up our numbers and once they're sufficient we reveal ourselves and give Palpy and Vader all the frustration that not only did they fail, but we came back swinging.
Igniting The Stars (Omake by: cyko2041)
(Apologies beforehand. I just got in from the bars, with a girl I was trying my damnedest to be drunk enough to ask out.)

[A write in in support of Laurent's idea]

The debate flows onward.
It's starting to devolve into simple argument.
While you're all Jedi, there's only a few of you left and the paranoia everyone in the holocall has had to develop is letting itself be known as some begin to lash out.

You speak up.

Perhaps it's the calm, even tone. Perhaps it's the sincerity which you're later told your voice carries, but by the sixth word they're all listening.

It's simple at first. Any career officer's observation.

"We're to few for an army." Speakers who were edging towards a shouting match stop. While a few look to almost reflexively begin to argue the point. They neither continue nor interrupt.

"However attacking from the shadows cannot be our way either. Not for long.

We are Jedi.
Defenders, Protectors. A Symbol of the aegis of Liberty. Of Freedom. Of life.
While we are few, the shadows will hide us, and the crowds will conceal us. The Empire's Heavy handed response to any deviation will reveal us.

Short skirmishes. We will be nothing so much as flickering glimpses.

We will rebuild. We will prepare. We will destabilize Palpatine's Tyranny where we can, and keep alight the embers of hope.
Support and Supplement will be our watchwords in this time. A rumor here, A Blurry holo there.

We are a remnant.
But we remain, now, as ever, Jedi.
We will provide that first spark of hope.

Though some may fall,
when we have rebuilt our numbers and the spark is struck, as The Emperor's cruelty is inevitably made wide known.

Those flickers of blade? Those half rumored whisperings of Jedi?
Will be proven.

There will be no more flickers.

No more shadows.

No more resignation.

Across the galaxy. All Sentients will see, and know, and believe.
Not simply hope.

Blades lit. Heads high.

The Army of The light will march again."
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(Apologies beforehand. I just got in from the bars, with a girl I was trying my damnedest to be drunk enough to ask out.)

[A write in in support of Laurent's idea]

The debate flows onward.
It's starting to devolve into simple argument.
While you're all Jedi, there's only a few of you left and the paranoia everyone in the holocall has had to develop is letting itself be known as some begin to lash out.

You speak up.

Perhaps it's the calm, even tone. Perhaps it's the sincerity which you're later told your voice carries, but by the sixth word they're all listening.

It's simple at first. Any career officer's observation.

"We're to few for an army." Speakers who were edging towards a shouting match stop. While a few look to almost reflexively begin to argue the point. They neither continue nor interrupt.

"However attacking from the shadows cannot be our way either. Not for long.

We are Jedi.
Defenders, Protectors. A Symbol of the aegis of Liberty. Of Freedom. Of life.
While we are few, the shadows will hide us, and the crowds will conceal us. The Empire's Heavy handed response to any deviation will reveal us.

Short skirmishes. We will be nothing so much as flickering glimpses.

We will rebuild. We will prepare. We will destabilize Palpatine's Tyranny where we can, and keep alight the embers of hope.
Support and Supplement will be our watchwords in this time. A rumor here, A Blurry holo there.

We are a remnant.
But we remain, now, as ever, Jedi.
We will provide that first spark of hope.

Though some may fall,
when we have rebuilt our numbers and the spark is struck, as The Emperor's cruelty is inevitably made wide known.

Those flickers of blade? Those half rumored whisperings of Jedi?
Will be proven.

There will be no more flickers.

No more shadows.

No more resignation.

Across the galaxy. All Sentients will see, and know, and believe.
Not simply hope.

Blades lit. Heads high.

The Army of The light will march again."
I really want to reward this somehow but have no idea how. If you guys could float a few ideas while I'm at school, that would be nice.
Bonuses to Jedi recruiting rolls for the next few turns? I mean, I assume that the Jedi who go out might have some offscreen rolls for seeing how many people they find and of what quality, age, etc. So like a bonus to that for the next turn or two, inspired by the speech and its mission?
Man, I can't wait to see the look on Palpatine's face when, not much more than two decades after a giant purge to destroy the order, there's hundreds of Jedi running around as if all of his efforts were for nothing. I mean, it was in 19 BBY that the purge happening, it's been 13 years and now 62 Jedi are banding together to form an order, so I'm sure we can have a surprise waiting for him by the time the 20th Anniversary of his "Final Solution to the Jedi problem" rolls around.:p
Man, I can't wait to see the look on Palpatine's face when, not much more than two decades after a giant purge to destroy the order, there's hundreds of Jedi running around as if all of his efforts were for nothing. I mean, it was in 19 BBY that the purge happening, it's been 13 years and now 62 Jedi are banding together to form an order, so I'm sure we can have a surprise waiting for him by the time the 20th Anniversary of his "Final Solution to the Jedi problem" rolls around.:p

To quote myself, I know the name of the next movie now.

Star Wars: Episode IV, The Jedi Strike Back

Luke winding up joining the new Jedi Order as the secret of his identity swirls around and Palpatine finishes the Death Star...destination, Ruusan, via a hidden traitor's coordinates! Can Luke save the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Rebellion?
Bonuses to Jedi recruiting rolls for the next few turns? I mean, I assume that the Jedi who go out might have some offscreen rolls for seeing how many people they find and of what quality, age, etc. So like a bonus to that for the next turn or two, inspired by the speech and its mission?
That sounds good to me.

Also, vote will be called in one hour.