Star Wars: Rebellion

It's the Reapers. Even if it isn't the Reapers, it will be the Reapers. Or cat's i hope we get invaded by an army of space kittens and-Wait? what was I talking about?:confused:
I'm guessing Dead Space. Either that or something non-Reaper Mass Effect, if it's a crossover. Because the Reapers are a bit too boring in terms of motivations, I think, for all that the Mass Effect universe is filled with fun alien species.
Maybe it be something more original than the Reapers, something like the Protheans Empire, the Vasari or the Advent. Im tired and bored of figthing the Reapers their not same now they have been used to much for them to have the same impact as before.
Can you put me down as a 'No' vote for any crossovers in this quest?

With renegade Imperial warlords and eventually an organised Imperial Remnant, independent polities with there own agendas such as the Hapes Consortium and Corporate Sector Authority, independent groups of Force users such as the Jensaarai, Nightsisters of Dathomir and the inevitable Sith cabals, crime cartels such as Black Sun and the Hutts, and previously unknown alien races such as the Chiss and Ssi-ruuk there are stacks of potential adversaries and complications in the existing Star Wars universe.
Well, I'll probably be getting to sleep soon, but I'll check and see the pulse of the thread in the Morning.
Can you put me down as a 'No' vote for any crossovers in this quest?

With renegade Imperial warlords and eventually an organised Imperial Remnant, independent polities with there own agendas such as the Hapes Consortium and Corporate Sector Authority, independent groups of Force users such as the Jensaarai, Nightsisters of Dathomir and the inevitable Sith cabals, crime cartels such as Black Sun and the Hutts, and previously unknown alien races such as the Chiss and Ssi-ruuk there are stacks of potential adversaries and complications in the existing Star Wars universe.
I will say that if you want to more or less transplant a race and fit it within the Star Wars universe, that's not so bad. But file the serial numbers off :p

Actually, the Brother Moons are... not unlike the Vong, I suppose, in the sense of a "threat from outside". The problem is that I don't know if they're effective at scales beyond individual (necromorphs) and planetary (nomming) - there's a very healthy space presence around, from Star Destroyers to more exotic methods of fighting Death Star-scale objects.

For origin - You could have them be an ancient Sith experiment - Sith Alchemy did some pretty freaky things back in the day. They'd probably do some peculiar things to Force Sensitives around them too.


Reapers have the ability to fight individual to capitol vessel scale, but they don't have the backdoor access to a transport network. And unlike the relatively limited number of dreadnaught-class vessels in Mass Effect, there's a *lot* of Star Destroyers around at the moment.

Of course, if it's a threat waiting for the right moment, that's less important. Goal-wise they're much the same as Brethren Moons - gotta collect it all - just in a different sense (collect a whole species, rather then devouring organic mass for, well, organic mass). There's even a similar parasitic wasp-like reproductive pattern in both cases.

Incidentally, before ME 3 my own theory for the Reapers is that they're eternal monuments to whole species - that is, it's a twisted favor, the gifting of immortality to races that will inevitably kill themselves off. And by harvesting regularly, they leave the galaxy clear for the next group of species to mature without being at a massive disadvantage from a ten-thousand-year-old empire.

I envisioned their origin as a species* that sought to preserve themselves - a kind of mobile library that contained uploaded consciousnesses, the whole array of genetic variety, records of all their culture, that kind of thing. Overseen by an AI set to manage the thing in physical space, and given hefty defenses Just In Case. And then the AI made one of those unfortunate skips in logic that result in tragedy. Some number of 'Reaper' generations later, with the pattern observed, it was determined to be most effective to set out bait and ambush a species at the right time; after all, the loss of a full-scale Reaper is the loss of a whole species (Reaper Destroyers being without the precious cargo, they matter less). Better to minimize casualties, save time and effort, and even speed up the maturation process by setting out a technology path.

... Alas, that isn't where they went.
I'd honestly prefer if this story stated in-universe (IU). Going out of universe would make it far more difficult to have good intrigue. People IU have had centuries to build up a list of contacts. Those new alien invaders? They just arrived; it's unlikely they can even communicate, much less perform any credible espionage against us.

I just feel it would needlessly limit what you can write far more than staying IU.
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I'd honestly prefer if this story stated in-universe (IU). Going out of universe would make it far more difficult to have good intrigue. People IU have had centuries to build up a list of contacts. Those new alien invaders? They just arrived; it's unlikely they can even communicate, much less perform any credible espionage against us.

I just feel it would needlessly limit what you can write far more than staying IU.
The first half of what you described sounds a lot like the Vong.
... Dead Space would be an bad idea.

If you put those things in an setting like Star Wars where magical bullshit literally runs in peoples veins/bodies and they essentially are planetary bodies made up of entire species worth of bodies?
They would probably crush Coruscant with their minds.
Too bad it's unlikely for the crossover to be Battlestar Galactica. Then for once the Imperial TIE pilots *wouldn't* be the ones flying the worst crafts... :D
Vote will be called in one hour, and I am now heading forward with Plan Domestic Foe.

God have mercy on you all, for I shall have none.