Star Wars: Rebellion

Martial: Raiding Pirates won't increase suspicion and won't tie up our last Martial action for three years.

Diplomacy: Empire suspicion is already at 2%, so Bread Crumbs won't make that much of a difference. Mandalorian Aid will tie one action up for three years, but the Mandalorians would be nearly as great as allies as the Wookies, and Work Together has a fair chance of working without even costing an action, but it's better to keep the Missus company. We seem to have some family history with anti-noble sentiments, which will come back to bite us in the ass in future turns. Tanda and the Fair Harbour can stew for a year or three.

Stewardship: Advanced Offences and Advanced Defenses cost the same, so it's a matter of taste. Hutt Contract is still risky, but it might combo nicely if we later decide to kick them off of Ojoster.

Learning: Swording takes four bloody years, while Peragus has been around forever and probably has to do with acquiring more ships, something we're in dire need of, seeing as our fleet consists on the Ebon Hawk and the Minoru, and the Minoru is bad at straight-up fights.

Piety: Pilgrimage, Finale is a doozy. So much so I'm actually quite worried about it, but waiting to visit Imperial strongholds in later turns won't make them any safer. Awaken Them will underscore our dire lack of training facilities and available trainers, and it has an iffy chance of working with Entani. A Minor Thing, Pt. 2 has associated risks, but it will eventually need to be done, either here or eventually on Ruusan.

Intrigue: Find Someone is cheap, quick, and opens up the possibility of getting more, if distasteful, allies.Break the Stalemate is dirt cheap, but unlikely to work. What Man Are You? is cheap, quick, and brings knowledge, which is always useful.

An Odd Situation is a free action with some risk involved, but we're Brave and have high Martial, don't we? Besides, if we don't go, our enemies will just kidnap and use her as a hostage. Better go and pack a Chevalier Heavy Repeater, just in case. :p

[X]I'll go
Vote is called, Winners are:

At Your Disposal

Work Together
Mandalorian Aid

Advanced Defenses


Pilgrimage Finale
Awaken Them

Find Someone
What Man Are You?

Vote for Double Down will be called in two hours.
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Sorry, had the wrong thing down for Diplomacy. Mandalorian Aid won, not What Do You Say?
Welp, managed to miss the vote. Ah, well - most of what I picked won anyway. Would've Double Downed on one of the Intrigue options, perhaps.

Reasoning said:
Martial - At Your Disposal (3000 credits)

I think I want to start this up. Security Officers will finish up this year, so we'll still have a slot open, and really it's kind of about time for the Hutts to lose ground.

Diplomacy - Mandalorian Aid, Tanda and the Fair Harbour-Imperial (3,000 credits)

Torn between the two rewards, but I think I want to reinforce the image to Om that we despise the Hutts and have no animus against the Imperials. I'd go ahead and double-down on this to see if we can't get that juicy reward too.

Diplomatic dark blue is a little hard to see against the dark gray of the forum theme, incidentally.

Stewardship - Advanced Defense (4000 credits)

I'd prefer to have the ability to slow down an attack in case we need to flee (against overwhelming odds... like Imperials, say) over having a higher kill count. At least at first.

Learning - Swording (4000 credits)

Let's go ahead and improve our somewhat... unique... melee weapon. Sniping'll finish up and we can start doing the Peragus research again.

Piety - Pilgrimage, Awaken Them (500 credits)

Finishing the pilgrimage gets that out of the way, and awakening gives us a couple of students/future assistant instructors when we have the Praxeum. I also would like to not actually build the Praxeum until Om's gone.

Intrigue - Find Someone, What Man Are You? (1600 credits)

Definitely learning more of Om. And I feel like having "at your disposal" and so on will improve our ability to break the stalemate without being uncovered.

[X] I'll go

We can deal with things on the way if needed.

... and I wonder what Vader fucked up? :p
Turn 12 Results
Turn 12

"Things have changed, ma. Dad's happy. I'm happy. There's...someone in my life." Swallowing back some small amount of sadness, you continue. "Her name's Mira. She's a princess, and kind, and beautiful. She cares, Mother, not just about the Soldier, but about the Man." You rub at your temples, the cemetery you are in giving some privacy. "And I care about her. I know your mother wouldn't be happy with me- and you wouldn't either- but I'm asking you, please, from wherever you are, don't hate me."

Martial: Soont has plans. He also thanks you for the new toys- he thought he would never get to use tanks again.

Security Officers: A lot of good men died fighting. You will never forget their sacrifice- but you need more. Fortunately, the acquisition of Official Status means you can go on a proper recruiting drive- and hopefully have the losses made good quickly.

-Finally, the losses of the battle against the Hutts have been restored. You are now at full strength again. You can't help but feel there may be a few with greater potential amongst the soldiers.
Reward: Losses restored

At Your Disposal: There are still plenty of Hutt facilities in the Ojoster Sector. Working with Om to remove them is the easiest way you can think of to get him off your back- but it'll take time, and you'll have to help Imperials.
Needed:25 Rolled:40+5=45

-The Hutts will fear you before this is over. That, you promise. Coincidentally, the slimy little toad of representative they sent offering to purchase blasters has finally headed back to his masters.

Diplomacy: Mira might be working on a little something. A declaration, you think.

Mandalorian Aid: Mandalore has been torn apart by war, and though you have little love lost with the Jedi's second ancestral foe, the fact remains that innocent beings suffer when you- sending some part of your vast credit fortune- could ease their suffering. Something in that equation strikes you as terribly, terribly wrong.

-You send plenty of credits and men to Mandalore. Now to see how they will bare fruit.

Work Together: Mira has been pouring over a sheet of flimsi as long as her arm for the past month. You don't have her silver tongue- but you do have the wisdom of the Jedi, and the ways of Imperials down pat. You might be capable of helping her write something grand. She seems to be pushing herself to get it done this year- or the next, at the absolute latest.
Needed:25 Rolled:36

-Benevolence Of The Light, By Adrenne & Lom, is pushed out into the Holonet as a sleeper hit. One part Historical Text, one part Manifesto, and one part Essay, it is only ten pages long- but in those ten page, the Republican ideals so cherished by many are defended with eloquence and wit, the falsehood of Order 66 revealed by a man who was a perpetrator, and the many lies of the Sith revealed. Most will not believe, and fewer still will care- but those who do shall flock together under one of the mightiest messages any being in this galaxy can receive: "You are not alone. This era of Dark will end, the Night shall pass, and the sun will shine again."
Banned, somewhat effectively, by the Empire, somehow it ends up circulating through the galaxy. The morale of the bedraggled resistance fighters on planets as far apart as Coruscant to Kashyyyk, from Tatooine to Telos. A spark of courage has been ignited.
Reward: The Benevolence Of Light Published, Morale of potential Rebels skyrockets, some dissent in the Empire,???

Stewardship: You have a plan, as per usual.

A New Base: Given the bastard currently poking around in your affairs, it might be wise to have a new base- a basic one- built somewhere else in the galaxy, for privacy's sake.

-You touch down, leading your men to where they need to be. Heading out, they set to work on the Sun scorched Ruusan sands.

Advanced Defense: Shields. So many shields. All the shields. If you can swing a wall or two in too, you'd be happy.

-You put up advanced Shields, walls of permacrete and durasteel, and enough wire of various sorts to trip a walker. It won't be enough to stop a determined advance, but it will slow it down, and should allow you to hold your territory far more effectively in case of attack.
Reward: Reinforced base

Learning: Snipers. SOON.

Secret To Snipe: You got a Hutt sniper a year ago. You'd like to be able to produce it.
-It's done. Long ranged, easily maintained, and quite powerful, all that remains is to distribute it to the troops. Called the "Morningstar" Sniper, it is quite effective- punching through armor, though it is slow to fire- the result of the construction techniques required for it be effective- it should still prove valuable for your Scouts.
Reward: "Morningstar" Sniper

Peragus: Gavin may well manage to come up with some use for the fuel beyond the obvious. Certainly, it never hurt to try.

-He calls it the A-55 transport ship, you call it a brick with engines. Not insultingly, mind you- it's a term that fits, however. Lumbering, the ship is a tough old bird- but barely armed, trading speed and offensive power for an amazing ability to take a beating. Still, you think he may be on to something- if the simulations are anything to go on, at least.
Reward: A-55 Transport and Freighter Ship

Piety: This...could be awkward.

Pilgrimage, Finale: You don't know what you'll find here- but the Force calls to you, to look for it. Reytha, an agriworld that feeds the Imperial Military up to 10% of its required foodstuffs. You don't know why you would need to visit it as Jedi- but you cannot find it within yourself to stop, for even a moment.
Rolled: 15+16=31

-It is peaceful here, on this breadbasket of a world. Flashing your credentials, you barely manage entry into the glorified farm. Following your instincts, you manage to find something rather...different. Transmission gear. On a whim, you link the Sith Transmitter together with it- only for it beam out a transmission straight from the Jedi temple, and from there, to sixty seemingly random Holo-coms. A few respond. You think you might know what they are… who they are.
Reward: Info,???

Awaken Them: Jorek and Entani both deserve to know. Of their gifts- of their potential. Entani might believe the Jedi nothing more than charlatans, but her sense of justice is strong. And Jorek is a good man, one who has fought the Hutts time and again no matter the odds. They will- hopefully- believe you.
Rolled: 68+25=93, Entani:63+20=88

-They believe you. They listen. To you. They have not decided whether or not to begin training yet- a blessing, given your lack of facilities- but they know. They feel the Force. Entani, at first, attempted to, as per usual, call it all tricks of the light and sleight of hand- but was slightly more willing to listen when you pulled her ship out of the morass of grime and filth which it had been trapped in.
Reward: Entani and Jorek LaForge awakened to the Force, gain Trait Awakened Force Sensitive, can take actions to begin their training, stabilized

Intrigue: Things are changing- spiraling out of control. Plans slapping into plans. It's a good feeling.

Find Someone: There has to be someone who is not terribly evil- or even, dare you say, good- who deserves your support for the title of Bandit King. Supporting said individual would be good for you- but first, you need to find them.
Needed:25 Rolled: 70

-A Gen'Dai named Allon seems the best option you have. He brings order instead of chaos, light instead of dark. A bandit he may be- but the man has plans far greater than mere piracy and disobedience.
Reward: Person to Support in bid for Outer Rim Bandit King

What Man Are You?: Om'Veda is an unknown. Learning more about him might allow you to plan around him or, somewhat unlikely, turn him from the Dark.
Needed:30 Rolled:11+5=16 Revan Reroll: 104+5=109

-Born on a feudal world named Menimreon, run by a cabal of cruel tyrants- oh, the irony- the Empire forced said tyrants to heel and made them obey the will of the Emperor. They have been forced to send some of their finest men and women to serve in the Army- claiming it payment for the fact that they have so improved the world. Of course, you know that's a filthy lie- and you know how to prove it.
Reward: Knowledge on Om, Character Sheet,???

Personal: You push yourself to the Limit, working as hard as you can.

Please, Listen: Asajj might just be willing to listen, might be willing to turn her back on the dark, given how kind you have been.
Needed:35 Rolled: 83+7=90

-"It's a waste, you know. Anger. Rage. Hate. They don't bring anything but hurt, and despair." Asajj says nothing, and goes back to her meal.

An Odd Situation: Mira has requested you accompany her to her family's ancestral retreat- in common parlance, a Date. Given both the Inter-connected nature of the retreat and the Brevity, it will not take too much time from what you have to do this year away- but it is somewhat serious, and will involve traveling on the common routes, ones filled with your potential enemies. Will you stay or will you go?

Rolled:73+16(Tellus Othello bonus)=89/85

-Grabbing a drink from the Droid's platter, you head back to Mira, alcohol surprisingly warm. Laying back in your seat, you imbibe it, chatting with Mira. Then you notice something-A dark, red rim around the base of the glass that had been hidden by the drink. With a growing sense of dread, you poked the glass. As you expected, the finger that made contact with it immediately went numb. Taking stock of your situation, you scan your body with the Force- and in your haste, you almost miss something. You must note that nothing seems to be shutting down in your body. You think you know what is going on.

You power through it, and though your whole body goes numb, you don't let that stop you. By the end of the ride, you feel fine- and when you exit the ship, Ahsoka is standing there, looking incredibly smug. "Tellus, I thought you might- and you did. By your acts over these past few years, you have succeeded where your kin- and mine- amongst the Jedi must succeed. Standing alone, as a silent sentinel- a Watchman in the dark, you have proven yourself, and passed the Trials. There is nothing more I can teach as your Master- but I hope to teach you much as a fellow Jedi Knight." She smiles, before grabbing a passing servants bottle of brandy. "Now you two have fun. If you'll excuse me, I'd like to go get out of these robes."

The rest of the trip is uneventful, Mira and yourself enjoying each other's company. Though there is a day in the middle of the week where she disappears for the entire day...odd.

Tellus Othello Gain Trait:

Jedi Watchman: A dedicated, practical member of the Order, you have skills beyond the usual Jedi ones, and are capable of blending in at a moments notice to great effect. You, in particular, are a Watchman, patrolling the many sectors of the Galaxy for the signs of The Darkside- though in your case, it could be said to be the whole Galaxy that you patrol. (+6 Intrigue, +5 Martial, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)

Imperial Rumors:

Paranoia In The Palace: His Imperial Highness, Palpatine, was reported falling ill. Though he burnt through the sickness in about a week, he still seems somewhat on edge. Some think this might have something to do with Lord Vader returning to Coruscant with his personal ship in shambles, his entire team of Jedi Hunters never returning.

The War: The Hutts are finally falling as always they should have, the Slugs having bitten off more than they can chew. Vader worked out more than a bit of his aggression on the mercenaries, bounty hunters, and other scum the Hutts have hired.

[] A gift of the Force