Star Wars: Rebellion

If I found the right formula for calculating the probability of success on [] Please Listen
Base: ~17.8%
With Double Down: ~52%
So anyone feel that maybe, just for once, we can stop obsessing over being a Jedi and actualyl seeing if our men are Force users?
I'd still be happy if you could give some discussion/planning as you vote, of course.

Martial: (2 picks)
Anti-Riot Vehicles is a doozy with all the credits we've got, and plus, it's a single-turn action. Security Officers is a bit of a risk and it ties up one of our martial actions, but we can always keep the forces separate and there are legitimate uses for a security force group, such as Raiding Pirates. Supply Lines is rather risky, and Off My World is just plain suicide right now.

Diplomacy: (2 picks)
The Underworld should be able to give us more rogues, but we're not currently hurting for them. I'd really like to pick Bread Crumbs right now, but it probably won't help with Om here. Corellian Crisis can be delayed, but if Vader decides to suppress them this year we lose our window of opportunity. What Do You Say? is a quick organizational power-up, but it takes three full turns and has a depressingly low chance of success. Mandalorian Aid would also help increase the odds of us getting the Mandalorians on our side later, but it ties up an action for three years as well. Finally, How Paranoid Are You? is easy, not very expensive, only takes a single turn, and enables us to assess risk, which is a concern with Om around.

Stewardship: (2 picks)
Hutt Contract is doable, but again, the odds are a little bad with Om around. New Base costs a pretty penny and ties up an action for four turns to get something that, with any luck, we aren't going to need; but if we do, we'll be glad to have taken the expense. Civilian Locale makes our farmers happier, which is nice, but not particularly necessary. It is cheap, though, and quick.

Learning: (1 pick)
Aside from Shock and Awe, which is in progress, there's Peragus schematics which should be some kind of ship, given that the engineers came from a shipyard. Maybe an Ugly? anyway, the other option is Secrets To Snipe, which isn't very knightly but sure does get the job done.

Piety: (Pick 2)
I wanted to wait on Finding jedi candidates until A Minor Thing, Pt. 2 was almost done so we'd have somewhere to train our prospective Jedi. Even with Om there, the odds are fairly solid. Pilgrimage, Pt 3: Teedio is free, takes a single turn, and is good for powering up, so it's kind of a doozy.

Intrigue: (Pick 2)
Find Someone is a single action on a bandit recruiting thread, but if we delay too much we might lose our window. Break the Stalemate is dirt cheap, but it has rather low chance of success what with Om breathing down our necks. Need to Know is the companion action to the How Paranoid Are You? action up there in Diplomacy, and would be very helpful for risk assessment, especially since Om is more likely to be onto us than the Empire.

Personal: (Pick 2)
Training is always good but it ties up an action for six full turns. Please, Listen also takes a long time, but Asajj is a very powerful hero for our cause, and if we DD on it odds of failing fall to only 15%. With Revan Rerolls this falls to 0.75% (15% times 5%) which is widely acceptable. Finally, Heroics helps build us up in the arena of public opinion, which will be of fundamental importance when we start butting heads with the Empire openly.
I voted for Finding as opposed to A Minor Thing - do we really want to be building a Jedi academy while an Imperial investigator is literally living under our roof?
All things considered, trying to build a dedicated Jedi Academy building right now at the same time you need to be worried about the Empire showing up on your doorstep and kicking you off the planet seems like a waste of resources since, until the Rebellion is actually capable of going one-on-one against the Empire to capture and hold territory, you're very likely to loose that Academy as soon as hostilities break out.
All things considered, trying to build a dedicated Jedi Academy building right now at the same time you need to be worried about the Empire showing up on your doorstep and kicking you off the planet seems like a waste of resources since, until the Rebellion is actually capable of going one-on-one against the Empire to capture and hold territory, you're very likely to loose that Academy as soon as hostilities break out.
If I understood it correctly, the academy would be relatively well-hidden within a cave:
A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.
-You grow tired of this game. For a week you meditate, and think, and follow your instincts. For three months you wander and search- until finally, you find it. An unlikely tap of the boots breaks an over thin stretch of rock, and you plummet- only to land in a hot springs. You feel in your gut that this is the place you need. Already, you have men securing the site.
Reward: Location for Jedi Enclave

You could argue that the boot-tap broke off a cliff side, but that probably wouldn't qualify as "unlikely".
Anti Riot Vehicles
Security Officers

Bread Crumbs*
How Paranoid are you?*
Corellian Crisis

Civilian Locale
A New Base

Secret To Snipe

Pilgrimage Pt.3: Teedio

Get Over Here
Need To Know

Please Listen
Vote is called, except for Diplomacy- there is a tie there, between Bread Crumbs and How Paranoid Are You?. Would you guys be alright if I broke it, or would you like to have another voter to break it, or what?
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Dice Roll.

Edit: [X] How Paranoid are you?

Oh and before I forget:

[X] DD on Please Listen
Whumbly threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Choice Total: 2
2 2
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Well alrighty then, works for me. Double down will be called in roughly 48 Minutes.
Turn 11 Results
Turn 11

You draw your saber across Ahsoka's, your master's blade flying past your unprotected flesh. "So, thoughts on the new guy?" She is kept from answering by your fist driving into her gut as she draws breath- a dirty strike, given the circumstances- and kicks you away, her boot flying into your sternum. You laugh before once more taking up your saber and stabbing at her, before she back hands you.

"Smart. Loyal. Cunning. You won't beat him by easy lies or cheap tricks- you're going to have to work to stop him." She ducks under your kick and grabs your leg as it goes over her, before driving her fist into the back of knee. You fall, grunting, before you lunge. Taking the opportunity, she kicks up, driving her leg into your gut, finally making you yield.

Martial: Your plans have somewhat stalled, given the Twi'lek shaped block in your way and the fact that Soont is on the Imperial 'Most Wanted' List.

Anti-Riot Vehicles: It would take time, energy, and credits to produce your own heavy vehicles. Fortunately for you, you are a law man- you can just buy and repurpose some Anti-Riot vehicles. Expensive, but well worth it.
Needed:10 Rolled: 70

-It takes a lot of good credits, and half a dozen promises, but you do manage to get access to Strikebreaker anti-riot gear Vehicles. Lumbering and slow, your instincts tell you to despise such a thing as a vehicle. However, it is already heavily armed, and should not raise too many eyebrows for being in your collection. You've had ten purchased- a Unit- with permission to purchase more or even to franchise out to produce your own. That can come later, though- for now, ten ought to be enough.
Reward: 10 Strikebreaker Anti-Riot Vehicles (1 Unit)

Security Officers: A lot of good men died fighting. You will never forget their sacrifice- but you need more. Fortunately, the acquisition of Official Status means you can go on a proper recruiting drive- and hopefully have the losses made good quickly.
Needed:20 Rolled:92+5=97

-There's not much work for an alien, nowadays- even on the relatively free planet of Taris. Compared to many other lines of work, Security is good- or at least, that's how it looks on paper. That these beings are also the sort to have certain… unpopular political views- such as fondness for Jedi- is of course, a coincidence

Diplomacy: Well Kriff a Kathhound, you never thought you'd face an Imperial in your own territory.

Corellian Crisis: In the wake of the Mandalorian Crisis- and its near Resolution- it may be prudent to ensure that the Rebel Cells on planets friendly tp you have a place to escape to and a route open for them.
Needed:25 Rolled:98

-Certain… off the record routes are made and plans created to evacuate the Rebels off of Corellia at a moment's notice. This act has somewhat healed a tarnished reputation- amongst the rank-and-file of the Galaxy, you are quite obviously no longer an Imperial.
Reward: Plans to evacuate Corellia created and in place, Detriment from Imperial removed except amongst hardliners

How Paranoid Are You?: You don't much like not knowing exactly how many people are onto your trail, given the fact that they are also the sort who are likely to kill you. Fortunately, Mira runs with exactly the sort who will give up how suspicious the Empire is in idle gossip, and could funnel it back to you if you'd like.
Needed:10 Rolled:70

-Not very, really. At worst, the name Tellus conjures images of some Naive crusader for freedom, bringing the fight to the Hutts. Only the truly hardline sort have anything worse than slight disdain for you. Which is good.
Reward: Imperial suspicion revealed at 2%

Stewardship: You can finally push on- begin to make some real headway in this galaxy.

A New Base: Given the bastard currently poking around in your affairs, it might be wise to have a new base- a basic one- built somewhere else in the galaxy, for privacy's sake.
Needed: 20 Rolled:89

-There are a few possibilities, including two of your pilgrimage sites.

Civilian Locale: The Twi'lek's you rescued are currently holed up in the Barracks- an untenable situation for obvious reasons. Have some shelters- good ones- built for the Twi'leks, and help them get some of their independence back.

-You blow a good sized chunk of Credits, and in turn, the Twi'leks move in, freeing more Barrack space up. Which is good.
Reward: Civilian housing

Learning: Gavin works well under surprisingly difficult circumstances.

Shock And Awe: Your men also learned how to apply an electric charge to your weapons using the Hutt generator, enough that applying them to your current and future weapons is more a case of needing time than inability to do so.

-It's done. The next time you fight, you can expect a shock for your enemies- quite literally. Extra effective on droids- which is handy.
Reward: +5 all damage rolls, +10 all damage rolls against droids

Secret To Snipe: You got a Hutt sniper a year ago. You'd like to be able to produce it.

-Your men set to work. This will take time, but not a tremendous amount.

Piety: You have a lightsaber now- proof of your admittance into the order.

Finding: You'd put good credits on at least a few of your men being force sensitive. It'd be smart to have Ahsoka check, and see if she can't teach them a few tricks. At the least she can keep them from going mad like Palpatine or his dog, Vader.
Needed:30 Rolled:73+5=78

-You find two beings who may be Force Sensitive- A Zeltron-one of the new troopers- and one Evocii. You haven't started properly Training them yet- but you have made sure to keep an eye on them, and have engaged them in conversation. Jorek LaForge- the Evocii- and Entani Typhe both have potential.
Reward: Force Sensitives

Pilgrimage Pt 3: Teedio: You don't know what you'll find here- but the Force calls to you, to look for it. You know in your heart of hearts you need your Saber and your Master for this- convenient that they're both within easy access, yeah?
Rolled: 53+5=58

-You arrive to find an ancient unknown station. Coming in for a landing, the second you step out you are assaulted by Automated security droids. Cutting your way through them, you find yourself herded towards an automated Transmission device that is fairly Sith looking. Pocketing it you begin to head towards the ships- but T3 interrupts you. Rushing past from wherever his hiding space was, the Droid peals for the Engine room and blows in with a grenade. Stopping for no one, he brute forces his way into the system and manages to reactivate the ancient engines, saving the Station from certain- long term- destruction.
Reward: Exis Station saved, Sith Transmitter???

Intrigue: Ceinis reports little change in the Bandit Wars of the Outer Rim.

Get Over Here: You've got a Hutt to turn in. But first, you need to get captured…
Needed:25 Rolled:1+5=6 Revan Reroll:43+15=58

-Things go wrong from the beginning- or at least so it seems. You are captured early immediately, and taken prisoner by Tanda's gang on Denova. You are stripped- of both semi-decent clothing and dignity- and used as a trophy by Tanda for all of a week. He takes great pleasure in capturing the Mad Abolitionist, and his Bodyguard Brigade is no better, the nearly all female crew of the Fair Harbour having lost many comrades to these conditions. You spend the entire week ill treated- which is why it is all the sweeter when the disguised Champion Beteille gives the signal for your men to leap from cover and attack the Pleasure palace.

It is a near thing, but your presence- scantily clothed or no- makes the men fight all the harder. You currently have the crew of The Fair Harbour- most of it, anyway- and Tanda the Hutt in captivity, waiting deportation to the Empire or to the Planetary Governments which they have angered.
Reward: Tanda the Hutt and The Fair Harbour Captured

Need To Know: You have no idea exactly how paranoid the Twi'Lek is about you, something that upsets you. Should be easy enough to rectify, given that he is currently sleeping in quarters provided by you.

-You manage to get a tail put on the Twi'lek at the same time as you shake the Tail put on you by him. The good news is, he doesn't seem to think you are worse than any other corrupt official- the bad news is, that's still a fairly bad thing in his view.
Reward: Om'Veda Suspicion revealed at 10%

Personal: This year oughta be great.

Train: You need to train. A lot. Or you just might die.

-You set to work. This may take time- but it will be well worth it.

Please, Listen: Asajj might just be willing to listen, might be willing to turn her back on the dark, given how kind you have been.
Needed:35 Rolled:59+27=86

-You think you might be getting through to her.

Imperial Rumors:
The war has somewhat turned in the Empire's favor, Vader touching boots down on half-a-dozen planets. Thousands die- but in turn you find there are many Hutts dying- not just their forces-but the scum themselves die.
Jorek LaForge

Born: 35 BBY

Intimidating: Neither evil not vindictive- but the man is quite willing to do some truly frightening things in pursuit of his goals. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Martial)
Force Sensitive(Untrained): Sensitive to The Force, though he is currently unaware. (+1 All Stats)
Mystic: Aware of certain Evocii Rituals. (+1 Intrigue, +1 Piety)

Diplomacy: 9+1=10- Okay when dealing with people.
Martial: 11+1+1=13- Decent in a straight fight.
Stewardship: 8+1=9- Not exactly a governor.
Intrigue: 17+2+1+1=21- A very good spy.
Piety: 14+1+1+1=17- He has faith in the Light Side.
Learning: 6+1=7- A former slave, he was not well educated.

Entani Typhe

Born: 28 BBY

Zeltron are born pretty, and she's no exception. (+1 Diplomacy)
Duelist: She excels in blade training, and is very good in Melee Combat. (+2 Martial.
Force Sensitive(Untrained): She is a Force Sensitive. (+1 All Stats)
Brave: She's Brave. (+3 Martial)

Diplomacy: 6+1+1=8- Even more socially awkward than you.
Martial: 16+1+2+3=22- Very dangerous.
Stewardship: 8+1=9- Not much for math.
Intrigue: 16+1=17- Stealthy, when she wishes to be.
Piety: 5+1=6- Oh ye of little faith.
Learning: 16+1=17- Smart.
Both of the Potential Students.
Looking great, but I'm left with a few questions (please forgive me my setting ignorance):
  • Who is Champion Beteille? I assume it's a typo and it should be Pana Lewysk or maybe John Star, but I might be missing something, as i never played Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
  • What kind of ship is the Fair Harbour? Should I assume we'll be adding it to our (currently puny) fleet?
  • Please, Listen has a +27 modifier to it. 20 of those are from the double down, but where does the other 7 come from?
  • I'm guessing the candidates for A New Base are Ruusan and Exis Station, but Ossus with its caustic atmosphere and hostile climate could also be good for hiding, as few people would bother going there in the first place without a good reason which makes us harder to detect.
That Piety stat… we have our work cut out.
You can say that again. In another era, she'd be totally Service Corps material. Oh, well; beggars can't be choosers.
Looking great, but I'm left with a few questions (please forgive me my setting ignorance):
  • Who is Champion Beteille? I assume it's a typo and it should be Pana Lewysk or maybe John Star, but I might be missing something, as i never played Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
  • What kind of ship is the Fair Harbour? Should I assume we'll be adding it to our (currently puny) fleet?
  • Please, Listen has a +27 modifier to it. 20 of those are from the double down, but where does the other 7 come from?
  • I'm guessing the candidates for A New Base are Ruusan and Exis Station, but Ossus with its caustic atmosphere and hostile climate could also be good for hiding, as few people would bother going there in the first place without a good reason which makes us harder to detect.

You can say that again. In another era, she'd be totally Service Corps material. Oh, well; beggars can't be choosers.
In order:

-Champion Beteille is a random soldier named after the PC family from my first real Quest: Warhammer Fantasy: Conquest.

-A Prototype Vigil Class Corvette, and you may or may not.

-Bonus from Diplomacy score.

-Planet Candidates should be up tomorrow morning, and yes, Ruusan and Ossus are two of them.
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What exactly are the Anti-Riot vehicles, walkers or tanks? Any approximate images? Because there are some interesting riot walkers in the galaxy.

The All Terrain Riot Control Transport

Or even the AT-DP from Rebels. Seems light enough for a riot vehicle.
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What exactly are the Anti-Riot vehicles, walkers or tanks? Any approximate images? Because there are some interesting riot walkers in the galaxy.

This is the clunker. A repulsorlift vehicle.

Champion Beteille is a random soldier named after the PC family from my first real Quest: Warhammer Fantasy: Conquest.
Fair enough.

-A Prototype Vigil Class Corvette, and you may or may not.
Gah! A baby ISD! This would be...weird.

-Bonus from Diplomacy score.
Huh. I thought our diplomacy score was up to 12? The rule's more complicated than simply adding the relevant score to the roll then. Has anybody tried to codify these rules in some thread?
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