Star Wars: Rebellion

Bad News
Bad News

The Ebon Hawk's holo springs to life as you burn back into orbit, the ship handling like a dream. Senator Greelo springs to life, the Rodian looking slightly... tipsy. "Captain, we've got a guest here you might want to meet with. Be sure to be on your best, please." Right, you knew what that meant. Slipping out of your Jedi robes, you set the ship on autopilot for Port Neverhad, the Tarisian outpost filled with Bucket heads.

When you exit, you are wearing a well pressed, folded, and studiously maintained Uniform Of The Tarisian government. You give a curt nod and handshake to Greelo, before turning to the Twi'lek wearing a somewhat sloppy Imperial uniform.

Still, something feels... off, about him. The way he holds his blaster- the poorly concealed sword he keeps in his longcoat? You don't trust him, more than you can throw him- which would be fairly far, given his slight stature. "Greetings. I don't quite think I caught your name?"

"Om'Veda, representative of his Majesty Palpatine's government on this planet and leader of the Anti-Hutt push in the Ojoster sector- thank you for making my job much easier, by the by- and also to scout out any possible subversive elements whilst I am stationed here, to hopefully bring some much needed law and order to the planet." He continues on, but you zone him out.
Martial Check: 59+16=75
After all, you know that stance. Via Ebria Magister- Way Of The Drunken Master. Popular in certain subsets of the Outer Rim population- Slaves, mostly- and originating on your own home planet of Lianna- much as you had a home growing up, anyway. Plenty of supporters of the New Order, you suppose, enough that one teaching him something about it isn't too unlikely.

Satisfied for the moment, you finally slip back to reality, giving a curt goodbye to the Twi'lek before heading back to your own quarters. This...could be troublesome.

Om'Veda, representative of The Empire, dispatched to Taris until Aggressions both to and from the Hutts cease or he is successful in his mission. Currently unaware of Imperial Suspicion beyond it being <5%. Unaware of Om's suspicion beyond it >5%
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The Imperial Officer said he'd leave when the war was over. I don't want him here while we're building the Jedi Academy.
Gah! I missed that bolded text at the bottom. :oops:

EDIT: That said, I would like to see the vote options before making a decision. There may be opportunities that are worth delaying the construction of the academy for.
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Ending the war right after the spy gets here might cause a little interest. Best path of action is to take out the Hutt that our new retainers want to deal with, then drop out of the War and let the Empire finish it.
Maybe we should also leak Om'Veda's position to one of the groups of bandits that Ceinis has infiltrated? He did thank us for making his job easier. I believe bringing his enemies to him would also "facilitate" his job, wouldn't it? :p

Mfw they're all acting as if getting rid of the Imp or ending the war will be easy.