Star Wars: Rebellion

The Mission
The Mission

You can sense something in Zann's office, the dead man holding many secret. You have your forces blast it open, the chevalier tearing through the cheap durasteel like a lightsaber through ice. Bringing your hand to your temple, you concentrate-

Artifacts: 96+16=112

and smack that Barve's desk right in the middle. Breaking apart with a grand thud, you note immediately the sheer staircase leading down its broken position, the permacrete and durasteel shattered like glass. It takes you and your men ten minutes just to get to the last level. But oh what a find it is. Lightsaber crystals, emitters, power cells- all the parts needed to make a lightsaber- and a lot, too. You also find the schematics for a Jedi Praxeum among the rubble and grit- useful. You have the men close their containers and set to work moving them to the merchantmen ships, while having the rest move out to see what else they can find before the Station blows.

Credits: 81

You empty a few dozen bank accounts from dead bounty hunters and slavers, twenty thousand credits worth- a good haul, enough to fund your operations in the event something goes awry.

Technical Data:34

Your don't find anything particularly valuable, excepting the recipe for some sort of new drug- one which you cannot, for obvious reasons, use.

Weapons: 79

Your men find some sort of experimental sniper- big, and bulky, but powerful.


Most- and by most you mean a crushing, nearly absolute majority- would like peace and quiet. However, Fifty or so Aliens of various species end up signing on with you, and joining your troopers.

In summation, you've found:

Jedi Armory
Praxeum Schematic
20,000 credits
and 50 Troopers

Giving the thumbs up, you and T3 are the last to leave, backlit by the massive explosion caused by the reactor core of the station getting hit by a chunk of Meteorite the size of a house. Looking over your people, you feel... something. Something grand.

Battle On Sevastopol concluded, we now return to your socially awkward Jedi.
Now we can arm our Force Sensitives with Lightsabers without the giant cost when they're ready and then we can build a Praxeum (not entirely sure what it is, but I know it has something to do with combat training).
Damn we didn't find any TECHNOLOGY! But we did find some wicked space drugs. Okay i'm not saying we need to get the wookies and Mandalorians High as kites. But its an option.
Damn we didn't find any TECHNOLOGY! But we did find some wicked space drugs. Okay i'm not saying we need to get the wookies and Mandalorians High as kites. But its an option.
For technology, we got a sniper. With some proper study and refinement, we might be able to create a sniper rifle that surpasses any of what the Empire has. For a rebellion, sniper rifles are one of your best friends.
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