Star Wars: Rebellion

So then, I guess we're going Jedi Sentinel spec then?

We don't have enough Intrigue for Jedi Shadow, but we do have an off-hand weapon...
[X] Fight The Abomination
[X] You just got shot after killing at least over a hundred people and being raked with explosive fire and sparks. You would like to strategize from here, and try not to get shot.

You forgot to give us the trait 'Wounded'. Also did you know that you put the character sheet of The Minoru and John Star in three separate spoiler boxes?

EDIT: And what's the name of the new trait?
New trait's Brave, and thanks for pointing out the John Star issue.
The Hell Are You?
The Hell Are You

Leaning back, you pop your back with in three places. "Double time it, gentlemen- we got work to do." Heading to the front of the column you are accompanied by Graun, the Evocii fiddling with his rifle and scanning each room as you enter. You are still bleeding a bit from your shot arm, but it's not so bad, really.

You hear the sounds of battle before you see anything- the sizzling of melted steel, the thud of blaster bolts striking home. More than once, you hear an inhuman screech and must give steel to the spines of your men, some unholy cacophony damn near shaking their resolve. Finally, you stand before the Droid Control Center- and you scan the situation near instantly.

Mandalorians: 69+10=79

The Mandalorians have formed a tight knit wall of surprisingly well put togther chunks of permacrete and durasteel. Any time the abomination dares to attack, they beat it back with flamethrowers, blasters, and their bare hands, while continuing to trade blaster fire with the twenty or so mercenaries that have rallied to the white haired man with the disruptor. You don't want to try and get past his own reinforced position without casualties. The abomination is running in the rafters, waiting for someone's defense to fall so it can feast. You need a plan.

[X] Use the Force - Use Beast Control on the Abomination in order to turn it on its handler. If that fails, wound it to start spilling acid blood and then shove it with the force into the enemy group. While they're distracted by it toss explosives out to destroy the enemy's cover and then put all guns to bear on them.

[] Use the Force - Try to perform a version of the Jedi Mind Trick on the Abomination to reach out to it mentally so that you can calm it down and trick it into allowing itself to be returned to captivity.
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[X] Use the Force - Use Beast Control on the Abomination in order to turn it on its handler. If that fails, wound it to start spilling acid blood and then shove it with the force into the enemy group. While they're distracted by it toss explosives out to destroy the enemy's cover and then put all guns to bear on them.
[X] Use the Force - Use Beast Control on the Abomination in order to turn it on its handler. If that fails, wound it to start spilling acid blood and then shove it with the force into the enemy group. While they're distracted by it toss explosives out to destroy the enemy's cover and then put all guns to bear on them.
[X] Use the Force - Use Beast Control on the Abomination in order to turn it on its handler. If that fails, wound it to start spilling acid blood and then shove it with the force into the enemy group. While they're distracted by it toss explosives out to destroy the enemy's cover and then put all guns to bear on them.
[X] Wound the Abomination to start spilling acid blood and then shove it with the force into the enemy group. While they're distracted by it toss explosives out to destroy the enemy's cover and then put all guns to bear on them.
Best Laid Plans
Best Laid Plans

Bringing your hand to your temple, you focus on the beast before you. Huge, menacing, and angry, you can feel its wrath through the Force, burning like the suns of Tatooine. Closing your eyes, you breathe out, once.

Control The Beast: 14+16=30/70 Rerolled:70+26=96/70

You make mental contact with the beast. Listen to my will, creature. Something in its animal mind listens to you, to your will. Immediately, you can feel- in your connection to it- burning aches on its upper arms and on the extended head ridge that came from its skull. Moving with shaky hands, it pulls all three out, and, roaring in pain, its vision turns a distinct red.

Turning with a low growl like the building of thunder, it begins to drip saliva from its jaw that sets the floor to sizzling. Going to its haunches, it coils in on itself and leaps-

Kriff It: 75+15=90/80

It's one beast. But it is more than that, it is a hunter, bred for the purpose. Its claws are knives, its tail a spear. When it wants you dead, you'd best hope the Force is with you- cause nothing else is gonna stop it. And it doesn't, not today. Landing from its leap in a crouch. Drawing to its full 2.5 meter height, it immediately lashes out with its tail, right through the chest of one man. Afterwards, its arm is vaporized at its elbow by the turret, and leaping again with a hiss, it crunches the turret under its weight like Flimsi. Next its tail is taken by a lucky strike from a vibroblade- and the killing machine punishes that impudence by spraying green acid in the unlucky Barve's face. Falling back, the second turret pummels its own comrade to hit the beast, a gruesome sight indeed.

Flinging its arm in front of its face, it dies giving a scream that rattles the Station- but not before it flings a table roughly the size of a Hutt at the Turret, slamming into and wrecking it.

Die: 22+20=42/60 Reroll: 47+20=67/60

Of course, that was when your bomb landed amongst them. They are too late to react- the grenade tears a hole through their own barricade that your Mandalorians take advantage of, finally charging the enemy. Your men are too happy to join them, the Assault Troopers sliding down from their position to land amongst the enemy while the Evocci stay up top and pour out sniper fire. It is a fierce, brief fight- not helped by the enemy's mobile turret platforms. Twenty more men die from your own forces, and you personally have to put down the White Haired man yourself- taking off his head with a flick of the wrist after a short, boring battle.

Paora and Abaddon both attempt to make their reports- but are cut off by the sound of wrenching metal and the popping of fuel containers being hit with a ten-ton chunk of rock traveling at insanely high speeds. Flicking on your Holo-coms to get a report, the commander fills you in:

Pana Lewysk: 74+19=93

This man can fight. Pushing through the enemy after the distraction you gave him with debris, he has emptied the Slave Pens of all the beings who once filled them- all twenty-thousand. The Merchant Man fleet of Corellia, the Defense Fleet of Taris, and the Panteer Trade Fleet are all funneling them out, and you expect that there will be many tales told of today in the future. He also reports that you have at least another six hours more than you were expecting until the whole thing blows up, leaving you much more time to loot, something that you will need to decide how to use:

[] Look for more income makers and credits with the Extra Time
[] Look for more technical data with the Extra Time
[] Look for Weapons with the Extra Time
Rolled: 52+16=68
[]Look For Artifacts With The Extra Time
[X] Look for more technical data with the Extra Time

Great work! I'm thinking technical data will be of the most value.
[X] Look for more technical data with the Extra Time
