Star Wars: Rebellion

Voikirium PM'd me asking if I wanted to re-roll to try avoiding a second amputation.
For fairness's sake, I feel the need to clarify- it's not quite "Blown off" yet. It may yet be salvageable-I'll probably have an action to have it examined in the next turn. It just go so fucked up that you have a good chance to lose it, and will certainly need time to heal, if such ends up possible.
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Bad news: You failed the roll again.

Good News: You didn't get maimed, only a little burnt.
Miracle At Sevastopol
The Miracle At Sevastopol

You look upon the force arrayed in front of you. They number a crushing amount, more flowing in at every moment. Hundreds will die on both sides. Fight Them. Looking around in shock- never before had you received so clear a message- you light your saber. Remind Them. "I will break them as the Jedi would-alone." The words, borne of the Force, immediately sets your forces alight with worry.

"Commander, you can't be serious-"

"I am entirely serious." Your voice- once more thunder- will brook no fight. Lighting your saber with a hiss of magnetized plasma, you leap out over the barricade.

Hey Guys: 100+20=120/90

At first, there is tittering laughter when you land. That laughter becomes questioning when your hand flies out towards the window and becomes screams when it pops out of the hole. Immediately, the air rushes out of the broken viewport with a scream, dragging half-of-a-hundred men out the station. Grabbing your Lightsaber with strength you had not known before, you take the head off of one man, sending the body crumbling to the floor. Leaping over the next, you land behind him, and stab through his chestplate.

Whirling, you cut the legs off of one man, and follow through by taking off the hand of one man, before pushing the next fellow away with a kick to groin that sends him flying. Grabbing the barrel of a scattergun some Mandalorian mercenary thrusts in your face, you aim it at the Trandoshan contingent, striking half a dozen of the Lizard folk down with a wrath that would make even the most battle hardened veterans shiver in fear- you should know, having been on the receiving end of the same type of beating when you served in the Clone Wars.

Scatter: 69+20=89/75

And these are not battle hardened veterans. They are nothing more than children who dream of being the next Jango Fett, or Bossk. Speaking of the Devil, he sends three blasts of mortar shot at you- each of which you redirect into your foes. One goes screaming bye his shoulder and strikes the Hound's Fang directly, drawing some distinctly unkind words from the Trandoshan. The next smacks into two of the weapon Emplacements he had set up before hand, blowing them to hell.

You send your Chainsword- still carried with you- flying, striking his second with pinpoint accuracy. You have covered a hundred meters- only two-hundred more to go.

Hey Again: 86+20=106/90

Again you leap, and again the enemy dies. This time, you do not break any viewports- you have none to break. Instead, taking careful aim with a scavenged pistol, you hit the grenade sent at you by one of the green horns head on, causing a chain reaction. Forty men- those with a sterner countenance than their allies who had run- die in fire. Landing amongst the shattered remains, you blade finds purchase in necks and limbs, taking them off with only a ghost of resistance. By luck- certainly not by skill, given your newness with the weapon- you do not die when they manage a ragged volley.

Flee: 12+20=32/75 Revan Reroll:28+30=58/75 Final Reroll:81+20=101/75

This time they have the gall to shoot at you- a lot. You block the first shot, the second, and the third. By the fifteenth, you are rather tired of it and, sinking into the Force, you bring the many metal panels and grates together to form a ball. Compressing it you wait until the sound of blaster fire stops- and then you react by unleashing all that built up energy. It explodes like a spring, and many are the men who die. The rest flee before you, before your awesome wrath- for you are a Jedi, and you will not be stopped.

The blast door that slams down to stop you slows you down considerably.


"Are we safe-"

"Is he gone-"

"Didja see the teeth-"


With a fearful look, they all turn towards you and your pounding on their door.


Forced Entry: 77+21=91/90

With a great wrenching of metal on metal, the door is torn open. Your blade cuts one in half, the next is stabbed up through the groin, and you roll under the shaky chop of the next before flinging him into a power station. He'll live- but that rodian is unlikely to walk without limping for the next year. Not that you know that- you are too on the move. Your boot snaps the leg of one Mandalorian as the alien falls to the floor.

RUN: 76+20=96/80

This is too much for them. They break and flee, only a rare breed staying. Bossk, mindful of his needed authority, leaps down, his mortar still in his hands, clenched like a security blanket. You salute your foe with your saber, his rage palpable even without the Force. You can hear the chatters of your men- feel their Hope- burning in the Force.

There are no words to be said. Grabbing your saber in a two handed grip, you begin running.

30 Meters: 77+20=97/75

You leap over his first shot, smacking the walls. You are a missile on target, sending his second shot right back at him. He leaps back in the nick of time, barely avoiding the explosion he caused.

20 Meters: 91+20=111/85

He learns from his error and grabs a hold out blaster from the ground. Sending a baker's dozen worth of blasts from his prone location from the ground, which you send back at him from your own leap from the ceiling. They pierce his mortar, melting it into slag. He curses, snarls, and throws a grenade at you.

You swat that son-of-a-bitch right back at him. It turns out to be a stun grenade, and he curses as he goes blind.

10 Meters: 22+20=42/85 Chris Reroll:42+36=78

Which is, of course, when he decides to finally clip you. Right in your arm. It kind of stings. Of course, being that it is your crystal arm, it soon fades- for the most part. He, to his credit, is not surprised- he just shrugs, grabs a vibroblade, and prepares to gouge out your eyes- a tactical error, but an understandable one, given that shooting you appears to have done nothing.
Gain Trait: Wounded

Final Pass: 48+20+16=84/80

Once more, to his credit, he is very good with his blade. You are ducking and dodging and weaving most of his attack instead of attacking yourself. Finally, he steps on a weakened floor grate and, sensing the opportunity, you cut it from under his feet. He plummets from the Hangar to Garbage disposal, where he shall surely die.


Probably not.

Still, he's gone right now, and that's what really matters.

Graun races in, but before he can say anything you have your holo out and are receiving reports from your men while having the tractor beam set up.

Pana And The Troopers: 51+19=70

Things are going exactly as they should be. The Horrors of the drug assembly plant burn like dry rope, and soon enough your men are back to reinforce whomever you don't. They took some casualties, but it could have gone far worse.
(-100 Rebel Troops in total)

Mandalorians: 32+10=42

Good news- you've received more than static from your commander.

Bad news- he's lost half his forces fighting both some sort of reptilian, bug eyed, onyx skinned Alien beast, and the things white-haired disruptor toting master. Also, it has alien blood. Paora is enjoying the challenge, but would not mind some sort of back-up- the acid blood the thing's got going on makes saturation fire really great, the combined heat of the blast instantly cauterizing it to stop the bleeding.

Ahsoka And The Wookiees: 43+30=73

Ahsoka won that fight. She'll have to be carried out on a stretcher and is not allowed to fight for at least the next two years, but she very definitely won, given the state the enemy's body was in. The Wookiees are making their way forward to the Slave Pens- one of the most heavily guarded parts of the station. At the very least, they'll get some Artillery support.

[] Fight The Abomination
[] The Mad Abolitionist will see all beings free, or die trying

[] Accompany your troops
[] You just got shot after killing at least over a hundred people and being raked with explosive fire and sparks. You would like to strategize from here, and try not to get shot.
[X] Fight The Abomination

[X] Accompany your troops

Speaking of the Devil, he sends three blasts of mortar shot at you- each of which you redirect into your foes. One goes screaming bye his shoulder and strikes the Hound's Fang directly, drawing some distinctly unkind words from the Trandoshan. The next smacks into two of the weapon Emplacements he had set up before hand, blowing them to hell.
Hehe, Bossk...
[X] Fight The Abomination
[X] You just got shot after killing at least over a hundred people and being raked with explosive fire and sparks. You would like to strategize from here, and try not to get shot.

Got your nice new trait and title added in.
You forgot to give us the trait 'Wounded'. Also did you know that you put the character sheet of The Minoru and John Star in three separate spoiler boxes?

EDIT: And what's the name of the new trait?
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[X] Fight The Abomination

[X] You just got shot after killing at least over a hundred people and being raked with explosive fire and sparks. You would like to strategize from here, and try not to get shot.
[X] Fight The Abomination
[X] Accompany your troops

Holy shit those Roll's.