Star Wars: Rebellion


You drift into the force, where a light long since dead rekindles itself...

"Nothing to it." That'd been what you'd said when you first got the message- the damned contract. Been the same that slimy sonuvabitch tried to say when you saw the kids. Same thing you're thinking now with your blaster in your hand, primed to fire.

Your name is Decius "Dec" Othello, and you've a bit of an inflamed conscience irritating you. It all started a few days ago- the Empire landed a few men on Nar Shadda, thinking to score some quick credits and ammo on the planet. What they'd gotten instead had been nothing more than blasters and death. More than that, you had helped your home- ever a patriot, after all. At first, it was nothing too awful- bounties on the real scum of the galaxy: Loan sharks muscling in on Hutt turf, Slavers who hadn't paid the proper fees to Hutts, gangsters who got on the wrong side of that no good piece of shit Zann.

Then it got worse. It stopped being the sort of people you used to scare your son with stories about, started being the kind of people you are glad he grew into. What really nailed it was the kids- half starved and dirty. And you put them back with that filth. You take a swig of brandy, and you brood, and you reminisce. Of pale skin and blue eyes, half-remembered whispered sweet nothings that reminded you the world was worth something; of eyes filled with hope, the boy who could be what you could- with his mother's eyes, her mind- her gift. You remember, for just a moment, before finally draining your brandy and handing the whole bottle off to the service droid and shrugging your beaten old jacket back on. "Sir, I must advise you not to head out right now."

"Don't you know, droid? I never listen to good advise- just ask my son." Slipping your blaster into its holster, you pull up your holocoms and send out calls to half a dozen merc groups who owe you various favors. "'Sides, I gotta chaperone." You give a salute to the droid, strolling out with purpose- more than you've felt in a very long time. Rusty finally answers, growling in Shyriiwook about how late it is. "Yeah, yeah, listen. I know you 'n I have a few big differences. But how would you feel 'bout getting together a few men and killin' some slavers?"

The wookiee's growl is as low as it laconic. "Excellent. Sending the coordinates right now- meet me there." Strapping yourself into the Oath's command seat and light 'er up, the engines humming to life in moments. Patching into the Imp comms, you send them one warning "TAKE. COVER." Confused by the message, the bucketheads are quite unable to stop you when come roaring at them in engines modified for speed and stability.

The head honcho steps out, some sort of Amplifier in his helmet patching through to you. "Come out with your hands up! We have you outnumbered!" Opening the cargo bay doors, you turn the amps up high on your comms gear. You fiddle with it for a moment, before it finally cracks to life with a spark of electricity.

"The one problem with that, sir, is that, much like the loan on my Ship-" With a roar, Rusty and his boys slam into the headquarters, stormtroopers dying by the dozen- "It becomes far more negotiable with a few dozen wookiees on my side!" Leaping into the battle, the fighting that follows is short but fierce- and in ten minutes, you have the entire Prot-Garrison routed. Heading to the cells, you find the kids again.

Looking up the number you got Tellus out of shit with, you call Mira. "Listen it's-" You pause for a moment, thinking "-a friend. Tell Tellus to get his ass in gear, and bring some ships with him the next time he visits." The Alderannian has no time to respond before you cut off comms, and start shouting orders to Rusty's gang. "You, you, and you, Find some blankets! We gotta lot of work to do, and not much time to do it!"

In the days and weeks that follow, reports circulate Nar Shadda of the new guy in town. The Hopebringer. Few know his name, and few care to, but all know his ways.
Vote is called, winners are:

To Hell With Hutts

Will You Stand Or Will You Fall
A Meeting Of Foes

Shock And Awe

Pilgrimage Pt.2: Ruusan

Where Are They?

Teach Him

Vote for Double Down will be called in one hour.
Vote is called. Being that it is ACT tomorrow, I will be getting to sleep early, meaning no update tonight, sorry. Might be one early tomorrow, though.
We really should take that action looking for force sensitives in our troops soon. I'd expect them to turn to the dark side what with all the fighting they've undoubtedly been in otherwise.
And when Voikirium sees this, it'll happen at some point if it wasn't gonna. So ... look for moar jedis pls
I'm looking to finish the pilgrimage as soon as possible, and then start seriously checking our people for potential Jedi in our ranks.
Turn 10 Results
Turn 10

You look upon a galaxy at war- and you grimace. You are no pacifist, and war does not frighten you nearly so much as living another moment under Imperial rule- but that many people dying weighs on your conscience, naws at you. In brighter news, Pana and Captain John have both settled in quickly, each assisting your agents to the best of their abilities.They represent a potent force for your spies and soldiers, one not to be underestimated. (+5 Martial and Intrigue Rolls)

Martial: Pana has joined with your men for each of their battles, the warrior-poet charging into battle like something from a holo-Video.

Assault Training: In the glory days of the Republic- the Cold War and other eras where the Sith did not control the Galaxy- there were men of an unusual calibre who represented the pinnacle of non-Force soldiery in the galaxy. You doubt you will be capable of reaching their lofty heights soon- if ever- but having the training ready would be good, yes?

-It is done. You have the armor, the weapons, and now, the men, necessary for your own assault troop core. Clad in durasteel and wielding weapons made to pierce even the strongest armor, they are strong, the men who show the most promise- the master sharpshooters, the finest demolitions experts, the finest swordsmen. Each is a force to be reckoned with separately. Together? They are a match for your foe's mightiest forces.
Reward: 100 Assault Troopers

To Hell With Hutts: The Hutts have been preserved your wrath. Their fortresses and pleasure palaces are too strong for all but a force led by the best commanders to smite- but that is not the only areas their corrupting touch reaches. Hutt forces have implanted a space station into the Taris System- an oozing sore where their poison is pushed to the galaxy and your populace. Governor Greelo has requested aid to remove it, but being that it is of little military value, it is- at best- unlikely that the Imperials will get to it quickly, if at all.
Needed:10 Rolled:34+5=39

-With a shunt of pressurized air, you snap the comms cables in Sevastopol. Laying the cheap bag filled with explosives down across chest of the Overseer droid, strolling out of the deep core generator and into the bio weapons lab.
Reward: Battle for Sevastopol

Diplomacy: Mira has a plan.

Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?: Many revolutionaries backed by both yourself and the Empire are in a precarious position at best. Funneling more money and troops to them could be difficult- but it could also leave you with a strong part of the former Hutt territory extremely friendly to you.
Needed:20 Rolled:56

-The credits you send are well spent- blasters, food, construction material, and mercenaries flow to the rebel cause, stiffening resistance. That your father ends up leading a cell on Nar Shadda is surprisingly helpful- the Old Man might be a jackass, but he's a jackass good at killing people and taking their stuff.
Reward: Slave Revolts far stronger, Gain an in with them

A Meeting Of Foes: A transmission from Mandalore- the birthplace of this bloody conflict- has reached you. Some unknown Mandalorian requests a meeting with anyone willing to hear him out. It maybe a trap- but it also may not be.

Needed:25 Rolled:63

-It's not a trap. It's certainly something, however.
Reward: Mandalorian Meeting

Industrial Might: Your factory is already pushed to the limit producing enough weapons for your men- and that's with the supplements from raids. Now that you are a proper lawman, no one's going to whine simply because you are producing more weapons, which should be very good for you.

-It's done. Your factory is pushing out thousands of blasters and pieces of armor now- enough to decrease the cost of arming your own forces and still produce a tidy surplus for sale to the people you trust.
Reward: Reduce in Upkeep, +400 credits

Farmland: You are, currently, a food importer- if you are cut off for too long, you will starve. Have some men begin working the fields to make your own food and establish your independence from importation.

-The Twi'leks work the land well, raising mostly nerfs and grain. You aren't going to enjoy being cut off from the outside world, but you may just survive it now. That you can export some of that food is great for your budget, as well.
Reward: Can sustain siege, +400 Credits

Learning: Gavin and his droid have finally got some free time, now that they're no longer working on the Chevalier.

Power Armor: It is certain to take time and money even with the leapstart gained from the Hutt's technology- but Gavin and his department think that, with a bit of luck and a lot of determination, they can create the very basics of power armor- not even so advanced as Stormtrooper equipment- but still a huge step forward compared to where you are.

-It is done. Strong, and light, it represents a huge leap forward for how you armor your troops. Right now, only the assault troops wear it- being that it requires special training- but that's easy enough to fix.
Reward: Power Armor

Shock And Awe: Your men also learned how to apply an electric charge to your weapons using the Hutt generator, enough that applying them to your current and future weapons is more a case of needing time than inability to do so.

-This should be done by next year, a godsend for your troops.

Piety: Rahm's militia hits half a dozen targets this year- the man's reckless, determined, and has no fear.

A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.
-You grow tired of this game. For a week you meditate, and think, and follow your instincts. For three months you wander and search- until finally, you find it. An unlikely tap of the boots breaks an over thin stretch of rock, and you plummet- only to land in a hot springs. You feel in your gut that this is the place you need. Already, you have men securing the site.
Reward: Location for Jedi Enclave

Pilgrimage PT.2: Ruusan: Final resting place of every victim of the Thought Bomb, home to Jumpers, and the place where you will finally build your Lightsaber- the usual locale of Ilum being unavailable for obvious reasons. Yet you think there may be more, there.Something calls to you.
Needed:1 Rolled:43+5=48

-Finally, you have it. You have your saber.
(Continued in Interlude)

Intrigue: Captain John has already killed half a dozen would be bounty hunters on your trail- a surprise, to be sure.

Bandits: The Empire is stretched thin dealing with imagined rebels, traitors, and secessionists. So thin, in fact, that they cannot find the resources to deal with the robbers and thieves that so plague the Outer Rim. Naturally, Ceinis has created a plan to use them. First step, infiltrate their territory

-Ceinis has infiltrated the inner circle of a dozen would-be warlords. Naturally, he plans to use this. Residing on Telos IV, it would seem these bandits battle for a title of some sort- the nearest you figure is Chief Bandit.
Reward: Info, possibility

Where Are They: Tanda the Hutt- the manager of Nal Hutta's imports and exports- has apparently got contracts running with more than a few pirate crews, and has earned the wrath of two of your new Employees. Finding him will take time- but should be well worth it, if only because his loss will hurt the Hutts far beyond what his station implies.
Needed:25 Rolled:33+5=38

-Good news: you know where he is. More than that, you are quite capable of reaching the planet.

Bad News: it's Denova. The mines of Baradium harbors this scum bag- not surprising, really, but it makes your life far harder than it should be.
Reward: Info

Personal: Mira has made a habit of leaving flowers for you when you head to work- kind of her.

(H)Armless: Ventress has been a good prisoner. Reduced to crude prosthetics, she suffers. That burns at your conscience- you have resources, time, and heart. Perhaps you could have them used to acquire a set of prosthetics for her?
Needed:30 Rolled:49+6=55

-You get Asajj's consent and contact the same surgeon who removed the kill switches from her. It takes him a half of a day- but Asajj soon has her arm, ones that function well.
Reward: Asajj has her arms back.

Teach Him: Ferus Olin is a padawan who never finished his training. Rahm Kota is a Jedi Master. Perhaps the two of them could work together, to finish that which should have been finished so long ago?
Needed: 50 Rolled:68+22=90

-Ferus Olin once was a rival of Anakin Skywalker, a student of Siri Tachi and an ex-Padawan. Rahm Kota is a Jedi, a leader, and a vaunted member of the Light. The two get along well enough, especially with your prodding them, and though Ferus still has not joined *your* Rebellion, he still rebels, led by his master.
Reward: Ferus Olin learning from Rahm Kota
The Heart Of The Blade
The Heart Of The Blade

Clad in your padawan robes, you step out into the scorching hot sands of Ruusan. You have one goal in mind- an ancient valley, one strong in the Force. Ahsoka follows you, wearing the robes of a Knight, her own Saber clipped to her belt. Your boots sink into the mud, while you begin to stride forth.

The trees are inundated with life- Bouncers, who don't dare to stop you, and other, less advanced species. Your robes have remained immaculate, the dust kept away from them by judicious effort. The sun sets before you reach your destination- a scarred chunk of broken dirt and burnt biomass. Still pockmarked with craters, it thrums with the energy of the Light Side. Here is where Master Hoth laid low the Sith- where their army was broken, if not where the final sacrifice took place.

Ahsoka leaps up to a rock and begins to meditate. "Here I cannot accompany you. You must make this yourself- by your hands, and by your will. Remember the oath." Nodding, you set down your survival pack- where you go, you will not need it. Slipping into the Force, you let your instincts guide you. For one hour you follow the beacon of Light that shines so brilliantly to your senses, the best spot to build your blade of light.

Finally, you find it. Blackened and scorched, burnt to cinders and ash by the power of the corrupting Dark, it still sings in the Light, a defiant beacon of hope. Here is where Hoth led the Army of Light. Dropping to your knees, you begin to chant.

"The crystal is the heart of the blade."

The golden crystal you have held so long floats by your will, up to your chest.

"The heart is the crystal of the Jedi."

The empty hilt floats over the crystal, enveloping it.

"The Jedi is the crystal of the Force."

The power cell floats to the back, capping the hilt and sealing it shut.

"The Force is the blade of the heart."

You bring the focusing lens into the hilt, residing just over the crystal.

"All are intertwined."

Finally, the emitter is sealed on top, brought together by the Force.

"The crystal, the blade, the Jedi."

You activate the blade and it springs into life, a brilliant golden hue burning away the dark.

"We are one."

You head for the valley you passed on the way to the battlefield, to pay your respects. Entering, you are soon lost in its vastness- you keep your mind on what you need, however, and soon enough, stand before it. The gaping wound in the Force. The Spirit Bomb. You are not strong enough to free them, nor is Ahsoka- but you can still pay your respects. Standing before the vast Monument, you can feel something change.

Setting aside your outer robe, that is how Ahsoka finds you a week later- meditating. Nodding in approval, she grabs your outer robes and waits another hour before you finally get up, heading for the ship. On way out, you notice something- the paths to Ruusan opening wider, the storms that had blocked them clearing up. You file that in your mind and rest on your way to Mandalore.
Can't access it because of Works safety mode.
Ruusan was a planet in the Mid Rim most famous for the Ruusan campaign, the last stand of the Brotherhood of Darkness under Lord Kaanand the birthplace of Darth Bane's Order of the Sith Lords. The planet lent its name to the Ruusan Reformations enacted after the battle.


The planet was first colonized between 15,000 BBY to 8000 BBY, sometime between the Kymoodon Era and Rianitus Period.[2] In 2200 BBYRuusan was one of the ore-rich planets of the Teraab sector claimed by theMining Guild, until the planet proved disappointing. All that remained on the planet were few optimistic claim jumpers and fugitives.[2]

The surface of Ruusan.

Ruusan was the site of seven battles between the Sith's Brotherhood of Darkness and the Jedi's Army of Light. During the last battle of Ruusan (1000 BBY) between the Jedi under Lord Hoth, and the Sith under Lord Skere Kaan, much of the planet's surface, including vegetation and several cities, were destroyed.

After the battle had ended, a Jedi Knight named Johun Othone petitioned the Galactic Senate to construct a grand mausoleum containing the one-hundred fallen warriors called The Valley of the Jedi, located on the former location of Olmondo.

The Valley of the Jedi.

Planet Ruusan from orbit.

Despite this, the expanding nebulae of the sector erased the hyperlanes connecting Ruusan[2] and the world was quickly forgotten, as the Galactic Republic turned inward. Isolation and crossbreeding amongst the inhabitants produced a near-Human population that became known as Ruusanians. Shiftingnebulae within the stellar nursery of the Teraab soon erased hyperspace routes to Ruusan, leaving it inaccessible from the galaxy at large. The Separatists briefly established a spy post over one of Ruusan's moons during the Clone Wars, but it was soon destroyed.[2] By the time of the Galactic Empire's reign, Ruusan was mostly forgotten.

Rediscovered by the smuggler Jerg in 11 BBY, the planet came to be used by independent spacers and merchants as a base of operations. A decade later, Rebel refugees from Sulon settled on the planet, following Jerg andMorgan Katarn.[4]

The planet's isolation would end shortly after the Battle of Endor. The Dark Jedi Jerec, informed of the location of the Valley of the Jedi, came to the planet intending to claim the Valley's power for himself. The Jedi Kyle Katarn, assisted by the spirit of Qu Rahn, managed to stop Jerec, slaying the Dark Jedi below the monuments that Othone had built centuries ago.[4]

Katarn would return to Ruusan in 12 ABY to reestablish his connection to the Force, during the confrontation of the Empire Reborn, and in 14 ABY, during the Disciples of Ragnos crisis to investigate the Valley of the Jedi for cult activity.[5]

The world was later targeted by the Yuuzhan Vong, who successfully invaded and occupied the planet over a year into their invasion of the galaxy. It would remain under Vong control until the end of the war.[2]
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What, no ephemeral glitter trailing behind it as it cleaves bodies in half? A trail of red (from blood) and gold sparks that declare our deadly wrath?