Star Wars: Rebellion

Here is the vote tally you wanted @Voikirium! I set it to end at the post where you called the vote, so @Archanist, your vote wasn't counted due to tardiness.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Pana Lewsyk and The Minoru and Captain John Star
No. of votes: 7
Dream Logic, Chaeronea, D King Hecht, durin, chriswriter90, subsider34, Hadiz

[x] All of them
No. of votes: 6
Kelenas, Tylonius, Tetsurou, Theburper, cokerpilot, Thester

[X] The Minoru and Captain John Star
No. of votes: 4
CircleTheSkies, Derek58, Night_stalker, SirHades2.0

[X] The Minoru and Captain John Star and Ambassador Boc'Sera
No. of votes: 2

Space Jawa, Whumbly
Here is the vote tally you wanted @Voikirium! I set it to end at the post where you called the vote, so @Archanist, your vote wasn't counted due to tardiness.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Pana Lewsyk and The Minoru and Captain John Star
No. of votes: 7
Dream Logic, Chaeronea, D King Hecht, durin, chriswriter90, subsider34, Hadiz

[x] All of them
No. of votes: 6
Kelenas, Tylonius, Tetsurou, Theburper, cokerpilot, Thester

[X] The Minoru and Captain John Star
No. of votes: 4
CircleTheSkies, Derek58, Night_stalker, SirHades2.0

[X] The Minoru and Captain John Star and Ambassador Boc'Sera
No. of votes: 2

Space Jawa, Whumbly
Thank you for this- update for hiring will be up soon, then the next turn proper.

"Mr. Pana, Captain John, consider yourself hired." You have both men sign on the dotted line, the mercenaries having what few possessions they own moved to the barracks and hangar. Boc'sera stays behind, grief forming in her mind, while you prepare to leave. Mira strikes the Twi'lek in conversation, and soon enough has her hired for her own company.

Heading out into the terrace, you look over the base. "It is a good land, one well worth defending." Turning in surprise, you see both Pana and Captain John looking over the same terrace. The boy still holds his spear, the blade of supposed Krayt teeth, while the old captain grimaces.

"A request, lad- me an' the boy, we both got a bit of a grudge we need solved. Tanda The Hutt, slimy sonuva no good krayt he is, hurt the boy, and's protecting some scum with a good sized bounty on 'em-The Fair Harbor. Doesn't need to be right now, but if we can go for him at some point- strike at him, say- me an' the boy'd be in your debt." He shakes his head a moment, before tightening the straps on his strange gauntlet weapon. "In any case, 's only a suggestion- you being busy 'n all, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention." He rubs a bit at his eye patch out nervousness, while the hunter simply gets out a sheet of Flimsi and a pen and gets to writing.

"I'll see what I can do."

With that, they both stride off.
Update for next turn will be up soon.
Turn 10
Turn 10


You look upon a galaxy at war- and you grimace. You are no pacifist, and war does not frighten you nearly so much as living another moment under Imperial rule- but that many people dying weighs on your conscience, naws at you. In brighter news, Pana and Captain John have both settled in quickly, each assisting your agents to the best of their abilities.They represent a potent force for your spies and soldiers, one not to be underestimated. (+5 Martial and Intrigue Rolls)

Martial: Pana has joined with your men for each of their battles, the warrior-poet charging into battle like something from a holo-Video.
(Pick 1)

Assault Training: In the glory days of the Republic- the Cold War and other eras where the Sith did not control the Galaxy- there were men of an unusual calibre who represented the pinnacle of non-Force soldiery in the galaxy. You doubt you will be capable of reaching their lofty heights soon- if ever- but having the training ready would be good, yes?

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits.
Cost: 600 Credits

Chance Of Success:65%

Reward: Loot, the warm fuzzy feeling of killing pirates, Recruits,???

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

To Hell With Hutts: The Hutts have been preserved your wrath. Their fortresses and pleasure palaces are too strong for all but a force led by the best commanders to smite- but that is not the only areas their corrupting touch reaches. Hutt forces have implanted a space station into the Taris System- an oozing sore where their poison is pushed to the galaxy and your populace. Governor Greelo has requested aid to remove it, but being that it is of little military value, it is- at best- unlikely that the Imperials will get to it quickly, if at all.
Cost: 2,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:90%

Reward: Sevastopol Station Assault mission Mini-Turns

Anti-Riot Vehicles: It would take time, energy, and credits to produce your own heavy vehicles. Fortunately for you, you are a law man- you can just buy and repurpose some Anti-Riot vehicles. Expensive, but well worth it.
Cost: 2,000 credits
Chance Of Success: 90%

Reward:"Anti-Riot Vehicles"

Diplomacy: Mira has a plan.
(Pick 2)

The Underworld: Smugglers, bounty hunters, and mercenaries are, as a general rule, not very fond of the Empire. You and they share that in common, at least. Perhaps some may be found who are not utter scum, to work together and make common cause against the Imperials?
Cost:500 Credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Bread Crumbs: Mira is well aware of the Empire's propensity towards paranoia, and would like to turn it on them by leaving a few suggestions of who the third party would be- unpopular moffs, corrupt businessmen, knight-templars crusading with vigorous hate against the Hutts- maybe a few of the cartels hoping to see the enemy brought low?
Cost: 700 Credits

Chance Of Success: 80%

Reward: Empire focused on Someone else

Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?: Many revolutionaries backed by both yourself and the Empire are in a precarious position at best. Funneling more money and troops to them could be difficult- but it could also leave you with a strong part of the former Hutt territory extremely friendly to you.
Cost: 1500 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Uprisings strengthened

A Meeting Of Foes: A transmission from Mandalore- the birthplace of this bloody conflict- has reached you. Some unknown Mandalorian requests a meeting with anyone willing to hear him out. It maybe a trap- but it also may not be.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Meeting

Stewardship: Not a lot you can do here, this year.

Industrial Might: Your factory is already pushed to the limit producing enough weapons for your men- and that's with the supplements from raids. Now that you are a proper lawman, no one's going to whine simply because you are producing more weapons, which should be very good for you.
Cost: 800 Credits, 1 Year

Reward: Expanded factory
Farmland: You are, currently, a food importer- if you are cut off for too long, you will starve. Have some men begin working the fields to make your own food and establish your independence from importation.

Learning: Gavin and his droid have finally got some free time, now that they're no longer working on the Chevalier.
(Pick 1)

Power Armor: It is certain to take time and money even with the leapstart gained from the Hutt's technology- but Gavin and his department think that, with a bit of luck and a lot of determination, they can create the very basics of power armor- not even so advanced as Stormtrooper equipment- but still a huge step forward compared to where you are.

Peragus: Gavin may well manage to come up with some use for the fuel beyond the obvious. Certainly, it never hurt to try.
Cost:1-10 Peragus fuel

Chance Of Success:60%

Reward: Schematics

Shock And Awe: Your men also learned how to apply an electric charge to your weapons using the Hutt generator, enough that applying them to your current and future weapons is more a case of needing time than inability to do so.
Cost: 400 Credits, 1 year

Reward: Electrified weapon

Piety: Rahm's militia hits half a dozen targets this year- the man's reckless, determined, and has no fear.
(Pick 1)

A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.

Finding: You'd put good credits on at least a few of your men being force sensitive. It'd be smart to have Ahsoka check, and see if she can't teach them a few tricks. At the least she can keep them from going mad like Palpatine or his dog, Vader.
Cost: 300 credits

Chance Of Success:70%

Reward: 1d5 Force sensitives found, ???

Pilgrimage PT.2: Ruusan: Final resting place of every victim of the Thought Bomb, home to Jumpers, and the place where you will finally build your Lightsaber- the usual locale of Ilum being unavailable for obvious reasons. Yet you think there may be more, there.Something calls to you.
Cost:400 credits

Chance Of Success: 100%

Reward: Pilgrimage continued, Lightsaber

Intrigue: Captain John has already killed half a dozen would be bounty hunters on your trail- a surprise, to be sure.
(Pick 1)

Bandits: The Empire is stretched thin dealing with imagined rebels, traitors, and secessionists. So thin, in fact, that they cannot find the resources to deal with the robbers and thieves that so plague the Outer Rim. Naturally, Ceinis has created a plan to use them. First step, infiltrate their territory

Break The Stalemate: The Hutts and Empire tear each other apart each day and innocent people die each day. You have no problem with the soldiers dying- but the innocent? That you will not abide. You must get them moving again by turning their battles decisively one way or the other.
Cost: 300 Credits

Chance Of Success: 45%

Reward: Stalemate broken without your part known to the Empire or the Hutts.

Where Are They: Tanda the Hutt- the manager of Nal Hutta's imports and exports- has apparently got contracts running with more than a few pirate crews, and has earned the wrath of two of your new Employees. Finding him will take time- but should be well worth it, if only because his loss will hurt the Hutts far beyond what his station implies.
Cost: 500 credits
Chance Of Success: 75%

Reward: Tanda The Hutt Located

Personal: Mira has made a habit of leaving flowers for you when you head to work- kind of her.

(Pick 2)
Heroics: Tales are told of the Hero Of Coruscant, The Exile, and of Revan- how they made time to help the people around them with little thought for their own needs, or desires, in favor of helping the Republic and its citizens. The Republic might have fallen- but the citizens remain, and they need help, now more than ever. How could you not live up to their example?

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Help the people.

(H)Armless: Ventress has been a good prisoner. Reduced to crude prosthetics, she suffers. That burns at your conscience- you have resources, time, and heart. Perhaps you could have them used to acquire a set of prosthetics for her?
Cost: 400 credits
Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Asajj receives prosthetic arms

Teach Him: Ferus Olin is a padawan who never finished his training. Rahm Kota is a Jedi Master. Perhaps the two of them could work together, to finish that which should have been finished so long ago?
Cost: 300 Credits

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Ferus Olin Begins to learn from Rahm Kota

Can we get some color or some other bit of differentiation between the categories? One big problem with a lot of Dynasty quests is that perusing the action list is a real eyesore.
Does the coloring of the Action categories help at all?
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Martial: Pana has joined with your men for each of their battles, the warrior-poet charging into battle like something from a holo-Video.
(Pick 1)

To Hell With Hutts:

Dead Hutts FTW.

Diplomacy: Mira has a plan.
(Pick 2)

Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?:

A Meeting Of Foes:

Trap or not, and helping our revolt.

Learning: Gavin and his droid have finally got some free time, now that they're no longer working on the Chevalier.
(Pick 1)


Might as well do this.

Piety: Rahm's militia hits half a dozen targets this year- the man's reckless, determined, and has no fear.
(Pick 1)


Seriously, enough wasting time on us.

Intrigue: Captain John has already killed half a dozen would be bounty hunters on your trail- a surprise, to be sure.
(Pick 1)

Where Are They:

Find him. Now.

Personal: Mira has made a habit of leaving flowers for you when you head to work- kind of her.

(Pick 2)

Teach Him:

PR, and better friend.
[x] To Hell With Hutts

[x] Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?
[x] A Meeting Of Foes

[x] Peragus

[x] A Minor Thing PT.1

[x] Where Are They

[x] Heroics
[x] (H)Armless

Set up training facilities, first, *then* start looking for more Force Sensitives.
To Hell With Hutts
Bread Crumbs
A Meeting Of Foes
Shock And Awe
A Minor Thing PT.1
Where Are They
Teach Him

I think we should give the Empire some false leads before acting, to draw them away from us.
Martial - To Hell with Hutts

Let's wipe them from our territory, shall we?

Diplomacy - Bread Crumbs, Will You Stand or Will You Fall

Hiding our traces and supporting the uprisings.

Learning - Peragus

It's been sitting here for a while; let's check it out.

Piety - Pilgrimage PT.2: Ruusan

Well, we've been going strong here

Intrigue - Where are They

Damage the Hutts and assist our new employees? I don't see a downside to finding an dtaking him out.

Personal - Heroics, (H)Armless

Let's wrap up that loose end and go out and help people.
To Hell With Hutts: The Hutts have been preserved your wrath. Their fortresses and pleasure palaces are too strong for all but a force led by the best commanders to smite- but that is not the only areas their corrupting touch reaches. Hutt forces have implanted a space station into the Taris System- an oozing sore where their poison is pushed to the galaxy and your populace. Governor Greelo has requested aid to remove it, but being that it is of little military value, it is- at best- unlikely that the Imperials will get to it quickly, if at all.
Cost: 2,000 Credits

Chance Of Success:90%

Reward: Sevastopol Station Assault mission Mini-Turns
Get the hell out of our system Hutts.

Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?: Many revolutionaries backed by both yourself and the Empire are in a precarious position at best. Funneling more money and troops to them could be difficult- but it could also leave you with a strong part of the former Hutt territory extremely friendly to you.
Cost: 1500 Credits

Chance Of Success:80%

Reward: Uprisings strengthened

A Meeting Of Foes: A transmission from Mandalore- the birthplace of this bloody conflict- has reached you. Some unknown Mandalorian requests a meeting with anyone willing to hear him out. It maybe a trap- but it also may not be.
Cost: Free

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Meeting
Keep the revolts going and see who wants to meet us.

Shock And Awe: Your men also learned how to apply an electric charge to your weapons using the Hutt generator, enough that applying them to your current and future weapons is more a case of needing time than inability to do so.
Cost: 400 Credits, 1 year

Reward: Electrified weapon
Shock weapons sound good.

Pilgrimage PT.2: Ruusan: Final resting place of every victim of the Thought Bomb, home to Jumpers, and the place where you will finally build your Lightsaber- the usual locale of Ilum being unavailable for obvious reasons. Yet you think there may be more, there.Something calls to you.
Cost:400 credits

Chance Of Success: 100%

Reward: Pilgrimage continued, Lightsaber
More pilgrimage and time to build our saber.

Where Are They: Tanda the Hutt- the manager of Nal Hutta's imports and exports- has apparently got contracts running with more than a few pirate crews, and has earned the wrath of two of your new Employees. Finding him will take time- but should be well worth it, if only because his loss will hurt the Hutts far beyond what his station implies.
Cost: 500 credits
Chance Of Success: 75%

Reward: Tanda The Hutt Located
Oh Taaaaanda.

(H)Armless: Ventress has been a good prisoner. Reduced to crude prosthetics, she suffers. That burns at your conscience- you have resources, time, and heart. Perhaps you could have them used to acquire a set of prosthetics for her?
Cost: 400 credits
Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Asajj receives prosthetic arms

Teach Him: Ferus Olin is a padawan who never finished his training. Rahm Kota is a Jedi Master. Perhaps the two of them could work together, to finish that which should have been finished so long ago?
Cost: 300 Credits

Chance Of Success:50%

Reward: Ferus Olin Begins to learn from Rahm Kota
Arms for Ventress and let's see about getting Ferus a new teacher.
Okay updated character sheet time. Please point out any flaws, and note that I have added description to Ahsoka because I felt like she needed it and I got that stats of the Devout Trait from Conquest:

Tellus Othello

Age: 35

Senior Padawan- You are aware of the force, and can use it as a Neophyte. (+4 All Stats)
Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, that's starting to be a bit less awkward. (-1 Diplomacy)
On Pilgrimage (Scholar)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. Walk the path of Jedi that came before you and perhaps you can find meaning in these places. (+1 Piety, +1 Learning)

Jedi Armor (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)

Prestige: 200

The Mad Abolitionist
Lawman of Taris

Diplomacy: 6+3+4-1=12- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+4+3=30- You are a whirling dervish of death on the field of battle
Stewardship: 21+4+2=27- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+4=17- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 20+4+3+3+1=31- You are no Revan, no Barsen'thor, and certainly no Skywalker. However, the Force is strong in you- very much so- to the point that you can perform mighty feats when you put your mind to it.
Learning: 18+2+4+1=25- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano

Age: 24

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian- She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)
On Pilgrimage (Duelist)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. Walk the path of Jedi that came before you and perhaps you can find meaning in these places. (+1 Piety, +1 Martial)
Devout- Through trials unknown she has emerged as a Paragon of the Light Side (+3 Piety, +1 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5=21- Her lessons from master on the matter were simple, don't do as I do.
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2+1+1=31- She went through the fire and fury of the Clone Wars and came out blazing.
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17- Being a Commander in the 501st gave her an appreciation for logistics.
Intrigue: 6+4=10- She knows how to disappear.
Piety: 20+5+1+1+3=30- A strong connection to the force has made her seem older than she actually is.
Learning: 15+1+4=20- Her master passed on a considerable knowledge of mechanics.

Graun The Swift And Sure Footed

Born: 30 BBY

Age: 21

The leader of your Evocii and foe of the Hutts.

Sharp Shooter- He spends every day on the range, working on his aim, and it shows. (+2 Martial)
Ace Pilot- He was born to Fly.(+2 Martial)
Strategist- A more than capable thinker to go with his fighting. (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Racial Hate(Hutts)- The slugs hurt him, hurt him deep- and he won't be happy until they're hurt back.

Diplomacy: 8- He can lead Evocii- but that's not honestly all that hard.
Martial: 19+2+2+2=25- Say what you will- when the Hutts want a super soldier, they get a supersoldier.
Stewardship: 10+1=11- Only really spends money to maintain his gear and keep well stocked, still good at math, at least.
Intrigue: 10- He can be stealthy- part of being the Sure Footed.
Piety: 14- The evocii have a strong regard for The Jedi, and he is little.
Learning: 2- The Hutts wanted a super soldier, not a scholar. This man has been deprived of knowledge his whole life.

Mira Panteer

Born: 40 BBY

Age: 31

Attractive-Beautiful. (+2 Diplomacy)
Tall-Nearly two meters tall, she dominates the room- a reminder of her Thul heritage. (+2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Socializer-She knows how to wheel and deal with people. (+3 Diplomacy)
Kind-Also very kind. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)

Diplomacy:20+2+1+3+2=28- Very persuasive.
Martial:13+2=15- Panteer or no, she can fight- though she prefers not to.
Stewardship:16-Can run her fleet successfully with ease.
Intrigue:9-2=7-Relies on others to cover her weakness with stealth.
Piety:15- Loves Jedi- especially one in particular
Learning:15- Smart.

Rogues of the Rebellion

Pana Lewysk

A single warrior with a penchant for surprise attacks and melee combat, he is the cheapest of the bunch- still rather expensive given you're doubling the sign on bonus- but cheaper than the rest. He has a special request, if you do end up hiring him- that if you end up full on marching on the Hutts, he be allowed to gut Tanda the Hutt.

Contract cost: 200 Credits per turn

Hunter-(+2 Martial)
Duelist- (+2 Martial)
Strategist- (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Blacksmith- (+1 Learning, +1 Martial)
Poet- (+2 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 19+2=21
Martial: 20+2+1+2+2=27
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Piety: 19
Learning: 15+1=16

The Minoru and Captain John Star

The good captain has offered the services of his ship and crew to you and yours. Specializing in Black-Ops, they're not meant for a straight fight- but to stealthily kill the enemy. Very, very good at that.

Contract Cost: 1,000 credits per turn

Master Schemer- (+3 Intrigue)
Paranoid- (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Deceitful- (-2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Cynical- (-2 Piety, +2 Intrigue)
Just- (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning)

Martial: 9
Piety: 16-2=14
(H)Armless: Ventress has been a good prisoner. Reduced to crude prosthetics, she suffers. That burns at your conscience- you have resources, time, and heart. Perhaps you could have them used to acquire a set of prosthetics for her?
Cost: 400 credits
Chance Of Success: 70%

Reward: Asajj receives prosthetic arms

Personally, I think it might be better to wait on this and see if we can find an opportunity to get Ventress to a point where she can replicate the crystal arm regrowth thing. Prosthetics are good, mystical regrown crystal arms are better.

Or is that option already off the table for her?
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Personally, I think it might be better to wait on this and see if we can find an opportunity to get Ventress to a point where she can replicate the crystal arm regrowth thing. Prosthetics are good, mystical regrown crystal arms are better.

I don't feel like trying to convert her without hands. So we give her hands and then in the future if we can get her to replicate what happened with us we'll do it.
[X] To Hell With Hutts

[X]Will You Stand Or Will You Fall?
[X] A Meeting Of Foes

[X] Shock And Awe

[X] Pilgrimage PT.2: Ruusan

[X] Where Are They

[X]Teach Him
Personally, I think it might be better to wait on this and see if we can find an opportunity to get Ventress to a point where she can replicate the crystal arm regrowth thing. Prosthetics are good, mystical regrown crystal arms are better.

Or is that option already off the table for her?
For various reasons of the "You don't know" kind, she can't pull off what you did.

Okay updated character sheet time. Please point out any flaws, and note that I have added description to Ahsoka because I felt like she needed it and I got that stats of the Devout Trait from Conquest:

Tellus Othello

Age: 35

Senior Padawan- You are aware of the force, and can use it as a Neophyte. (+4 All Stats)
Scholar- You've always enjoyed curling up with a good book after a long mission. (+2 Stewardship, +2 Learning)
Imperial- You once served the emperor and empire, making it a bit awkward when interacting with your fellow rebels. However, that's starting to be a bit less awkward. (-1 Diplomacy)
On Pilgrimage (Scholar)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. Walk the path of Jedi that came before you and perhaps you can find meaning in these places. (+1 Piety, +1 Learning)

Jedi Armor (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)

Prestige: 200

The Mad Abolitionist
Lawman of Taris

Diplomacy: 6+3+4-1=12- You aren't a people person. You're getting better, though.
Martial: 23+4+3=30- You are a whirling dervish of death on the field of battle
Stewardship: 21+4+2=27- You like math.
Intrigue: 13+4=17- You know how to hide your trail, but that's about it.
Piety: 20+4+3+3+1=31- You are no Revan, no Barsen'thor, and certainly no Skywalker. However, the Force is strong in you- very much so- to the point that you can perform mighty feats when you put your mind to it.
Learning: 18+2+4+1=25- You love learning and reading.

Heroes of the Rebellion

Ahsoka Tano

Age: 24

Bright- She's a smart kid. (+1 All Stats)
Brave- She refuses to feel fear. (+3 Martial)
Jedi Guardian- She never technically reached the rank of Jedi Knight. However, her skill is certainly the equal of one- especially in the art of battle. (+6 Martial, +5 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +4 All other Stats)
Duelist- She learned from some of the finest masters of the Saber how to duel-including Anakin Skywalker. She got good at it. (+2 Martial)
On Pilgrimage (Duelist)- Jolee Bindo and T3 have given out a series of locations to journey to. Walk the path of Jedi that came before you and perhaps you can find meaning in these places. (+1 Piety, +1 Martial)
Devout- Through trials unknown she has emerged as a Paragon of the Light Side (+3 Piety, +1 Martial)

Diplomacy: 14+1+5=21- Her lessons from master on the matter were simple, don't do as I do.
Martial: 17+6+3+1+2+1+1=31- She went through the fire and fury of the Clone Wars and came out blazing.
Stewardship: 12+4+1=17- Being a Commander in the 501st gave her an appreciation for logistics.
Intrigue: 6+4=10- She knows how to disappear.
Piety: 20+5+1+1+3=30- A strong connection to the force has made her seem older than she actually is.
Learning: 15+1+4=20- Her master passed on a considerable knowledge of mechanics.

Graun The Swift And Sure Footed

Born: 30 BBY

Age: 21

The leader of your Evocii and foe of the Hutts.

Sharp Shooter- He spends every day on the range, working on his aim, and it shows. (+2 Martial)
Ace Pilot- He was born to Fly.(+2 Martial)
Strategist- A more than capable thinker to go with his fighting. (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Racial Hate(Hutts)- The slugs hurt him, hurt him deep- and he won't be happy until they're hurt back.

Diplomacy: 8- He can lead Evocii- but that's not honestly all that hard.
Martial: 19+2+2+2=25- Say what you will- when the Hutts want a super soldier, they get a supersoldier.
Stewardship: 10+1=11- Only really spends money to maintain his gear and keep well stocked, still good at math, at least.
Intrigue: 10- He can be stealthy- part of being the Sure Footed.
Piety: 14- The evocii have a strong regard for The Jedi, and he is little.
Learning: 2- The Hutts wanted a super soldier, not a scholar. This man has been deprived of knowledge his whole life.

Mira Panteer

Born: 40 BBY

Age: 31

Attractive-Beautiful. (+2 Diplomacy)
Tall-Nearly two meters tall, she dominates the room- a reminder of her Thul heritage. (+2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Socializer-She knows how to wheel and deal with people. (+3 Diplomacy)
Kind-Also very kind. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)

Diplomacy:20+2+1+3+2=28- Very persuasive.
Martial:13+2=15- Panteer or no, she can fight- though she prefers not to.
Stewardship:16-Can run her fleet successfully with ease.
Intrigue:9-2=7-Relies on others to cover her weakness with stealth.
Piety:15- Loves Jedi- especially one in particular
Learning:15- Smart.

Rogues of the Rebellion

Pana Lewysk

A single warrior with a penchant for surprise attacks and melee combat, he is the cheapest of the bunch- still rather expensive given you're doubling the sign on bonus- but cheaper than the rest. He has a special request, if you do end up hiring him- that if you end up full on marching on the Hutts, he be allowed to gut Tanda the Hutt.

Contract cost: 200 Credits per turn

Hunter-(+2 Martial)
Duelist- (+2 Martial)
Strategist- (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Blacksmith- (+1 Learning, +1 Martial)
Poet- (+2 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 19+2=21
Martial: 20+2+1+2+2=27
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Piety: 19
Learning: 15+1=16

The Minoru and Captain John Star

The good captain has offered the services of his ship and crew to you and yours. Specializing in Black-Ops, they're not meant for a straight fight- but to stealthily kill the enemy. Very, very good at that.

Contract Cost: 1,000 credits per turn

Master Schemer- (+3 Intrigue)
Paranoid- (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
Deceitful- (-2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Cynical- (-2 Piety, +2 Intrigue)
Just- (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning)

Martial: 9
Piety: 16-2=14
Thank you very much for this.