Star Wars: Rebellion

Turn 9 Results
Turn 9

You sigh. Things have developed beyond your predictions- admittedly, beneficially for yourself , but still beyond your predictions. You had been a commander before, a captain, the kind of man who gives orders. You had never been a leader before now, however. Hopefully, you are strong enough for the burden.

Martial: Soont's plan is developing well. The Empire and the Hutts are both weakened by your assaults.

Assault Training: In the glory days of the Republic- the Cold War and other eras where the Sith did not control the Galaxy- there were men of an unusual calibre who represented the pinnacle of non-Force soldiery in the galaxy. You doubt you will be capable of reaching their lofty heights soon- if ever- but having the training ready would be good, yes?
Needed: 25 Rolled:77

-You lead the men through the kind of training that would break lesser men. It will take time, but they shall be the greater for it.

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance.
Needed: 25 Rolled: 82

-You make the Empire bleed. Dozens of attack groups are waylaid by wookie fighters striking from the foliage, entire squads disappearing in the dark of night to Evocii scouts. You lead half a dozen attacks yourself in the course of training your men, saving a few hundred Twi'lek slaves. They aren't soldiers, but they are quite willing to stay on the base and work the field in return for an honest wage- one you are all too happy to provide.
Reward: 10,000 credits, 300 Twi'lek citizens

Diplomacy: You've almost gotten good at dealing with people.

The Only Things You Have To Lose Are Your Chains, Comrades!: The Hutts use slaves, keeping them in line by fear and power. However, the power of the single overseer is often exaggerated- more than that, you know the ways of slavers well. Go among them, make them understand the power they hold, the power they could take back, and watch as the Hutts are pushed both inside and out by their victims.

-On Nal Hutta, the sun rises, as it usually does. Factories produce pollution to choke out the sky, the Hutts living in leisure. Their palaces remain hedonistic centers of debauchery and sin. Thousands die so these slugs can live comfortably. It is the center of a criminal- and somewhat political- Empire spanning dozens of systems. But something is different, now.

For, on the second month of the year, on a day like any other, a document was signed. Not by y the cruel usurpers of the land- but by the Evocii. Twelve days later, across the planet, half a dozen Hutt pleasure palaces were raided, the occupants imprisoned, executed, or besieged. The scene takes place over and over again, and though the Hutts have sworn bloody vengeance on each rebel, these self same rebels have found support from both the Empire- eager to see their enemy weakened- and by yourself- though the second is unknown to anyone except you.
Reward: Uprisings On Hutt by Slaves

The Odd, Strange, And Unusual: There're plenty of men with odd, strange, unusual, and most importantly, useful, skills. You are now pulling in good money- time to see if you can hire a few.
Needed:40 Rolled:21 Reroll:78+10=88

-At first, no one will answer- but, by some mystery, three bands of adventures and trouble shooters end up answering the call- expensive, some of them, but of a high quality.

Stewardship: Your men do good work with the resources they have.

Industrial Might: Your factory is already pushed to the limit producing enough weapons for your men- and that's with the supplements from raids. Now that you are a proper lawman, no one's going to whine simply because you are producing more weapons, which should be very good for you.

You set aside some funds for your factory and set to work expanding it. May take some time, however.

Farmland: You are, currently, a food importer- if you are cut off for too long, you will starve. Have some men begin working the fields to make your own food and establish your independence from importation.

-You also find some good farmland, and have the Twi'leks and other homesteaders settled there.

Power Armor: It is certain to take time and money even with the leapstart gained from the Hutt's technology- but Gavin and his department think that, with a bit of luck and a lot of determination, they can create the very basics of power armor- not even so advanced as Stormtrooper equipment- but still a huge step forward compared to where you are.

-Work is nearly finished.

Big Gun: You are not much for most sciences, much preferring the Civilized Subjects and Archeology- but even you know what'll happen when that much energy is applied to a target. In short, Boom. You are not much one for burning excitement- but you're damned close to it for this.

-Gentlemen, say hello to the Chevalier Heavy Repeater Blaster. As long as you are and heavy enough to strain even the strongest man, you can barely lift the thing. It's somewhat delicate- much like the warrior it takes its name from, it requires a good amount of resources. However, much like its namesake, it is sure to be the deadliest thing on the field- the joys of being allowed Governmental level firepower for your blaster. Right now, the only part of your force which uses them are Evocii Scouts- as an impromptu sniper- but this settles an internal debate you had about how to arm your Assault Troops.

Reward: Chevalier Heavy Repeater Rifle, +5 All Scout rolls, No need to research or acquire Assault trooper armament

Piety: Ahsoka has requested leave to follow the advice of the Jolee holocron and should be back soon. In the meantime, you have prepared for your Pilgrimage.

A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.

-You can feel yourself drawing near to something.

Pilgrimage Pt.1:Ossus: Being that it is so important, you want to be sure that you reach Ossus first- Force only knows what you'll find there. You can feel the call of the Force from the planet- like the most beautiful song, sung by the galaxy itself to you and yours and all life by something which cares for everyone.
Needed:20 Rolled: 97

-You do not find doomsday weapons, or ships capable of breaking any army arrayed before them, or weapons. The Natives, the Ysanna, recognize the robes you wear and are content to leave you be. No, what you find is knowledge and peace. You spend the half of a year here simply making records and copies of each book and scroll you found here- learning from the holocrons and tapestries, the things that cannot be moved. You do not receive anything of this base matter- but you find knowledge- you find reason and peace and the Light. Ahsoka disappears part way through to follow her own path- but she gains from the experience as well, even if her own path is different from yours in some ways.
Reward:Trait On Pilgrimage(Scholar) (+1 Piety, +1 Learning), Ahsoka Gains On Pilgrimage(Duelist)(+1 Piety, +1 Martial), Knowledge of the Great Jedi Library (+5 Piety Rolls)

Intrigue: Ceinis works well with you.
Bandits: The Empire is stretched thin dealing with imagined rebels, traitors, and secessionists. So thin, in fact, that they cannot find the resources to deal with the robbers and thieves that so plague the Outer Rim. Naturally, Ceinis has created a plan to use them. First step, infiltrate their territory.
Needed:20 Rolled:41

-The Outer Rim is thrown into disarray, drafts and draft rioting dominating during the war. It is not hard for informants to be placed in the structures of many gangs- but it may take time for that network to be established.

Hidden Strikes: You hit the enemy hard, this past year. Time to follow that up by striking where you can at the enemy- Graun would like to take a few more pot shots at the Hutts.
Needed:30 Rolled:41+20=61

-You funnel resources into this mission- and get results. Thousands of Hutt Soldiers die as they are assassinated in a myriad of different ways- from explosive decompression by a well placed knife and a lot of time to regular explosive- the forces arrayed against you are also finally revealed, Imperial Soldiers of the Black Band exposed in half a dozen battles which your men sway to their side by subtle application of Chevalier blasts.
Reward: War against the Hutts prolonged

Personal: You have had a good few years- not long ago you were a destitute drifter.
Time With Mira: You enjoy spending time with Mira. You have a lot on your plate, but your psychological health would much appreciate speaking with friends. You think you felt something develop, last year- you don't know what, but you are starting to get this pleasant tension in your gut when you think about her.
Needed:55 Rolled:56

-You and she end up staying late in the command center -I.E., the hangar- late one night. She was sipping caff, you were messing with your arm while working on paper work. She was intrigued by your arm, and finally decided to ask about. You let her feel it- given she asked to- she ended up trailing up your arm, swooped in for a kiss, and to make a very long story short, you lost something that night, and gained someone in your life.
Reward: Mira Panteer joins your Rebellion, becomes your Lover

Parts: You have a crystal for a Lightsaber, along with a power cell, focusing lens, and hilt. With T3's gift, you are quite capable of building yourself an emitter- a good one- though you will not have time to construct the saber as well.
Needed:10 Rolled:14+12=26

-It's not glamorous, or pretty, or impressive. The emitter you forge is, however, functional- and very functional at that. It requires only to be built- and you can think of two places you need to go to for just that.
Reward: Emitter Lens

Ahsoka's Trail: Rolled:55 (Bonuses Unknown)

-On her personal ship, Ahsoka sets off from Ossus. That is the last time you see her until three months pass. Next you see her, she wears not her bounty hunter armor nor her rebel uniform- but the robes of Jedi. She does not tell- and you don't pry- but over the months that follow, she shows much less burning paranoia, and seems sure of herself. You can guess what has happened and though you are possibly wrong, either way she seems happier.
Reward: Ahsoka loses trait Paranoid, gains trait Devout, Much happier,???

Imperial Rumours:

Uprising: Formed by some unknown third party, an uprising of the Slaves of the Hutts dominates the slugs, turning their attention away from the war to the guerrilla battles which burn on their planets. Already the Empire has taken advantage of this, launching raids as far Ryloth and, most famously, if briefly, Nar Shadda.
Mira's character sheet should be up soon.
An excellent turn! And Ahsoka starting to find peace makes me very happy :)
Training went well, we got a solid success on our raiding, we got an uprising weakening the Hutts that the Empire is supporting (which means they'll be spending resources to help it succeed and not elsewhere), some ecclectics hired and the farms are finish in time for our new workers to start plowing and harvesting.

The Big Guns are nice, but now I want something somewhat more portable on the next slate.

Now, the pilgrimage. We get a trait, Ahsoka gains a trait and we get a Piety rolls bonus. Nice!

Soldiers of the Black Band... hm. Donno anything about them. I'm not exactly sure how Chevalier blasts can be 'subtle'...

Huh, we eked out a romantic relationship and slimly succeeded on the last piece of the lightsaber.

I wonder what happened to Ahsoka - an extra pilgrimage of her own? Excising demons of the past? Getting laid? :p

Still, losing Paranoid and gaining Devout is probably healthy in the long run.

Incidentally, we may want to lay some breadcrumbs to another possible source for the "unknown third party" mentioned in the Uprising rumors, just to cover ourselves a bit.
Mira Panteer

Born: BBY:40

Age: 31

Beautiful. (+2 Diplomacy)
Tall: Nearly two meters tall, she dominates the room- a reminder of her Thul heritage. (+2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Socializer: She knows how to wheel and deal with people. (+3 Diplomacy)
Kind: Also very kind. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)

20+2+1+3+2=28- Very persuasive.
Martial: 13+2=15- Panteer or no, she can fight- though she prefers not to.
Stewardship: 16-Can run her fleet successfully with ease.
Intrigue: 9-2=7-Relies on others to cover her weakness with stealth.
Piety: 15- Loves Jedi- especially one in particular
Learning: 15- Smart.

Soldiers of the Black Band... hm. Donno anything about them. I'm not exactly sure how Chevalier blasts can be 'subtle'...
They're not fuckloud, given the correct modifications- really the big thing is size and portability, which a very determined assassin- like, say, an evocii scout with a grudge and training, can overcome.
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Why is intrigue more often then not the lowest stat a person has? Is there a lack of intrigue related traits? That other stats are seen as more important period when generating a character? Or is it just really bad luck for that stat?
Why is intrigue more often then not the lowest stat a person has? Is there a lack of intrigue related traits? That other stats are seen as more important period when generating a character? Or is it just really bad luck for that stat?
Mostly bad luck, though there is something of a dearth of intrigue traits that I could use to make a character I'd want to write.
Pana Lewysk

A single warrior with a penchant for surprise attacks and melee combat, he is the cheapest of the bunch- still rather expensive given you're doubling the sign on bonus- but cheaper than the rest. He has a special request, if you do end up hiring him- that if you end up full on marching on the Hutts, he be allowed to gut Tanda the Hutt.

Sign on Cost: 400 credits

Contract cost: 200 Credits a turn


Hunter (+2 Martial)
Duelist (+2 Martial)
Strategist (+2 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Blacksmith (+1 Learning, +1 Martial)
Poet (+2 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 19+2=21
Martial: 20+2+1+2+2=27
Stewardship: 2
Intrigue: 9
Piety: 19
Learning: 15+1=16

The Minoru and Captain John Star

The good captain has offered the services of his ship and crew to you and yours. Specializing in Black-Ops, they're not meant for a straight fight- but to stealthily kill the enemy. Very, very good at that.

Up front bonus: 2,000 Credits

Contract Cost: 1,000 credits

Master Schemer
(+3 Intrigue)
Paranoid (-1 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue)
(-2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)
Cynical (-2 Piety, +2 Intrigue)
Just (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning)

Martial: 9
Stewardship: 2+2=4
Intrigue: 18+2+2+3+3=28
Piety: 16-2=14
Learning: 15+1=16

Ambassador Boc'Sera

The Twi'lek with the pretty eyes you saw when you visited your father. Unemployed due to the Empire's virulently anti-xeno policies, she would be a valuable aid to your own diplomats.

Sign On bonus: 1,000 credits
Contract Cost: 500 credits

Attractive (+2 Diplomacy)
(-2 Intrigue, +2 Diplomacy)
Socializer(+3 Diplomacy)
Charitable (+3 Diplomacy)

Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 8
Piety: 12
You can hire- or not hire- as many as you would like to.
[X] The Minoru and Captain John Star

This guy definitely, given the intrigue. We kind of already have diplomacy and martial covered, albeit not quite as well.
[X] Pana Lewsyk and The Minoru and Captain John Star

Pana brings good martial and diplomacy for not much cost. I know we don't really *need* more in those areas, but it's a relatively cheap buff for our forces.
[X] Pana Lewsyk and The Minoru and Captain John Star

Amazing levels of Martial and Intrigue respectively, plus Pana is pretty good with Diplomacy, and we've got Mira as our ace unit for Diplomacy.