Star Wars: Rebellion

Speaking of, what's Boba been up to lately. Any chance we can eventually get him on retainer? Or are the Hutts too rich for that sort of thing. I mean, to be fair, we're a poor rebellion, but it would be hilarious to set him on our enemies once or twice.
Get ready to thank Mira profusely, then, for the hilarity you are about to see.
Turn 27 Results
Turn 27

Tatooine, land of deserts and scum. Farmers, criminals, and now the Empire have all forged small homesteads here. A shield generator located on the surface is protected by legions of the Empire's finest troops while, up above, the Death Star II is constructed by an army of workers and droids. He plans to entrap you there, leak his strength and expect you to leap into the noose. He likely did not expect you to know his bullshit.

Martial: This is it! This moment is why so few gave so much for the many! For victory! For the Rebel Alliance!

Fuck Your Ships!: Palpatine plans on laying an ambush on you and your men in the space battle above Tatooine, luring you in and hitting you with everything. Well, everything is going to be far smaller than he would like. Set your agents one task: Making service aboard Imperial Ships very, very unpleasant.
Needed:60 Rolled:19+30=49 Rerolled:61+40=101

- Victory Regiment and the Jensaarai are dispatched with one goal: Destroy. They do as much, cutting a bloody through every task force, every fleet and admiral, every element, every ship they can get their hands on. No one is safe from their most holy wrath.

The greatest victory was in their battle on the Lusankya. See, as the ship was setting off from Coruscant, a few hundred Jensaarai who had been captured, broke free. In the ensuing chaos, they destroyed much and trashed the stealth generator placed on the ship that is so similar to that created on Fondor. Now, when and if they use it, you will be well prepared and ready for it.
Reward: Empire's strength sapped at Battle Of Tatooine, Lusankya Stealth Generator destroyed

Fuck Your Stormtroopers!: The Shield Generator below is guarded by Imperial Legions, more than the "Stolen" intelligence would suggest. Have your agents prepare a strike on the Stormtroopers, let them bleed and watch as the foe falls.
Needed:40 Rolled:91+10=101

-The Evocii are no less deadly. With perfect timing and a tenacity that borders the insane, they synchronize their attacks on the Imperials with Sand People attacks, pirate raids, or other nuisances, to terrifying effect. Most impressively, they capture the Ground Pounder in charge of the shield generator, a woman named Natasi Daala, and have her imprisoned. While far too stubborn to tell you much of anything, she has several codes and such on her at the time, and to be frank, she was very good at her job, as the nearly twenty-five Tusken Raider Assaults she repelled with five casualties can attest to. Her replacement is distinctly unlikely to be as good.
Reward:Imperial Strength on Tatooine far reduced. Natasi Daala taken prisoner.

Diplomacy: The Galaxy will soon be free of Palpatine's evil.

Alderaan Anger: Alderaan is a world with a rich history of war, a world ripened on the tree of dissent, nourished by the waters of justice and kindness though it may be. Bail has honed that into a small but effective military force, with the potential for massive expansion. Right now they can hold, but sending supplies, credits, and other means of assistance should be incredibly helpful. Though the siege has finished, massive reconstruction efforts are necessary. More troops to train the locals would likely help as well.
Needed:25 Rolled:30+5=35

Much needed supplies and credits flow like a mighty ocean into the battered planet of Alderaan. Though it will take time, the people of Alderaan are hardy, and strong. They will recover stronger than before.

Nar Shaddaa?: Nar Shaddaa is free of both Empire and Hutt for the first time ever. You can use this, change things.
Needed:30 Rolled:73

- You have found a man you believe may unify Nar Shaddaa. Named Dresk Blue, a Zeltron, he is a patriot of his home and believes that without the Hutts poisoning it, it could be great once more. He's more than willing to fight for it as well. To prove his good faith, he destroys a convoy of ships- using the soldiers your money has allowed him to recruit and train- that would have reinforced Lianna during your attack on it with Dark Jedi, making your life much easier.
Reward: Rebel Aligned leader found on Nar Shaddaa.

Stewardship: The Alliance grows rich, strong, a true contender against the evil Galactic Empire.

Base The Third: The more fallback positions the Alliance has, the less worry you have of instant death when the Empire strikes back, which it will. You can think of a few planets off the top of your head, and should be capable of narrowing them down.

-Turrets, hospitals, power grid, it's all online, finally. The Ministry of Education, yourself, and the Jedi share Exis Station, and while it is occasionally a tight fit, you have found that there is more than enough space for you all to use the secret station.
Reward: Exis Station made a base, +20,000 Credits

Hospital Care: Ruusan and Gela could both use dedicated hospital facilities. They'll be expensive, and building them will take time, but the fewer of your soldiers die, the better.

-The Hospitals are done. There's not much more to say.
Reward: Hospitals on controlled planets, reducing casualties

Learning: You've almost found the ruins.

Ruins Of The Ancients: You didn't have the wherewithal or credits to spend before, but now that you do you would like to set some soldiers to task of finding the broken remains, shattered hulks, and clues of the ancient weapons and technology of the Jedi. Your own historical skill and knowledge should be most invaluable.

- Ah ha! Piece of Shavit left a few schematics for personal shields just laying out, waiting for you to grab. Though you have most parts figured out, they included a method of reducing the magnetic field, usually deadly, to harmless levels. While it will still have to be adapted, this makes your life far easier.
Reward: Magnetic field dispersal for Shield Generators obtained, need further refinement.

Radiation Release: You have an idea how to power the personal shields, and even now have certain schematics, thoughts of thoughts, that might well serve you. That being said, there is a dangerous amount of radiation currently released by shields in every simulation, which is bad. Might want to work on that.

-Really? That does…

Welp. Besides being utterly terrifying, the method Gavin used to disrupt the radiation is fairly expensive at the current moment, but with further refinement, this could be very useful.
Reward: PT. 2 of shield generator tech developed.

Piety: This is the moment the Jedi have been waiting for.

Clearing The Ruins: The Ruins On Tython are hallowed ground, yet right now they are unusable. Clear, repair, replace, and retake the planet in the name of the Order. This will, of course, take a while.

-You've entered the Inner Sanctum of Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan, putting you ahead of schedule, which, coupled with your lack of progress in the vaults, puts you right on track.

Lightsaber Supplies: You found a good amount of lightsaber parts in Tyber Zann's office after you killed him. However, they will eventually run out. You are hoping that they will take at least a decade to run out- and they will certainly last you a while, at least- but as a wise man once said, "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." You can think of at least a few dealers for some parts- why not contact them?
Needed:40 Rolled:24+10=34 Reroll: 60+10=70

-Your new ally Dresk comes through, securing dealers, parts, and crystals, admittedly mostly stolen from the vaults of Hutt overlords killed in the Great War.
Reward: Lightsaber Supply secure

Intrigue: A new proposal has reached your desk.

Kuat Weakness: There's a mole on the inside of Kuat society, friendly to the Rebellion. He has offered his assistance in taking the planet out from under the Empire. First, certain individuals, scum one and all, must be removed from key positions.

-You said there would be a reckoning, and there has been. Every bootlicker, scum bag, or other you needed destroyed has been destroyed in a wide variety means from stabbing to poison to an unfortunate accident with an unsecured fertilizer mover. Now, part two can begin.
Reward: Part one of Kuat Liberation begins

Talon Karrde And Friends: Talon Karrde has a plan to destroy his main competitor's, i.e. the Hutts', ability to ever hurt his business again, in the process weakening, perhaps even crippling and if you're feeling very lucky, destroy their hundred-and-one cartels.. He's gonna need to borrow Marlo the Hutt for the first part of the plan.

-Secured, Marlo the Hutt is moved to the Information Lord. His plan will take time, but this is the longest part.

Personal: You will see this through.

Personal Unit?: An idea has been suggested to you from a most surprising source, Ahsoka. She knows your penchant for leading from the front, and has suggested that you train a personal legion for yourself- an elite unit, one capable of keeping up with any enemy you may face.
- "You are the Best! Of the Best! Of the Best! You are my Stormwalkers, my 336th, my men! You march with me and I march with you. There is no foe that can stand against you, for you are death itself!"

Reward: "The Stormwalker Division": the 336 Battalion, 576 of the best Rebel Commandos around.

Pay Off The Debt: Your debtors will not have their claws in the Alliance ever again. Pay off the Debt, now, so it can't come back to bite you.

- "Now get out." Throwing a final sack of credits onto the toady the loan shark sent, you sigh in relief and kiss Mira. Free at last from her claws. Feels good man.
Reward: Debt payed

Minister Of War: As Minister Of War, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket. Your acquisition and subsequent donation of the Nalle Empire's legitimate funds has been reinvested by the Minister of Finance, and borne more fruit. Victory on Mon Cal has brought strength. With your new operational capacities, you can now perform one more action per turn, which is good. With Corellia's freedom has come more credits, a veritable tidal wave of lucre, a full 200 million credits.
Budget: 574.6 Million Credits
715,000 Troopers
138, 000 Wookiee Warriors
800 Evocii Scouts
300 Assault Troopers
8 Units of Strikebreaker Anti-Riot Vehicles
179,000 Mandalorian Warriors
1 unit of Kusza heavy mortars
10,000 Clone Troopers
16 Unit AT-AT Walkers
16 Units AT-ST Walkers
1 Unit of Juggernauts
50,400 Marines
250 Field Commanders
600 Praetorian Force Fighter


9 Squadrons Z-95 Headhunters
16 Squadrons Y-Wing Bombers
21 Squadrons of X-Wings
10 Squadrons Of X-Wing Chargers
4 Simiyiar Light Freighters
1 A-55 Squadron
10 Dwarf-Star Freighters
5 Skipray Blastboat Squadrons
25 Assault Gunboats
75 Delta Stormtrooper Transports
5 Gamma Class Assault Shuttle
49 TIE Fighter Squadrons

Capital Ships
The Home One
6 Victory II Class Star Destroyer
10 Imperial II Class Star Destroyers
3 Dauntless Class Heavy Cruisers
The Pravda
6 MC80 Liberty Class Mon Cal Cruisers
1 Gladiator Class Star Destroyer
2 Diamond Class Cruisers
4 MC-30 Frigates
2 Lancer Frigates
250 Field Commanders
4 Interceptor Frigates
4 Strike-Class Cruisers
2 Nebulon-B Frigates
The Redemption (Anakin's ship)
5 Acclamator Assault Ships
4 Star Galleons

Training Camps: Captain Rex and the clone troopers are, to put it bluntly, aged. Fighting no longer suits them as much, though they are still mighty in battle. Perhaps the best use of them would be to train your infantry to a higher standard than they are now.

- "They're ready, general. Your army is ready. The Empire's bout to have a really, really bad day."
Reward: Rebel Troopers upgraded to Rebel Commando, upgraded to Professional

Armor?: Having cracked the Phase IV armor, your men could distribute it to your soldiers. It will take time and, by sheer numbers, a truly huge number of credits. That having been said, it should be quite worth it, given the sort of atrocious casualty numbers you saw during the war on Mon Cal.

-Phase IV distribution is finished. The armor mixes together the best elements of several cultures instead of simply one for one pasting Mandalorian ideals onto Republican ideals, and it quite suits you.
Reward: Phase IV armor distributed throughout troops

Moar Ships Please (Mon Cal): The Mon Calamari have begun the long, slow shift from civilian yards to properly military facilities. They are quite willing to sell you five converted Home One Type Mon Calamari Cruisers and complement, to enrich the fleet even further.

- Vast quantities of men and materiel are assigned their new position aboard the five new Home One Ships. More heavily armed than the MC80 Liberty, the R.N. Law, Order, Peace, Equity, and Truth are a fearsome sight. Less innately fearsome but no less welcome are the fighters, twenty-five X-Wing and Y-Wing squadrons are purchased and assigned to the ships, while new admirals are promoted from among the ranks.

Reward: 5 MC80 Home One Type Mon Cal Cruisers, 25 X-Wing Squadrons, 25 Y-Wing squadrons.

Diversion: This is not 2 BBC. You are capable of fighting on two worlds. You will launch an assault on Lianna that will shake your home free of its Imperial complacency, by sending the soldiers not hitting Tatooine to strike at the planet. You will force (heh) the old man to bring his wrath to bear on both worlds or risk losing everything. As a bonus, you will also take the Liannese Shipyards, where TIE Fighters are produced, and shift them towards your own ends.

Needed:50 Rolled: 58+10=68

- Like avenging demons come to remind the Galaxy that on this day, this damned day, they were slaughtered, the Jedi strike at Lianna with a Force unseen for decades on Empire Day of ABC 7. Every Jedi not dispatched to Tatooine is sent instead to Lianna, leading an army a million strong. Every vehicle except the AT Series are sent along with them, and fighting dominates the streets, forcing the soldiers that had been fighting on Corellia, Alderaan, and Nar Shaddaa and captured on Mon Cal to reinforce the surprisingly anemic Lianna Defense Force instead of moving to reinforce Tatooine, sharply reducing the soldiers you will face there.
Reward: Invasion of Lianna begins

Rebel Gains: 51 Thousand Rebel Commandos, 109 Thousand Mandalorian Warriors, 99,000 Wookiee Warriors, 940 Evocii Scouts, 2 MC40A Light Cruisers, 2 Squadrons of X-Wing Chargers

Missions: Your heroes are capable of doing things no lesser man ever could. They are the men who can stand to everything the Emperor throws at them and live. As such, you will be deploying them on missions, in your capacity as a Jedi, Minister Of War, or Rebel Leader to do the things no other man could.

Negotiating Sales: You need materiel, badly. Your wife is a friendly sort, capable of getting people to listen when she speaks. She might be capable of negotiating the sales of new equipment or the recruitment of mercenaries. In any case, it could not hurt to try.
Needed: 40 Rolled:78+14=92

-Your wife truly is a gift from the Force. It would seem that, in lieu of Imperial bounties, most being on the sort of person who would crush him in a fight; and with his main patron among the hutts, Jabba the Hutt, dead; Boba Fett has been forced to see if you are willing to become his patron. Whether or not you are willing to pay the high cost, knowing Boba Fett came to you has caused many warriors from amongst the Mandalorians to rise up and join you.
Reward: Options for hiring mercenaries

The Second: Bothawui system is where the second piece of the Lost Jedi Archives are, distributed throughout the planets that make it up. Asajj Ventress and her Shadows should be well capable of finding it even so, though it will take time.
Needed:30 Rolled:79+14=93

- She's found it, now she just needs to secure it.

Jedi Knights/ Masters: 267+25=292
Jedi Senior Padawans: 147+18= 165
Jensaarai: 295+16= 311

Battle Of Tatooine: You will be bringing your whole might to strike at the Empire where the Death Star is under construction. In space, the Fleet will destroy the Death Star while a Strike Team, consisting of as of yet undecided individuals, attempt to kill Palpatine and his apprentice or, at least, keep them from escaping when the Station blows up. The ground forces, meanwhile, will hit the Imperial Stormtroopers hard, destroy the Shield Generator, and allow the fleet to do its work.
Hell yes! Everything went awesome, and we even have the option of hiring Boba Fett to help at the Battle of Tatooine :D