Star Wars: Rebellion

I don't quite get what you mean, even after sticking that trait and description into Anakin's sheet? I mean, Anakin was not brave so much as he was reckless and fool hardy. Brave is confronting Vader and the Inquisition armed with nothing but the Force and robes with one mission and carrying out that mission awesomely. Anakin, on the other hand was angry or arrogant or not in half so much danger as Luke was heading onto the Executor.

The way I figured it, Luke essentially rebuilt the Jedi Order from nothing on his own in canon, so he has to have the skills to pay the bills, so to speak.
This bit:
Brave: Few are the men who will stand against Palpatine, against Vader, and feel no fear. (+3 Martial)
How was the meeting between C-3PO, R2-D2, and Anakin.

What happened to Jann Tosh?

What happened to CLCL8?

Palpatine is going to be a nightmare to fight.
How was the meeting between C-3PO, R2-D2, and Anakin.

What happened to Jann Tosh?

What happened to CLCL8?

Palpatine is going to be a nightmare to fight.

He defected with Vader.

CLCL8 serves the Rebellion faithfully, and is currently serving as gunner aboard the Ishimura.

Very true, but he's the linchpin that holds the Empire together. Once we overcome him, things will get a good deal easier as the Moffs splinter and turn on each other.
Leia Organa
Born: 19 BBC

Daughter Of Skywalker: Born of the Chosen one, she has his strength, though applied in her mother's field. (One Base Stat set at 30, +3 All Stats)
Jedi Consular: A diplomat at heart, she has trained in the Jedi ways. (+6 Diplomacy, +5 Piety, +5 Learning, +4 All other stats)
Sharp Shooter: She has maintained a more than respectable skill with a blaster. (+2 Martial)
Kind: The Princess has a heart, a strong, giving one. (+2 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue)
Attractive: She's got her mother's looks. (+1 Diplomacy)

Diplomacy: 30+6+1+2+3= 42- The Lady Skywalker is not to be underestimated.
Martial: 25+2+4+3=34- Some people underestimate her in a fight. Those people tend to not last long.
Stewardship: 19+3+4=26- Raised from birth to succeed her father as the head of House Organa.
Intrigue: 14-2+4+3=19- Good and idealistic, not stupid.
Piety: 25+3+5=33- Strong with the Force.
Learning: 20+3+4=27- She's smart.
Vote is called, winners are:

Fuck Your Ships!
Fuck Your Stormtroopers!

Alderaan Anger
Nar Shadda

Lightsaber Supplies

Talon Karrde And Friends

Pay Off The Debt

Minister Of War:
Moar Ships Please (Mon Cal)

Negotiating Sales
The Second

Vote For Double Down will be called in two hours.
[X] DD on Fuck Your Ships!

Making the space battle easier sounds good, and it has the lower chance of success between it and stormtroopers.