Son Quest (Dragon Ball)

[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[X] A pair of white boots. They feel as light as a feather, oddly enough.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

[X] Interesting. In very different ways (both good and bad), Bulma and Goku are very much unlike anyone you've ever met. You're honestly rather curious about them.

[X] A blue orb the size of your head. Beneath the surface, the orb seems to shift and roil, with streaks of dark blue and white, almost like waves in the ocean.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
[ ] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World

Interesting, but plenty of sources for that.

[ ] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

Unarmed techniques never really go away in DBZ, but are rather normal as these things go

[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual

Ki development

[X] Five Rings, Nine Swords

Weapon skill, especially channeling ki through weapons is the only way they're going to keep up. At the same time, it means we have an edge at higher level combat simply by being able to enjoy equipment bonuses at all

[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

And finally, we have a powerful idiot
Education is in order.

A lot of education.

[X] Interesting. In very different ways (both good and bad), Bulma and Goku are very much unlike anyone you've ever met. You're honestly rather curious about them.

[X] A pair of white boots. They feel as light as a feather, oddly enough.
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms
[X] Five Rings, Nine Swords
[X] Interesting. In very different ways (both good and bad), Bulma and Goku are very much unlike anyone you've ever met. You're honestly rather curious about them.
[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
[X] Five Rings, Nine Swords
[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[X] Interesting. In very different ways (both good and bad), Bulma and Goku are very much unlike anyone you've ever met. You're honestly rather curious about them.

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.

I really want a chance to be the magical artifact/weapon user of the group, rather than just using another form of martial arts. Also, I hope we find a magical sword at some point on our journey.
Vote Tally : Son Quest (Dragon Ball) | Page 23 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.9

[X] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
No. of Votes: 26

[X] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms
No. of Votes: 18

[X] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!
No. of Votes: 15

[X] Legends of This Strange & Beautiful World
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Five Rings, Nine Swords
No. of Votes: 8


[X] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.
No. of Votes: 14

[X] Interesting. In very different ways (both good and bad), Bulma and Goku are very much unlike anyone you've ever met. You're honestly rather curious about them.
No. of Votes: 12

[X] Interesting in their own ways. Bulma's, the females, family seems to have either some sorcerous talent due to the fact that her mother and sister are bot over 30 years of age yet look rather young. Goku, the boy you fought, seems socially inept, most likely due to the lost of his grandfather at a rather young age, he also has a lot of potential and if you could teach him some proper manners and basic knowledge you might recommend him under a master here, if only so his potential doesn't waste away.
No. of Votes: 1

Magic Item

[X] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
No. of Votes: 11

[X] A pair of white boots. They feel as light as a feather, oddly enough.
No. of Votes: 10

[X] A blue orb the size of your head. Beneath the surface, the orb seems to shift and roil, with streaks of dark blue and white, almost like waves in the ocean.
No. of Votes: 6

Total No. of Voters: 27
Okay, it's been a little over 24 hours, and since @Trondason was kind enough to preemptively tally the votes, the winning votes are:

[ ] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual
[ ] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms
[ ] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[ ] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[ ] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.
Crap, missed the vote. Ah well, it's what I would've picked anyway, though I kinda wanted the myths book. Think of all the adventures and artifact hunting side-quests we could've gone on!
Seeking Advice pt. 2
[ ] Dragon's Nine Yang Manual

[ ] Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms

[ ] Learn By Doing? No, Learn By Teaching!

[ ] Rather fun, and certainly amusing. At least if you chose to let them accompany you, you wouldn't be bored.

[ ] A black cap with a long, beautiful red feather in it. The feather radiates a slight warmth, and you feel a little more energetic when you touch it.

You consider the three items in front of you for several minutes, trying to find some way to guess as to what they might be capable of. In the end, you choose the cap with the red feather in it.

Your father smirks. "That one, eh? It's funny; your brother made the same choice."

He points at the blue orb. "This is the Orb of the Celestial Ocean; a trickster god called the Monkey King once trapped a sea in heaven into this orb when the world was young. It can release an endless amount of sweet, pure water. That water has healing properties: drinking it eases pain and fatigue, soaking your wounds in it will heal them faster. Over time, it can even ease or cure many different forms of illness. Yuan Hua uses this water to make many of his more potent remedies, in fact."

Next, he points at the white boots with cloud decorations. "These are the Cloud Runner's Shoes; an inferior copy of the Cloud-Dancer's Boots made by a thief who tried to steal the secrets of the Master of the Clouds. No fall, however high, will hurt you so long as you wear these boots, and you can leap high enough to reach the clouds themselves. What's more, you can stand on clouds as though they were solid ground."

Finally, he holds up the cap and presents it to you. "And this… is a cap stuck with a feather from the legendary Vermilion Phoenix, who gave up the fire of her life to rekindle the sun. When you wear this cap, you can will the feather to catch fire when it does, you will be filled with the energy and vitality of a phoenix until the feather is reduced entirely to ashes. But if this cap catches the first rays of dawn's light, the feather will regrow in the cap once more.

"Take good care of it, my son."

Gained Trait: Phoenix Cap! See character sheet for details.

"I will father, I swear it," you say solemnly. "Thank you, for entrusting this to me."

He smiles and ruffles your hair. "You take things too seriously, you know that? You get that from your mother."

"Now come on," he says, opening the door to his chambers. "The peanut gallery awaits."

Inside are crammed your remaining three siblings and four Dragon Knights. The latter stand back respectfully to allow your fellow princes and princesses to speak to you first.

The first to approach is your 2nd sister and the 4th of your siblings by birth order, Tsunami.

"Heya Jin, heard all about that scuffle this morning! Good job!" she cries out, clapping you on the back hard enough that you have to step forward to keep from overbalancing. "Our little boy's growing up into a big strong man! I'm gonna have to give you 'The Talk' soon…"

"… Sister, you gave me that talk last month," you say with a shudder. "You had… graphs."

"Oh yeah, guess I did, huh? Well you know what they say, any lesson worth learning is worth repeating!" she says with a cruel smirk and an evil chuckle. You swear she derives no greater joy than from doing things like that to all of you.

"Enough of that," your 5th sibling and 3rd sister says. "Our brother will be leaving on an important journey soon. This is neither the time nor the occasion to toy with him."

"Ugh, fine Fubuki, fine. I swear you're such a killjoy…" Tsunami gripes. "Alright, so you want advice from us all, right?"

"I…" you trail off. Honestly, now that you're here, you're not sure you want to know what new piece of information your "dear" sister intends to impart.

You still have nightmares of those graphs…

"Let's see… advice, advice… oh! Make sure to pack plenty of clean underwear!" she says triumphantly.

The room is entirely silent. Eyes bore into your sister. Judging eyes.

"Yeesh, tough crowd," she mumbles. "Okay, how about this: make sure you remember that not every place you'll visit is going to have the same kinds of laws and customs we've got here. If you're not careful, you'll break some law or offend some custom or whatever and then you'll have to beat up a bunch of guys to stay out of the slammer. Not that that isn't fun sometimes."

"Adequate," Fubuki says loftily.

"Yeah? You do better then, Ice Princess!" Tsunami retorts.

"Gladly," the youngest of the Dragon King's daughters says as she approaches you.

She inspects your appearance for any minute flaws, and then sets about fussing with your collar. "On the road, certain… compromises must be made in regards to personal maintenance. It's simply not feasible that you can take proper care of your appearance and hygiene at all times. But, never compromise any more than you absolutely must. You will never be taken seriously if you look like some vagabond. And more than that, you are a son of the Dragon King and my brother; I trust you will not shame us all by acting uncouth like some siblings I could mention…"

"What, that's your advice? Lame!" Fubuki calls out.

"Case. In. Point."

"You're both terrible at this," the second-youngest of the Dragon King's children says bluntly as he steps forward.

Nadare looks you over appraisingly for a moment. "You visited those two in their cell, didn't you? Then I trust you've already formed an opinion of them. I know nothing but what I've been told about them, so I'll keep my opinion to myself.

"You've likely heard a lot of general advice by now, so here's something specifically for you: it is not a shameful thing to run from a fight you have no hope of winning, or that you deem pointless. When you're completely outclassed, continuing to fight is stupidity, not bravery. The same applies when you fight without a reason."

Your father chuckles from behind you. "Oh, how true that is…"

Nadare puts his hand on your shoulder. "You've a good head on your shoulders, Jin. I'm sure you'll be successful in this quest."

With that done, your siblings step back (Tsunami and Fubuki breaking off their bickering under your father's stern gaze) and the 4 Dragon Knights step forward. The first to do so is Kurone the "Dragon's Shadow," a master of the arts of silent death.

"I was impressed to hear of your deeds earlier, young prince. All of 12 years old, and already you've saved your first village," she says with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Master Kurone," you mumble, fighting back a blush.

"I'm glad you've decided to ask us for advice; I may not be your primary mentor, but I can't deny I feel a bit proud to be helping you on your Way, however small my contribution may be.

"I'm sure you've had more than enough advice, so here's a tip instead: if you ever find yourself in one of the major cities and need a place to rest, supplies, anything like that? Try to find a building with graffiti of a red dragon overlaid on a taijitu (yin-yang symbol), knock seven times, and when asked for the password, say 'The Dragon's Shadow sends her regards' while making this gesture with your left hand," she says, demonstrating it for you. "Can you remember that?"

"I can. Thank you, Master Kurone. I won't abuse the trust you've placed in me."

"Of course you won't, Jin. I wouldn't have told you otherwise," she says with a coy smile.

The next to step forward is the oldest of the Dragon Knights after Yuan Hua himself; old Sir Laundsallyn doesn't like to speak of his past or his homeland very often, a place you've heard is on an island far, far to the west, called Ynys Afallon. He never allows any of his students to call him "master," and the only title he answers to is "Sir."

"So you're to make your way as a knight-errant on a grand quest, eh?" the old knight says gruffly, his eyes and voice thick with nostalgia. "Make sure you enjoy it while it lasts: journeys like this will be the light of your life when you're older."

"I will, Sir," you say. He wasn't your primary instructor in combat, but Sir Laundsallyn "The Shining Knight" taught you a great deal of the honor and chivalry you hold so dear. His tales of the valiant warriors of his homeland are second in your heart only to the stories your own mother told you. Artorigus, Eachtar, Drystan… even the ones who later fell into darkness like Medraut and Acrafain: their noble deeds and valiant quests were some of your favorites.

"Now then," he continues, "if you want my advice it's this: the journey you'll learn the most from is the one you undertake with others. You don't really know them well? Doesn't really matter; unless they're true blackguards going on an epic quest together tends to forge strong bonds.

"And as for the rest? Don't go charging into everything that looks like it might be a fight. Figure out just what the situation is before you decide to settle things with your sword."

He starts to turn away, before seeming to remember something. "And one more thing: Don't. Trust. Wizards."

Perhaps the most enigmatic of the Dragon Knights steps forward – Mokuzai, a silent warrior called "The Wolf Knight" because of the wolf's pelt he always wears.

He stands silent for a moment, towering above you with his arms folded. When the moment passes, he removes the wolf's-tooth necklace he wears around his neck and hands it to you.

"In the north, there are many wild tribes who recognize no authority, and see the soft people of the south as mere targets. Show this to them, and they will show you respect," he says. He turns his back on you and begins to walk away.

"Is that all, Mokuzai?" your father asks. "You've no advice to impart my son?" His voice has a teasing quality; he likes trying to prod the silent fighter into speaking more.

Mokuzai turns back to look you squarely in the eye. "Don't die."

The final Dragon Knight is the youngest and most recent – she only earned the title two years ago, but in that time she's been your closest tutor – it was from what she taught you that you developed the Gale Palm, after all.

"I hope you don't think that you can slack off on your studies just because you're going on a quest, Your Highness," Kairu jokes. "I've spent the last two years trying to shape you into someone worthy of your title; I'd hate having to make up for lost time."

You shudder at the tone in her voice. You had been her first student, and she'd been very… enthusiastic, in training you. At least, that's how you describe it in polite company. Behind closed doors, a very different word comes to mind to describe the manner she teaches you in…

Meanwhile, back in the cell…

Bulma jolted awake from her nap, with no company other than a snoring Goku on the lower bunk. "Huh? Why did I…? Why does it feel like someone just said something that could be taken the wrong way? Weird." With a shrug, she went back to bed.

Meanwhile, back with Jin…

"Don't worry about me, I'm sure I'll learn more in two months questing than I've learned the whole two years I've studied under you," you say with a smirk. You usually show more respect for your elders, but Kairu always brings out the worst in you.

Your reward for that remark is a slap upside the head. "Cute. And I suppose you'll be so busy learning you won't have any time to pay attention to my advice, right? So I may as well not give it to you."

"Tsunami already told me to pack clean underclothes, Kairu, so I don't think you've much to tell me anyway," you joke.

"Brat," she retorts with a fond smile.

"Kairu are you going to educate your student or flirt with my son? I'm fine with either one, but you may want to find a different location. You have an audience, and I'd rather my son wait a few years before he learns about the joys of deviancy," your father cuts in with a grin.

Both of you flush scarlet, but neither of you tries to talk back: you've both experienced your father's teasing enough to know that denying what he says just makes it worse. Your father isn't afraid to escalate.

After all, he was the one who gave Tsunami permission to use those graphs in the first place.

"Let's… just forget that happened entirely and start over," Kairu says, rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're referring to," you say with a completely deadpan expression. Well, as deadpan as someone can be when their face is the color of a tomato. "Was there any advice you had to give me, Master Kairu?"

"Yes, actually. The most important thing for a martial artist to know is where he is strong, and where he is weak. Don't be afraid to criticize yourself ruthlessly to figure out what tactics and techniques will work for you and which ones won't. Don't fight like your father, don't fight like me: fight like you, Jin."

"That's your advice?" you ask. "You say that to me every other week."

"That's because it's an important lesson," she huffs.

"I'm aware of that, but repeating it for the hundredth time doesn't especially mark this as a special occasion," you complain. "I'm going on a journey to find magical orbs that will summon a dragon that grants wishes; does this really not merit any advice that you haven't told me for over two years already?"

"Ugh, I liked you better when you were 10," Kairu complains. "It was all 'yes, Master' and 'I will, Master' back then. What happened to that cute little boy?"

"He's still here; he just takes a vacation when you appear," you remark.

"That's exactly what I'm talking about."

Your father coughs meaningfully and points to Tsunami, who has somehow managed to wheel the same board she displayed "The Graphs" on, though mercifully it's covered in a tarp.

"Okay, okay!" Kairu says, holding her hands up in surrender as you cradle your head in your hands in a vain attempt to escape the memories.

"Here," she says, tossing a small black gem into your hands, which you catch easily. "My master gave this to me when I passed his final test. You haven't passed mine, so I'm only lending this to you. He told me that there was a certain technique that would 'resonate' with it, whatever that means."

You clench the gem tightly in your fist. "I'll bring it back without a scratch, Kairu," you say seriously.

"You'd better," she says with a sad smile.

"So there you have it, Jin," your father says, drawing all eyes towards him. "You've spoken to me, to your siblings, the Dragon Knights, and those two kids sitting in my dungeon. You've decided what to bring with you and packed it. So now I ask you: are you ready to embark on your journey?"

"I am, Father," you say solemnly.

"And will you bring those two as your companions, or is your journey destined to begin a solitary one?"

[] "I will make my journey with Goku and Bulma."

[] "I will make my journey alone."

AN: No, you are not locked into romance with Rukia Kairu. That joke just kind of ran away from me and took on a bit of a life of its own. Your relationship with her is (currently) completely platonic and will absolutely stay that way if you want it to.
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AN: No, you are not locked into romance with Rukia Kairu. That joke just kind of ran away from me and took on a bit of a life of its own. Your relationship with her is (currently) completely platonic and will absolutely stay that way if you want it to.
Dude, she sounds awesome. I'm totally shipping them right now.

[x] "I will make my journey with Goku and Bulma."
[X] "I will make my journey alone."

It's usual in Xianxia genre to take a lonesome adventure. :evil:
So, were the boots the one that our father said were useful in any situation? Cause the Orb is obviously out-side of combat only, and the hat seems rather combat focused (not aware of any outside uses, especially since its not on the stat page yet), leaving the boots that seem only vaguely use-able in combat.

Related note, I wonder if their cloud-walking ability would have allowed us to use Nimbus even if we weren't Pure of Heart.

[x] "I will make my journey with Goku and Bulma."
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So, were the boots the one that our father said were useful in any situation? Cause the Orb is obviously out-side of combat only, and the hat seems rather combat focused (not aware of any outside uses, especially since its not on the stat page yet), leaving the boots that seem only vaguely use-able in combat.

Related note, I wonder if their cloud-walking ability would allow us to use Nimbus even if we weren't Pure of Heart.

[x] "I will make my journey with Goku and Bulma."

Yes. They're just as good for getting around as they are in a fight, after all. You have perfect control over your jumps while you wear them.
And yes, they would.
old Sir Laundsallyn doesn't like to speak of his past or his homeland very often, a place you've heard is on an island far, far to the west, called Avalon. He never allows any of his students to call him "master," and the only title he answers to is "Sir."

I automatically vote we trust this man absolutely and forever.

"So you're to make your way as a knight-errant on a grand quest, eh?" the old knight says gruffly, his eyes and voice thick with nostalgia. "Make sure you enjoy it while it lasts: journeys like this will be the light of your life when you're older."

"I will, Sir," you say. He wasn't your primary instructor in combat, but Sir Laundsallyn "The Shining Knight" taught you a great deal of the honor and chivalry you hold so dear. His tales of the valiant warriors of his homeland are second in your heart only to the stories your own mother told you. Artorigus, Eachtar, Drystan… even the ones who later fell into darkness like Medraut and Acrafain: their noble deeds and valiant quests were some of your favorites.

"Now then," he continues, "if you want my advice it's this: the journey you'll learn the most from is the one you undertake with others. You don't really know them well? Doesn't really matter; unless they're true blackguards going on an epic quest together tends to forge strong bonds.

"And as for the rest? Don't go charging into everything that looks like it might be a fight. Figure out just what the situation is before you decide to settle things with your sword."

He starts to turn away, before seeming to remember something. "And one more thing: Don't. Trust. Wizards."

We will take your wisdom to heart.

[X] "I will make my journey with Goku and Bulma

He seemed in favor of going with others, that's more then enough reason to do so.

AN: No, you are not locked into romance with Rukia Kairu. That joke just kind of ran away from me and took on a bit of a life of its own. Your relationship with her is (currently) completely platonic and will absolutely stay that way if you want it to.
Just a guess, we are going to want romance.
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