Son Quest (Dragon Ball)

[X] Plan Chiper
-[X]Awareness 1
-[X]Wit 1
-[X]Ki 1
-[X]Might 1
[X] You perused the "Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms" and managed to master a new technique.

[X] Bulma will stop the car and get to cover while you and Goku step out and take care of business. You don't want Bulma or the car getting caught in the crossfire, after all, and if their attention is solely on you two it's unlikely that'll happen.
[X] Plan Saiman
-[X]Awareness 1
-[X]Wit 1
-[X]Ki 1
-[X] Might 1
-[X] You spent every day healing Goku and Bulma after your training, so you ended up becoming a better healer.

-[X] Bulma will stop the car and get to cover while you and Goku step out and take care of business. You don't want Bulma or the car getting caught in the crossfire, after all, and if their attention is solely on you two it's unlikely that'll happen.
--[X] point to the bandits and say " Goku, Smash" while he crushes the bandits keep an eye on Bulma and the car and make sure to intercept any attacks on those two.
I'd say pour it all into Agility till we hit like 20.
I'd like to point out that certain types of training are only effective at lower levels, like for example Korin's super effective training. Might be a good idea to keep our stats spread out so we can take advantage of as many effective types of training as possible.

[x] Stats
-[X]Awareness 1
-[X]Wit 1
-[X]Ki 1
-[X] Might 1

[X] You spent every day healing Goku and Bulma after your training, so you ended up becoming a better healer.

[X] You and Goku will get on top of the car and take care of these fools while Bulma concentrates on keeping the car going. Standing still would make the car too easy a target.

Honestly, it just seems like a lot of fun.
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[X] You perused the "Dragon's Nine Yang Manual" and used the exercises contained therein to develop a new technique.

Learn Technique: Fiery Grasp

[X] 1 in Intuition
[X] 1 in Might
[X] 0.5 in Awareness
[X] 0.5 in Smarts
[X] 1 in Ki

[X] You and Goku will get on top of the car and take care of these fools while Bulma concentrates on keeping the car going. Standing still would make the car too easy a target.

Fiery Grasp for the technique because it sounds like it will actually do a fair amount of damage, something which Gale Palm doesn't really do. It's also cool to be able to use our Ki to control both fire and wind, as those sorts of attacks are pretty rare in the dragon ball universe.

For the stats, I think it's best to spread them out rather than focusing too heavily on a single attribute, so that we don't hit any caps this early in our training. I've put one in intuition because it will help us to perceive deception in non-combat situations, which is a clear weakness of Jin's and almost certainly going to be needed. One goes into Might, as it was our lowest physical attribute at four and as it covers our health is extremely important. 0.5 into Awareness and Smarts brings us up to a nice rounded 5 in each and the final point goes into Ki, as it's probably our most important attribute.

As for the action plan, this just seems like a really cool scene as well as being the safest, as we don't split up at all.
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[X] You spent every day healing Goku and Bulma after your training, so you ended up becoming a better healer.

Learn Technique: Ki Healing

[X] 1 in Intuition
[X] 1 in Might
[X] 0.5 in Awareness
[X] 0.5 in Smarts
[X] 1 in Ki

[X] You and Goku will get on top of the car and take care of these fools while Bulma concentrates on keeping the car going. Standing still would make the car too easy a target.
Okay, so the poll is closed and the update is in the works. Here's the votes:

[2] 3 to Ki, 1 to Martial Arts
@Cjdavis103 @kitsune9
[8] 1 to Awareness, Ki, Wit & Might
@Kerfirou @Chiperninerm @saiman @Zaratustra @KnightofTempest @Kairos123 @Khepri14 @King Arthur
[1] 3 to Ki, 1 to Awareness
[1] 2 to Intuition, 1 to Ki & Martial Arts
[2] 1 to Intuition, Ki & Might, 0.5 to Awareness & Smarts
@Geordiefan @Woahdan

[3] Learn "Fiery Grasp
@Ambit @KnightofTempest @Geordiefan
[8] Learn "Ki Healing"
@veekie @Cjdavis103 @saiman @kitsune9 @Zaratustra @Khepri14 @King Arthur @Woahdan
[4] Learn "Proud Dragon's Challenge"
@Kerfirou @Chiperninerm @shademaster @Kairos123

[4] Stop the car, solve some problems
@Kerfirou @Chiperninerm @Zaratustra @Kairos123
[3] Stop the car, solve some problems
-[3] Goku Smashes, Jin Guards
@Cjdavis103 @kitsune9 @Khepri14
[5] Chase Scene Fight
@drake_azathoth @shademaster @King Arthur @Geordiefan @Woahdan
[1] Chase Scene Fight
-[1] Flying Monkey Tag-Team
The Diablo Desert, pt. 2
"This could be problematic," you note. "They'll likely want to strip this car for parts or modify it, so they'll want it intact, but they'll likely have no compunctions against rendering it inoperable so they can rob us."

"Oh, that's encouraging," Bulma grumbles.

"Um… what's going on?" Goku asks.

You and Bulma both sigh, and you decide to give Goku the simple version. "These are bad people who want to hurt us and take our things. You and I need to go out and beat them up."

"Oh, okay!" Goku says, excited at the prospect of a fight.

Bulma moves to stop the car, but you interfere. "Wait. If you stop the car, you'll be a sitting duck if they try to shoot you or take you hostage. Goku and I will get on the roof and fend them off while you focus on keeping the car in motion."

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Bulma yells.

"You're right," you say seriously, nodding your head. "I made a critical error and forgot about a vital resource at our disposal; thank you for reminding me. Goku, fight them from the Flying Nimbus."

"Got it!" Goku yells, as you both roll down the windows and leap out. You both acrobatically flip up onto the roof and Goku quickly calls his flying cloud and mounts it, pulling out his staff.

You estimate that there are perhaps 32 bandits riding in 12 vehicles.

Intuition + Wit (9.5) vs. Difficulty (9) – Success!

The number gives you pause; that's a lot of bandits for a single gang on this one road, especially so soon after a Bandit-Hunting Expedition, especially only a day's travel into the desert. Something's wrong here…

Regardless, you're certain you and Goku can deal with them. You'd be even more confident if you didn't have to protect the car and Bulma (who isn't even close to bulletproof yet). Luckily, both you and Goku are in prime condition, not having stopped to train today.

One of the vehicles pulls up alongside you, and a beefy man covered in tattoos and piercings swings a barbed hook on a thick iron chain like it's a lasso. He throws the hook, obviously intending to catch it on the car…

Agility + Reflex (10.5) vs. Difficulty (8) – Success!

But instead you catch the hook with one hand. You give a strong jerk on the line…

Might (5) vs. Might (1.5) – Success!

3.5 Damage (0 Health Remaining)

Jin is fighting non-lethally! Bandit is unconscious

And pull him right out of his vehicle. He soars through the air and into your waiting fist. You heft the unconscious body in one hand…

Might + Skill (10.5) vs. Difficulty (6) – Success!

And toss it back into the open window of the remodeled truck you just pulled him out of. He collides with the driver, who spins out of control and causes the vehicle to veer wildly until it overturns and lands on its side.

Goku isn't wasting any time, either: while you handled the first vehicle, Goku handled another that was attempting to rear-end Bulma and the car.

Martial Arts + Speed (10.5) vs. Awareness + Reflex (2.5 + 1.3 + 1.3) – Goku Success!

5.4 Damage (0 Health Remaining)

Goku is fighting non-lethally! Bandit (x3) is unconscious

His solution to that particular problem was to leap from the Nimbus Cloud into the open window, knock all three bandits unconscious with a single blow each in the span of about two seconds, and then leap back out onto his cloud on the other side as the now-driverless vehicle span out of control.

5 bandits taken care of! 27 remaining

2 vehicles taken care of! 10 remaining

The shouting and cursing was flying just as thick and fast as before, but the laughs were conspicuously absent, and the bandits were more angry than cocky. You're a little surprised they show no signs of giving up, actually.

They're starting to pull out guns, now. One of them is quicker on the draw than the others and fires his pistol at you.

Awareness + Reflex (10.5) vs. Difficulty (9) – Success!

Of course, a simple pistol round is easy enough to deal with, especially when you can see it coming. You snatch the bullet out of the air and then lay your palm flat, the spent bullet on top of it…

Might + Skill (10.5) vs. Difficulty (10) – Success!

And flick it with your finger, hard. The bullet hits the base of the steering wheel of the shooter's vehicle, causing the wheel to snap off in the driver's hands. Without a way to steer the car, the driver is forced to brake sharply to avoid crashing into anything, and they're quickly left behind.

4 bandits taken care of! 23 remaining
1 vehicle taken care of! 9 remaining

You've reduced their strength by about a fourth. That's good, but they're starting to pull out the guns. How are you going to proceed? A subvote detailing a concrete plan of action can make this more successful.

[ ] All-out offensive

The best defense is a strong offense. You and Goku are both holding back; time to change that.

[ ] Stay the course

You've dealt with 1/3 of these fools in less than ten seconds; you don't need to worry.

[ ] Priority: Defend the car

A stray shot hitting Bulma, or somewhere important on the car, would be terrible. Best you and Goku concentrate on making sure that doesn't happen.

[ ] Write-In

Is there some other plan you can use?

AN: So does anyone want to write some fun omakes about training time, or do I need to do it myself? Bonus points if you include Goku "checking" Jin's gender (no, you don't get anything extra if you include that).

Also, if anyone is wondering why they're not fleeing in terror from the 12-year olds strong enough to flick bullets so hard they do more damage than if you'd shot them out of a gun… they're all basically these guys:

EDIT: Yes, I realized the math problem. That was left over from when there were 40 bandits instead of the 32 I settled on. It's fixed now.
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Does that mean we go Lethal? Cause I don't want to go that.

It means you'll stop using minimal force and just do stuff like Wind Palming them so they lose control of the vehicles or Thunder Hammering the front of the cars and just plain smashing them to pieces. Fatalities are more likely, but not priority.
[X] All-out offensive
-[X] You will remain on top of the car to defend Bulma, while attacking with Gale Palm to take out their vehicles. Meanwhile, Goku will unleash a close quarters all-out offensive to take the bandits out as quickly as possible.
The real question is: are the bandits just trying to kidnap the son of the guy that regularly kicks their asses or did someone order an hit on us?
[X] All-out offensive
-[X] You will remain on top of the car to defend Bulma, while attacking with Gale Palm to take out their vehicles. Meanwhile, Goku will unleash a close quarters all-out offensive to take the bandits out as quickly as possible.
[X] Priority: Defend the car
A stray shot hitting Bulma, or somewhere important on the car, would be terrible. Best you and Goku concentrate on making sure that doesn't happen.

Honestly, while we could do the other options, Bulma's currently deadweight in a fight and if they manage to disable the car somehow, we're screwed.
[X] All-out offensive
-[X] You will remain on top of the car to defend Bulma, while attacking with Gale Palm to take out their vehicles. Meanwhile, Goku will unleash a close quarters all-out offensive to take the bandits out as quickly as possible.
[X] All-out offensive
-[X] You will remain on top of the car to defend Bulma, while attacking with Gale Palm to take out their vehicles. Meanwhile, Goku will unleash a close quarters all-out offensive to take the bandits out as quickly as possible.