Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

Chapter 2.3: Leviathan
Reducing the boat's speed to a minimum, they slowly moved inside the cave's entrance, looking out for possible dangers.

"Ugh... The stench is getting worse," Vyrn complained, holding a paw over his nose.

"We must be getting close to the source of the pollution," Rackam observed.

"No kidding," For Archer, it was even worse, since he could also smell the residual magic from whatever process those wastes came from. He had enough control to not let it affect him, but it didn't make the stench any better.

"By the way Eugen..." Katalina suddenly asked. "You wouldn't happen to be aware of the local legends pertaining to primal beasts, would you?"

That got Archer's attention. Primal Beasts were the closest equivalent of this world to Phantasmal Beasts. Why would Katalina be interested in them?

"Local legends... Oh, like the one about how pieces of the Sky Map are protected by great primal beasts scattered across the Skydom?"

The Sky Map... he remembered coming across that term during his initial studies of this world's history. According to the stories spoken among Skyfarers, it was a comprehensive map of the Skydom left behind by the Astrals, capable of leading whomever owns it to wherever they wish without fail. It was literally the 'Holy Grail' of the Skyfarers.

"I already told you about Lord Leviathan. There are also legends about Grani, a divine horse that carried a famous hero into battle during the Astral War. Oh, and it isn't local but here on Auguste it's also famous the legend of a supposedly 'Ice Empress' living in the coldest regions of Phantagrande. Some believed she lived around those parts before migrating elsewhere when the climate became warmer."

"You sure seem knowledgeable about this, Eugen," Rackam pointed out. "Have you been here a while?"

"Idiot! I was born here on Auguste," Eugen laughed. "Everyone who lives here has heard the tales."

"Huh? But I heard you were raised by wolves in the wilderness!"

There was a sharp 'click' as Eugen chambered a round, his face a mask of stone. "Just you wait, Rackam. Once we clear out the Empire's filth, you're next."

"What did I do!?" The brown-haired, smoking helmsman protested in a panic.

"Reaping what you sow, I believe the saying goes," Answered Archer.

Seeing the tunnel was widening Archer scanned through the darkness with his enchanted eyesight. He immediately saw it. 'Jackpot.'

"Over here, everyone!" Io pointed! "There's some kind of huge... something!"

"What is that?"

That was a large military complex built on one side of the cave. There were mine rails going through tunnels dug in the wall, towers connected by large pipes and a barbed wire wall encircling the whole building. On the wall's bottom were present drainage channels that released small streams of purple, sticky liquid. It pooled on the cave floor, spilling into the water and staining it before the liquid, being heavier, fell on the bottom and disappeared from sight.

"The source of Erste's pollution, no mistake about it," Eugen moved the rifle's barrel away from Rackam, much to the latter's relief. "Archer. You seeing anything suspicious?"

"No, and that's what worries me," His eyes were darting back and forth. "It's too quiet. It's like the whole complex is abandoned, but that is either too convenient or a clear sign something's wrong."

"No shit," Eugen grimaced. Moving closer to the only entrance, the group jumped out of the boat and on the cave's floor. "The Empire started a war for this damn thing, I doubt they would be willing to just drop everything."

"This doesn't add up. And considering the lack of security..." Katalina looked around, using her experience as an ex-Erste Officer to see if she recognized something. "Is this a trap?"

"Almost certainly," Archer raised a hand towards the gate, intending to perform Structural Grasp on it. "The other possibility is that the Empire has already completed what they were working on here which is even worse."

The sudden sound of mechanical gears and heavy stomping made him jump back, Kanshou and Bakuya forming in his hands. A moment later the gate was crushed from the inside, a three-meters tall robot stepping over the remains to confront the group. Its legs were tiny compared to its body, with the right arm being twice as big as the left one. Coming out of the top of its 'head' was a hybrid between an axe and a gear, bizarre but as sharp as the former. Instead of eyes, it had a single glass visor, which was glowing an ominous red.

"So something was guarding this place!" Io cried.

"Katalina! Yuisis! With me, we'll take the front!" Unsheathing his sword, Gran began to issues orders. "Rackam! Io! Protect Lyria and Vyrn! Mister Eugen! Mister Archer! Can you provide support?"

"Piece of cake!" Eugen grinned while he and Archer darted to the right side of the robot, while Rackam and Io did the same to the left side. "I'd say this guy's weak points are the legs. What do you think, Archer?"

"I agree. It may be strong enough to fight efficiently, but those disproportionate arm and legs make its balance fragile," He replied before dismissing the two falchions and switching to his bow. "I'll take the left one."

"The right one is mine then!" Coming to a stop Eugen took aim with his rifle and fired at the back of the right leg's knee. The blow hit just after the robot tried to deliver a devastating punch to the frontline attackers, only for them to dodge out of the way, making it slightly stumble.

Then Archer's sword-arrow punched straight through the left knee, followed by a second one doing the same with a tiny gap on the hips. Rackam's bullets and Io's ice spikes slammed into the robot's back, making it fall on its knees as it used its large right arm as support.

"Let's finish this!" Taking advantage of the moment of weakness Gran and Yuisis ran at the robot.

It raised its left hand, but it was stopped by Katalina stepping in front of the blow and creating a magical barrier. "Light Wall!"

"I'll finish this with my own two hands!" Yuisis shouted as she and Gran jumped in front of the robot's head and stabbed their swords through the red visor.

The robot lurched violently, steam escaping by the gaps in its armor, before falling silent, its whole body going slack.

"Yay! We won!" Io cheered.

"Uhm... Io? There are more," Lyria pointed to the destroyed gate, from which three more identical robots were coming from.

"Oh, come on!" The twin-tailed little mage loudly protested.


"Whew..." Io wiped the sweat from her forehead. "W-Was that the last of them? The enemies are all gone now, right?"

"Quit shaking in your little boots," Rackam looked around and nodded. Seem like they were in the clear. "We can handle anything that comes our way!"

"Y-Yeah, I guess you're right..."

"You've found yourself a tough little crew, Rackam. And Gran," Eugen addressed the young boy, who was having his wounds healed by Katalina. "For a spacy, unfocused upstart you're not bad. Better than I thought anyway."

"Ah, thanks," He scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "But like you said, I've still got a long way to go."

"You've always so hard on yourself, Gran!" Vyrn waved a paw. "You can just accept it when people compliment you, y'know?"

"Have faith in yourself!" Yuisis winked. "A Boss needs to be humble but also confident, otherwise other families will look down on him."

"You don't believe me? Let's hear a second opinion then. Hey Archer!" Eugen called out to the red-clad bowman. "What do you think of Gran and his little crew?"

The white-haired man stood up from where he was checking one of the fallen robots and faced them, arms crossed and right eyebrow raised. "What do I think? Let's see... Miss Katalina is an excellent swordswoman, though that long cape is just asking for an enemy to grab it. And why do you need more than one belt for?"

The brown-haired woman slightly blushed, one hand clenching around the cape as she looked away. "But, it's fashionable..."

"Fashion has no place on the battlefield. Rackam is a likewise good, if inexperienced, gunslinger. But, as we have seen, his weapon lacks the power to damage heavily armored enemies."

"Can't really object there..." Rackam replied, aware of his own weaknesses.

"Io, your magic is strong but you need to learn how to use it while moving. A mage who standstill on the battlefield is just asking to be singled out."

"No need to worry," She puffed out her chest with pride. "If someone comes too close I'll just blast them away!"

"What about an enemy which is resistant to magic, or someone else with ranged attacks?"


Archer closed his eyes, "I'll pass over commenting about Vyrn and Lyria since I haven't seen them doing anything-"

Both lizard and girl felt like a figurative arrow just stabbed them.

"So let's skip to the most glaring issues," He pointed a finger at Gran and Yuisis, palm facing upward, before snapping his fingers. "You, Gran. Before the one you have now, you used a lighter sword with a curved single-edged blade and a single-handed grip, correct?"

He blinked, the shock clear in his eyes. "Y-Yes, but how-"

"It's in the way you wield it. You got used to a different type of weapon, so you kept using the same movements without adapting first," He walked closer and pointed first to Almace and then to Gran's chest. "You need to use both edges and both hands while fighting. Furthermore, that armor is not appropriate. Since your new sword emphasizes power over speed it will slow you down, so you need a better one. The one you have is good for gun users like Rackam and beginners, but if you want to keep being a close-range fighter you need to protect your body. Why?"

He pointed to one of the destroyed robots, "One single punch of them would have been enough to kill you. Blocking or dodging, it doesn't matter how - never neglect to improve your ability to survive. There are no do-overs in death. Do you understand?"

The last words were delivered with a tone as cold as ice. No one felt like speaking, and all Gran could do was gulp before giving a shaky nod.

The tension suddenly melted as Archer nonchalantly shrugged and shook his head. "Let's hope so. Finally, we come to the issue."

Tilting his head, he glanced at Yuisis, "Simply put, you aren't using your weapon at its full potential."

Her eyes narrowed, "Big words, but can you back them up?"

"You calling me a con? I can and will, solid as a rock," Archer internally chuckled at the nostalgic feeling talking like that gave him. Ignoring Yuisis's visible surprise he pointed to her weapon. "Your sword can combine with your shield, but have you never noticed that when you block a blow with your shield it gains a slight luminescence that grows stronger with every following parried blow, but disappears after you combine it with the sword and then separate them?"

She blinked, opening and closing her mouth two times before finding some words to say as she looked down at the Relic of Ditoria. "I-I mean, yes? But, isn't it just something it, y'know, does?"

"Oh yes. It does," Archer smirked. "What it does, is storing energy from the deflected blows into itself and then releasing it when combined with the sword. With a fully charged effect, I assume it would more than double your strength."

He shook his head. "With weaker enemies, it's not necessary, but remember it if you ever face an enemy that seems invincible. It may save your life."

Yuisis' gaze snapped back up, boring into his own, "How...?"

Archer smirked again. "There is no one who knows as much about swords like me."


Snippet is currently un-beta'ed, Mizu is busy.

Say... Will you do the 'Why is the Sky Blue' Event in this? I mean, that has huge story ramifications(although you'll need to do the other events leading up to it, like the one with Stan and Aliza for example).
Of course I will ^^
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So Archer-sensei? I kinda did see this coming but still good to read :), and it's not like he was rude or anything, sure he was harsh but one could argue that's just his teaching style, that and we're talking about live combat, his words could save Gran's life someday (if you ignore the plot armor).
"No kidding." For Archer it was even worse, since he could also smell the residual magic from whatever process those wastes came from. He had enough control to not let it affect him, but it didn't make the stench any better.
Hey, at least ot's not blood.
"No, and that's what worries me." His eyes were darting back and forth. "It's too quiet. It's like the whole complex is abandoned, but that is either too convenient or a clear sign something's wrong."
Archer, stahp tempting Murphy.
"Yay! We won!" Io cheered.
Oh, well, it seems that.
"Uhm...Io? There are more." Lyria pointed to the destroyed gate, from which three more identical robots were coming from.
Nevermind. :facepalm:
"You don't believe me? Let's hear a second opinion then. Hey Archer!" Eugen called out to the red-clad bowman. "What do you think of Gran and his little crew?"
Eugen, stahp. You invite "Git Gud, Scrub" Speech.
it doesn't matter how-never neglect to improve your ability to survive. There are not do-overs in death. Do you understand?"
how - never neglect to improve your ability to survive. There are no do-overs in death.
No one felt like speaking, and all Gran could do was gulping before giving a shaky nod.
was gulp before giving
"With weaker enemies is not necessary, but remember it if you even face an enemy that seem invincible: it may save your life."
enemies it's not necessary, but
Archer smirked again. "There is no one who know as much about swords as me."
who knows as much
Snippet is currently un-beta'ed, Mizu is busy.
Blast the effort required in moving house. All the boxes. All the boxes!
Using UBW is the highlight of all Shirou/Archer in another world. Well, it's a cliche for a reason but it must be done well to work. Case in point, I am still not sure when using it in this story, but it will be appropriate.
Perhaps vs a Primal Beast? I remember there was a tough plant one on the forest island it might come in handy against, seeing as the canon crew had to retreat for a while to get stronger first when going up against it initially. Using it on a Darkened PB is also an option.

Ooh, how about Mithra? That thing controls time, so I imagine it'd be a real pain to fight without game mechanics.
Chapter 2.4: Leviathan
Without another word, Archer turned around and walked towards the gate.

"Oops, should have expected that..." Eugen muttered.

"Gosh! What's his problem?" Vyrn exclaimed with a frown. "There was no need to talk smack everyone!"

"I... cannot agree with you here, Vyrn," Katalina watched the bowman's back. "His words were harsh, yes, but not rude. And it was sound advice, though he could have put it a little better."

"That's just the kind of guy Archer is," Eugen rested his rifle on his shoulder. "He rarely gives compliments and his teachings are brutal but effective. And he never does or says something he knows you can't handle. Trust me, that's his way of showing he cares."

"That is how he shows he cares?!" Io was the very picture of disbelief. "I dread to know how he treats those he dislikes then."

"Mostly, with indifference," Archer's voice came from behind the gate, making Io, Vyrn, and Rackam jump. "Are you coming or not? We don't have all day."

Eugen grinned. "Have I mentioned he doesn't have just a good pair of eyes, but also one of ears too?"


Archer removed his hand from the console, switching his open Magic Circuit to a dormant state to let it rest. Even with a Servant's body and mana capacity, it was better to avoid putting too much stress on them unless absolutely necessary. It was a lesson learned with much blood and sweat.

"Alright, this should do it," Moving with confidence, his hands pushed a few buttons and pulled a lever. The machines inside the base gave a shudder before going to work, metal plates rising around the vats from which the pollution came from to seal them; something similar was happening inside the drainage channels, making sure nothing escaped them.

"Is it done?" Eugen asked.

"No," Archer projected a large hammer (something he saw the local Draph smiths using, they sure used amazing tools) and smashed the console into an unrecognizable lump of metal.

"Now, it's done. No one will be able to reactivate the base until you can send a specialized crew to safely dismantle it. An explosion would cause residual pollution to spill outside all at once."

"Yeah, that'd be bad news. Better to take it slow and safe," Rackam then whistled. "That was fast. Don't tell me, you also boast engineering among your numerous talents."

"Hardly," Archer replied, arms crossed and eyes closed. "Some functions and command placement are standards. If all you need is to turn everything off, everyone can do it."

That wasn't the whole truth, of course. He had used Structural Grasp on the console and while most of the science and magic involved were outside his understanding, he could tell which causes would result in certain effects. In this case, which commands to select to shut down the valves. It was a trick that served him well during his mercenary days, and now as well. Knowledge of Spirit Hacking also helped, though right now he could only use it to speed up his processing ability.

The door opened, letting Gran and the others inside.

"Found anything?" Eugen asked them.

Katalina shook her head. "Whatever they were doing, they packed everything up and left. I... think it was some sort of weapon development, but I am not sure."

"Tch! Whatever," Eugen frowned. "I couldn't care less about whatever the Empire made here. The pollution has stopped, and the ocean can finally return to normal."

"If it's a weapon, there is a chance they will test it during the war," Archer pointed out.

"I dare them! I'll make mincemeat of it. That'll teach them!" Eugen said with determination. "There is nothing left here for us to do, let's return to Mizarea."

As they were leaving the base, Yuisis used the opportunity to approach Archer. The bowman watched in mild curiosity as the Erune made sure the others were looking elsewhere before whispering. "The more I think about it, the more I'm sure. You're mafia too, right?"

Archer resisted the urge to sigh. "And what made you reach that theory?"

"The way you replied to my question. That's the way of one who is deeply involved with the business. You're clearly a fixer." She nodded with a grin, obviously proud of her conclusion. "It's obvious your gang would protect your turf if the Empire try to invade, those guys hold no rules and no respect. Is Mister Eugen the local Boss?"

Archer raised a finger to silence her. "You're wrong. I suppose there may be a mafia group in Auguste, but I have no idea who is part of it. Eugen and I are truly simple members of a normal militia."

Seeing she didn't look convinced, he decided to reveal part of the truth, if only to avoid possible troublesome misunderstandings. "When I was young, I lost my parents, and the local boss took care of me as a favor to my father. His granddaughter was my legal guardian. As such, I grew up among the other members. I was friends with them, but not part of the family business."

"Ah. Apologies, I overstepped my bounds," Yuisis gracefully accepted the explanation with a small bow.

"I thought if you were part of the local gang, that..." She trailed off before shaking her head. "No, nothing. Please forget it."

"No harm done," Whatever her thoughts were, it was no business of his. Although, did he want to know why a by-the-book yakuza woman was part of a skyfarer's crew?

No, he probably didn't.


"Boss! Archer! You returned just in time!" One of Eugen's men greeted them upon their return. "While patrolling we spotted a small group of imperial agents. They were obviously up to no good, so we followed them."

"You don't say? What did you find?"

"Sorry, at one point they discovered us and there was a battle. They got away, but we managed to capture one of them."

At that moment, the air is filled by a piercing scream, "Lemme go! I said let me go! An agent of the Empire will never talk!"

"You mind helping us with this one?" The man rolled up a sleeve, revealing a lot of bite marks. "She got three of us with those teeth of hers."

"Would you look at that... That's one gutsy prisoner!" Eugen guffawed.

"Wait, that voice..." Seemly shocked Katalina ran inside the mansion. The others followed after her.

In the middle of the hall, three adult men were struggling to restrain a slip of a girl that barely reached their chests. Roughly the same age as Gran, she had silver hair and eyes, wearing a full-body blue and copper armor. Sitting in an angle was a one-handed sword and shield, obviously her weapons.

"Farrah?! Farrah, is that you?"

"Woaah!" The girl, Farrah, shouted in happiness. "Miss Katalina, sir! Wow, what're the odds? They captured you too?"

"No, not exactly. My days with the Empire are-"

"No need to explain! The fact that you came to see me says it all. Oh, how inspiring!"

So Katalina was once part of Erste. Archer had an inkling after seeing her sword's history, but that confirmed it.

"Well, somebody's in high spirits," Rackam snickered. "You know this girl, Katalina?"

"Farrah enlisted when I was still an officer before I met Lyria," The knight explained.

Lyria seemed slightly displeased at the news. "Hm... So she has known you even longer than I have..."

"Good thing you two are friends. Imperial agents so close to the city are suspicious after the last incident, I'm hoping to get some answers from her."

"Never!" Farrah immediately replied to Eugen's words. "Never ever, ever! I won't say a peep!"

"Farrah..." Katalina tried to reason to her. "I know the current circumstances are strange, but can you tell me what your mission was?"

"I'm sorry Miss Katalina, sir! I can't reveal it, not even to you!"

"She's a tough nut to crack. Not even Katalina can get a word out of her," Rackam seemed more amused than disappointed.

"Miss Katalina taught me well," She boasted. "No matter what happens, a soldier of Erste never cracks!"

"You resolve is impressive Farrah." Katalina beamed in happiness. "You always were a fantastic student!"

"Heehee!" Farrah giggled, clearly pleased by the praise.


This may seems an awkward moment to stop, but the truth is that I am not sure if continue with the original scene or add original content, and if yes of what sort. Suggestions?
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As they were leaving the base Yuisis used the opportunity to approach Archer. The bowman watched in mild curiosity as the Erune made sure the other were looking elsewhere before whispering. "The more I think about it, the more I'm sure. You're mafia too, right?"

Archer resisted the urge to sigh. "And what made you reach that theory?"

"The way you replied to my question, that's the way of one who is deeply involved with the business. You're clearly a fixer." She nodded with a grin, obviously proud of her conclusion. "It's obvious your gang would protect your turf if the Empire try to invade, those guys hold no rules and no respect. Is Mister Eugen the local Boss?"
*snicker* Sorry Best Girl, not quite.

I'm not sure whether Taiga would be mortified or proud of her influence on him.
You stopped at a good time. Just go at whatever pace you feel is most appropriate.

Also, would the Arcanum be involved? They seemed to be the only ones who could surpass the Eternals in power.
If this is possible, I don't want Archer to interrogate her. I want Archer to interrogate her belongings.

...What? It's perfect, legitimate tactics in RL!
Chapter 2.5: Leviathan
"Normally, I would give the girl respect for not turning snitch, but what she knows could be useful..." Yuisis took out her sword and looked at the blade. "Maybe she'll sing if we rough her fierce?"

"Uwah?!" Farrah's eyes widened in fright.

Archer, seeing the chance for a small psychological gambit, shot Eugen a quick knowing glance before shaking his head. "I don't think it will work. Clearly, the girl has a will of steel that cannot be broken."

"That's right!" She nodded, internally sighing in relief.

"Let's just tie up and toss her in the sea. Problem solved, and one less soldier for Erste."


"Might as well," Eugen grinned. "I just heard of an approaching pack of monsters. She'll make for both a great bait and distraction as we line a killing shot."

"Monsters! Inhuman!" Farrah screamed in fright, legs moving back and forth wildly as the men holding her had to lift her body up in the air. "Miss Katalinaaaaa! Help meeee!!"

"I think they're just pretending to make her talk," Gran whispered to a worried Lyria. "Play along."

"Oh, for the love of... Step aside!" Ruffling his hair in exasperation Rackam approached the panicking Farrah with a friendly smile. "Don't worry miss, nobody here is going to use you as bait."

Seeing the distrustful look she was giving him the helmsman just carried on. "You're right. Following the rules laid down by your elders is important and shouldn't be punished."

"Course it is! I respect Miss Katalina as much as I respect my parents!" She hotly declared.

Rackam then lowered his voice. "Things are a little different now though. Katalina's in trouble. Don't you want to help her?"

"Oh?! So... So she wants me to talk? Would that make me a good soldier?"

"That's right!" Rackam assumed a pompous tone. "You just have to ask yourself... What's most important to you?"

"Lieutenant Katalina!" She immediately replied by instinct.

"What's the most important quality of a soldier?"

"Loyalty to one's superiors and country!"

"And what is the goal of today's mission?"

"Making sure the operation on Tzannis Plateau goes smoothly!" She said, before blanching in realization a few seconds later.

"All right! Good work!" Rackam clapped his hands. "Hear that, Eugen?"

"Wait a second! I want that struck from the record!" She pleaded.

"Tzannis Plateau, huh? Wonder what kind of operation they're doing there. Well, we can head there after resting a little."

Seeing that everything had been sorted out Archer made to leave, intending to look over the Plateau's maps.

"Uhm, Mister Archer?" Only to stop when Gran called out to him. Turning around Archer watched as the brown-haired boy rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "When you said I needed a better armor... do you mind helping me choose one? Since you seem to be an expert..."

Archer kept looking at him, his expression unchanged, for a few seconds before finally saying, "... It's not like I have anything better to do. Follow me."


"Welcome to the Knickknack Shack!" Sierokarte cheerfully greeted Archer and the others before her eyes lit up. "Ooh, it's you guys!"

"Miss Siero? Nice to see you again," Gran greeted back. "Weren't you working in Valtz?"

"Where there is a Knickknack Shack shop and clients in need, Sierokarte is there!" She giggled. "So, how can I help you today?"

After hearing Gran's request for new armor, Siero led them to a room on the upper floor, where numerous manikins in different clothes were arrayed on opposing sides. "This is our current selection. Look as much as you like."

While Gran, Lyria and Vyrn observed the various armors with curiosity Archer walked briskly among them, only stopping once in front of one armor themed after a dragon before shaking his head and moving past it, silently muttering 'spears'.

Reaching the end of the exposition, he turned around and walked back to the group. "As far I can tell you have three choices, depending on your preferences."

First, he pointed to a red leather coat, with a matching feathered hat and knee-high brown boots. "This is made for those who mix magic with physical combat, mostly geared towards supporting allies and hindering enemies. I assume you don't know magic?"

"Ah, no I don't," Gran shook his hand. "There wasn't a magic teacher on my home island, though Io said she's willing to give me a few lessons..."

"Until then, forget about this set," Archer informed him with finality. Stepping to the side, he pointed to a lightweight set of armor with a red breastplate, pauldrons shaped like dragon's claws and a fur collar. "This is similar to what you already have but better. With decent defense, it allows you to move fast and hit just as hard. It's made from monsters' parts, so it's reliable."

"I see you know your stuff!" Siero observed with a grin. "Let me guess, the final one you recommend for our Gran is... this, right?" She finished, pointing to the third set of armor.

"Correct," It was a heavy set of armor with a large rectangular shield that could be worn on the back with the aid of straps. "Speed takes a hit, but defense is drastically increased. It's sturdy enough to withstand even a blow from a high-class monster, and the shield's width allows you to cover more than one ally."

Finished with his explanation, Archer crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "Those are your choices if you want to keep using a sword. The other armors? They're made to support the use of different weapons. So really, it's entirely your choice what to do. Improving what you already know, or trying your hand at something new. You're young enough that things aren't set in stone yet."
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First he pointed to a red leather coat, with a matching feathered hat and knee-high brown boots. "This is made for those who mix magic with physical combat, mostly geared towards supporting allies and hindering enemies. I assume you don't know magic?"
Oh hey, a Red Mage shoutout. Never expected to see Final Fantasy outfits in GBF.
Chapter 2.6: Leviathan
"What do you think, Gran?" Vyrn flew closer to the second set of armor listed by Archer. "I like this one. It's red, and it resembles a dragon. We would make a great pair!"

"Uhm, this is similar to what Katalina uses," Io added, looking at the third set. "Being able to protect yourself and others better sound good, but it does look heavy."

"Can I?" Receiving a nod from Sierokarte Gran tried to lift the heavy armor's shield. He succeeded, but- "It's taking me everything just to lift this. No way I can move while also wearing the armor."

He huffed after putting down the shield with a loud 'thud'. "Maybe If I train enough I could, but until then if there is an emergency I would be a sitting duck. Sorry Lyria, I'll take the other set."

"It's okay. The important thing is that it's useful to you, Gran," She replied with a smile.

Archer gave a nod. 'A good choice. Green, but not foolish.'

"Yes! Thank you for doing business with the Knickknack Shack shop!" Siero smiled brightly before taking out a measuring tape. "Alright Gran, please take off your clothes!"

"Eeeeh?!" The two teenagers and one flying lizard shouted in surprise, their cheeks red.

"She needs your measures to adjust the armor," Archer explained with a scoff and a grin. "Why, did you think it would fit you right from the start? The craftsman didn't make it with you in mind, just someone with roughly the same height."

"Upupupu~" The Harvin laughed. "Don't worry. When it comes to a customer, I am always Siero-us!"


"No way! Hahahaha!" Rackam guffawed after hearing the story. "That's hilarious!"

"It was not..." Mumbling Gran pushed down the headdress of his new armor, a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Taking measures to adjust armor to a new user is a perfectly normal procedure. There is nothing to be embarrassed about," Katalina calmly explained, missing the point.

After Gran's little 'misadventure' he and the others have rushed toward the Tzannis Plateau, where Farrah said the Empire was having some sort of operation. Situated on the eastern side of Auguste the plateau offered a sweeping view of the archipelago. Tiny streams winded their way across the land until they spill into the ocean.

"Wow! Amazing! Look at all that blue over there!" Io cheered. "No matter how you look at it, the Auguste Sea is beautiful!"

"This isn't some field trip, Io..." Vyrn said. "You want me to take away your snacks?"

"Shut up, lizard!" She snapped in irritation. "Mind your own business!"

"Who're you calling a lizard? Do I look like a lizard to you? Help me out there, Gran!"

"Io, Vyrn is not a lizard," The brown-haired boy told the twin-tailed mage with a calm tone.

"I know, right?" Vyrn grinned while crossing his paws. "See, Io? I knew Gran would be on my side."

"Play nice, you two," Katalina gently scolded them. "Rackam, are you seeing anything out of the ordinary so far?"

"Not yet," He grumbled. "You don't think Farrah might have been lying, do you?"

"Considering it was you who made her talk..." Archer commented while looking around. "Nothing so far. If the Imperials are here they're north-east, past the swamps and the forest. It's the only place on the Plateau that I cannot see from here."

"You can see that far?!"

The white-haired man snorted, "I'm not called Archer just for show."

As they began to move in the direction he pointed out Archer's keen hearing caught on a hushed conversation between Gran and Lyria.

"Gran... Something's wrong... We traveled all this way, but I can't sense any change in Leviathan."

His expression didn't change, but inwardly his mind was at work. 'Now, why would she talk about Auguste's most famous Primal Beast, revered as a god even, as if she had met it?'

"What do you mean?" Gran asked.

"It's almost as if Leviathan is enveloping all of Auguste..."

'Considering its namesake from my world, either it's big enough to occupy the whole sea - though if it was someone would have seen it by now - or the whole island is its territory. The last one is more likely, but that begs the question. Who is Lyria, to be able to sense Primal Beasts?'

There were a lot of mysteries surrounding this specific crew, Archer realized. Normally, it would be none of his business.

Yet, wasn't it just recently that he thought there was more he could do besides helping around Auguste?


"Well, well, well. It seems the little miss was telling the truth after all." Eugen commented while observing the distant column of men marching through the plateau. They crossed the forest while dispatching the local monsters, and arrived at the top of a slope just in time to catch the troops' sight.

"Those banners... Only soldiers of the Empire would fly them." Katalina muttered.

"What do we have here?" Rackam squinted his eyes before gasping. "Woah! Looks like we got some tough customers on our hands."

Archer could see two figures of interest among the more generic Erste soldiers. The first was a bespectacled blond Harvin with the insignia of a general and, though mostly irrelevant, unnecessarily high heels. The only thing of note, besides his rank, were the vials full of colored liquids on his belt. He should be wary of them if it came down to a fight.

The second figure was definitely more interesting. A knight garbed head to toes in pitch-black armor with golden linings, of a quality high enough that it could resist even a blow from a low-ranked Noble Phantasm, and on its-


Fathomless loyalty calls out to darkness, and its adamant vow bites deep. All alone, the knight protects her, almost possessed with tenacity. She swings her sword for Her Highness, and only for her.

-her waist was a sword he pleasantly welcomed inside his archive. He never had the chance to acquire the Blutgang from Earth, due to the sword breaking against the helmet Hildegrimur in the myth, but this one was an adequate replacement.

Its history also confirmed to him that there were people in this world with skills and abilities comparable to Servants. That black knight would make for a great Saber or a decent Berserker.

"Hey, guys," Rackam motioned to the rest of his crew. "Look over there."

"Ah? Gran, isn't that the Black Knight whom we saw back in Valtz?" Lyria exclaimed.

"Yes," He nodded. "It's him."

Another female knight mistaken for male? Oh, the irony.

"What are you mumbling about?" Eugen asked. "Talk so people can hear you! Yer not gonna leave an old man in the dark, are you?"

"Would you cut it out?" Io pouted. "We're run into one of the soldiers over there before. We met the Black Knight in Valtz..."

"A Black Knight... with the empire?" Eugen looked shocked at the news. He grimaced and ran down the slope, moving towards the head of the column.

"Woah! Hold on, Eugen! Stay with the group!" Rackam shouted after him. Archer ignored the helmsman's advice and followed after Eugen, easily catching up with him.

"I assume there is a good reason for this?" He asked him with a calm, unperturbed tone.

"Sorry Archer. I can't explain it now, but..." Eugen's grimace deepened. "That Black Knight and I, we have a history."

"None of my business then. Understood," Archer simply nodded. "I will simply save your ass if you end up doing something foolish."

"Eh! I believe I may end taking up on your offer sooner than expected," Eugen grinned.

"Halt!" A soldier commanded. "This area is under the control of the Erste Empire! Civilians are-"

It was as far as he went before Eugen's shot took him down.

Projecting Kanshou and Bakuya, Archer blurred forward and swept through the other soldiers, until it was him, Eugen and the two imperial officers in the middle of a ring of downed opponents.

"Yo. Fancy meeting you here," Eugen flippantly greeted the Black Knight while resting the rifle on his shoulder. "You seem to be doing quite well for yourself."

"You!" The knight spat, her voice deep enough that Archer could see how she could be mistaken for a man. "Hard to believe you're still alive, you miserable old man. Those islands are as unpleasant as ever, filled with faces I hoped to never see again..."

For a moment Archer could feel her gaze boring into him, though it was mostly wariness at an unknown.

"Oh, come on! Don't be like that. Think of everything we've been through..."

"Yayaya! Mh? What is the meaning of this, Apollonia?" The Harvin asked, his voice obnoxious and condescending. "And who is this raggedy old man?"

"Mind your place, Furias! This is the second time I need to warn you." The Black Knight spat. "If you blurt out that name again, you'll be breathing through your neck."

Furias seemed hardly fazed by the death threat. "Simply terrifying... Why not try to have a little fun for a change? Even if you are an imperial advisor..."

"You tactless vermin... I'll be sure to mention your attitude when I report how you allowed the enemy to reach us unimpeded."

"Eugen! Archer! You okay?" Rackam asked as he and the others finally reached them.

"C'mon, why did you have to leave us behind?" Io complained.

"You!" Katalina's eyes widened at the sight of Furias. "You were in Port Breeze!"

"What have we here? You're still alive?" Furias laughed. "I suppose it's always a challenge to exterminate such tiny little insects..."

"Boss, who is this guy?" A frowning Yuises asked Gran. "He's giving me a bad feeling..."

"That guy... He experimented on Tiamat, the Primal Beast of Port Breeze, and even tried to use her to destroy the whole island."

Archer's assessment of the Harvin went from 'annoyance' to 'warmonger with too much power'.

"What are you lot doing in Auguste?" The Black Knight tilted her head. "Oh, I know... The Archduke must be behind this. Furias! I'll leave this to you... I trust you understand what you need to do."

"Ever the worrier... But I know I'm not supposed to kill them. Leave it to me!" His smile was downright nasty. "There's nothing I love more than playing with my prey! Funny thing though... Your names seem to have slipped my mind."

"Sorry, but I don't share my name with imperial scum." Rackam snidely remarked.

Furias' smile instantly changed into a sneer. "Zip it, scruffy. No one asked you!"

"What's wrong with this guy?" Io looked awkwardly. "He's the one who brought up our names in the first place..."

"Gran, I knew there was something off about him," Lyria whispered, her hands clenching around the hem of her dress. "The power I feel, it almost reminds me of a Primal's..."

"Blah, blah, blah... Don't flatter yourself by thinking I cared about your names in the first place!" Archer added 'unstable' to his assessment of Furias. "Just be good little snacks! C'mere, Poochie!"

At the call something large began to move forward from the back of the column, the soldiers hastily moving out of the way. When it came into view the group could see it was a massive, bipedal saurian monster, with skin covered in orange crystals and a maw that opened all the way to the bottom of its long neck.

"That's Poochie?!" Io screamed in disbelief.

"Of all the low down, dirty... Everyone, keep your guard up!" Vyrn shouted.

The monster raised its narrow head and roared to the heavens.

Kanshou and Bakuya spin through the air and embedded themselves into the monster's neck. The beast's body convulsed before falling on the ground, where it died slowly choking on its own blood.

"What?" Archer answered when everyone stared at him in shock. "It was the perfect opening. I just took it."

"Poochie...?" Furias whispered before snarling in rage. "Useless beast! Gah! Forget about it! Kill them! Kill them all!"

While the Erste soldiers surged forward to engage the group of Skyfarers, the Black Knight, instead of calling out to Furias on his breaking of orders, pushed by idle curiosity to approach the monster's body.

Grabbing the hilts of the two falchions she yanked them out. She observed them for a moment, marveling at both the beautiful craftsmanship and the apparent ease with which they pierced the monster's hide, before blinking in shock when they dissolved into motes of light. "What?"

"Did they not teach you to ask for permission before touching what belongs to someone else?" Whirling about she came face to face with a grinning Archer, the twin blades back into his hands.

"You..." Her hand rested on the hilt of Blutgang but didn't move to take it out. "You're different from the rest of the rabble. Who are you?"

He shrugged. "Just a nameless archer." He glanced behind his shoulders. "I think I should say something now... Nah, don't feel like it. Goodbye, Apollonia Vaar."

By the time Apollonia took out her sword to attack him, he was already gone, his twin swords a blur as he cut a path back to the rest of the crew.

"That miserable old man... Of course, the company he keeps around would be just as irritating." She snarled, the sword sliding back into the sheath with a 'click.'
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