Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

Hopefully Pommern gets a robo hand or something

It might be being biased because Pommern gets to be really fucking cool at the end of the Erste Arc
Same. Sure Pommern is a dick first of but he does get better. I'm concerned what this will do to his psyche.

One thing is for sure, Furias is going to have heads roll for this. Maybe this could intrigue the Emperor enough to get involved too. Or at least have Freesia devote more forces. After all, if someone can one-shot battleships then in her mind someone on the level of the Eternals is involved.

Oh, and good job getting Flaretato's name right too.
slicing through armors and weapons alike as if they were made of mere paper.
through armour and weapons
aware you're interfering in an official business of the Erste Empire?"
interfering in official
For those that didn't make it, all he could do was offering a short prayer before moving on.
was offer a short
. "Those are the places were most of the
where most of
So the pollution's in an underwater cave in this story, is it? Well, makes sense knowing Erste's plans, and it's not like such a thing was revealed to us in canon anyway. Wonder if they'll meet Levvy there?
Oh, this is pretty neat so far. Archer's going to throw such a wrench in things by not putting up with the seven billion forced Lyria kidnapping plots.

++++++ points for using Best Girl Mafia Erune as the 'extra' character.
Chapter 2.1: Leviathan
Chapter 2: Leviathan

"Useless! Useless! Useless! Why are you so useless?!"

Those manning the airship's bridge and the soldiers stationed there did their best to ignore the spectacle currently playing in the center of the room, either by focusing completely on their task or looking in the completely opposite direction.

In any other case, the sight of a Harvin stomping down on the head of a kowtowing Human would have been hilarious due to the difference in height involved.

Any other case didn't have the Harvin being Furias, a general of the Erste Empire infamous for his short temper, utter callousness for any life that isn't his own and the willingness to kill anyone who displeases him, even his own soldiers.

"My most... sincere... apologies... General," Pommern drawled through gritted teeth, his right hand clenched around the stump where the left used to be. "There were... unforeseen... interferences."

"Do you know what I can do with your apologies? Nothing! That's what!" He raised his boot and stomped down on the captain's head once again, causing the man to grunt in pain as his already abused face violently met with the floor once again. Normally Furias took delight in causing pain to others, but right now he was too angry to care. "I trusted your words when you said you could retrieve your oh-so-important specimen directly from Mizarea, and gave you not one but four battle-class airships! And what do I get in return?"

Furias turned around and took a few steps before throwing his arms in the air. "Two airships sunk! While another was left in the city and the last one is completely gone! All of this in a matter of seconds! Never has Erste suffered such a humiliating defeat!"

He walked back to Pommern and stomped on his head again. "And all you can tell me is that there were unforeseen interferences?! Do you think I am an idiot? Do you Pommern?! Do I look like an idiot to you?!!"

"A-Absolutely not! Never! General Furias, I swear that wasn't my intention!" Pommern tried to explain, only to freeze when he heard a rather sharp 'click'.

"I have half an idea to just shoot you and dump your body overboard," Furias sneered, a gun pointed straight at the captain's head. "You have five seconds to give me one good reason why I shouldn't, and it better be convincing."

"I can give you one right now. I want to hear what he has to say," A new, deep voice interjected.

Furias' features twisted into something even more ugly before he took hold of his emotions. Having recognized the voice, and knowing that the speaker was one of the few individuals he had to show a modicum of respect, the Harvin looked up and smiled condescendingly at the knight in black armor that just walked inside the bridge. "Oya oya? How surprising to see you here, Apollonia. Aren't you supposed to be busy with something else on the other side of Auguste?"

"I never gave you permission to use that name, Furias. Mind your place!" The Black Knight snarled. The soldiers present promptly did their best to wipe out that name from their minds, lest they accidentally blurt it out later and incur the imperial advisor's wrath.

"Woah! So scary!" Furias took a few steps back while waving his hands, the gun now hanging from his index by the trigger's ring.

"If you're truly interested in this waste of space-" He shot a short glare at the still kowtowing Pommern. "-It's all yours."

The Black Knight watched the odious midget walk back to his raised throne before addressing the captain. "Pommern, was it? Stand up."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Pommern quickly pushed himself back on his feet while keeping his head down, not daring to meet the Black Knight's intimidating gaze. "I apologize for this unsightly appearance-"

"It matters not," The imperial advisor interrupted him. "You were trying to retrieve the Girl in Blue, correct?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"But you failed."

Pommern gulped, "...Yes."

The Black Knight hummed. "How?"

"I..." Pommern gulped again. "I don't know who or how, but all the battleships... were sniped right out of the sky."

Metal encased fingers clenched around the sword's hilt. "Tell me the full story. Now."


The day after the Empire's failed kidnapping, the crew of the Grandcypher, with the addition of Eugen and Archer, left Mizarea with the goal of finally finding the source of the sea's corruption and putting an end to it once and for all. The one-eyed agent was at the helm of the motorized boat, while the white-haired man was sitting at the bow, using his superior eyesight to check for approaching hostiles. The rest of the crew was sitting between them.

Archer spared the crew of skyfarers a brief glance, seeing that Lyria and Gran were still mumbling among themselves while giving him their own brief glances, before turning back to stare at Auguste's sea. He might as well cut to the chase.

"If you have something to tell me, you should do it now when you still have the chance," Archer glanced behind his back. "There is no telling what will await us at our destination."

The two teenagers released a small 'eep' of embarrassment. Really, if they wanted to be discreet they should have done so where he couldn't hear them.

"U-Uh! Mister Archer!" Quickly composing herself Lyria put her hands on her lap before bowing. "Thank you so much for saving me yesterday!"

"I also want to thank you for helping me rescue Lyria," Gran was the second one to bow.

'That was it?' Archer shrugged. "There is no need to thank me. I saw Erste soldiers taking civilians hostage and acted accordingly. It's not like I was trying to specifically save you."

"Even so, I am really grateful for what you did," The blue-haired girl insisted.

"Yeah, you were quite amazing!" Yuisis piped up. "One moment we were watching the airships and then! Wham! You were already on another building and running like the wind!"

"I agree with Yuisis here," Katalina added. "That was quite the impressive jump. Without even a running start, you cleared more than twenty meters in less than a second."

"What? Twenty meters?! That's crazy!" Vyrn yelped.

"It's nothing special," Archer replied without turning back. "I knew people that could do the same, or even better. I'm just average in that regard."

Average among Servants, that's it. But this being an alternate dimension where magic and mythical creatures were still common, it was quite possible the people of this world still had the chance to become Heroic Spirits on their own. Moreover, the man now known as Archer has never been the type to underestimate possible dangers.

"I'm wondering what kind of company you kept that you would consider a jump of twenty meters 'average'," Rackam waved his hand with an awkward smile. "Changing topic, anyone saw who, or what, fired at the Empire's airships?"

The others shook their heads.

"Not that I am not grateful. But you must admit it makes you wonder," Eugen grunted. "Oy Archer, you have the best eyes here. Did you know anything?"

"If you're asking me if I saw the origin of those attacks, then my answer is no," Technically true since to do so he would have needed a mirror. "Also, monsters incoming."

"Eh?" Io looked left and right. "Where?"

"Under the surface. A school of Jawfishes. We will reach them in thirty seconds," He turned around to look at the crew. "Do you want to take care of it? Jawfishes aren't very strong, so they're an ideal choice to get used to the way Auguste's monsters fight."

"Leave it to us!" Gran declared without hesitation while taking out his weapon, the others following his example. Archer had to give them credit, they quickly took a position as to cover each other's back.

"What do you mean, 'the way Auguste's monsters fight'? Monsters are monsters, right?" Vyrn asked.

"I assume Mister Archer is talking about how the local monsters dwell in the water, so we can't fight them like we do those on land," Katalina mused. "They'll probably pop out of the surface for quick attacks before swimming away, or aim at the bottom of the boat."

Eugen snickered. "Not quite Miss Katalina. Not quite. True, they do the latter with big ships-"

At that moment the water's surface broke in a dozen different points, the monsters jumping out of them. They had the form of large blue fishes, with spiky fins and large maws full of razor-sharp fangs. Reaching the jump's apex the Jawfishes, instead of falling down, began to wave their fins and move in the air as if they were still swimming in the water.

"But when they have people within their sight, they always choose a more 'personal' approach."

"What the?!" Vyrn gasped. "They're flying!? That's cheating!"

"I don't want to hear that from the flying lizard!" Io shot back.


"Oh yes, that's absolutely shocking. Taking advantage of a natural ability to gain an edge in combat. Truly, it cannot be anything but cheating." Archer deadpanned.


This last month has been somewhat awful for me. Let's hope it gets better.
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Glad to see this return, Alex. Also glad to see you're remembering Archer is rather fond of snark :p
Wonder how the Erst Empire shall react to the knowledge of how their warships got destroyed - by which I mean Apollonia. We've already seen Furius, after all, git that he is.
Apollo was probably thinking they got third partied by an Eternal for a moment there. The whole 'sniped out of the sky' is very much a Song way of doing things.
They're gonna assume it's Song for sure. Poor gal is gonna get a bounty on her head.

Or Archer gets a visit from the Emperor himself. Along with his "pet".

Or would this gain the attention of the outside Skydoms? I know the Golden Knight is keeping tabs on Phantagrande soooo...
Glad to see this return, Alex. Also glad to see you're remembering Archer is rather fond of snark :p
I would be a very poor Fate fan if I didn't write Archer with a deadpan snark here and there ;)

"I don't want to hear that from the flying lizard."

Why didn't I think of that?!?! :jackiechan:

I am ashamed of myself. If I add it now, would it ruin the effect somehow?
Chapter 2.2: Leviathan
"This is not the time for childish bickering!" Rackam took aim with his musket and shot an approaching Jawfish. The blow staggered the monster before a second one finished it off.

"Who're you calling a child?!" Io protested with indignation. She waved her staff, collecting magical energy, before swinging in an arc and firing an ice spike that impaled another Jawfish.

"Focus on the fight!" Katalina admonished sternly as she delivers a flurry of thrusts with her rapier. Gran and Yuisis weren't idle either. The two were focusing on the other side of the boat, delivering single but powerful slashes at each enemy that came within their range.

Archer looked at Lyria with a raised eyebrow. "Please tell this doesn't happen all the time."

"Ah… hahaha..." Lyria laughed awkwardly before her eyes widened. "Uwah! Mister Archer, look-"

Without even turning, the red-clad bowman traced a nameless blade and slashed behind him, bisecting the Jawfish that was trying to surprise him. "Yes?"

"-Out... oh, never mind."

"No need to worry about him, Little Miss! This guy is harder to surprise than an old hag," Eugen laughed before being interrupted by attacking Jawfish.

"Ack! Back off you!" Without missing a beat Eugen raised his rifle and shot point-blank the monster. His single eye then narrowed at a certain monster. "That's... a Swordshark? I don't think it's wise to let that guy get close to the boat."

"Understood," Standing up Archer looked forward until he sighted the monster in question, the fin and sword-like horn growing out of the snout giving its position away. With the nameless sword still in his right hand, he raised the other one. A sleek, black bow almost as tall as he appeared in his left hand. He then held the sword up to the bow and drew it back.

"Wait. Bow Guy, what are you doing?" Vyrn asked.

"What does it look like?" Archer barely needed to aim, the Swordshark was a ridiculously easy target. "I'm about to shoot a monster that could seriously damage the boat before it comes closer to it."

"But that's not an arrow! That's a sword!" He protested. "They're not the same thing!"

Archer released the string. Everyone could feel the shot as the air shifting, the two kilos of solid steel crossed hundreds of meters in little more than a second. The impact raised a column of water, the mangled body of the Swordshark hovering in the air for a moment before collapsing back into the water.

"For me, they are," Archer lowered the bow, a smug grin on his face.

"... Did he just shoot a sword from a bow?" Rackam's incredulous voice broke the ensuing silence.

"Uwah! I didn't know you can do that." Lyria looked very impressed.

"You cannot Lyria. It shouldn't be possible, but..." Katalina had a hard time coming in terms with what she just saw before blinked. "Wait. In the first place, where did they come from?"

"What do you think?" He asked back. He didn't have a real reason to hide his abilities, but he didn't need to freely share personal details either.

Her eyes narrowed as if to say 'challenge accepted'. "A concealment spell? No, in this small space someone would have noticed. Teleportation is too much..."

"He created them with magic," Io answered. "It was fast, but I noticed the build-up of magical energy. What kind of spell was that? I never heard of one which can conjure something as complex as a weapon."

"It's called Projection," Archer sit down and dismissed the bow, letting the crew observe the dissipating magical motes. "As its core, it's just the materialization of an object through a mental image of and magical energy. Where I come from its considered a useless spell that is good only for training your magical control. I only use it because it fits my fighting style."

That said, his version of Projection was very different from the one used by other mages. If all they could create were empty shells, then the individual known as Archer was the only one, as far as he could tell, whose Projections could replicate every characteristic of an object, creating copies that, while inferior to the original, were still the result of a ridiculous amount of time and resources sublimated into a process of a few seconds with a meager cost in magical energy.

"No spell is useless!" Io frowned as if personally offended by the statement. Before she could continue, Eugen spoke again.

"We've arrived," He pointed to the coastline ahead, where the entrance to a sea cave could be seen. "That's the only sea cave in the area large enough to house large-scale activities. If the source of pollution is here, we'll find it inside."
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I don't blame the GBF crew for being disbelieving about Archer's combat style. It's a weird one!
Archer looked at Lyria with a raised eyebrow. "Please tell this doesn't happen all the time."

"Ah..ah ah ah..." Lyria laughed awkwardly before her eyes widened. "Uwah! Mister Archer, look-"
Yeah, being the sane one is suffering.
Without even turning the red-clad bowman traced a nameless blade and slashed behind him, bisecting the Jawfish that was trying to surprise him. "Yes?"

"-Out...oh, never mind."
But in the other hand, Swag EMIYA is Swag.
"Wait. Bow Guy, what are you doing?" Vyrn asked.

"What does it look like?" Archer barely needed to took aim, the Swordshark was a ridiculously easy target. "I'm about to shoot a monster that could seriously damage the boat before it comes closer to it."
Veeeeery Obvious.
"But that's not an arrow. That's a sword!" He protested. "They're not the same thing."
"For me, they are." Archer lowered the bow, a smug grin on his face.
Feel Rin's Suffering, scrub.
"...Did he just shoot a sword from a bow?" Rackam's incredulous voice broke the ensuing silence.
...Too Obvious.
"No spell is useless!" Io frowned, as if personally offended by the statement. But before she could continue Eugen spoke again.
Ah, to be young, naive and idealistic.

She's not wrong, though.
Say... Will you do the 'Why is the Sky Blue' Event in this? I mean, that has huge story ramifications(although you'll need to do the other events leading up to it, like the one with Stan and Aliza for example).

Plus, Archer vs. Sandy please please please