Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

Amusingly enough, the concept of 'sword' is broad enough that even a lead pipe counts. That said, mundane objects are very easy to trace even if they're not swords, though very complicated stuff like computers are not included. Too many moving parts.
You say that and yet I remember somewhere that Archer had somehow projected an entire cotton candy machine.
Gradation Air is a more advanced version of Reinforcement. Archer is teaching Io the same way he learned it.
What ? WHAT ?! :o
Where the hell did you get this idea ?! It's Gradation Air that's the beginner spell !
Gradation Air is considered the best training spell in Magecraft for a reason : it's the least dangerous spell in existence and teach the trainee how to better visualize. It's literally the ONE magecraft spell in existence that cannot kill the user even if he fuck up epically.

And even then, GA and Reinforcement have nothing to do with each other.

Gradation Air is taking a clump of mana and sculpting it into a shape you're visualizing. You end up with a hollow shell with no innards.
Tracing is taking Gradation Air and visualizing the shape with such precision that it stop being a mana balloon and become a working item instead.

Reinforcement is taking an already existing item and filling its conceptual "weak points" with mana until they're gone, effectively making the item as "perfect" as it can be.

If you fuck that up, whatever you're Reinforcing will explode in your face like a hand-grenade.

Fucking hell Alex, where did you get such ideas ?
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What ? WHAT ?! :o
Where the hell did you get this idea ?! It's Gradation Air that's the beginner spell !
Gradation Air is considered the best training spell in Magecraft for a reason : it's the least dangerous spell in existence and teach the trainee how to better visualize. It's literally the ONE magecraft spell in existence that cannot kill the user even if he fuck up epically.

And even then, GA and Reinforcement have nothing to do with each other.

Gradation Air is taking a clump of mana and sculpting it into a shape you're visualizing. You end up with a hollow shell with no innards.
Tracing is taking Gradation Air and visualizing the shape with such precision that it stop being a mana balloon and become a working item instead.

Reinforcement is taking an already existing item and filling its conceptual "weak points" with mana until they're gone, effectively making the item as "perfect" as it can be.

If you fuck that up, whatever you're Reinforcing will explode in your face like a hand-grenade.

Fucking hell Alex, where did you get such ideas ?

Do you have any source to back up your claim? Whenever Shirou botched reinforcing an object in the VN it would just break or get cracks instead of exloding like you claim, just look at the very first scene where Shirou uses magic. IIRC the VN also states somewhere that it's Reinforcement, Alteration and lastly Gradation Air in ascending order of difficulty as far as material transformation is concerned.
What ? WHAT ?! :o
Where the hell did you get this idea ?! It's Gradation Air that's the beginner spell !
Gradation Air is considered the best training spell in Magecraft for a reason : it's the least dangerous spell in existence and teach the trainee how to better visualize. It's literally the ONE magecraft spell in existence that cannot kill the user even if he fuck up epically.

And even then, GA and Reinforcement have nothing to do with each other.

Gradation Air is taking a clump of mana and sculpting it into a shape you're visualizing. You end up with a hollow shell with no innards.
Tracing is taking Gradation Air and visualizing the shape with such precision that it stop being a mana balloon and become a working item instead.

Reinforcement is taking an already existing item and filling its conceptual "weak points" with mana until they're gone, effectively making the item as "perfect" as it can be.

If you fuck that up, whatever you're Reinforcing will explode in your face like a hand-grenade.

Fucking hell Alex, where did you get such ideas ?
Type Moon Wiki said:
While Gradation Air is a more complex form of Reinforcement, it is ultimately inferior and less efficient.

Gradation Air
I know my sources.
The problem with that is the type moon wiki is known for being unreliable outside of the citations at the bottom. For example, that particular claim seems to have nothing to back it up in the citations at the bottom of the page and doesn't give a citation from F/SN either. The closest thing I can find to a relationship between Reinforcement and Gradation Air is in the Fate route when he tries Tracing K&B for the first time:
Fate/stay night Part #174 - Fight back, projection magic

I would probably just ask in one of the Nasu threads to see if it's true or not.

EDIT: I did find this about projection in the VN:
Fate/stay night Part #57 - Switch
'Switch' said:
"You know about strengthening and transformation, right? Then I would think you'd naturally know what projection is.
Well, in short, it's magic that reproduces something.
It's not magic that elaborates on something that's already there.
Basically, it's magic that constructs something from nothing, so it's the hardest."

From the text, the only relationship seems to be that Projection is harder since it constructs a mirror image out of nothing rather than using something that is already there. It seems that Alteration is the more complex form of Reinforcement, since it is adding a new concept rather than improving an existing one. You could say that they are related in terms of being steps up in terms of difficulty however.

'Switch' said:
"You can only use strengthening, right? You said that's all you can use, so then, you might be able to take it up to the next level and use 'transformation'.
Have you ever been taught about strengthening, transformation, and projection magic?"
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The problem with that is the type moon wiki is known for being unreliable outside of the citations at the bottom. For example, that particular claim seems to have nothing to back it up in the citations at the bottom of the page and doesn't give a citation from F/SN either. The closest thing I can find to a relationship between Reinforcement and Gradation Air is in the Fate route when he tries Tracing K&B for the first time:
Fate/stay night Part #174 - Fight back, projection magic

I would probably just ask in one of the Nasu threads to see if it's true or not.

EDIT: I did find this about projection in the VN:
Fate/stay night Part #57 - Switch

From the text, the only relationship seems to be that Projection is harder since it constructs a mirror image out of nothing rather than using something that is already there. It seems that Alteration is the more complex form of Reinforcement, since it is adding a new concept rather than improving an existing one. You could say that they are related in terms of being steps up in terms of difficulty however.
Your source should be burned to the fucking ground.

Gradation Air


Unlimited Blade Work

Those are link to TMDict, a compilation of Nasuverse dictionary entries, from Beast Lair. That is, translated WoGs.
Alright. In this case, how should I change Archer's lesson?
Alright. In this case, how should I change Archer's lesson?
Gradation Air being a pre-rec for EMIYA's Tracing, start her off with that instead of Reinforcement. That's it really. You don't even need to change much of the dialogue as failed use of the spell just cause the forming object to collapse/implode.

One note, maybe add a line where EMIYA warn her to take a break if using Structural Analysis start giving her head-aches. This is spell that involve downloading massive amount of data in one's brain after all and while it is very unlikely, there's always a risk of brain damage happening.
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Gradation Air being a pre-rec for EMIYA's Tracing, start her off with that instead of Reinforcement. That's it really. You don't even need to change much of the dialogue as failed use of the spell just cause the forming object to collapse/implode.

One note, maybe add a line where EMIYA warn her to take a break if using Structural Analysis start giving her head-aches. This is spell that involve downloading massive amount of data in one's brain after all and while it is very unlikely, there's always a risk of brain damage happening.
So, instead of:


I use:


Is this alright?
@Deathwings and @Alexander89 : The problem with Io learning Gradation Air is that, AFAIK, Fate-route Shirou was never learn how to Gradation Air properly and skipping directly to Tracing. By the time FSN happened, the lesson was embedded too much to be unlearned.
Yo Alex I noticed something

Leviathan's Astral Map Piece

Did it happen here? Because Archer just nuked him in the face while canon had Lyria appealing to his senses and thus they gained Levi's blessing when they calmed it down. Here Archer just Alpha Strike'd from the get go
@Deathwings and @Alexander89 : The problem with Io learning Gradation Air is that, AFAIK, Fate-route Shirou was never learn how to Gradation Air properly and skipping directly to Tracing. By the time FSN happened, the lesson was embedded too much to be unlearned.
That's fanon. He started with Gradation Air, became proficient with during his short apprenticeship under Kiritsugu but afterward found it to be too underwhelming and then developed his 8 Steps system, leading to Tracing.
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Yo Alex I noticed something

Leviathan's Astral Map Piece

Did it happen here? Because Archer just nuked him in the face while canon had Lyria appealing to his senses and thus they gained Levi's blessing when they calmed it down. Here Archer just Alpha Strike'd from the get go
They still got it. Lyria met a smaller but calm manifestation of Leviathan after Archer nuked him: he was really impressed by Caladbolg, so after a bit of one-sided dialogue from Lyria he rewarded the humans for their victory.
"Um, sorry Mr. Leviathan, but you won't listen to me and everybody panic and you were, like, goes extra angry or something and-"

[Mr. Leviathan gave sharp 'Shut Up' gesture]

[Mr. Leviathan gave Lyria the McGuffin]

"Um, thank you-"

[Don't. Bother. Me. Again. Need. Sleep]

"Um, okay then. Thank you!"
Deathwings, they gave me this link: TV - Type Moon General | Page 2912

As you can guess, this kind of contradict your sources. What do you think, because I honestly don't know which source to follow.
You realize that they're just comparing the ease of use between Reinforcement and Tracing, right ? They're not saying "You must absolutely know Reinforcement to use Tracing.", they're saying "Reinforcement is SO MUCH EASIER then Tracing, how the hell can you use the later but not the former ?!".

The fact that Shirou was able to achieve Tracing with such a tenuous grasp of Reinforcement is, itself, a point toward Reinforcement being superfluous to Tracing.

Another point of confusion that I just remember that could be problematic : the use of Gradation Air and Tracing as different spells (GA : the normal spell, Tracing : Shirou's variant) is an English/fabndom thing. The original Japanese use the two term interchangeably, letting context determine which is being talked about.

So in your linked example, when Rin is saying "Tracing", she's actually saying "Gradation Air" but when Shirou is talking about it, he does mean Tracing. It's a point of the scene that they're miscommunicating and that Shirou is actually doing something completely different then what Rin though he was doing.
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Chapter 3.4: Horizon
Deliford explained that he was an active soldier during the time Erste, from a simple kingdom, expanded into an empire and gained a lot of experience. After being promoted to an officer, he was recruited for the task of training 'special' recruits.

"I was not privy to the details, but each one of those recruits was given a special mask, an experimental piece of equipment meant to make them more powerful," He frowned. "Certainly they were effective, though the recruits' discipline left something to be desired."

Those masks were probably prototypes, and the recruits test subjects to check for effectiveness and possible side-effects. Archer had met dozens of similar cases in the past.

"Rosamia was one of the best recruits of my squad, though she avoided socializing with the others and was often involved in scuffles. Then one day, while I was away on a different assignment, I received a letter saying one of my recruits turned traitor and ran away. I was shocked, for I knew that lad to be of unquestionable loyalty." His expression became pained. "When I returned, however, Rosamia told me the truth. The recruit suddenly lost control of himself and began to attack the others, to the point they were forced to use lethal force to stop him. The researchers that made the masks took the body away and ordered the other recruits to stick with the cover-up story. She confessed that their masks were cursed, constantly trying to influence their minds to make them lose all sense of self and keep fighting beyond their limits."

'An item that bestows Mad Enhancement?' Archer wondered. The concept wasn't foreign to him. He had several cursed swords (most of them of Norse origin) that made their wielders into a violent berserker. The Servant of Madness may be considered nothing more than an attack dog, but Archer had witnessed firsthand, and on his own skin, how dangerous they truly are.

Deliford finished his story by saying that Rosamia, after their conversation, absconded with the sum of the Empire's research and has been on the run ever since. Deliford tried to do something, but was stonewalled at every opportunity and threatened more than once to stop, otherwise, he would be branded as a traitor too. "It went against my morals, but I had to look after my family. So I took the only remaining choice and left the empire."

"That's messed up," Rackam frowned. "First those dark crystals that can summon monsters, then that weapon in Auguste... they already have a large and well-equipped army, why is Erste researching this dangerous stuff?"

"If you want a comprehensive answer we'll be here all day," Archer snorted before looking at Gran. "What are your orders, Captain?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He nodded with determination. "We are going to rescue Deliford's student!"

"We need to know where she's first. Also, if those Empire troops are here to find her too we may have a problem..." Eugen grinned and looked at Archer. "Sounds like the perfect job for a scout."

The bowman scoffed when every eye turned to him. "Piece of cake, but it will take some time," - Unless he's lucky, which is never - "And I'll need to move alone."

Gran nodded. "Just tell us when you find something, alright?"

Archer nodded back before leaving the Grandcypher. He walked behind a building, out of sight of the people within the port, before jumping on the rooftop to move across the city with Servant speed. His first order of business: find a place high enough.


It took Archer for nearly three hours to find something. Specifically, a purple-haired woman traveling alone in the opposite direction from the Erste troops. Judging by the mask with glowing oculars covering half of her face, she was his target.

"Trace, On." He projected his bow and a simple straight sword without an edge, made not of metal but an extremely resistant plastic material. With Alteration, he carved indications to reach his position on the flat of the blade and shot it in the Grandcypher's direction, making sure it would land without damaging anything. With that done, he sat down on the tree's branch and began to observe the woman, who was resting at the edge of the forest he was in.

Gran, Lyria, Vyrn and a few other members of the crew arrived some times later.

"Who uses swords to send messages!?" Rackam asked the moment he saw Archer.

The white-haired man just shrugged. "Someone who lacked other options?"

"Ever heard of tying a scroll around an arrow's shaft?"

"That works if the distance to cover is limited. The speed necessary to reach the Grandcypher would shred the paper."

"Mmh?" Yuisis and Lowain's ears twitched. "Hear that, Yui-Sis?"

"Yeah, someone's running way fa-"

Archer rolled off the branch just in time to avoid a cluster of rectangular pieces of paper, similar to the talismans used by Japanese Onmyouji, wrapping around the piece of wood before detonating.

"You'll never take me alive!" A feminine voice shouted.

Everyone readied their weapons, save for Deliford who just sighed before taking a step forward. "Lesson n. 38!"

"Always make sure to know who and what you're aiming at!" The voice immediately replied before pausing. There was a sound of hurried footsteps before the woman Archer followed emerged from behind a tree, eyes wide as she stared at the middle-aged soldier. "Instructor Deliford?! What are you doing here?"

"Do you believe I could remain in the Empire after hearing how they treated you and the others? I resigned of course!" He began to move forward, but Rosamia stepped back.

"No, don't come close!" For a second, her eyes lost focus. "Would it actually be so bad to be freed from this curse?"

Everyone stared at her in confusion, while Deliford sighed again. "Rosamia, did you mix up your thoughts and words again?"

"So it seems," She seemed hardly fazed.

"Is that the cursed mask you talked about, old man?" Vyrn squinted his eyes at the mask covering Rosamia's face. "It doesn't seem very solid. Whack it with your sword, Gran! That oughta break it!"

"I told you, I am not an old man!" Deliford protested. "I'm still young!"

"Instructor is sensitive about his age as always," Rosamia's eyes lost focus again. When they went back to normal, she noticed the rapier still around Gran's waist. "Is that my Thunder Rapier? No, it can't be! Why do you people have it?"

"Um... Is something wrong?" Lyria asked.

"The last time I saw my father and mother, they entrusted me with that blade," Rosamia explained. "I could never forget such fine craftsmanship."

"Oh, so this sword is yours?" Gran raised it while scratching his head. "I just brought it today in one of this island's shops."

"To think it was so close... Its beautiful form has been passed down in my household for generations. That rapier was my parent's farewell gift until the army took it from me. They said I would have no need for sentimentality. I never thought I'd see it again."

"But you've escaped from the Empire," Lyria pointed out. "Why don't you just go home?"

She shook her head. "Don't be foolish, girl. I have no idea when this mask will go berserk. How could I return home knowing I might lose myself and turn on my family?"

"Right," Eugen patted the bowman's shoulder. "Archer. Do your thing."

"Aren't you relying on me too much?" Even if he was the best choice right now, it wouldn't be good if the crew grow to rely excessively on him. Snorting in mock annoyance, he approached Rosamia.

"Weren't you listening? This mask is cursed. If you approach it careless-"

"Worry about yourself first," He flatly replied before reaching her side with a burst of superhuman speed. Then, before she could react, he touched the mask. "Trace, On."

Information about the mask filled his mind. Almost immediately, the inner enchantments opposed resistance to his prana, but he blew past them by using more of it. When he reached the inner core, the curse tried to take hold of his mind but splashed harmlessly against a wall of steel.

Compared to All the World's Evil, resisting such a weak curse was a child's play.

"Mh, so I was right. This is truly similar to Mad Enhancement." Archer removed his hand, with Rosamia giving him a confused look. "This mask allows you to fight beyond your limits in exchange for increasing your violence and aggression... Well, that's all I can tell." He shrugged. "Want me to remove the curse? It would destroy the mask though."

"Tsk!" She looked away with a frown. "If only it was that simple..."

"For me, it is," He just had to scratch the mask with Rule Breaker, the prana cost to nullify the curse well within his current reserves. But he made a point to never use the dagger lightly, and that required asking for permission if circumstances aren't dire enough.

"You seem pretty confident..." One of her hands reached up to the mask, metal creaking slightly as she gripped it hard. "But even if it was indeed possible, I still need the strength it gives me for now. I'll remember your offer."

"Suit yourself," Needless to say, he was going to keep a firm eye on her.
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Okay, I'm iffy on this since I don't know the grandblue side I'm assume you are using meta knowledge to make her keep the mask on instead of actual in character reasons because it doesn't make a lick of sense to me otherwise.

First of all, why? They just got done giving a lesson on why the masks are bad news, Archer compares it to madness enhancement which is bad news.

For what reason is archer letting her keep a mask on that threatens to make her attack anyone or anything? Because she can master the power of the mask or some shit which archer has no way of knowing? Even then, that's a pointless and reckless power up, one slip and she murders someone she probably isn't planning on murdering.

Hell, the guy who lost himself was so far gone that they had to put him down.

Is it a lesson on emotional control? Does she even need such a thing? Does archer even need to make sure she goes through such a thing when he literally just met her and would have to have thought "this girl is a girl that needs a sink or swim lesson on emotional control" without actually knowing she does?

Hell, I would think the entire party would want that curse gone if it can be gone and yet they don't comment on it?

Sorry...just sorry. This is just bugging the shit out of me since I don't see any in character reason why the girl needs to keep a cursed mask on for some dubious lesson that Archer has no knowledge that she needs. Even then, yay she masters the masks power! Wooo, there is great cheering! Now you're only as strong as going beyond your limits and likely hurting and tearing your body apart for no reason! Wooo! So yeah, that's probably a thing. Not to mention that she won't be able to fight without the mask if it ever gets destroyed and would have to retrain herself anyway out of reckless behavior patters instigated by a mask that gives you freakin' madness enhancement.

...Sorry, I'm starting to rant here. I'm not telling you it needs a rewrite or anything like that, I'm just hoping this gets explained in time because it just seems off to me.
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Okay, I'm iffy on this since I don't know the grandblue side I'm assume you are using meta knowledge to make her keep the mask on instead of actual in character reasons because it doesn't make a lick of sense to me otherwise.

First of all, why? They just got done giving a lesson on why the masks are bad news, Archer compares it to madness enhancement which is bad news.

For what reason is archer letting her keep a mask on that threatens to make her attack anyone or anything? Because she can master the power of the mask or some shit which archer has no way of knowing? Even then, that's a pointless and reckless power up, one slip and she murders someone she probably isn't planning on murdering.

Hell, the guy who lost himself was so far gone that they had to put him down.

Is it a lesson on emotional control? Does she even need such a thing? Does archer even need to make sure she goes through such a thing when he literally just met her and would have to have thought "this girl is a girl that needs a sink or swim lesson on emotional control" without actually knowing she does?

Hell, I would think the entire party would want that curse gone if it can be gone and yet they don't comment on it?

Sorry...just sorry. This is just bugging the shit out of me since I don't see any in character reason why the girl needs to keep a cursed mask on for some dubious lesson that Archer has no knowledge that she needs. Even then, yay she masters the masks power! Wooo, there is great cheering! Now you're only as strong as going beyond your limits and likely hurting and tearing your body apart for no reason! Wooo! So yeah, that's probably a thing. Not to mention that she won't be able to fight without the mask if it ever gets destroyed and would have to retrain herself anyway out of reckless behavior patters instigated by a mask that gives you freakin' madness enhancement.

...Sorry, I'm starting to rant here. I'm not telling you it needs a rewrite or anything like that, I'm just hoping this gets explained in time because it just seems off to me.
No, no. that's good, that's exactly the kind of criticism that I wanted to hear!

In GBF Rosamia does depend on the mask to grow stronger. Hell, she actually got possessed by it at one point. That makes me worry that removing the mask would cripple her potential, but after reading your comment I realized it's a shitty reason.

All in favor in me changing the chapter, removing the curse and then somehow handle Rosamia later on?
I mean, the only reason Rosamia keep the mask in canon is because she cannot throw it away.

And also the influence is for all intent and purpose permanent till death, so there's that.