Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

Chapter 3.3: Horizon
A few days later, the Grandcypher reached the first planned stop on the crew's journey to Lumacie, a market town on a small island. However, without even disembarking first there were already troubles on the horizon.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rackam asked aloud while making the airship slow down.

"Yes. An Erste ship," Katalina frowned. "I should have expected it would have happened. Auguste renounced the Empire's rule, but their influence remains prevalent over a good part of the skydom."

"Should we just skip this stop?" Gran mused. "I would like to avoid troubles with the Empire so soon."

"That will not be a problem. Almost all the troops on board are leaving the city," Archer replied, standing on the bow with his arms crossed. His steel-colored eyes were staring at the island with intense focus. "Only a few men are left on the ship. If you move in a group they will leave you alone, and even if they send a message to the rest of the soldiers they will come back only after we depart."

"That's good to hear, but where are they going?" Vyrn asked.

"Don't know. There are no cities on that side of the island, so maybe it's a drill?" He shrugged.

"Wait wait wait!" Farrah leaned past the rails and squinted her eyes. "How do you know that? All I can see is the imperial ship!"

"Mister Archer's eyes are amazing!" Lyria smiled. "He saved us by firing arrows from two kilometers away!"

"Two kilometers?! No wayyyy!!" Farrah stared at Archer like he was a portent from the heavens.

"Are you done?" The bowman spared them a disinterested glance before going back to watch the city. "If you want to go, you better stop wasting time."

"Uhm, it's true there are a few things I would like to buy..." Katalina nodded. "What about a compromise? Those who want to visit the town can go, and the rest stay here to guard the Grandcypher."

"Fine with me. I'll stay," Eugen replied, soon imitated by Archer and a few others.

"Io, Io!" Lyria called out to the twin-tailed girl. "Do you want to come shopping with us?"

"Thank you Lyria, but there is something else I want to do," Nodding firmly the little mage walked up to Archer and stood behind him. "Hey."

"Yes?" he replied without turning around.

"Teach me Projection."

Archer didn't react at first. "Can I ask the reason behind this, frankly, unexpected request?"

"Just do it!" She insisted. "You have nothing better to do anyway."

'And you are so sure of that, why?' Archer thought with mild exasperation. Some days he wished he wasn't so used to being bossed around by strong-willed girls.


"Before we begin, let me ask you something," Once those who wanted to visit the town left, Archer started his lesson to Io. They were both seated at a table in the main meeting room of the Grandcypher. "Among the spells you know, is there one you developed yourself?"

"Yes!" Io grinned and raised her staff. "Do you want to-"

"No," Archer interrupted her. He raised his hand, palm facing the table. "Now observe. Trace on."

With only a few sparks an oil lamp came into existence.

"Trace on? Are those the spell words of Projection?" Io inquired.

"Yes. But they only work for me," At her incredulous look, he elaborated. "The branch of magic I use doesn't really have spell words. Rather, it has spells and the theory behind them. It is up to the student, after learning how the spell is supposed to work, to find the best way to apply that knowledge. In my case, 'Trace on' is what resonates the most with me, a simple phrase that helps me enter the proper mindset to use magic. It works not because the words themselves have any intrinsic meaning, but because I believe they work. I believe in it the same way I believe the sky is blue."

"Are you telling me-" Io cupped her chin, the look in her eyes turning from incredulous to intrigued. "That you cast a suggestion on yourself?"

He nodded, for once impressed. "That's exactly what I do. Let me guess, you want to tell me it's a stupid method?"

"No," She shook her head. "I'm just surprised because I never heard of something like that. My Master told me that Hypnosis is not a popular branch of magic because there are a lot of ways to misuse it, but this is novel."

"Your Master is wise," She smiled smugly at the compliment. "Anyway, before you can use Projection there are two spells you need to learn: Structural Analysis and Gradation Air. Structural Analysis is a spell where the mage injects his magical energy into an object to analyze it, learning the composition, internal structure and so on. With a sufficient level of mastery, it's possible to also learn the object's history and see everything that happened to it. While Gradation Air is the most basic form of Projection, the creation with the magical energy of the hollow shell of an object."

Archer tapped the lamp. "Your first task is to practice Structural Analysis on this lamp until you can tell me its internal structure and composition. Take a break if using Structural Analysis starts giving you a headache. This is a spell that involves downloading a massive amounts of data in your mind after all so, so overusing it can strain your brain."

Io grinned. "Easy!"


"THIS DAMN-!" Furious yells could be heard from below the deck of the Grandcypher. "GAAAAH!!"

"W-What's happening to Io?" Katalina asked with a mystified expression after she and the other returned from their trip.

"She asked me to teach her spells," Archer replied while leaning against the mast, an amused and nostalgic grin on his lips. "The first she got it easy. The second-"


"Not so much," Unlike his younger self, Io was quite talented, but even for a genius it takes more than a single day to properly use Gradation Air. His gaze then shifted from Katalina to the group's new addition. "And you are?"

"Greetings," The middle-aged man wore the armor of Erste making, but one denoting a high rank. Both his shield and lance were of excellent making, their histories telling Archer of the skills of their wielder. He was not superhuman, but the man before the bowman was, without doubt, a proud and valorous knight. "My name is Deliford. As per today, I'll a member of this crew. A pleasure to meet you."

"Archer," The white-haired man nodded before raising an eyebrow at Gran. "Is this your concept of shopping?"

"Ah, haha," He laughed nervously. "Honestly, it was a spur of the moment decision. We were talking about Estalucia, and things just evolved from there. Oh, but I also bought a new sword."

He took out the blade from its scabbard and showed it to Archer. A rapier of fine craftsmanship, an elaborated pommel with stylized dragon wings and a rich history. However…

"The sword you already have is better."


Archer nodded and sighed. "Seriously. Unless you want to learn fencing, I suggest you stick with the weapon you already have."

"If you want to, Gran, I can teach you a thing or two about fencing," Katalina reassured the depressed young man.

"Captain," Deliford suddenly spoke. "I hate to impose on you, especially after I just joined your crew, but I have a favor to ask you."

"What is it?"

"I told you I left the Erste Empire when I couldn't see eye to eye with my superiors anymore. But the origin of our disagreement wasn't about me," He grimaced. "One of the soldiers I trained suffered a grave injustice, and as a result became a wanted criminal without fault on her part. Her name is Rosamia, and I believe right now she is on this island."
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"I told you I left the Erste Empire when I couldn't see eye to eye with my superiors anymore. But the origin of our disagreement wasn't about me." He grimaced. "One of the soldiers I trained suffered a grave injustice, and as a result became a wanted criminal without fault on her part. Her name is Rosamia, and I believe right now she is on this island."
Ooh! A Quest! A call for adventure! This is gonna be fun... and stressing for Nameless, but who cares about the guy? :rofl:.

"Just do it!" She insisted. "You have nothing better to do anyway."

'And you are so sure of that, why?' Archer thought with mild exasperation. Some days he wished he wasn't so used to being bossed around by strong-willed girls.
LOL Just out curiosity, how good or bad Io and Rin would get along?
Geh, just as I want to continue my own Rosamia fic..oh well.

Btw, as far as I know, I think Deliford and Rosamia is wayyyyy far in the army. She "joined" Erste not voluntary after all. Also since her status as the first successful Dark Crystal (pretty sure it is that, albeit earlier version) mask put her more of experimental student.

Oh also she's under a Juri's father squad or something.
What ? Reinforcement has nothing to do with Tracing. What he should teach her is Gradation Air.
I think the Reinforcement is two fold in it.

As Structural Analysis is putting your Prana to an object to learn stuff and Reinforcement to the parts that need strengthening.

It kills two birds in one stone on increasing the students Physical Abilities while they learn the right amount to put the SA?

Well that's how I see it.
Also when do we get to cover some side stories or events? Or progress onto Albion?
I'm still in the planning phase for the side events, I want to insert them in a way that flow with the main story.

Ooookay. No Astral who have rainbow sword and murmuring 'Bad Civ', 'Good Civ' in the future?
While that would be amusing, I have to say no.

So we are dealing with the Moon Cell, or rather its due to that Altera is an alien and have Altera leading the foe?
Spoiler for now.

Interesting explanation for the Tora sword being cursed. Was that canon to /Extra, or something you've made up?
I made it up.

LOL Just out curiosity, how good or bad Io and Rin would get along?
Surprisingly enough they would get along well, because Io would see Rin as a role model. But since they're both extremely stubborn when they don't agree on something they clash spectacularly.

Geh, just as I want to continue my own Rosamia fic..oh well.

Btw, as far as I know, I think Deliford and Rosamia is wayyyyy far in the army. She "joined" Erste not voluntary after all. Also since her status as the first successful Dark Crystal (pretty sure it is that, albeit earlier version) mask put her more of experimental student.

Oh also she's under a Juri's father squad or something.
Please continue it, it sounds amazing. I get your point, but I thought this was a good way to add her in.

What ? Reinforcement has nothing to do with Tracing. What he should teach her is Gradation Air.
I think the Reinforcement is two fold in it.

As Structural Analysis is putting your Prana to an object to learn stuff and Reinforcement to the parts that need strengthening.

It kills two birds in one stone on increasing the students Physical Abilities while they learn the right amount to put the SA?

Well that's how I see it.
Gradation Air is a more advanced version of Reinforcement. Archer is teaching Io the same way he learned it.

Also, he will be teach her Tracing, not GA. After all Tracing is better.
What ? Reinforcement has nothing to do with Tracing. What he should teach her is Gradation Air.
Gradation Air is a more advanced version of Reinforcement. Archer is teaching Io the same way he learned it.

Also, he will be teach her Tracing, not GA. After all Tracing is better.
To be fair to Archer, he never learn Gradation Air anyway. :V

So, if we want to start bullshit building: Will Io's Structural Analysis focused on materials and memories, like what Archer's doing, or will be it goes into... more esoteric stuff? Like 'reading' magic and stuff?

Her final goal should be copying Astral's "LOLNOPE" shenanigans. :V
Gradation Air is a more advanced version of Reinforcement. Archer is teaching Io the same way he learned it.

Also, he will be teach her Tracing, not GA. After all Tracing is better.

Erh, unless you're intent of having Archer transplanting UBW to Io through magic BS, there ain't no way tracing will be possible for her, seeing as UBW is what does the heavy lifting in regards to archer's projections.
At best Io will have what every other magus that learnt GA will have, a fun party trick.
Erh, unless you're intent of having Archer transplanting UBW to Io through magic BS, there ain't no way tracing will be possible for her, seeing as UBW is what does the heavy lifting in regards to archer's projections.
At best Io will have what every other magus that learnt GA will have, a fun party trick.
I mean, Uncle Cags is a thing here?

So it's possible for Io to do things beyond even Archer.
I mean, Uncle Cags is a thing here?

So it's possible for Io to do things beyond even Archer.
I mean the alchemist in this world can cause miniature nuclear explosions through breaking down atomic particles. And projection would probably fit into alchemy in this world.

I think even Clarisse could manage to a degree.
Clarisse is specifically stated to be Cagliostro's perfect counter

Cagliostro creates

Clarisse destroys

Think of FMA Brotherhood Scar's arms

So at best Clarisse could apply Break Phantasm-esque tactics to her objects, which is pointless Dokkan never has problems controlling her Alchemy it's when she tries traditional or things opposite of her that she fucks up
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Clarisse is specifically stated to be Cagliostro's perfect counter

Cagliostro creates

Clarisse destroys

So at best Clarisse could apply Break Phantasm-esque tactics to her objects, which is pointless Dokkan never has problems controlling her Alchemy it's when she tries traditional or things opposite of her that she fucks up
Yeah I forgot about that, my bad.

Regardless though, the really good alchemists in this world are pretty damn terrifying.
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Erh, unless you're intent of having Archer transplanting UBW to Io through magic BS, there ain't no way tracing will be possible for her, seeing as UBW is what does the heavy lifting in regards to archer's projections.
In Fate route, Shirou can trace Caliburn just fine, without developing UBW first. All his, not UBW. Granted, he had help from Saber, but still.

Also, canon implies that Archer originally is Shirou who goes through Fate route, in which he had to develop UBW on his own. Before that, he had to do the whole tracing from starts. Which is works pretty fine for him until he had to made Contract.
In Fate route, Shirou can trace Caliburn just fine, without developing UBW first. All his, not UBW. Granted, he had help from Saber, but still.

Also, canon implies that Archer originally is Shirou who goes through Fate route, in which he had to develop UBW on his own. Before that, he had to do the whole tracing from starts. Which is works pretty fine for him until he had to made Contract.
Shirou always has UBW. Its his reality marble and therefore his soul. Shirou's ability to trace swords comes from it.
Manifesting UBW is the hard part. Shirou in fate route never develops the ability to manifest it. Archer would have learned how to manifest it.
I mean, Uncle Cags is a thing here?

So it's possible for Io to do things beyond even Archer.
I'm not arguing that Io can't go beyond Archer, my point was that tracing is intrinsic to Archer, something that can't be taught.

Edit. Having Io going down the steps to tracing won't be of any benefit to her, she has no crutch as of now to sympathise with what she will be projecting(?), ergo regular GA
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Could a lead pipe be a sword?

Because I distinctly remember scene where there a reason a lot of Knick-knacks here and there in Shirou's shed made by Tracing and it lasted for months.
Could a lead pipe be a sword?

Because I distinctly remember scene where there a reason a lot of Knick-knacks here and there in Shirou's shed made by Tracing and it lasted for months.
It's relatively simple, and it's made of metal. Also, his shed was kind-of his Territory of sort.
Edit. Having Io going down the steps to tracing won't be of any benefit to her, she has no crutch as of now to sympathise with what she will be projecting(?), ergo regular GA
Even Archer said as much that his lessons would be more guidelines than strict tutoring. Archer provides hint, insight, Io works the rest. Which... probably suit her just fine. This Io struggles with Light, but one of her version had Light as affinity.
Io learning Reinforce sounds nice considering her status as team medic. She can punch people out now.

Only she's screwing s lot of things up. I think she and Rin would make for good friends.

And we have our first SSR joining the crew in Rosamia!
Erh, unless you're intent of having Archer transplanting UBW to Io through magic BS, there ain't no way tracing will be possible for her, seeing as UBW is what does the heavy lifting in regards to archer's projections.
At best Io will have what every other magus that learnt GA will have, a fun party trick.
I'm not arguing that Io can't go beyond Archer, my point was that tracing is intrinsic to Archer, something that can't be taught.

Edit. Having Io going down the steps to tracing won't be of any benefit to her, she has no crutch as of now to sympathise with what she will be projecting(?), ergo regular GA
I'm not saying she will do as well as Archer, I'm saying Archer is teaching her the way he does it. Because he doesn't the traditional way: maybe theoretically, but after using Tracing for his entire life he can be forgiven for thinking "hey, maybe the only reason my method work is because I have a Reality Marble. Sure I know other people can't copy Noble Phantasms, but maybe even reading the history is impossible for them".

I mean the alchemist in this world can cause miniature nuclear explosions through breaking down atomic particles. And projection would probably fit into alchemy in this world.

I think even Clarisse could manage to a degree.
Also this.

Could a lead pipe be a sword?

Because I distinctly remember scene where there a reason a lot of Knick-knacks here and there in Shirou's shed made by Tracing and it lasted for months.
Amusingly enough, the concept of 'sword' is broad enough that even a lead pipe counts. That said, mundane objects are very easy to trace even if they're not swords, though very complicated stuff like computers are not included. Too many moving parts.

It's relatively simple, and it's made of metal. Also, his shed was kind-of his Territory of sort.

Even Archer said as much that his lessons would be more guidelines than strict tutoring. Archer provides hint, insight, Io works the rest. Which... probably suit her just fine. This Io struggles with Light, but one of her version had Light as affinity.
Reinforcement doesn't really have an element, it's difficult because it requires utmost precision.