Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

I mean, alex already did nuked canon from orbit?

After all, many of problem in canon came from dark essence. Since Rule Breaker somehow works on magitek like the mask, Archer just need to throw rule breaker willy-nilly.

Of course, one can say it's too hard to break or something. But, won't it be easier to just calm a certain dark essence infuse individual with multiple rule breakers than fight them?

Or fights with any mortals magicians ever here.
Of course, one can say it's too hard to break or something. But, won't it be easier to just calm a certain dark essence infuse individual with multiple rule breakers than fight them?
While yes Rule breaker is capable of doing that, I'd argue it needs to be employed carefully otherwise the entire tension of the story is gone if archer can just spam a zillion Rule Breakers.
Rule breaker just can't break divine shit from my understanding though that is very ironic because Medea wanted it to breath the Aphrodite shit forced on her.

So if the team runs into actual divine curses instead of man made ones, it might not work. Depends on the author's interpretation.
Tbh I was the one that suggested Rosamia hold onto her mask. Or at least inspired Alex to do that I think. But I was under the assumptions that she would just join up at one point.

I think destroying the mask would be a thing Archer would do. But would need a Go Ahead from Rosamia first.
You know, for Rule Breaker, I'd like to remind everyone that: Rule Breaker gain it's infamy by killing things (Medea's children), and Medea herself qualified for Assassin Class.

See the problem here?
See the problem here?

Considering in canon, she didn't need to kill something in order to use it I don't see the problem here. Otherwise Saber would have died if she needed to and it wouldn't need the power to sever magical contracts as the person who wrote it in the first place would be dead if she stabbed them with it.


Though her noblephantasm animation is fun to watch in grand order as you spam it.
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I mean, alex already did nuked canon from orbit?

After all, many of problem in canon came from dark essence. Since Rule Breaker somehow works on magitek like the mask, Archer just need to throw rule breaker willy-nilly.

Of course, one can say it's too hard to break or something. But, won't it be easier to just calm a certain dark essence infuse individual with multiple rule breakers than fight them?

Or fights with any mortals magicians ever here.
You would still have to dal with an enraged Primal since in some instances Dark Essence tends to harm them.

Not to mention that Rule Breaker requires the cost of Prana equal to what you are trying undo.
This is late reply to many previous chapters. You can't skip it.

"My name is Sierokarte!" She introduced herself. "Owner of the Knickknack Shack and all of its branches! Nice to meet you Archer. Let me guess, you're the type of guy who's as straight as an arrow."

Archer stared at the grinning Harvin with a deadpan glare before, in a very flat tone, saying: "If that was an attempt to appear cute, it completely failed."

"So crueeeeel!!"


Tears poured from her eyes as she started crying, hands on her face while Archer continued to glare.

Outside, people began whispering bad things behind Archer's back.

Dammit. I look like an adult bullying a child, aren't I? Archer thought.

The knight leaned down to pick up the fallen shinai, stood up and then slammed the weapon between Rackam's legs.

What was not shown:

Every male who witnessed the event went white and holding their crotch as they felt the pain.

Lyria watched them while confused why they did that.

"Who uses swords to send messages?!" Rackam asked the moment he saw Archer.

What exactly happened (Joke)

"Do you think he will find her?" Gran asked Eugene while Rackam bit a cigarette behind them.

"Eh. It should be..." Eugene counted his fingers. "1... 2... 3."

Before Rackam could lit his cigarette, a sword dived into the ship and cutting the edge of cigarette before stabbed the deck.

"There it is," Eugene said, ignoring the white, shocked eyes Rackam.
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The end of Chapter 3.4 has been edited. Check the changes folks.

Isn't this Nameless, not Archer? He wouldn't have faced AtW'sE, would he?
Went through the grail war, didn't contract with Alaya. Details are fuzzy.
Yeah, I am keeping some parts of FSN!Archer to fill FE!Archer's background.

Tbh I was the one that suggested Rosamia hold onto her mask. Or at least inspired Alex to do that I think. But I was under the assumptions that she would just join up at one point.

I think destroying the mask would be a thing Archer would do. But would need a Go Ahead from Rosamia first.
I took your suggestion into consideration and have Archer ask for permission first. Rosamia's refusal is IC due to her beef with the Empire, though it will not last long.
"Instructor is sensitive about his age as always." Rosamia's eyes lost focus again. When they went back to normal she noticed the rapier still around Gran's waist. "Is that my Thunder Rapier? No, it can't be! Why do you people have it?"

"Um... Is something wrong?" Lyria asked.

"The last time I saw my father and mother, they entrusted me with that blade." Rosamia explained. "I could never forget such fine craftsmanship."

"Oh, so this sword is yours?" Gran raised it while scratching his head. "I just brought it today in one of this island's shops."

"To think it was so close... Its beautiful form has been passed down in my household for generations. That rapier It was my parent's farewell gift until the army took it from me: they said I would have no need for sentimentality. I never thought I'd see it again."
*snicker* Yeah, it's sort of a running gag at this point how many random weapons that are precious to other people that the crew just stumbles into.
Chapter 3.5: Horizon
The rapier flashed out, striking multiple times at such speeds it was akin to a bolt of lightning. And each and every thrust was blocked or parried by the large shield, its owner using the minimal amount of movement required to do so. Then, the moment the attack's impetus began to subside, the long spear slashed out, a single but powerful thrust that was sure to connect with the target.

With a flick of her wrist, Rosamia took hold of one of her talismans and activated it. "Immovable Talisman!"

At her command the talisman glowed with a purple light, ethereal copies of it spreading out and creating a ring in front of her. A purple energy barrier formed in the space between talismans, halting the spear's tip.

"Very good Rosamia. I am happy to see you kept up your training," Deliford complimented the female knight after they disengaged. "However, you have yet to find a way to attack while your barrier is active."

"It is as you said, Instructor. Using this talisman requires a lot of concentration," She agreed, her eyes losing focus. "And I have no interest in learning your parry-and-riposte style."

"... That wasn't my intention," The aged knight huffed. "Not being hit is a type of defense more powerful than thick armor, but it's also less forgiving. You're faster than me and use a lighter weapon, so you should focus on that. Without forgetting to work on your own flaws of course."

"Yes sir!" She replied with a military salute.

It was at that point that Archer lost interest in the match performed on the deck and resumed looking out from his perch atop the mast. The two weeks predicted by Rackam were almost over, and the Grandcypher was on its last planned stop before leaving the common air routes and heading towards the reclusive Lumacie Archipelago. Since this time there was no trace of Erste everyone was given the freedom to spend their free time however they wanted.

Slow it may be, but the bowman had to admit traveling on an airship through a seemly endless sky was a very enjoyable experience. The airplanes of his world may have been faster and a better choice to quickly reach a destination, but it was of no concern for Archer. There were no more battlefields or danger areas he needed to reach as soon as possible in order to save more lives. He was a member of a crew now, and his crew-mates were all within his immediate reach.

"Yo, Archer!" Eugen called out from the deck. "We've finished with the resupply. Where are those still missing?"

"Katalina, Farrah, Lowain, Tomoi and Elsam are still in the market. It looks like they're haggling over fresh fruits... either that, or they're grilling Katalina about her tastes." He shrugged.

Rackam gave a half-laugh. "So the usual, huh? What about the Captain and Lyria?"

"They have followed an Erune woman up the mountain behind the village," Archer's eyes focused on the spot where the group of three people, plus Vyrn, were watching a bird with a gorgeous plumage taking off. "To admire the local wildlife, it seems."

"Admiring the local wildlife...?" The helmsman sounded baffled. "Well, never mind that. I trust those kids, but we need to leave soon or we'll miss an ideal air current."

"Got it," Archer replied while projecting his bow and a sword.


"Well, it looks like I jumped to conclusions..." The young Erune woman with grey hair sighed in disappointment and shame after her target, the bird Nushi, flew away. "Ooh, I can't believe I had the wrong idea about it... How deluded I was. In the end, it seems I have misled you all. I can't begin to apologize..."

"Aw, don't worry about it!" Vyrn reassured her. "All we really needed was to see it for ourselves!"

"You think so...? Well, it was certainly worth the trip up here," She agreed with a small nod.

"The Nushi wasn't powerful, but it certainly was beautiful," Gran commented. "So yes, I believe seeing it was worth the trip."

Lyria giggled. "Teehee! I wanna see it again!"

"I'm glad I made this detour. I feel like I've gained something valuable," The Erune smiled. "And if I hadn't had this misunderstanding, we probably wouldn't have come here together."

"Yeah! You're right, lady!" The baby dragon cheered.

"Detour?" The blue-haired girl tilted her head. "Come to think of it, where are you headed next, Sutera?"

"Well, let's see-"

Before the now-named Sutera could reply, something dived down from the sky and stabbed into the ground. After the initial shock subsided, the group could see the projectile was a sword, the words 'Time to come back' carved on its surface.

"Oh, it's just Uncle Sword," Vyrn sighed in relief. "Seems like time's up Gran, Lyria."

"Ah, I guess that's true," Scratching his head Gran looked up at the sun's position. "The trip up here took a while, if we delay-"

"Please wait a moment!" Sutera exclaimed, gaze still locked on the sword. "Where did this sword come from!?"

"It was shot by Archer, a member of our crew," Gran explained. "He has this bizarre style where he uses swords instead of arrows for his bow, but despite that, he's incredibly good. Sending a message carved on a sword is something he did before, so it's not surprising."

"Using swords as arrows?! Astounding!" Sutera's eyes widened. "Where is this amazing bowman? I can't see him."

"Likely still on our airship, back at the port," answered Vyrn.

Sutera froze, then slowly turned around to stare at Vyrn. "At the port?"

"Uh-huh!" The baby dragon nodded. "Uncle Sword has amazing eyes. He can hit a target even from a distance of two kilometers, saw it myself."


"Archer! Look, look!" Grinning, and obviously pleased with herself, Io showed the bowman the pocket-watch in her hands. "Pretty good, uh?"

He checked the watch with Structural Analysis and nodded. "You managed to replicate 50% of the original one, you are definitely progressing fast."

"Fifty-no! This time you're not making fun of me!" With a defiant look in her eyes, she winded up the watch. "It's a perfect copy and nothing you can say will-"

The watch's face leaped off, quickly followed by small cogs, springs, and other components.

Archer didn't say a word, he merely raised one eyebrow as Io glared fiercely at the traitorous watch before stomping off.

"My, I thought Io was getting better in her attempts at Projection." Zahlhamelina tilted her head. "Was I mistaken?"

"No. This time she just tried something above her current abilities." Archer projected a copy of the pocket-watch and opened it, showing the Harvin the dozens of components inside. "The more moving parts an object has, the more difficult it is to form a correct mental image. Even I have trouble doing it, one of the reasons I use only swords and other bladed weapons."

"Oh? But I recall you're pretty good with a gun, Archer." Eugen remarked.

"I can use them, but I don't project them."

"EXCUSE ME!" The conversation was interrupted by the Erune woman Archer saw with Gran and the others running on the deck of the Grandcypher, the sweat on her face and heavy breathing showing she ran for a while, possibly all the way from the mountain. Limping much behind her were Gran, Lyria and Vyrn. "Who among you is the supreme master of the bow who goes by the moniker of 'Archer'?!"

Zahlhamelina blinked. Eugen blinked. Even Archer blinked.

"... I'm Archer," He finally admitted. "But-"

Before he could continue, the Erune kowtowed before him.

"My name is Sutera! I realize that someone who has still much to learn like myself is unworthy of such honor, but I beseech you to be generous and allow me to become your disciple!"

For the first time in a long time, the red-clad bowman had no idea how to react.


It took me all this time to come up with a decent chapter's title :cry:

Joking, joking :D
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I suppose the 8-step kyudo method and its philosophy that's used by Nameless would be good to teach, though it wouldn't be optimal for close range battles.

Definitely for sniping mooks off a mountain a few kilometers away.
SSR Hakuno Kishinami (burningclaw2)
In response to this fic being resurrected here's GBF Hakuno;

Hakuno Kishinami

Sovereign of the Moon Cell

(If someone has a better pic of male extella Hakuno link pls)​

Description: The Victor and thus Sovereign of the Moon Cell, he holds supreme authority over the Moon Cell. He is someone who proudly calls Archer his friend and someone who had been saved by the Wrought Iron Hero.

Min HP:
Max HP:
Min ATK:
Max ATK:

Max Level: 80
Element: Null
Style: Heal
Type: Unknown

Weapon Specialty: Fist, Staff
Voice Actor: Atsushi Abe
Recruit Condition: Clear the Event "Descent of the Enlightened Warmonger"


-Victor of the Moon: Changes Hakuno's Element to Superior Element against foe. Grants all Allies "Sovereign Regalia"[Guaranteed Multiattack, 30% Superior Element Echo, Refresh(Max 300 HP). Duration 5 turns] CD: 8->7

-Mind, Body, and Spirit: Grants one of three sets of buffs to all allies. Mind [Auto-Revive, Drain(Max 1000), Charge Bar Speed Up, Dodge Rate Boosted], Body [Attack Up, Defense Up, Charge Attack Damage Up, Charge Attack Damage Cap Up], or Spirit [Debuff Resistance Up, Debuff Success Rate Up, Skill Damage Up, Skill Damage Cap up]. Duration: 3 turns. CD: 4->3 turns

-Yakisoba Breed: Removes 1 debuff, heals for up to 2500 HP, and grants +10% charge bar to all parties. CD: 6 turns.
--To Unlock clear Fate Episode "Together with Friends"

Support Skills:

-Survivor of the Holy Grail War: Reduces Hostility and raises the Def and Atk the higher Hakuno's HP.

-Master of the Moon Cell: This unit cannot perform attacks however instead gains 25% Charge bar per turn and heals all allies for 500 HP at the end of the turn. Also has a chance to inflict Stun for 1 turn at the end of the turn.

Charge Attack:

-Moon Crux Order: Deals Otherwordly Superior Element Damage to all foes.
"Yes sir!" She replied with a military salute.

It was at that point that Archer lost interest in the match performed on the deck and resumed looking out from his perch atop the mast.
Looking forward to see Archer influence really let her evolve her ultimate beam cannon final art. ;X

"Oh? But I recall you're pretty good with a gun, Archer." Eugen remarked.
DEMIYA intensifies

For the first time in a long while the red-clad bowman had no idea how to react.
Hmm.... Harem protagonist powers activated?
No, no.

That's for when Metera comes a-callin'


Also also, since it's topical

Yuisis rebalance?

Fucking -fire-

Best girl breaking knees all day