Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

"You sound like you're speaking from experience. Who was it that they were after, you or someone close to you?"

I don't know, this just kinda came to me.

"Just because your correct doesn't mean your right."
I can see Archer start laughing if he or a part of him was present when Shirō said that line.
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Killing Lyria so that the problem is resolved definitely was the first thought he promptly banished with all his willpower. F/E Archer is done with that, even if old habits die hard.

No, he just wants them to realize that simply running will not resolve their problems and prevent people, Erste or not, to want to exploit Lyria's powers. How they react is up to them, but what he hopes for is a resolution that actually make sense (in his view).
Ah, then Gran simply had to do the Shirou things. Either:

"I'll stop them. I'll bargain with them. Whack them when they won't listen."

"Against entire world?"

"...If I have to."

"...Eh, good enough. Come, let's discuss the battle plan."

Or this:
"...Even then, I'll fight."

"Against entire world?"


"Well, he won't be alone! He'll have my sword."

"He'll have my gun."

"He'll have my magic."

"He'll have my entire crews."

"...You all sure-"


"...I can work with this."
These aren't what you asked, but:
"She can absorb the power of primal crystals, and you're passing it off as a big appetite?" Katalian sweatdropped. "I don't know what to say..."

"I never said it was. I'm just stating facts. You saw first-handed the lengths Erste is willing to go to retrieve Lyria, and it's probable they will only escalate from now on. And even it if long before someone else try to do the same?"
Chapter 2.7: Leviathan
Kanshou cleaved first through the descending sword -steel, mass-produced, reliable but unremarkable- and then the soldier's shoulder. The man hissed at the feeling of metal biting into his flesh before the falchion's pommel crushed part of his helmet, incapacitating him, and immediately moved forward to parry a spear's thrust, Bakuya coming up to cut through the wooden shaft. Archer took two steps forward before kicking the spearman in the stomach, the force pushing him into the men behind and bowling them over. It gave him the opportunity to spin around and jump above the hail of fireballs coming his way. He tossed both falchions while in midair, the twin blades spinning around each other as they slashed through both the attacking mages. Archer ran at them, his fists punching their heads and knocking them out. He hadn't the chance to test if he still had his Magic Resistance and if it worked against the magic of this world, but a battlefield wasn't the right place to do that.

"Aaah!" Gran shouted at the top of his lungs, raising his sword high before slashing down with all his strength. The heavy blow made the imperial soldier reel back. His partner tried to swing at the still recovering Gran, but his blade was blocked by Yuisis' shield, followed by the Erune's sword slashing through his breastplate.

"Guh! You damn traitor!" The armored man shouted, stepping back with one hand over his bleeding side.

"You may call me a traitor as much as you like," Katalina stated with a hard tone before drawing a circle with the tip of her rapier, large blades made of ice forming around the path. "However, you will not harm those I swore to protect! Blades of Frost!" The blades flew and stabbed through the enemy ranks, sending them into disarray.

"There are too many enemies!" Rackam was shooting everywhere without considering his bullets, a gun in both hands. "For my tastes! Io!"

"On it!" The young mage gathered magic at the bottom of her staff before driving it into the ground.

"Freeze!" Ice spikes formed around the crew, driving back the attackers and forming a wall. "Now! Let's get out of here!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" They all began to retreat towards the forest while the Erste soldiers were still busy going through the ice wall.

"Ah!" A Draph with an enormous mace crushed the ice wall and stepped through. "This cannot stop me!"

"Die Antikenkanone!" Eugen's supercharged shot exploded right in the center of the Draph's chest, sending him flying away. "But this one apparently can!" He shouted before turning around and escaping, laughing all the while.

"By the stars! Eugen, what kind of rounds do you use?!" Rackam asked while they darted through the trees.

"Oh, you know how it is." He rolled his shoulder. "A little bit of this, a little bit of that..."

"And a special order to the Knickknack Shack. They use those rounds to fend off wild Primal Beasts on another island." Archer added drily.

"What he said. This reminds me, I've almost finished them..."

Archer resisted the urge to snort. He traced one bullet and tossed it to Eugen, who caught and put it into his pocket. "One now. The rest when I don't need to conserve magical energy in case of an emergency."

"Gahaha! Gotcha!" The one-eyed man grinned.

"He's running you ragged, huh?" Rackam muttered with a sympathetic look. Archer rolled his eyes.


"Sorry about that," Eugen began after they found a good hiding spot. "I'm way too old to be this hotheaded."

"Don't worry about it. What I'm wondering is..." Katalina began. "Do you share some connection with the Black Knight?"

"You sure looked like you knew each other," Io commented. "Did you do something with the Empire too?"

Rackam still looked a bit miffed by the whole episode. "Well, Eugen?"

"... Sorry. I have a lot of things I'm just not ready to talk about," He replied with a sad look before switching to curious. "I'm more interested in hearing what you and yer group have to do with the Black Knight, Gran."

The brown-haired boy looked at the rest of his crew. After some sort of silent conversation, he began to explain. "It all started on my home island, Zinkenstill..."

Archer's eyebrows progressively rose with each new revelation, from the girl, Lyria, being able to summon and command Primal Beasts despite, supposedly, being not an Astral herself to the people in front of him fighting head-on two Primal Beasts and living to tell the tale.

It explained a lot of things. Rather, it explained almost everything. From why the Empire was after Lyria to how they developed a technology to control minor primal beasts, the so-called high-ranked monsters.

"I see. The Empire wanted to exploit Lyria's power, so they captured her..." Eugen summarized at the end.

"H-Heh..." Under Eugen's gaze, Lyria smiled in embarrassment.

"No need to be scared now. I'm not going to bite," The old agent reassured her.

"Yeesh... You could try looking a little more surprised, old man," Rackam said while he lit a new cigarette.

"I've lived far too long to waste time with that nonsense, thank you very much," He laughed. "A little girl with a big appetite's nothing I haven't seen before."

"She can absorb the power of primal crystals, and you're passing it off as a big appetite?" Katalina muttered with an awkward tone. "I don't know what to say..."

"Let's call it with its proper name, controlling weapons of mass destruction." Archer's harsh words, delivered with a casual tone, cut through the mood like one of his blades. "Because that's what it is in the end. Maybe the Primal Beasts you met only wanted to keep sleeping and didn't want to fight, and that's a good thing, but it's also true they didn't have a choice when forced to do so. Don't forget that it was thanks to them that the Astrals once ruled the entire sky. And now, not only is there someone else with the power do so but the Empire managed to partially replicate said power."

With every word Lyria seemed to curl in on herself, guilt and fear welling up inside her.

"That's enough!" Katalina exploded, scowling fiercely at Archer while standing protectively in front of Lyria.

Gran was doing the same by her side. "It isn't Lyria's fault!"

"I never said it was. I'm just stating facts," The white-haired man just scoffed. "You saw first-hand the lengths Erste is willing to go to retrieve Lyria, and it's probable they will only escalate from now on. And even it if stops... how long before someone else tries to do the same?"

He turned around and crossed his arms behind his back, "Power begets power. It is never a sin to just possess the potential for something, only how you use it, but those with it have a duty to consider the effects their actions, or merely their existence, have on the whole world."

Then he spoke the words he prepared the terrain for.

"If you think running to the end of the sky will solve all of your problems, you're up for a rude awakening."

He said so not out of malice, or a desire to belittle their resolution. But to the person known as Archer, there was nothing he disliked more than 'Immaturity'.

"Then I'll stop them," Gran's voice came clean and strong, with no single trace of hesitation in it.

Archer didn't turn around. "How?"

"I'll talk with them, and bargain if they're reasonable. If they're not I'll avoid them, and if they insist I'll beat them until they desist."

"Even if you were to fight against the entire world?"

"... Even then, I'll fight. I won't just abandon Lyria, I'll keep helping her until I'm satisfied."

Those words... did he hear them before?

No, they weren't the same. But they might as well be.

He slowly turned around until he stared back into Gran's eyes. The brown-haired boy was standing up straight, his entire body containing nothing but unwavering resolve.

"What do you even intend to do once you reach the end of the sky anyway? Estalucia is a just a myth at worst, the ruins of a once-great civilization at best."

"My father is there," Gran smiled. "He has found Estalucia, and now he's waiting for me there. To become a Skyfarer and journey to the end of the sky, just like my father, is my dream!"

"Let me take on your dream. I'll make it come true."

Hasn't he decided to leave everything behind? To think he would get nostalgic. "I really have the worst luck."

"Er... What?" Gran asked in confusion, caught by surprise by the dry, sardonic smile that had replaced the older man's carefully neutral look.

"Just an old memory. Gran, was it? You and your friends are really more trouble than I thought." He looked in the direction where they met the Imperial troops. "Speaking of troubles, what do we do with what we discovered today?"

"There are too many of them for us to deal with. We need to inform Auguste's main army, no buts about it." Eugen spoke.

"Right. I'm going ahead since I'm faster. Try to stay out of sight until reinforcements arrive."

"Wait, Arc-" Before Eugen could finish Archer was already far away, the distance increasing enormously with every passing second. "... He's doing this on purpose, isn't he?"

"Such speed! He, he is truly..." Katalina muttered in amazement.

"What... What in the sky was that for?!" Io (figuratively) exploded. "Saying all that, and then running away without even explaining!"

"He was trying to help us," Lyria suddenly said.

Io looked in confusion at the blue-haired girl. "Eh? Haven't you heard the things he said?"

"They were true, weren't they?" Despite looking still distraught, most of Lyria's expression was dominated by a small smile brought by Gran's words. "Just ignoring a problem wouldn't make it go away. If we do, we may regret it. I... I can't explain why, but I can feel it. Mister Archer, deep down, is truly a good person."


Thanks to everyone who helped out. I hope this is good enough.
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Swear drops are literal mood killers. Don't use them man. Just say like "they looked awkward" or something.

Otherwise good chapter.
shirou or is it hakkonon ?parallels
Shirou, Hakuno's stick is more along the lines of "keep fighting even when destiny give you a bad hand". Gran has a dream, and the resolve to literally march into hell to achieve it, just like Shirou.

Ah, yeah, those do get annoying. I'll try to catch them when my Beta duties are called in future, and get Alexander to use some other descriptor.
It's a pet peeve of mine. Sorry if I seemed rude.
Swear drops are literal mood killers. Don't use them man. Just say like "they looked awkward" or something.

Otherwise good chapter.
My bad, my bad. I'll stop using it.
Chapter 2.8: Leviathan
From his vantage point, the red bowman surveyed the whole Tzannis Plateau and the two armies gathering there. After alerting the Auguste military of Erste's presence on the Plateau he didn't return to Eugen and the others but sought out an ideal place to perform the specialty of his Class: long-distance sniping.

Granted, the requirements to be an Archer in the Moon Cell's Holy Grail War were somewhat loose and he himself was not a very good example, but there were few Heroic Spirits that were as good as him with a bow.

A quick search revealed Eugen and the others were behind the allied lines, busy... eating? Well, it was wise to recover spent energy before its lack could be a hindrance. They were safe, and that was one less problem to worry about.

Now, it was time to make sure this battle would be over with the least amount possible of causalities.

Normal arrows, their tips stabbed into the earth, began to appear all around him, ready to be picked up and shot at any given time. While swords caused more damage, it was a style too distinctive. In this case, it was better for the enemy to believe he was just one of the normal archers serving the Auguste Army. Picking up one arrow he held it up to his bow and drew back the bowstring.

With his enhanced eyesight he swept through the Erste troops until he found a captain giving out orders. A small application of Alteration changed the arrowhead to a squared metal spike, ideal to pierce armor, and another of Reinforcement increased the 'piercing' attribute.

He let go of the string.

The arrow covered two kilometers in a few seconds before stabbing through the helmet and into the captain's temple, killing him instantly. Archer waited a few moments to see if someone among those present had enough authority to calm the panicking soldiers. Seeing none, he searched for another target, his hands already pulling back a new arrow.

It was a job without glory. It was perfect for him, who never sought glory nor recognition. He left those to the soldiers fighting on the frontlines, who were performing quite admirably even. Erste had the technological advantage, but terrain knowledge and the desire to protect your own home were powerful compensating forces.

The battle had been going for a while when Archer noticed Eugen's group retreating even further away from the battlefield. Were they having trouble with monsters again? ... Yes, he could see a weak pack coming ahead of them, but also a group of imperial soldiers following from behind. It didn't take a genius to guess their objective.

"Seriously," He scoffed, stabbing back into the ground the arrow he was previously going to shoot and aiming his bow in another direction. In his now free hand, a new type of arrow appeared one of several Mystic Codes he had made by an expert for when he needed a special effect without having to Trace a Noble Phantasm.

He aimed at the back of the imperial group and shot. Upon hitting its target, the arrow exploded, releasing a paralyzing chemical that leaves those affected unable to move for a few hours. Some of their comrades will be forced to stay behind to bring them to safety, thus further reducing the pressure on Eugen and the others.

Or so he thought until he spotted many other groups of imperial soldiers converging in the crew's direction. And they even had tamed monsters with them.

"Is Erste really prioritizing capturing Lyria above winning the battle?" He wondered aloud before chuckling. "Well then, thanks for making things easier for me then."

After all, protecting a single person is easier than protecting the many.


"Hm? What do we have here?" Furias laughed after he and his soldiers surrounded Gran and the others. "Are you trapped? You are, aren't you? Someone do something interesting before I die of boredom!"

Eugen narrowed his eyes. "If yer feeling bored, why don't you take us on yourself?"

"Staining my hands? Gross." The blond Harvin made a disgusted face. "Besides, this place is already finished."

"What do you mean... finished?" Lyria asked, a feeling of dread slowly creeping up her back.

"You'll see soon enough! You ruined our research lab! Oh yes, you did!" Furias sneered. "But too bad! The weapon that was developed there... is already finished. And it's on my beautiful battleship."

"Say what?"

"Oh, I would just looove the chance to show it to you... Even if it would be a waste to use it on cornered rats." Furias' grin was positively sadistic. "It's not like you can escape. Mh? Now that I think about it, aren't you guys down a member? What, did they run away after seeing how hopeless you are?" He laughed again.

"Damn, I don't want to agree with him but he's not wrong," Rackam frowned. "Oi, Eugen. Where's Archer? We can use a helping hand here!"

"Yer a fool." Eugen declared, no one knowing if those words were directed to Rackam, Furias or both. The old agent's tone was even, and his posture relaxed.

"...What was that?" Furias demanded.

"That guy likes to downplay his own accomplishments, but I fought by his side for months and I know how dependable he can be." Eugen grinned. "Archer. His name isn't just for show; you know?"

"The hell does that even mean, you old fool?!" Furias spat.

The Black Knight, who was just observing the events, suddenly looked up. Her eyes widened under the helmet.

"It means-" Eugen slowly raised a hand before suddenly thrusting a finger to the heavens. "Watch the sky."

"TAKE COVER!" The Black Knight screamed, unsheathing her sword with one hand and grabbing onto Furias with the other.

To those watching in the right direction, a large area of the sky above was suddenly littered with red dots before they closed in to reveal a shower of arrows traveling at breakneck speed. The projectiles rained on the imperial troops in a restless onslaught, armors, and shields offering only temporary protection before being overwhelmed. The only one left unscathed was the Black Knight, whose sword was a blur as it deflected all arrows directed her way, and Furias, who screamed in outrage as he was tossed back and forth in the knight's grip.

"Is... Is this Mister Archer's doing?" Gran exclaimed, awestruck.

"'Course it is," Eugen dropped his hand, a large grin on his lips.

"Where is he firing from!?" Rackam looked around. "I can't spot him!"

"Eh, probably one or two kilometers in... whatever direction I suppose."

"One or two kilometers!? Most bows only have a range of four, five hundred meters at most!" Katalina declared in shock.

"I take back all the bad things I thought about him," Vyrn gulped. "I truly do."

"ADVERSA! SOMEONE ACTIVATE ADVERSA! ERASE THIS UNSIGHTLY ISLAND!" Furias was screaming when the rain of arrows stopped. Already regretting helping the vile midget the Black Knight unceremoniously dropped him. Furias landed face first in the sand before immediately pushing himself up.

"Didn't you hear me!?" He spat out the sand that entered his mouth. "Why aren't you moving!?"

"No... This can't be happening..." Lyria muttered the feeling of dread had not subsided at all in the meantime. And now she knew the cause.

"No need to feel sorry for those punks," Yuisis reassured her. "Whatever this weapon of their is, I'm sure it's nothing to-"

"No! I mean the Imperials!" The blue-haired girl interrupted her. "They're being swallowed up!"

"Sir!" A soldier came running from where the battle between Auguste and Erste was still being fought. He paused for a moment at the sight of his comrades being utterly defeated before his sense of duty spurred him on. "General Furias! I have orders from-!"

He barely managed to dodge the gunshot from Furias.

"Are you deaf?!" Furias loaded another bullet. "I said ACTIVATE ADVERSA!"

"B-But Sir!" The soldier tried to reason with the deranged Harvin. "We've been given the order to retreat! More than half the airships we're anchored have been swallowed up by the sea!"

"What is the meaning of this?" Furias blanched. "Dammit! My beautiful battleship!" Without even waiting for the others he began to ran away.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but we're got a chance now!" Rackam suggested.

"Agreed." Katalina nodded. "Gran, let's take advantage of the confusion to escape!"

The Black Knight made no move to stop them.

"It's time." She muttered before turning around and leaving.

Archer didn't lower his bow even after confirming Eugen and the others were safe. He too saw the imperial airships being swallowed by the sea, and it was setting off all of his alarm senses.

It was at that moment that an overwhelming magical scent hit his nose. It brought to mind the sea, the murky depths, and an all-consuming feeling...

... of hunger.

Somewhere between the Tzannis Plateau and Mizarea, a large portion of the sea rose up in a gargantuan water column that seemed to brush against the sky canopy. When the water collapsed it revealed what was concealed within.

A long, sinuous body that even while partially submerged was already as tall as a mountain. Blue scales, with shades of red and purple, created a natural armor that no normal weapon could even hope to scratch. Four great wing-like fins flapped in a frenzy, the air movement alone creating powerful gusts of wind and high waves. Its maw was large enough to swallow whole buildings, while a ring of water spun fast around it.

That wasn't a Phantasmal Beast. That was a Divine Beast.

"Leviathan..." Archer muttered in awe and disbelief, suddenly glad he has been born in a time when such creatures had withdrawn from the world. It was a different feeling than facing Saver. While the first spoke of a sense of inevitability, of defiance being futile, Leviathan's aura was simply so powerful you couldn't help but compare it to a natural disaster, something that could only be endured and, with enough luck, survived.

Any hope the Primal Beast was there to help was squashed when Leviathan roared angrily, followed by the smaller islands and beaches around it being swallowed by the sea. When swarms of monsters began to gather around the great serpent Archer swore under his breath, "Damn it, Eugen! I know you always say Leviathan protects Auguste... but right now, that thing is a danger to everyone!"

All the arrows he projected beforehand disappeared. They were useless anyway. Holding no certainty but the need to do something Archer opened all of his Magic Circuits.

"Trace, on!"

A sword formed in his right hand. It was a pitch-black weapon, with a few small edges coiling around the thin core, spiraling around it and somewhat curving outward. Glowing red lines of magical energy began to cover its surface, changing its form to a more aerodynamic one while simultaneously overloading it to the breaking point. Notching the now arrow-like sword he pulled back the bowstring while taking aim at Leviathan's head, tracing a path to avoid the monsters around it.

"Fly, Hound of the Red Plains!" He intoned before releasing the arrow. "Hrunting!"

The Broken Phantasm shot out like a lightning bolt, tearing through the air while being barely held together by the will and magic of its owner. With a single target in mind, the sword sought out the most direct path to it, moving around anything else with sharp turns than not even a bird could pull out.

Leviathan turned around to face the sudden disturbance, only to reel back in pain and shock when a large explosion went off right into its face. Scales were torn off and skin seared by the heat, while the monsters too close to the radius was instantly vaporized.

The white-haired bowman was already projecting another copy of Hrunting. "It's hurt. It can be hurt. And if it can be hurt, it can be killed."

The Primal Beast of Auguste glared in the direction the attack had come from, part of its face still smoking. It fully opened its gigantic maw, water and magical energy gathering in front of it. Realizing the creature was preparing an attack Archer moved away from the cliff he was standing on. A few instants later Leviathan shot a blue beam that traveled at the same speed of Hrunting and cleaved the cliff into two perfect halves. Along with the rest of the landscape around it.

"A water jet cutter. It can use a water jet cutter." Even if by size alone it was more akin to a waterfall, but when you have the power to use that much water to cut instead of crushing then the rest was just semantics.
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Or rather, have Leviathan pull a Ramiel-like beam. Only is Water-jet pressure and slicing mountains, rather than GAMEDAY BUCKET GO BOOM
Yeah Song is definitely going to be interested now if she hears about what happened here. If Apollo doesn't tell anyone about Archer poor Song is going to have the empire after her.
Granted, the requirements to be an Archer in the Moon Cell's Holy Grail War were somewhat loose and he himself was not a very good example, but there were few Heroic Spirits that were as good as him with a bow.
Well, yeah. Few Heroic Spirits are as good as you are at shooting with a bow...because all the Archers that use bows are actually better than you, Mr. Nameless.
I don't know about "nameless", but vanilla EMIYA is a pretty top tier bowman.
Well compared to Archers like Robin Hood, Atlanta, Chiron, fucking Artemis, Arjuna, and even Arash... Maybe in terms of battle he could beat some of them but in the end he specializes in swords. Does he have lots of "arrows" he can use with multiple effects? Yeah, sure. But does he have the same skill and accuracy they do? They never really show accuracy as much of a milestone but I would assume they all outclass him. Except maybe David, and that's because his best long-range feat I can remember is killing Goliath with his sling.

He's probably still better than say Nobu or Billy, but I wouldn't put him with the Archers that got designated such... for actual archery.
Well, yeah. Few Heroic Spirits are as good as you are at shooting with a bow...because all the Archers that use bows are actually better than you, Mr. Nameless.
Well compared to Archers like Robin Hood, Atlanta, Chiron, fucking Artemis, Arjuna, and even Arash... Maybe in terms of battle he could beat some of them but in the end he specializes in swords. Does he have lots of "arrows" he can use with multiple effects? Yeah, sure. But does he have the same skill and accuracy they do? They never really show accuracy as much of a milestone but I would assume they all outclass him. Except maybe David, and that's because his best long-range feat I can remember is killing Goliath with his sling.

He's probably still better than say Nobu or Billy, but I wouldn't put him with the Archers that got designated such... for actual archery.
To be fair, most archers got their fame with specific type of bow and technique. Arash is a sniper with composite bow. Robin Hood is ambush fighter with longbow (also good sniper, which is kind of requirement because if he missed, his legend will be very short and embarassing). Arjuna is known for duelist archery feat. Atalanta probably best with Greek-style bow and arrow. David is good with sling, which, contrary to some expectation, actually requires skill to be used effectively. Mongolian heroes known for rapid firing and horseback archery.

Archer/ EMIYA's strength that while he didn't exactly mastered any type of archery, he was more than passable with all of them, and can change his approach and tactics depend on condition.

Or at least, that was my take on it.
To be fair, most archers got their fame with specific type of bow and technique. Arash is a sniper with composite bow. Robin Hood is ambush fighter with longbow (also good sniper, which is kind of requirement because if he missed, his legend will be very short and embarassing). Arjuna is known for duelist archery feat. Atalanta probably best with Greek-style bow and arrow. David is good with sling, which, contrary to some expectation, actually requires skill to be used effectively. Mongolian heroes known for rapid firing and horseback archery.

Archer/ EMIYA's strength that while he didn't exactly mastered any type of archery, he was more than passable with all of them, and can change his approach and tactics depend on condition.

Or at least, that was my take on it.
I thought he mastered (slightly more than human peak, not exactly prime Heroic Spirit legend material) the way of the Yumi, or the Japanese system for archery? It seems to be what he's always using even when using his sword arrows, and he's always seen generally sniping or using sword arrows with his bow. And this is No Name Emiya, so he also used guns a little during his life as a Kiritsugu 2.0 (This time with no regrets). I wouldn't say he could fight that well with all kinds of ranged weapons, just really well with his home-made bow that's really made just for shooting NPs.

Archer's shtick to me has always been his versatility, which was even a key part of his gameplay for Fate/Extra (I haven't played Extella). He doesn't actually have any bows besides his black bow, UBW only stores swords with other melee weapons being maybes that depend on him having a high familiarity with them or something. I could be wrong though, because then Gil would have just stopped using swords and spammed lances, maces, and axes to kill Archer. Meh, it's Gil, he doesn't need reasons.

Anyways, so he doesn't really have that versatility with his archery style per-se, it's mostly in the various effects of the sword arrows he has.

...I think. I may have to check in some other threads first, but I'm going to stick with this for now.

Edit: Ok, so Archer's UBW does cover all melee weapons according to the wiki which is... generally correct(?). But yeah, no bows. Even shields are a struggle and their effects are much weaker, as seen with Rho Aias which took three times the magical energy as an equivalent weapon would to have its full effect. Heavens Feel Shirou can only use four of its seven petals. So yeah. No ranged weapons sadly...
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