Sky Blade [Granblue Fantasy X Fate/Extra]

I don't know about "nameless", but vanilla EMIYA is a pretty top tier bowman.
Chiron - hilariously better
Atalanta - same level of skill as the above, so hell no
Artemis - haha, no.
Arash - A-ranked clairvoyance.. yeah, no.
Ishtar - nope
Herakles, Karna, Rama, Arjuna - :lol:rofl::lol:rofl:
Sita - We don't know much of anything about her, but given the mythology she came from, I'm going to say hell no.

Err, I guess he could be better than Touta, no way to know, or perhaps Lu Bu as archer, of whom we know shit about, and is better than Euryale and swimsuit saiba? Really scratching the bottom of the barrel here.

Robin Hood isn't an archer, well, he's an Archer, but in fate/extra, he's a crossbow user, not an archer. And David, well, that's a sling, not a bow.
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Chiron - hilariously better
Atalanta - same level of skill as the above, so hell no
Artemis - haha, no.
Arash - A-ranked clairvoyance.. yeah, no.
Ishtar - nope
Herakles, Karna, Rama, Arjuna - :lol:rofl::lol:rofl:
Sita - We don't know much of anything about her, but given the mythology she came from, I'm going to say hell no.

Err, I guess he could be better than Touta, no way to know, or perhaps Lu Bu as archer, of whom we know shit about, and is better than Euryale and swimsuit saiba? Really scratching the bottom of the barrel here.

Robin Hood isn't an archer, well, he's an Archer, but in fate/extra, he's a crossbow user, not an archer. And David, well, that's a sling, not a bow.
Well compared to Archers like Robin Hood, Atlanta, Chiron, fucking Artemis, Arjuna, and even Arash... Maybe in terms of battle he could beat some of them but in the end he specializes in swords. Does he have lots of "arrows" he can use with multiple effects? Yeah, sure. But does he have the same skill and accuracy they do? They never really show accuracy as much of a milestone but I would assume they all outclass him. Except maybe David, and that's because his best long-range feat I can remember is killing Goliath with his sling.

He's probably still better than say Nobu or Billy, but I wouldn't put him with the Archers that got designated such... for actual archery.
... I feel a little ripped off, but you did mention some archers I didn't. So, uh...

>Salty.jpg I'm not actually salty BTW. Also this is transparent because I'm still trying to look a little salty. Is it working?
I think you guys are downplaying Mr. "I never miss" Nameless's ability with the bow just a hair. He might not innately shoot fuckin' lasers or whatever with his arrows and needs to break a NP but that's not much different than what most everyone else does anyway.
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One of his myth exploits basically split an arrow in two using a longbow. He should be good with longbow.
Even if you count him as a bowman despite nasu bullshit legend bending giving him a crossbow, and even if you count No Name above him alongside the two maybes.. that still leaves him at 11th out of 16, barely escaping being in the bottom third (and he doesn't escape it if we remove the joke character of swimsuit saiba, or if he turns out not being as good as Lu Bu and/or Robin Hood), and with the distance between him and the bottom of the top ten being gigantic.

We're talking about people who can use a bow with a draw heavy enough that with a regular, non-magical attack it counts as an A-rank attack, at a long distance and through foliage, against a servant. Or aimbots that plain never miss while being part of a mythology that is basically dragon ball with bows.

Or Herakles, that even with his divinity removed, he can snipe at 10 times the max range of Emiya and break Gil's gauntlet.

In other words, git gud, scrub.
Again, not too sure on nameless' feats. But EMIYA has a clairvoyance-based accuracy skill. Anything up to 4km is fucked. Apparently out ranges atlanyanta and Chiron, based on feat demonstrated in mainstream canon. But I digress, for long range artillery, AKA sniping with explosive magic swords, vanilla EMIYA is pretty good for range. Though, atlanyanta has him beat on sheer rate of fire as well physical damage. A rank strength makes for some pretty mean pot shots.
I think you guys are downplaying Mr. "I never miss" Nameless's ability with the bow just a hair. He might not innately shoot fuckin' lasers or whatever with his arrows and need to break a NP but that's not much different than what most everyone else does anyway.
He's still nowhere near as good as Arash when it comes to bowmanship. I swear to god I have no idea why the man is a 1 Star Servant when he should be ranked WAY HIGHER. I mean, come on, Stella killing him doesn't matter! He's a badass!
EMIYA has always been a low to mid rank servant that brings large amounts of versatility to try and make up for his pitfalls in raw power/skills. He's superhuman for sure but he's compared to a bunch of other ridiculous superhumans so he's low on that list.

Besides we should be comparing to whatever feats Granblue has. Not Hercules firing across essentially the state of Arizona at Mach 300 or whatever. I don't think anyone in Granblue is comparable to Hercules, though, correct me if I am wrong.
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To be fair, most archers got their fame with specific type of bow and technique. Arash is a sniper with composite bow. Robin Hood is ambush fighter with longbow (also good sniper, which is kind of requirement because if he missed, his legend will be very short and embarassing). Arjuna is known for duelist archery feat. Atalanta probably best with Greek-style bow and arrow. David is good with sling, which, contrary to some expectation, actually requires skill to be used effectively. Mongolian heroes known for rapid firing and horseback archery.

Archer/ EMIYA's strength that while he didn't exactly mastered any type of archery, he was more than passable with all of them, and can change his approach and tactics depend on condition.

Or at least, that was my take on it.
And then we have... Mankind's Oldest Bully Gilgamesh who's an Archer by virtue of shooting stuff out of portals.
Atalanta doesn't have A-rank strength, she has D. Her bow hits like A because reasons.

He's not the only one with clairvoyance, several have equal or better, others are said to be equals to those, or are deities of archery, or have better feats. Or come from a mythology where everyone is Goku with bows. Don't bother going into a skill/dick measuring contest with Indian heroes unless you're Gilgamesh or Herakles, just don't.

If we're talking about a fight, No Name ranks better due to versatility, but if we're talking about bowmanship? Nope, he's a scrub as far as servants go.

And then we have... Mankind's Oldest Bully Gilgamesh who's an Archer by virtue of shooting stuff out of portals.
We're talking about archer, as in bowmanship, not Archer, as in class.
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I think you guys are downplaying Mr. "I never miss" Nameless's ability with the bow just a hair. He might not innately shoot fuckin' lasers or whatever with his arrows and need to break a NP but that's not much different than what most everyone else does anyway.
I mean sure he never misses, but isn't that like a requirement to be a good Archer?
Again, not too sure on nameless' feats. But EMIYA has a clairvoyance-based accuracy skill. Anything up to 4km is fucked. Apparently out ranges atlanyanta and Chiron, based on feat demonstrated in mainstream canon. But I digress, for long range artillery, AKA sniping with explosive magic swords, vanilla EMIYA is pretty good for range. Though, atlanyanta has him beat on sheer rate of fire as well physical damage. A rank strength makes for some pretty mean pot shots.
That kind of ties into this. I mean sure he has that awesome accuracy within 4 km, but I mean... Arash sniped Rhongomyniad from the sky while it was being shot at their village from Camelot a really fucking far distance away. Also as stated above, he's superhuman but they're literally legends for sheer skill in archery. And he's not the only one with clairvoyance, nor is that the be all and end all of archery.

Finally... More Arash fangasming. Stella is the arrow that literally made the border between Persia and Turan with a range of 2,500 KM. It's literally called the "Ultimate Shot". Arash is great. He is best Archer. You will love Arash. You will use Arash. You will NP 5 him and max out his bond level and grail him to 100 before Max-fouing him.
Not if you accomplish the same through exploding arrows or ROF/multishooting or whatever.
Eh? I don't think I've ever seen or heard of an Archer class servant really missing while trying. Sure there's cover fire or servants deflecting shots/dodging but the shots would always hit if nothing happened. I mean you could argue Gil, but most of his spam is suppressing fire and he DOES have the Clairvoyance and pure skill needed to be an Archer. He just... doesn't use it because you're a mongrel and not worth it.
It's obviously because the team at F/GO didnt find him husbando enough.
That's utter nonsense, it's because he would be game-breaking. Hell he kind of is already at NP 5 and full charge post-interlude.
Plenty of servants are well adjusted and kind, it's just that most servants get torn apart by circumstances outside their control. A prime example is the Lancer class.
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Not if you accomplish the same through exploding arrows or ROF/multishooting or whatever.
Err.. everyone above him in the list can do one or both? Or can probably do that? Hell, those that can do it, can do it equal or better.

No Name has better rate of fire inside UBW, but UBW is both close-ish range and not a bowmanship skill or NP. Ditto for trace-shooting swords.
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Plenty of servants are well adjusted and kind, it's just that most servants get torn apart by circumstances outside their control. A prime example is the Lancer class.

That I know, but Arash wasn't a victim of circumstance either. He died firing his final arrow, true, but he wasn't forced to break Geasa or anything similar.
Plenty of servants are well adjusted and kind, it's just that most servants get torn apart by circumstances outside their control. A prime example is the Lancer class.
What Oldman said, and most servants are at least quirky although nice in their own ways (usually). Arash is just a bro.
That I know, but Arash wasn't a victim of circumstance either. He died firing his final arrow, true, but he wasn't forced to break Geasa or anything similar.

I was just putting in my two cents about the rarity of servants being well adjusted and kind being more common then you'd expect with servants like Diarmuid who only lost his nice guy attitude after getting told to literally kill himself and others like Helena.

What Oldman said, and most servants are at least quirky although nice in their own ways (usually). Arash is just a bro.

Being quirky doesn't mean you're not well adjusted. Servants like Helena are well adjusted despite having their quirks.
Pull your Ex-Waifu? Pull your Ex-Waifu (The working one, BTW).

Well, yeah. Few Heroic Spirits are as good as you are at shooting with a bow...because all the Archers that use bows are actually better than you, Mr. Nameless.
Still technically true :p

And wow, did it started a debate or what? I just wanted Archer to shit-talk a little inside his own head. Not that isn't entertaining. But, nonetheless, EMIYA/Nameless still qualifies as a Heroic Spirit of the Bow. I think that, mid-level or not, counts for something. Versatility too, since raw power is something he rarely use.