

A Daemon is a creature of energy and concept, and a Bloodletter specifically a creature of war. Blood and violence.

It knows violence. Knows fighting. Its very existence is combat.

Eight normal cultists, even if mutated by the touch of Chaos, do not. They're corrupt, all of them, right to the deepest levels, a fact which I can taste. They're completely in the grip of Chaos, and whoever they were before, what they are now is a bunch of murderous madmen worshipping evil.

It's over quickly. Knocked down, and limited by mere flesh, I kill them quickly, and do to them the exact same thing I did to the Daemon they summoned. I pull their souls in, rending them down into raw energy as I drink it in...

They're not Daemons. Not nearly as filling. The energy I can draw from them is a pittance, in comparison.

Still, it only leaves two things to do.

I turn a Clasher-self to the wall, where the figure is chained. All of them reach under the cloth they're covered with, clinking gently as the figure shifts, slightly. They're suspended off the ground, arms to the side, yet, there's four chains. I can hear shallow, laboured breathing.

I examine the figure. I can taste... corruption, yes, but not a significant amount. More passive, rather than active... born from overexposure to Chaos, rather than acceptance of it.

Hmm. There might still be hope.

I move closer, reaching out. The three pincers at the end of the arm shift, narrowing into a longer, needle-like shape. The cloth seems to come in four pieces, so I carefully reach under the cloth over the head, pushing it up and back.

Matted hair greets me, blood and dirt both. It's roughly cut, long in some places and short in others. I can't even tell what colour it is, it's covered in so much refuse. The face...

Is young.

One eye is swollen shut, purple-black. On the cheeks is a symbol of Chaos, branded on the skin. A few teeth are missing, and others cracked. Lips... chapped and cracked, broken skin marked with sores and blood.

And yet... the other eye is still open. The veins are pronounced, leaving the whites remarkably red, but the rest...

Green. And looking at my Clasher-self with unbroken will. Glaring, in defiance.

Misplaced, directed at me.

Hmm... It's hard to tell, but the structure of the cheeks lends an impression of femininity. Carefully, I peel another layer of cloth back. She's dressed in rags underneath, but the rags are loose enough that it's no trouble to tell that she is indeed a she.

Below the neck is a collar, wrapped tightly around the neck. The chain isn't loose. If she hung her neck, it'd choke her. A basic, and easy, torture, needlessly cruel.

I pull back my pincers, the shape of them shifting again, into a more flexible, shorter claw like arrangement. I thread a claw around the hinge, taking care not to jostle the collar.

Her jaw clenches, staring with contempt.

Light spills forth, and I focus it. The collar glows, and then disintegrates, the hinge falling apart into base materials. The pieces fall to the ground, and she breathes a little easier. Still, there are welts, and bruises in the shape of fingers, and more. Her skin told a tale, one that few wanted to hear.

I can see the inside of the collar, too.


You know, I think I might have spent too much time around the results of Chaos cults. This used to drive me to such rage. All this is bringing up in me now is a feeling of resigned anger.

I reach up, pressing the flat of my claw against her cheek. She's warm, positively feverish. In what is certainly an unconscious movement, she leans against it, desperate for the coolness.

She's confused, now. Not quite knowing what I want. I'd guess... she's lived a harsh life for long enough that she doesn't know what to do when somebody isn't trying to hurt her.

Being completely honest, she probably doesn't even recognize that I'm not trying to hurt her.

Poor girl.


Yet, still... It's odd, that she's survived this long, with her will still intact. Champions many times her age had broken in the face of Chaos, men and women alike. There must be something special about her...

Especially if this cult was keeping her around, after summoning a Daemon.


I pull back, and her head follows before jerking back as she realizes what she's doing, a sudden note of fear entering her eyes...

My claws shift again, becoming flat tipped. I press them against her sternum, and she swallows. For a moment, nothing happens, but then a wave of light ripples down the pincer. It's slow, crawling across the smooth silver, but inevitable. It reaches her skin, and continues flowing, the light pulsing through her own body.

My energy pulsing through her body. I'm gentle, as I examine. She's not healthy; starved, dehydrated, sleep-deprived, a definite fever, muscles strained and weakened, heart pulsing slowly... She could get better, given the appropriate medical care.

But aside from that, nothing special.

I probe deeper, reaching beneath the flesh. I touch her soul, and then, I understand.

She's a Psyker. Not a realized one, not yet, but the latent potential is there, her soul strong, and the connection to the Warp wider than most.

That also explains why she has so little Corruption in her, despite being surrounded by it. A strong rejection, worn at by sheer time and exposure. Her wounds are many, but none of them too deep or scarring.

And just like that, she's valuable. I'd have helped her regardless, but now... Psykers were an incredible resource, to me.

My Entity-self makes the preparations; energy warping and twisting, forming the core of a matrix, the embryo of another body. This one, however, has a special purpose, nothing so normal as the rest of mine.

It takes a few seconds to form. I transmit it from my Entity-self to my Clasher-self, and from there...

I, gently, push it inside of her being. The embryo glides along the same path as the rest of my energy, and I nestle it into the core of her being, where the body meets the soul. I feed it energy, and it begins to grow, blooming into life, a fragment of my being inside of hers...

It wraps around her soul, small tendrils at first, but quickly turning into an armoured shell. Where it finds corruption, it makes a quick cut, severing it from the rest of her. She twitches as it happens, but it's a necessity. Left alone, it will fester.

Besides, souls are like livers. They regenerate. Eventually. So long as there's enough of it left, anyway.

The cut off pieces of corruption are shortly consumed, used to fuel its own growth. The process takes minutes, but it happens easily. I've got a lot of experience, here.

The shell completes, and she's mostly safe, then, against further predation. But the embryo isn't done, there. It taps into her Soul, into the connection between her being, and the power that she had the potential to command. The Warp connects to her, and as such...

Through her, the embryo has a source of energy that won't deplete. Through her, it draws upon that energy and consumes it, using it to maintain itself and fuel its own growth.

Satisfied, I cut the energy I had been feeding it. Time will fuel the rest of its growth, just as time will heal the wounds that corruption has inflicted on her.

I pull back, no longer touching her skin.

She's still staring at me, but her eyes are beginning to unfocus. She's tired, after all, and without the collar to keep her awake through pain and choking...

I raise an arm, gather energy, and fire a breaking-wave. The other three chains binding her to the wall shatter like so much glass, and she falls to the ground.

I catch her, of course, in the other arm. I shift, and she's nestled into the crook of my arm against my chest, a wall of cool pleasantness to help keep her fever down. The other three shackles are revealed in the process, two around her arms and one around her stomach. Those, too, are quickly removed, with nothing left to hurt her. I pause for a moment to recover the cloth that had covered her, and I take care to wrap it around her neatly and softly.

Her head lulls back, and she stares up. She tries to stay awake, shaking periodically, but it's a futile effort. She falls asleep in moments, lulled by a lack of ongoing pain.

My Clasher-self moves out of the room, smooth movements to prevent any jostling. I take her upstairs, out into the city. The air is thick and stuffy, down here.

First thing, done.

Now, where is that reactor?
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It's good so far. Jumping straight into it is a nice choice, I've recently read a glut of SI's and an unfortunate number feel obliged to start at the beggining. Normally as a baby, and then spend 10s of thousands of words in childhood or infancy etc doing nothing...

I know you've got more experience, and it's nice to know that you won't be wasting words! Especially since I don't know how many we'll get this time :p

I'm loving the story so far and hope you write lots of it!
I wonder what that embryo will grow into. My first guess is Shroud pseudo-organic power armor, because that sounds cool.
Mecha-organic power armor that is linked to the rest of Shroud!Dritch! After it is complete, it starts transferring the Warp energy it consumes to the rest of the shroud. Should the armor be damaged, then it uses the energy to repair itself before resuming the transfer.
Hoo boy, there aren't many things that can stand much of a chance in 40k, the Shroud are not one of those things.

The Shroud do not merely stand a chance in 40k, they are a legitimate apocalypse-tier threat that makes the Tyranids look like a mild invasive pest problem in comparison. The Shroud are substantially more dangerous than the C'tan; the C'tan are totally inimical to the Warp, the Shroud are not inimical to the Warp, in the same way that predators are not inimical to prey. To the C'tan, the Warp is a threat, to the Shroud, the Warp is food. Tasty, tasty food.

The Ruinous Powers are going to poop daemonic terror bricks when they realize exactly what they're dealing with.
Hoo boy, there aren't many things that can stand much of a chance in 40k, the Shroud are not one of those things.

The Shroud do not merely stand a chance in 40k, they are a legitimate apocalypse-tier threat that makes the Tyranids look like a mild invasive pest problem in comparison. The Shroud are substantially more dangerous than the C'tan; the C'tan are totally inimical to the Warp, the Shroud are not inimical to the Warp, in the same way that predators are not inimical to prey. To the C'tan, the Warp is a threat, to the Shroud, the Warp is food. Tasty, tasty food.

The Ruinous Powers are going to poop daemonic terror bricks when they realize exactly what they're dealing with.
I think that starts when Khorne loses, not just disincarnates and regains the soul-stuff but loses, a bloodthirster. Demons don't cease to exist, they are "killed", return to their God, and are recreated. The process is practically automated to the point the legions of Chaos are effectively endless in the Warp. And one was just LOST.
I think that starts when Khorne loses, not just disincarnates and regains the soul-stuff but loses, a bloodthirster. Demons don't cease to exist, they are "killed", return to their God, and are recreated. The process is practically automated to the point the legions of Chaos are effectively endless in the Warp. And one was just LOST.
Daemons are basically fragments of the Power they serve, like cells in a body, so yeah actually losing a Bloodletter means that Khorne has been directly lessened in a way that has literally never happened before. That something exists which can do that is the kind of game-changer that gets all four Ruinous Powers to temporarily suspend their infighting and work together to remove the threat, the last time that happened the Emprah ended up on the Golden Throne, and despite being 'Anathema' the Emprah was not as a big of a deal as something that can eat daemons.

The Ruinous Powers have never truly had to face an actual real tangible possibility of their own mortality, true loss is not something that they have ever experienced. They have always been the apex predators at the top of the food chain, the Tyranids have the potential to indirectly threaten that position, but the Shroud attack the very foundations of their power in a way that was thought to be impossible.

Today is not a good day to be a Warp Entity.
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"And lo, the Ruinous Powers and their servants required a change of pants on this day."
*snickers in a corner*
"And lo, the Ruinous Powers and their servants required a change of pants on this day."
*snickers in a corner*
...But they don't wear pants? Slannesh is the closest to human, or more accurately Eldar, in appearance, and it just lets it all hang out there. Khorne might as well not have a lower body, considering how long he has been sitting on his throne. Tzeentch is often a mass of tentacles or other unusual things, while Papa Nurgle is quite literally a pile of stinking pus. But with more cancer.
...But they don't wear pants? Slannesh is the closest to human, or more accurately Eldar, in appearance, and it just lets it all hang out there. Khorne might as well not have a lower body, considering how long he has been sitting on his throne. Tzeentch is often a mass of tentacles or other unusual things, while Papa Nurgle is quite literally a pile of stinking pus. But with more cancer.
That just means that the Shroud will retroactively scare the pants off of them
Daemons are basically fragments of the Power they serve, like cells in a body, so yeah actually losing a Bloodletter means that Khorne has been directly lessened in a way that has literally never happened before. That something exists which can do that is the kind of game-changer that gets all four Ruinous Powers to temporarily suspend their infighting and work together to remove the threat, the last time that happened the Emprah ended up on the Golden Throne, and despite being 'Anathema' the Emprah was not as a big of a deal as something that can eat daemons.

The Ruinous Powers have never truly had to face an actual real tangible possibility of their own mortality, true loss is not something that they have ever experienced. They have always been the apex predators at the top of the food chain, the Tyranids have the potential to indirectly threaten that position, but the Shroud attack the very foundations of their power in a way that was thought to be impossible.

Today is not a good day to be a Warp Entity.
It is not totally unheard of. There are psyker powers that can destroy Daemons forever. Very high level ones.
It is not totally unheard of. There are psyker powers that can destroy Daemons forever. Very high level ones.
Don't forget Big E's Flaming Sword, now in possession of Guilliman. That can perma-kill demons.

That being said, the Shroud are certainly a bigger threat, since they can just nom daemons whenever they want.

Don't forget Big E's Flaming Sword, now in possession of Guilliman. That can perma-kill demons.

That being said, the Shroud are certainly a bigger threat, since they can just nom daemons whenever they want.

Well yeah. A self replicating species of beings that see you as meals is a pretty big threat.

The real question is if the Shroud can get into the Webway. The warp may reject him, but if the Webway does not he can nom up all the Daemons infesting it.
One thing you forgit to do, remove the chaos symbol branded on her cheek. That thins is bound to cause more corruption if not ridden of.


I'd been well on my way back by the time the girl woke up again. She'd slept for fourteen hours straight. It was fortunate that she awoke when she did, because I was just passing a spring full of nice, cool, clear water.

The girl was still a mess, but better than she was before. The life I had planted in her being had seen to that; leaking a little bit of the energy it had gained from harvesting the Warp energy she provided access to, soothing aches and sores. It wasn't much, not at this stage, not so early in their combined development, but every little bit helped.

Especially because she was still starved and dehydrated.

That... would take longer to treat than her wounds.

I had some food and water that I'd... recovered from the cultists, seeing as they had no use for it, but starvation and dehydration were tricky conditions. You couldn't just shove food and water into people; too much could very easily cause more problems as their bodies weren't prepared or capable of handling it. You had to space it, carefully.

Which I had. The girl was skittish, and tense, but she didn't resist when my Clasher-self brought her food and water. I was hardly a medical professional, even after all this time, but I didn't need to be when the life I'd planted inside of her gave me direct insight to the state of her body, and a relatively precise idea of what she could handle.

After she was fed and watered, I'd then had to clean her up. All the dirt and blood she was covered in was doing her no favours, after all.

That hadn't been too difficult. Or, at least, she was a lot more cooperative after she'd been fed and watered. Initial reluctance had been present, though it had faded after gentle coaxing.

She was quite pale, underneath all that dirt and mud. A pallid, unhealthy colour. The hair was a dark shade of brown, and I'd wager it'd look pretty with some more proper care.

Cleaning her wounds had been... a more tense affair. I'd been careful, of course, wiping the blood away with careful strokes of torn cloth, but she had been... a little sensitive. Twitching, minutely, with every wipe, grimacing as she did... Binding the wounds had been worse, but she'd soldiered through it.

Once she was done and clean, I'd continued on my journey. I'd put her on top of my Entity-self, where the gentle and smooth floating created a ride free of jostling. She hadn't done much, mostly laying against a petal, out of direct skylight, and staring at her surroundings.

Which... was fine, really.

Wasn't too much further to go. And technically, further for her than it was for me, as she also had to cross the physical distance.

Me... Not so much.

I sense it, the moment before it happens. A presence, Silent, and oh so familiar. I reach out to it, just as it reaches out to me. I am enveloped, and I envelop in turn. Awareness expands, memories fold together, and then...

And then, finally, blissfully, I'm whole. My mind no longer cast in two reflections. There's only one of me on the planet, now. It's good.

It was necessity, and necessity alone, that had driven the split in the first place.

Hmm. My mirror-self had experienced more time than the rest of me. Well, inconsistencies like that were unavoidable, on this planet. And aside from that...

The direction of that Entity-self shifts, slightly, minor enough to be unnoticeable to the only one around to witness it. I make a few changes to my planning, the return of this Entity-self and the attendant bounty of energy that had been brought back accelerating some goals. And, of course, there was my Entity-self itself to consider; another nexus of energy gathering efforts...

Of course, I'll have to drop the girl off first. And make sure she receives more proper care...

Would I have the time?

I look at the sky. Purple-pink was still shining brightly, so dusk would come in... probably a few hours, assuming that it darkened at the usual rate. Not always a guarantee, especially this close to full moon...

I should have the time. If it speeds by too quickly, then I'll have to arrange faster transportation, but until then...

Nothing to do but wait, I guess.


Two and a half hours pass, in silence. The girl has begun to yawn, though she's staying awake nonetheless. Perhaps a good thing, considering... She'd have awoken in a strange place with no clue what's going on, if she had.

We arrive at the base of a cliff, a sudden upheaval of rock. It's large, utterly massive...

But, where she's going is something my Entity-self can't follow. I stop at the foot of the cliff, and the girl jolts. Suddenly, she's at full attention, looking at her surroundings carefully.

I have a sky-self approach her, and carefully take her off of my Entity-self. She grips tightly against the sky-self, and only lets go when she's delivered into the waiting arms of my Clasher-self.

I waste no time. Dusk will come shortly. My Entity-self moves off, accompanied by the rest of my bodies- all except for my Clasher-self holding the girl.

That one instead heads to the cliff face, approaching solid rock. The girl seems confused, and holds up an arm in front of her when I don't slow- only to draw in a sudden breath as my Clasher-self walks into, and then through, the rock.

She shifts, trying to look back, and gets a view of a rippling wave of white-grey hexagrams reconstituting into what would appear to be solid rock.

Holograms. Such a useful thing, when you're trying to hide.

The cave on the other side of the holographic wall is quite large, more than enough to fit my Clasher-self. It's not particularly well-lit, but the glowing light of said Clasher-self provides enough to see.

One quick look at the cave showed that it was unnatural, too smooth and regular to be anything but. I follow the path for a short distance, before making a turn to the right and passing through another holographic wall, coming to face a large, dark grey, metal door. It's large, and thick, heavier than even the bunker doors back at the ruined city.

My Clasher-self approaches, releasing a pulse of energy into the air. The doors flash with blue sigils, and then open, slowly.

In my arms, the girl's hands clench tightly, knuckles paling to white. A sudden, sharp note of fear strikes through her soul. The reason is simple; because on the other side of the doors is a person.

He's pretty tall. Wearing loose and relatively thin robes, doing little to hide the blue life-light emanating from his chest. He raises an eyebrow, upon seeing my Clasher-self, and the bundle of cloth in my arms, holding the girl.

"Ah." He hums. "So, that's why I was called here." He uncrosses his hands, and the red crosses on his sleeves become easily visible. "Well, let's get her to the hospital, shall we?"
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He's already made contact with the locals? And split himself at some point in the past?

Looking forward to learning how all this stuff happened. Hopefully without a set of long flashback sequences :p
Interesting thing: Logically, Shrouded Psykers are completely safe from the Perils of the Warp, no matter how much they use their powers. If the Imperium didn't go nuts over this in a genocidal zealoty way, this would be a major asset.
Interesting thing: Logically, Shrouded Psykers are completely safe from the Perils of the Warp, no matter how much they use their powers. If the Imperium didn't go nuts over this in a genocidal zealoty way, this would be a major asset.
Of course that might also depend on if a Shrouded Psyker can still use their access to the Warp. If the Shroud on them is completely monopolizing that connection, I could see the Imperium in general being apposed to it. As much as the Imperium fears and hunts unsanctioned Psykers. They are still a valuable assets once trained and controlled.

I'm curious as to what the current conflict on this planet is. There are obviously Cultist about, but it we haven't seen any major Chaos incursion yet. Then again that could be what the main part of the Shroud is dealing with, while this fragment was sent to the city/town where the girl was rescued.
It is not totally unheard of. There are psyker powers that can destroy Daemons forever. Very high level ones.
Are there? The only things I can think of is the Fulgurite, the Sword of the Emprah, and the Emprah himself, but I don't think any of those actually removed the basic Warp energy that made up said souls: If the Emprah destroyed a Daemon, the Daemon as an entity was gone but the actual energies that comprised it remained, just fragmented and torn apart sufficiently that it could no longer form a cohesive whole and dissipated back into the Warp's 'background noise', so to speak.

A quick check of the Lexicanum reveals that there are seven known instances of Daemons suffering True Death, apart from the uncounted thousands that the Emprah personally sworded to death during the Great Crusade, and none of them sound like their deaths were more than that of self\identity. There are several references to the True Death involving the destruction of the Daemon's 'essence', but in those instances that I recall actually reading the relevant book for said True Death also involved a massive release of raw psychic energies, presumably the energies that comprised the Daemon in the first place, suggesting that such things are indeed the destruction of the Daemon and not the energies that it was formed from.

Presumably such energies would no longer be considered a part of the Ruinous Power they originated from, but it wouldn't be the same as the Shroud actively and directly lessening the Warp by consuming those energies entirely. The closest comparison would be trapping a Daemon in a Tesseract Labyrinth, as that too would remove the Daemon directly from the Warp. But unlike Shroud consumption a Daemon can theoretically be freed from a Tesseract Labyrinth, there is no coming back from being eaten by the Shroud, once you're et, you're et.

Still, even if such things do destroy the underlying energies as well as the Daemon itself, the Shroud operate on a scale multiple orders of magnitude greater than individual beings or artifacts, so the 'holy shit' quotient only drops a little bit and still remains at 'oh fuck no' on the scale.

...But they don't wear pants? Slannesh is the closest to human, or more accurately Eldar, in appearance, and it just lets it all hang out there. Khorne might as well not have a lower body, considering how long he has been sitting on his throne. Tzeentch is often a mass of tentacles or other unusual things, while Papa Nurgle is quite literally a pile of stinking pus. But with more cancer.
I'm pretty sure Khorne's Throne of Skulls is his lower body, that's why he's so obsessed with growing it ever larger and more skeletal.

Also, I think Nurgle does have a vaguely humanoidish form, in the sense that a massively obese rotting cancerous tumor with limbs is 'humanoid', because he has his cauldron in the middle of his garden where he mixes up new plagues and tests them out on his waifu\prisoner, Isha, and having a cauldron to mix things up in wouldn't really work if he didn't have at least one limb capable of doing the mixing with.

Then again, it may literally be just that; one rotting tentacley limb that holds a spoon and alternates between stirring the cauldron and splashing Isha with the contents, it's not like the Warp is known for making sense after all.

I'm curious as to what the current conflict on this planet is. There are obviously Cultist about, but it we haven't seen any major Chaos incursion yet. Then again that could be what the main part of the Shroud is dealing with, while this fragment was sent to the city/town where the girl was rescued.
From the description of the city, it sounded like the main conflict already happened and passed and the Cultists are just taking advantage of the chaos. Obviously the planet wasn't Exterminatus'd as I think the implication is that there are still people hiding out in the sealed bunkers, and there isn't enough collateral for Orks, Necrons, Tyranids or a major Chaos attack, so the most likely possibility seems like a Dark Eldar raid that has already tootled on back to Commorragh after jacking a bunch of slaves, or got Shrouded.

Although the comment about the mirror self experiencing more time suggests that the planet is waaaay too close to the Warp, possibly even inside it or at least being affected by a major Warp Rift, so it might not be the aftermath of a conflict so much as the aftermath of physics suddenly deciding to go somewhere else, which would mean that the current stability is probably the result of Drich's Shroud going full locust swarm on the local Warp energies.

Of course that might also depend on if a Shrouded Psyker can still use their access to the Warp. If the Shroud on them is completely monopolizing that connection, I could see the Imperium in general being apposed to it. As much as the Imperium fears and hunts unsanctioned Psykers. They are still a valuable assets once trained and controlled.

I'm curious as to what the current conflict on this planet is. There are obviously Cultist about, but it we haven't seen any major Chaos incursion yet. Then again that could be what the main part of the Shroud is dealing with, while this fragment was sent to the city/town where the girl was rescued.
Whether a Shrouded Psyker can use their powers or not, the Imperium will be opposed to it because Xenos. The only possible exception would be if this is post Rowboat's Revival, as Rowboat is old-school enough to remember that Xenos are allowed to be okay as long as they do not threaten Humanity and the Imperium, and with the Great Rift tearing the galaxy in half shit is sufficiently serious that Rowboat might potentially see dealing with reliable Xenos for a method to 'safe' Pyskers from Warp corruption as worth the trouble.

No-one else aside from a few radical Inquisition factions would, and anyone who did would get Inquisition'd before they achieved anything, but Rowboat has both the smarts and the political clout to be able to pull it off and get away with it under the right circumstances and with a bit of luck.
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Okay, it really bothers me Drich isn't getting rid of the freaking MARK OF CHAOS on the girl's face. Why cleanse her of corruption if you're going to leave a neon sign on her face to say "insert corruption here".