[X] Practice magic.
-[X] Summoning your Persona
[X] Look up Masao Inaba.
[X] See if Lavenza wants to go anywhere.

Sorry for ranting. Not sorry for calling DarkKing out.
To be fair they've been doing this sort of thing every other update, its eventual that someone can't stand it anymore. :V
I've never seen any of those rants actually WORK though, there tends to be more votes against the rant afterwards.
I mean, I would say DarkKing has a point there, I also don't expect the cast of P1/P2 to be very useful.
The reason I'm voting for Masao though is not to get help from them, it's so Ken has another person (because Saito really shouldn't be the only one dealing with our drama, the poor guy) that's somewhat in the know, not full of mental problems, and maybe willing to listen to him share some heavy stuff.
I mean, I would say DarkKing has a point there, I also don't expect the cast of P1/P2 to be very useful.
The reason I'm voting for Masao though is not to get help from them, it's so Ken has another person (because Saito really shouldn't be the only one dealing with our drama, the poor guy) that's somewhat in the know, not full of mental problems, and maybe willing to listen to him share some heavy stuff.
The real problem with DarkKing isn't that they're wrong. It's that they refuse to accept when they are wrong, and that they insult people who disagree. You, I like, because you're look at things from a lot of angles, and more importantly, you don't force your opinions on other people.

You do bring up a good point, by the way. We need more adults who know about Persona other than Saito-san. (Mr. Evil Pun doesn't count, he's evil.) Plus, out of all the Persona 1 protagonists, Mark is probably the one who's least likely to set Ken on edge. Reiji's Persona is actively sabotaging his social life, Maki has pretty much everything that happened during the Sebec route, and the other characters are ridiculously OP due to going through both the Snow Queen and Sebec routes.
The reason I'm voting for Masao though is not to get help from them, it's so Ken has another person (because Saito really shouldn't be the only one dealing with our drama, the poor guy) that's somewhat in the know, not full of mental problems, and maybe willing to listen to him share some heavy stuff.
Fair enough. Fair e-nough.
Aren't you guys being a little optimistic?

I mean, right now, all Ken knows about this guy is that someone he knows in the future vaguely knows this guy. Why, from Ken's perspective, would he want to open up to this guy?
[X] See if Lavenza wants to go anywhere.

[X] Look up Masao Inaba.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Saito-san.
[X] Practice magic.
-[X] Summoning your Persona
[X] Look up Masao Inaba.
[X] See if Lavenza wants to go anywhere.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Aug 12, 2019 at 2:06 PM, finished with 29 posts and 12 votes.
Oh, this might actually work well together.

-Vote Closed!-

Really, though, in this case, the question shouldn't have been why certain characters were on their own.
Lavenza Outing #2: Naganaki Shrine
July 15, 2008​

"Amada-san. Let's try and actually go someplace on my list today." Again, Lavenza produces the obscenely-long piece of paper. This time, however, she has the presence of mind not to let it unroll entirely.

Good. That means she's learning.

This time, you take the chance to glance at the list. You don't know what half of those things are, and some of them don't seem to be in the same country. Somehow, this surprises you a lot less than it should.
Things like a sense of scale really have no place where these people are.
"Um... I don't know a lot of these places."

"Well, then pick a place that you do know, and lead me there!" She orders. You let out a frightened squeak and nod, snatching part of the list away and looking for something you recognize.

"I-I could take you to a shrine," You suggest. "I know where one is, it's... actually pretty nice." And quiet, and usually mostly empty, and that's good, because Lavenza attracts attention wherever she goes, and you could at least attempt to mitigate it.

"Very well. Lead the way." You don't have it in you to question any of her orders. Not when even the most rudimentary scans reveal that she possesses an overwhelming amount of power.

And, besides, the sooner you're away from large gatherings of people, the better it will be for your peace of mind.
I hate to tell you this, but that's been a lost cause for a long time.
Now, as to how to explain an odd blue girl to Saito-san... that bit might be a little more difficult.

For once, when you visit the shrine, Koromaru doesn't run over to greet you. You wonder if he could sense Lavenza was coming and decided to keep his distance. You wouldn't blame him, if that was the case. Given the option, you'd probably have done the same, back at the arcade, had you realized how this would turn out.

And Morgana... well, honestly, it's probably best that Morgana's not here. Especially considering what happened the last few times that you brought her up to him. You'd rather not have to deal with the cat breaking right now. Or ever, preferably, but you've never been that lucky.

Of course, you still have to introduce Lavenza to Saito-san. Which... you don't think you did a very good job of. If it's even possible to do that kind of thing well. Lavenza-san's the type of person who defies explanation.
I guess that's just what happens, when you live outside reality.
Thankfully, she seems to know enough not to bring up anything supernatural at the moment. Sure, she's not exactly trying to hide the fact that she's a strange person, but the oddities she shows are simple enough to overlook.

Most of the time.

"What is this?" She asks, standing in front of the same structure that Maiko got stuck on top of shortly after you met Saito-san and Koromaru.

"Oh, that?" You look up it, trying not to let your apprehension show. Something tells you you know where this is going. "Kids like to climb on it. But Oohashi-chan got stuck, that one time she tried." Well, at least she can't say you didn't warn her now.

Not that she needed the warning, as she simply hops up and balances on the top of the structure. "Oh, like this?"

...You don't think you'll be bringing her back here.

July 17, 2008​

Okay, so now that you've had time to recover from... that particular experience... you decide to satisfy a curiosity that's been nagging at you for a while now.

You don't know much about your future. Given just how much you've lost from it, you might never have all the pieces. You barely even have any clue where to start looking for them.

The man Chidori-san mentioned in your vision, Masao Inaba, is one of the few clues you have. You don't know if your future self ever actually met the man, but it's a possible link to people you have yet to truly get to know. One that might be available to you.

You don't think you've ever been so glad for the existence of the internet. Just one quick search and you're already seeing a nice collection of artwork. The man who made them, who goes by 'Mark', like you were told, apparently spends a large amount of time traveling, occasionally leaving the country, and always eventually coming back to a place called Mikage-Cho.

You don't know anything about that place other than it being where he's from, but it's not his biography you're interested in. It's his art pieces.

More specifically, a painting of a coffin like the ones most people turn into during the Dark Hour, surrounded by very familiar shades of green.

...You wonder if you should maybe talk to someone about this.

[ ] Go to Kirijo-san. (+Expression)

[ ] Go to Saito-san.

[ ] Go to Lavenza. (+Knowledge)

[ ] Keep looking into this on your own. (+Diligence)
[X] Go to Kirijo-san. (+Expression)

Giving Saito-san a break, Lavenza might not be helpful considering the P1 cast was probably before her time, and searching on his own might not help Ken very much. Also, Expression boost - that'll be very helpful in the future.
[X] Go to Kirijo-san. (+Expression)

Honestly, we're a lot closer to Expression & Diligence 4 than Knowledge 4 anyways.
[X] Go to Kirijo-san. (+Expression)

Hopefully, if everything happens just right we might see the greatest of wonders of the world.

Mark Danced Crazy
Now, to try and handle things this way...

-Vote Closed!-

At the very least, it's someone who's both relatively sensible, and reasonably qualified to deal with this.
Friday, July 18, 2008
You think Kirijo-san might want to see this. It's almost her job to deal with this sort of thing, after all, and you aren't sure there are any adults you could go to with actual qualifications here. Well, that you fully trust, anyway. Ikutsuki-san is not a factor in this, even if he does seem to have learned to give some amount of notice before moving someone else into the building.

It's sad that you have to consider that progress.

Either way, the best person for you to go to for help on this is clearly Kirijo-san. She knows about all this stuff, you can actually talk to her without stumbling over your words... lots of reasons.

"Kirijo-san?" Okay, now how do you bring up the fact that there's an artist who may or may not have painted a scene straight out of the Dark Hour? "I- I found something that's... sort of strange..."

"In what regard?" She asks, not moving from her spot.
I mean, nobody's going to notice unless they already know, but it's still someone new.
"Well, it's... probably best if you come see it. Unless... Have you heard of Masao Inaba?"

"I have not. Why do you ask?"

"You see, he's this artist. He uses a lot of green in his paintings, and... you should probably just look for yourself." You think you managed to get her interest well enough. Maybe.

At the very least, she agrees to take a look, and that's pretty much all that matters.

Kirijo-san takes one look at the painting you point out to her, and the air freezes. Given that it's Kirijo-san, you assume that those two facts are related.
I mean, that's usually the case, with her... especially given that it's the middle of July.
"I... guess you didn't already know about this?" Okay, you know that's a stupid question, but you're also pretty sure that Kirijo-san has the presence of mind not to trap a ten-year-old in a block of ice.

She shakes her head. "I suppose it was.., inevitable, after this much time, that someone might want to show the Dark Hour to another, but I was expecting things like a lack of working cameras to prevent that."
Never underestimate a dedicated artist. Or one with far too much free time.
"Is there a problem with this?" It's odd, to know that someone out there who's moderately famous is aware of the Dark Hour, but it's not like this is some sort of major disaster or something. Not when nobody who isn't already aware will realize the significance of it.

It still takes a moment for Kirijo-san to respond. "It's... not entirely that. Rather, it is... unexpected. It is rare to see people safely aware of the Dark Hour. In fact, aside from employees of the Kirijo Group, we did not believe that there were any outside of Iwatodai. Though, in hindsight, there really isn't any reason that they shouldn't exist..." The air begins to warm up again. This is good. You like not being frozen.

Still, you decide to leave her be for the time being. Just in case.

Kirijo-san seems to be unusually busy lately.

Now, given that this is Kirijo-san, that's saying a lot. She's always scanning town for Shadows, or working on something for school, or doing something vaguely official that you don't know the purpose of.

But she's actually started multitasking now, and you aren't sure she's eaten at all today. But she probably has, if only because Shinjiro-san would never stand for it, otherwise. Assuming that he's noticed how busy she is. Because again, for Kirijo-san, this sort of thing is nothing new.

...You don't think you'll be following her example. No, instead you're going to stick to your nice, manageable workload. You even know what it's going to be. (Pick up to three)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Kirijo-san.
-[ ] Sanada-san and Shinjiro-san.
-[ ] Maiko and Akira.
-[ ] Saito-san, Morgana, and Koromaru.

[ ] Study (+Knowledge)
-[ ] On your own.
-[ ] In the library.

[ ] You have reading to do.
-[ ] Really, why are those medical textbooks even there? (+Diligence)
-[ ] Manga. (+Courage)
-[ ] Something about tarot. (+Empathy)

[ ] Magic practice.
-[ ] Channeling Zio
--[ ] By yourself.
--[ ] With Sanada-san.
-[ ] Channeling Hama.
-[ ] Channeling Kouha.