Most of the time, you have no idea how people can be talked into doing something that they know is a bad idea. It just seems strange to you, that someone could be so easily convinced to do something possibly detrimental to their health... well, that isn't Shinjiro-san, anyway, and you're not sure he counts.
Most people are not so blatant about any suicidal tendencies they have, no.
This is not an occasion where you're sure what you're considering could be detrimental to your health. Quite the opposite, in fact. But it still gets the general idea across.
The reason that people do dumb things, that they know are dumb, is because of pride.
Akira said he could read any book in this library. Maiko pointed out the medical texts. You got pulled into the whole thing. You're not sure, but you think this might actually be how Sanada-san and Shinjiro-san's less serious fights get started.
Honestly, when you're the only one not panting after managing to drag the books to a table, you should probably have taken that as a sign to stop.
As it is, you have no idea what half of the words on the page even mean, and half of what you can understand, you're pretty sure is just carried over from Nemi. Not that you're going to say that, because you don't want to be the first one to back down.
...It's been a while since your last proper conversation with Sanada-san, and he's somehow still influencing you. That's definitely a bad sign.
Still, at least you're not the only one suffering. Poor Maiko looks to be completely lost. You sort of wish you could help her, but you don't even know what you're reading yourself.
Akira isn't showing any signs of discomfort. Of course, he also has a dictionary right next to him and is taking notes, so you think he may be cheating a little. And maybe just not letting on any issues he may have.
You steadfastly refuse to get jealous. Just because you have healing powers, that doesn't mean you need to know everything that goes into one of these textbooks. If you ever have to help someone with an injury, you can just patch it up with magic, that's sort of why it's there. And if someone's sick, that's what actual doctors are for, not kids with a certain predilection for Dia spells.
But it would make things so much easier.
You keep telling yourself that. But being unable to make it through even a chapter of the book still bugs you, just a little.
You guess that's something to work on for the future.
Compared to your friends, Kirijo-san is a bit harder to approach. Partly because the area around her is always slightly chillier than the rest of the room, but mostly because she always seems so busy.
She sort of has to be, what with scanning the town for Shadows, keeping up with her work at school, and attempting to keep Sanada-san and Shinjiro-san in line- the key word for the last one being attempting- but it seems a lot worse than usual lately.
Not that she seems to have a problem with spending time with you. Which you suppose should be a good thing, if she's not working, but what if she's doing something important?
Still doesn't mean anything if she overworks herself to the point of getting sick. She's done that a few times.
Eventually, of course, you have to say something, because Kirijo-san looks worried about something, and that's probably not a good thing. Nothing that can make Kirijo-san lose her composure could ever be a good thing.
"Kirijo-san? Is something wrong?" She shakes her head, maybe a bit too quickly, but you might have just been imagining it. You're decently good at reading people, but it's pretty hard to get anything from Kirijo-san. Probably the icy demeanor.
"Not... that wasn't there to begin with." Which isn't exactly reassuring, given just how many things about your life are wrong. Some of which, she probably doesn't even realize you know about.
"That's not an answer."
"No, I suppose it's not... I have been looking into the artist whose painting you showed me, but there is... surprisingly little information of use. If only we could be certain, one way or another, as to how he handles the Dark Hour..." And there she goes, back to the realm of overwork and stress.
You should probably do something about that.
[ ] Ask to help. If it's just looking stuff up on the internet, you can do that just as easily as her.
[ ] Try to convince her to take a break. You might not succeed, but it's still worth a try.
[ ] Tell Sanada-san and Shinjiro-san about this. She might be more likely to listen to someone that's her own age.