Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Not Sure if good sign or not. It's certainly Interesting though.

Man, what the actual fuck Is Amu now. Figuring this out strikes me as being a high priority.

Is there another update on the way?
Baughn said:
Then was she operating using her Chara's mind space? Exoself implies she was working outside of herself and Supervisory/Hybrid mode implies either someone else was working on her and/or helping her work on herself. It also sounded mechanical in nature which would fit the Exaltation but if its not, and I was dubious about that because the essence channels are broken, then that means its something else connected to her... so Charas?
ShadowAngelBeta said:
Then was she operating using her Chara's mind space? Exoself implies she was working outside of herself and Supervisory/Hybrid mode implies either someone else was working on her and/or helping her work on herself. It also sounded mechanical in nature which would fit the Exaltation but if its not, and I was dubious about that because the essence channels are broken, then that means its something else connected to her... so Charas?
Why can't she be watching herself watching herself watching herself and so on? That's what the infinite regress line and the black box suggest to me.

This is probably relevant:
in particular, human minds do not run on the physics Kagutsuchi implements, but rather on the more fundamental substance more commonly known as "Magatsuhi". This sometimes allows them to bend the rules they're supposed to be following.
*Emerge from the GWM*
ShadowAngelBeta said:
Did the Exaltation give part of its processing space to Amu?
And then Amu was.... part dragonblooded? Dammit Exaltation, you are a Solar one, not a Terrestrial!

Next time we gain XP, i suggest buying all the Occult(All of it!), and a viable specialization to understand what exactly has Amu become.

*Submerge once again*
pressea said:
Why can't she be watching herself watching herself watching herself and so on? That's what the infinite regress line and the black box suggest to me.

This is probably relevant:
I know what "infinite", "regress", and "line" are but I have no idea what an "Infinite Regress Line" is. So I mostly just went what I could think of with what I did understand, which was pretty much everything else... Nyarl also implied that this scene wasn't from Amu's POV so... *Shrug* Like I said I just went with what looked like could fit.
ShadowAngelBeta said:
Then was she operating using her Chara's mind space? Exoself implies she was working outside of herself and Supervisory/Hybrid mode implies either someone else was working on her and/or helping her work on herself. It also sounded mechanical in nature which would fit the Exaltation but if its not, and I was dubious about that because the essence channels are broken, then that means its something else connected to her... so Charas?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that Amu has no idea herself. The exaltation is completely unreachable at the moment, though; shouldn't be that.
*Emerge from the GWM*
in particular, human minds do not run on the physics Kagutsuchi implements, but rather on the more fundamental substance more commonly known as "Magatsuhi". This sometimes allows them to bend the rules they're supposed to be following.
.... Maybe the exaltation has accidentally swichted our mind on a Shimnaic Model? Not an Essence model(Like the mind of everyone in Creation and the Wyld), but directly a Shimnaic one: Something which would cause our little Exalt to become the first of her kind, and something definitely strange and not human.

Like a Raksha!

*Submerge once again*
This is why Nyalry is dangerous, by the way

Not in the lense of enemy or ally, but sheer subtlty. Only Luci can compare, and theres a reason why his direct intervention tends to pay off, barring extraordinary circumstances

Sooo, yeah, this is pretty clearly the fourth chara. The question is if Amu merged with it, or whether it was subsumed entirely?

That ending text was too mechanical otherwise. So the question becomes what caused it if thats what its like while its not Amu.

If the other sidereal hadnt already been confirmed to be in another universe, id hazard a guess that Luci or Midori had implanted it into the chara back in the velvet room, but thats impossible, so its probably directed related to the most relevant exaltation, namely ours

Narl did hint that it was no longer merely a Chara...


Thats it!

The exchange of rulesets wasnt one sided! Luci/Mudori repurposed the fourth chara into an interface allowing for the exalted and forces of Chaos to reach a mutual understanding of each others mechanics, thus enabling dialogue AND analogues!

Dont let Midori touch the egg!
TehChron said:
Im even less familiar with Shugo Chara than Exalted at this point

No idea what to take from that
Well, from what I've read in the threads, a lot of the plots involved people trying to touch someone else's chara egg for nefarious purposes. I'm pretty sure the antagonists have given up on that sort of thing in light of the end of the world and Amu becoming cosmic enough to step on them if they do something that even she can't tolerate.
I had no idea before this started.

I still have little idea, save that it's apparently a coming of age story that's sort of pseudo-magical girl? I don't know what the fuck, it's not really my cup of tea, though I did some cursory research and found the first OP to be pretty catchy.
Winged One said:
Well, from what I've read in the threads, a lot of the plots involved people trying to touch someone else's chara egg for nefarious purposes. I'm pretty sure the antagonists have given up on that sort of thing in light of the end of the world and Amu becoming cosmic enough to step on them if they do something that even she can't tolerate.
...Well played Baughn.

Well played indeed
TehChron said:
...Well played Baughn.

Well played indeed
But there are so many plots you could be referring to, which one is it? :O

Really, you should probably be a bit less coy. I don't consider details of what happened in Nocturne to be spoilers, because it's an alternate universe; things can (and probably will) happen differently here.
Things have already happened differently, because People are alive holy shit

That alone would go a long way to keeping the Demi-Fiend from going True Demon, because it's harder to justify "Fuck the World" when you'll actually be responsible for megadeaths doing so, rather then just letting them stay dead.
I imagine he would be.

They probably expected saving a couple more people, not Literally preserving everything and everyone that could be saved.
Baughn said:
But there are so many plots you could be referring to, which one is it? :O

Really, you should probably be a bit less coy. I don't consider details of what happened in Nocturne to be spoilers, because it's an alternate universe; things can (and probably will) happen differently here.
Well, not just with nocturne, but SMT stuff in general

Ill keep that in mind as more stuff becomes relevant, though. I dont want to talk people into the wrong decision just because things happened one way in canon

Only you know just to what extent ripples have affected things, you know? Dont want to jump to too many conclusions
So, just realized that if Megaten humanity is as crippled and held down as people are saying, maybe this is going to turn into a scaling up of Shugo Chara's coming-of-age themes.