Green is the colour of protection. The mother's embrace, the father's strength, the shield which will protect you forever. The wall behind which you need not fear the world, the shroud that hides you from your friends. I am all these things and more. Use me, for none will protect you better than I.
There once was a girl.
She had a friend, born on the same day, and her friend had her. Time passed, the girls grew. Her friend lost her family, destroyed by black madness, but the girls still had each other. Their schoolmates asked for friendship and gave their hate with equal fervour, and were rebuffed; they were each other's other half, which was enough.
Then, one day, the girl thought to care for a little bird. The bird was beautiful, and her friend didn't mind, yet their time together was all too brief. They soon drifted apart, the pressures of school too great for their nascent friendship, which the young bird felt could never compete with the strength of the older. Her thoughts grew heavy, her bonds weak; she let herself be dragged down, to a lower limit than her own, and joined with the deadened mistress of that place.
The girl was distraught when she realised what had happened. Ignoring her first and foremost friend, she cried out and threw the world aside for the sake of the bird; invited bedlam into her heart and descended, all for the sake of their mutual return. She received another self, in that place. A girl in blue, whose mind was her own, and whose resolve was her life. They fought the bird, destroying a part of her that the remainder might live, then returned together.
The girl and the bird were closer, from that day on. This caused her older friend, who could only cope with the world through that friendship, to despair; losing her strength, she fell into a nightmare with no return.
When the girl saw this, she cried out -
Black is the colour of insanity. Strength beyond reason, reason beyond reality, nightmare and dream as one. Black is the colour of the void, simultaneously all colours and none. Use us. Nothing will stand in your way but your own mind.
There once was a girl. A different girl, perhaps; a reflection in a broken mirror.
She had a friend, another child her age. They were friends, and close as friends could be, until one day her friend lost her family. For reasons beyond her understanding, sins that were none of her own, failures she could not have avoided - for all these reasons her friend was rejected by everyone including the girl, and rejected the world in turn, preferring instead to live a heated dream of violence.
She had strength, that friend, strength enough to stay by the girl when she returned. Strength enough to find another girl, in time, mirroring a friendship that could not have been. The world mending itself, as it is wont to do.
The girl - the younger girl, with kind blue eyes - found a young bird, one who had been burdened with chains, and resolved to break the chains. Like the world had been broken, so had the boundaries between Limits: The thoughts of one limit was the reality of another, if not vice versa, but the shattered world ensured that this had always been the case. This was a crueler world, where a young girl's thoughts to help could hurt another's deeper self, a world on the edge of destruction, but happy endings were still a possibility. The young bird recovered, as did her younger sister.
The friend, who was as close to the girl as if they had been born on the same day, this time didn't mind; she had the strength not to, though nothing else. But this was not enough, for the girl had found other friends, and making them all happy was too hard. Yet the girl persevered, even taking control of her deeper self when she learned of how it could control them in return; yet the girl succeeded, twisting nightmare into dream at the cost of her sanity.
Her choice of timing was, perhaps, unfortunate; at any other time, it might have worked. It was only through the sacrifice of her friend's Strength that she escaped. But though she celebrated the victory, and hugged her Yuu, it did not take long before she realised they had been two sides of the same coin. Without the one, the other could not prosper.
When she understood this, the girl returned to her Other, and the two - in unison - cried out.
Blue is the colour of the shattered world. Hold me, and I will teach you to control time; use me, and we will dance on the fragments. Blue is the colour of miracles, of the trillion-to-one chance reached through inevitable effort, of the mind that cares not for reward and will never give up, will never accept the truth, will never see an end to its search.
There once was a girl. A kind girl, who never wished anyone ill, but whose actions belied this fact. Whenever things got too hard, the egg too difficult to unscramble, she would take the easy route and shatter the world.
In the end, the only one she destroyed was herself.
All the easy routes only lead down. Or haven't you understood anything?
Upcoming: Black Impulse
The story of a girl caught in the gears of the world
A/N: This is something I'll be working on whenever I find the time, and am otherwise waiting for votes. It may or may not be questive. Expect updates to be slow, but relatively consistent. It's also set in Amu's world, on the fringes; same setting, same story, same time, but unlikely to directly interact.
Can you guess the crossover?