Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

[X] Be a child, and have fun with your friends.

... Septentrions are involved, and the Murdercone has begun Murderconing.

What are Septentrions, and what additional problems can we expect from Dubhe/Murdercone?
I'm not sure what to do here.

The first one is good for relaxing but gets her hopes up that she'll never be involved in all this stuff again. And False Hope to me is worse than the other option, which is that it was here to stay and she would be getting involved again, which she will.

The third option sounds like delaying more than anything which could work as well, especially if she sleeps the rest of the repairs away.

[X] Ask Nadeshiko what she knows about Dubhe.

Because I hate False Hope.
Winged One said:
What are Septentrions, and what additional problems can we expect from Dubhe/Murdercone?
I call Dubhe the MURDERCONE because...

Well, it literally looks like a demented ice-cream cone.

That aside, the Septentrions are Polaris' (The "Administrator" of the World before Kagutsuchi pulled the plug) cleaners. They show up to get rid of what parts of the world survived in Devil Survivor 2 canon. While Demons are based off of humanity's subconscious, a Septentrion is just incredibly Alien in nature.

This is... Bad. Dubhe's defenses are preposterously good, it takes ramming it in the Ice Cream while it's getting ready to explode with a fucking tanker truck to make it vulnerable to harm in DS2.

And the next Septentrion is full out Evangelion Angel size and firepower. This is Not Good, especially with Amu damaged and the Exaltation offline. Dubhe would be tough even with the Exaltation online.

Good news? If the Septentrions are active, it also means that Alcor is, and he's a Genuinely Good Guy
tq343 said:
Any point in stunting this vote?
Stunting gives you bonus points, always.
Cornix Argentus said:
Oh. Wow. I did not even consider that they might be brought along with us. And I'm not entirely sure if they arrived one each day or if they just started their attack each day. That's going to be... interesting.
Hey, Dubhe was mentioned in the explicitly-sorta-canonical omake. :p
Winged One said:
What are Septentrions, and what additional problems can we expect from Dubhe/Murdercone?
It means we're dealing with a major catalyst for change.

Basically, the murdercone is going around doing shit. That means that the Desu2 plot is now under way, and JPS may be getting some reinforcements. We're gonna need to think of a way to keep Hotsuin Yamato from using the Desu2 protagonist as an excuse to force us out of things so he can continue with his machinations.


The problem isnt Truckolodyne, it's keeping the murdercone still long enough for it to matter. And if it's unpredictable, then we're going to be getting ripples

Lots and lots of ripples

...Ask about it. We shouldn't strain ourselves, but we need to be in the thick of things so that we're aware of the developing situation.

[x] Groan in frustration, check to see if the link with your Exalt has repaired. Ask Nadeshiko for information on the way as you search for the nearest authority figure to take you back into JPS HQ downstairs. You can't do anything right now, but there's still the Dragon Ring.

People are out there, dying at seemingly random. There's got to be something you can do.
Ninth said:
The problem with using Desu2 is that the game time is only 8 days wth no resting time at all. Unless it's possible to delay one, we have to clear the event before dealing with SMT3 storyline. ----> Need Demon App as it's constant fighting all the way

Misread as Persona3

Man i need coffee

But Desu2 and everything related to JPS as a powerbase is immediate and highly relevant. It needs to be taken care of.
Cornix Argentus said:
Considering it seemed willing to stay still long enough to deal with something when they were (theoretically, at least) capable of fighting back and needed time to prepare an explosion, a few summoners might be able to hold Dubhe in one area for a bit of time. The impenetrable defense is something that would be more of an issue. From the looks of it, what destroyed the defense was it's own explosion going off inside it, so forcing that is looking like the best way to deal with them. A truck might not be needed, but something that can push the bomb part into the cone right before it detonates is needed to make that particular plan happen. And finding that out IC.
Not gonna find that out just from talking to Nadeshiko
Noting that Exaltation seems to be still offline. Any exertion at this point might damage Amu further. So talking to Nadeshiko might be a middle of the road option, to learn and prepare. If we just head into action Amu isn't in a shape to fight properly yet.
We're no good for any fights until at least the Exaltation is online again, so I want to avoid any options that might lead us into one (Or otherwise force Amu to exert herself).
veekie said:
Noting that Exaltation seems to be still offline. Any exertion at this point might damage Amu further. So talking to Nadeshiko might be a middle of the road option, to learn and prepare. If we just head into action Amu isn't in a shape to fight properly yet.
Finding out what exactly is going on is hardly the most exerting option

Especially if we use the elevator this time
Alectai said:
We're no good for any fights until at least the Exaltation is online again, so I want to avoid any options that might lead us into one (Or otherwise force Amu to exert herself).
And like I said, there really isn't anything to do, but the problem with people like Yamato is that they're fully capable of doing stuff behind our back, thus making our lives significantly more difficult.

If he sees us as indispensable, with respectable work ethic, he'll fight tooth and nail as an ally along with Alcor. If we just sit back and let events unfold from here, he'll re-prioritize people he considers to be more useful. People that actually show up during a crisis. I keep saying this, because it bears repeating, but the forces of Law are going to come to us first once they arrive.

And Hotsuin Yamato is in no position to keep them from just mindfucking everyone into PRAISING THA LAWD without having some kind of emotional tether to grab on to.
veekie said:
Compassion 5. Amu would feel compelled to intervene if she knows the details.
She already would be the second the murdercone got brought up, and even moreso once she finds out anything even resembling details from Nadeshiko.

This way saves time and demonstrates critical thinking skills, something which has already been acknowledged as a result of the increasing merger with Amu's chara. Again, Yamato is someone that respects punctuality and the ability to fall into ranks. If we're too tired from keeping Japan afloat to do anything, Hotsuin will just censor the information we receive so that we don't exert ourselves and strain perhaps his single biggest trump card.

A trump card we can eventually cause him to become emotionally attached to. With the power of friendship. Or Nakama Punch. Or something.

We have options.
Perhaps an alternative approach should be considered? The murder cone is after all partially a problem because it's doing things not possible in normal physics, but seemingly are possible for it in the current situation. What if Amu tried to find ways to restrict its abilities and strength further via the Dragon Seal? She already picked up all the knowledge for such already anyway...

On that note, a new attempt in trying to wake up Dia might be useful, she does have craft skills that are relevant to such an attempt. Though one would have to phrase it right... Hmmm, perhaps something like that Amu should have some concern if her 4th Chara is still ok after all the recent strain and make some mild attempts to see if it will wake up. It's kind of inconvenient that she's not able to look after herself yet either... not that she isn't willing to do so of course, but there are a lot of problems going on right now after all. And she might have some useful skills to help as well! All her other chara have skills that have turned out to be useful at times. And it would be an extra set of hands and an extra mind regardless!! | Some thing like that I guess.


In any case, if you could even just slow down its teleporting around a bit, it would allow for a more effective response to be mounted. It's not like there's a point for her to run from one location to the next after all, always behind it, never catching up, just exhausting herself to no gain. Using up time that she could have instead used to make the lives for everyone safer with her knowledge and ability to improve the seal instead. Not to mention what if it tried attacking the seal itself? Surely being on location would be important?

(And of course... it might be important if the forces of Law don't discover her all to soon, I don't think they like her. They probably know via Kagutsuchi already that an individual caused this disaster and if they can identify who it was....)


Any one have a good idea in how to condense those ideas in to something a bit simpler?
[x] Ask Nadeshiko what she knows about Dubhe.
-[x] You're obviously not in any shape to get involved in a direct confrontation, but the Exaltation's gifts were many, and there may still be a way for you to support their efforts while you recover; be it by treating the injured, assisting in analysis and tactical planning, or some other way to apply your recently granted knowledge and skills.

She does remember the conversation with Nyarl...So she could be suspicious about Dia, the question is if she's the type to focus on that kind of thing in the face of an impending crisis or not
........ said:
[x] Ask Nadeshiko what she knows about Dubhe.
-[x] You're obviously not in any shape to get involved in a direct confrontation, but the Exaltation's gifts were many, and there may still be a way for you to support their efforts while you recover; be it by treating the injured, assisting in analysis and tactical planning, or some other way to apply your recently granted knowledge and skills.
Still not going to get anything done while in the locked down building, though
Black Impulse: Trailer
Green is the colour of protection. The mother's embrace, the father's strength, the shield which will protect you forever. The wall behind which you need not fear the world, the shroud that hides you from your friends. I am all these things and more. Use me, for none will protect you better than I.

There once was a girl.

She had a friend, born on the same day, and her friend had her. Time passed, the girls grew. Her friend lost her family, destroyed by black madness, but the girls still had each other. Their schoolmates asked for friendship and gave their hate with equal fervour, and were rebuffed; they were each other's other half, which was enough.

Then, one day, the girl thought to care for a little bird. The bird was beautiful, and her friend didn't mind, yet their time together was all too brief. They soon drifted apart, the pressures of school too great for their nascent friendship, which the young bird felt could never compete with the strength of the older. Her thoughts grew heavy, her bonds weak; she let herself be dragged down, to a lower limit than her own, and joined with the deadened mistress of that place.

The girl was distraught when she realised what had happened. Ignoring her first and foremost friend, she cried out and threw the world aside for the sake of the bird; invited bedlam into her heart and descended, all for the sake of their mutual return. She received another self, in that place. A girl in blue, whose mind was her own, and whose resolve was her life. They fought the bird, destroying a part of her that the remainder might live, then returned together.

The girl and the bird were closer, from that day on. This caused her older friend, who could only cope with the world through that friendship, to despair; losing her strength, she fell into a nightmare with no return.

When the girl saw this, she cried out -

Black is the colour of insanity. Strength beyond reason, reason beyond reality, nightmare and dream as one. Black is the colour of the void, simultaneously all colours and none. Use us. Nothing will stand in your way but your own mind.

There once was a girl. A different girl, perhaps; a reflection in a broken mirror.

She had a friend, another child her age. They were friends, and close as friends could be, until one day her friend lost her family. For reasons beyond her understanding, sins that were none of her own, failures she could not have avoided - for all these reasons her friend was rejected by everyone including the girl, and rejected the world in turn, preferring instead to live a heated dream of violence.

She had strength, that friend, strength enough to stay by the girl when she returned. Strength enough to find another girl, in time, mirroring a friendship that could not have been. The world mending itself, as it is wont to do.

The girl - the younger girl, with kind blue eyes - found a young bird, one who had been burdened with chains, and resolved to break the chains. Like the world had been broken, so had the boundaries between Limits: The thoughts of one limit was the reality of another, if not vice versa, but the shattered world ensured that this had always been the case. This was a crueler world, where a young girl's thoughts to help could hurt another's deeper self, a world on the edge of destruction, but happy endings were still a possibility. The young bird recovered, as did her younger sister.

The friend, who was as close to the girl as if they had been born on the same day, this time didn't mind; she had the strength not to, though nothing else. But this was not enough, for the girl had found other friends, and making them all happy was too hard. Yet the girl persevered, even taking control of her deeper self when she learned of how it could control them in return; yet the girl succeeded, twisting nightmare into dream at the cost of her sanity.

Her choice of timing was, perhaps, unfortunate; at any other time, it might have worked. It was only through the sacrifice of her friend's Strength that she escaped. But though she celebrated the victory, and hugged her Yuu, it did not take long before she realised they had been two sides of the same coin. Without the one, the other could not prosper.

When she understood this, the girl returned to her Other, and the two - in unison - cried out.

Blue is the colour of the shattered world. Hold me, and I will teach you to control time; use me, and we will dance on the fragments. Blue is the colour of miracles, of the trillion-to-one chance reached through inevitable effort, of the mind that cares not for reward and will never give up, will never accept the truth, will never see an end to its search.

There once was a girl. A kind girl, who never wished anyone ill, but whose actions belied this fact. Whenever things got too hard, the egg too difficult to unscramble, she would take the easy route and shatter the world.

In the end, the only one she destroyed was herself.

All the easy routes only lead down. Or haven't you understood anything?

Upcoming: Black Impulse
The story of a girl caught in the gears of the world

A/N: This is something I'll be working on whenever I find the time, and am otherwise waiting for votes. It may or may not be questive. Expect updates to be slow, but relatively consistent. It's also set in Amu's world, on the fringes; same setting, same story, same time, but unlikely to directly interact.

Can you guess the crossover?
Baughn said:
Sekirei has a plot. A plot, as in singular.
It's Black Rock Shooter.
Ah. All that talk of birds and blue and black and shattering the world and "friend who gave her life for younger girl" made me think you were writing from the view of Karasuba.
Quickshot0 said:
You can't do work on the seal in the locked down building? You can't help people? You can't help organize things?
No, actually

Amu doesnt have the knowledge for it without her Exaltation, the Dragon Seal is waaaaaay down underground and she needs to physically stand in it in order to use it properly, and she can't organize things if the people there don't answer to her in the first place. She can certainly influence the guards on the barracks she's in to let her out, but she's not going to get much done with just those guys. Remember, Amu isnt in charge right now. Hotsuin Yamato is, and a Serpentarion is milling about the country, so they're naturally falling back on SOP until a response is organized.

If we want to be a part of the solution, we need to be where the decisions are made. Simple as that.