Shards of a Broken Sun [Deprecated; see link in final post for remake]

Timaeus said:
What is Unity of the Closed Fist? Also the BRS stuff is for a separate fanfic/quest that has nothing to do with Shards of a broken Sun.
Unity of the Closed fist is a Solar Circle Spell which allow five peoples to fuse together, and gain additional power; by using the Unlocked Humpty lock on various Personae/Charas/Otherselfes of the peoples we will be fusing with, we will probably become an horrible threat to almost everything.

Unluckyly the GM neutralized the easy way of learning sorcery, and reaching essence 5 will be difficult anyway.

Luckyly, by following the rules of the Oadenols Codex( the crafting book of exalted second edition) four dots artifacts(Which we will be capable of creating thanks to a craft charm) can replicate the effects of any celestial level charm with four or five essence, which will potentially allow us to create a way of creating Five Dots artifacts, which can replicate Solar level Sorcery, thus allowing us to use Unity of the Closed Fist without being a solar circle sorcerer.
al103 said:
Well given that it's fusion... Other World reminds me of Vortex Worlds... Which it probably is here.
Yeah thought of that, kind of, as well. Like I said Mid-High Level Demons :D And they are going to be protecting their Real-Selves, that's pretty much everything they're about. And they're altogether as well... :D This will be glorious. (... Well I hope, like I said GM interpretation is worth a lot of weight with BRS)
ShadowAngelBeta said:
... HAHAHAHHAHAHAH! Fuck YES! You have Black*Rock Shooter here as well.
More specifically, OVA and anime continuity. Yes, both of them.
Giygas said:
And Baughn: do you really want to add Black Rock Shooter to the list of things we will fuse with, thanks to our future Unity of the Closed fist artifact?
If you can pull that on off, sure, why not. You'd already be including the likes of Nyarly and Igor.
al103 said:
Anybody knowing franchise better care to tell how many Apocalypses it add to the mix? At least one, but I'm really not sure if it's not two...
None, actually. BRS doesn't take place on that kind of scale; it's purely about Matou and her friends.

Let's say that, if Amu's story gives us the view from the top, this one is street-level. They're unlikely to directly cross over because of the scale difference, but cameos are likely.
Baughn said:
BRS doesn't take place on that kind of scale; it's purely about Matou and her friends.
*looks on the game* Well, it's that is if you take most probable origins of Other World from the equation. If not... well things suddenly don't look so shiny and rainbows any more. Or even without chance of game being origin of Other World said Other World looks very suspicious...
TehChron said:
It means we're dealing with a major catalyst for change.

Basically, the murdercone is going around doing shit. That means that the Desu2 plot is now under way, and JPS may be getting some reinforcements. We're gonna need to think of a way to keep Hotsuin Yamato from using the Desu2 protagonist as an excuse to force us out of things so he can continue with his machinations.


The problem isnt Truckolodyne, it's keeping the murdercone still long enough for it to matter. And if it's unpredictable, then we're going to be getting ripples

Lots and lots of ripples

...Ask about it. We shouldn't strain ourselves, but we need to be in the thick of things so that we're aware of the developing situation.

[x] Groan in frustration, check to see if the link with your Exalt has repaired. Ask Nadeshiko for information on the way as you search for the nearest authority figure to take you back into JPS HQ downstairs. You can't do anything right now, but there's still the Dragon Ring.

People are out there, dying at seemingly random. There's got to be something you can do.
For the record, this is what I'm suggesting.

Just Amu acknowledging theres not a whole lot she can do from right here
TehChron said:

Alright, let's look at it this way. How do you see going that route playing out?
I imagine that he'll allow her some things, so long as they don't impinge on his ability to control them. And probably he'd use Fumi as a filter to make sure all things should be as they should. That way he can continue to make use of her, while further checking on her reliability, while staying in control.

There's no real reason to think she'll break or warp the seal in ways you don't want at this point really anyway, as she had a perfectly good set of opportunities before, like when she was alone in the room with Fumi. So in a sense kicking her out there and not allowing access for any reason at all would be revoking a trust you'd given her previously anyway, a trust she'd already shown you could rely on her keeping.

So over all it seems like a win-win situation to me really. He loses nothing and potentially gains new things, while she gets a chance to show how useful she can truly be.
al103 said:
*looks on the game* Well, it's that is if you take most probable origins of Other World from the equation. If not... well things suddenly don't look so shiny and rainbows any more. Or even without chance of game being origin of Other World said Other World looks very suspicious...
The nice thing about BRS' canon is that there are so many to choose from. :p

Matou exists in this vortex world, not a different one, but the Otherworld is a place very similar to the other side of the TV; not quite real, more a manifestation of the collective unconscious - or a very small part of it. The Otherselves, while very impressive in that realm, aren't going to be nearly as overpowered if someone drags one out to fight a demon.

I've also added a small bit of Turgor/The Void, but more to flavour the text than anything else.
Quickshot0 said:
I imagine that he'll allow her some things, so long as they don't impinge on his ability to control them. And probably he'd use Fumi as a filter to make sure all things should be as they should. That way he can continue to make use of her, while further checking on her reliability, while staying in control.

There's no real reason to think she'll break or warp the seal in ways you don't want at this point really anyway, as she had a perfectly good set of opportunities before, like when she was alone in the room with Fumi. So in a sense kicking her out there and not allowing access for any reason at all would be revoking a trust you'd given her previously anyway, a trust she'd already shown you could rely on her keeping.

So over all it seems like a win-win situation to me really. He loses nothing and potentially gains new things, while she gets a chance to show how useful she can truly be.
Alright, so long as we don't go in there with a mindset that we can go in there and expect to be in the driver's seat, then there shouldn't be a problem.
Baughn said:
The nice thing about BRS' canon is that there are so many to choose from. :p

Matou exists in this vortex world, not a different one, but the Otherworld is a place very similar to the other side of the TV; not quite real, more a manifestation of the collective unconscious - or a very small part of it. The Otherselves, while very impressive in that realm, aren't going to be nearly as overpowered if someone drags one out to fight a demon.

I've also added a small bit of Turgor/The Void, but more to flavour the text than anything else.
Aww... But, but... *Sigh* I like my Juggernauts and Firepower... :(
Vaalintine said:
[X] Be a child, and have fun with your friends.
-[X] Stunt: You may have to go back into the fray once your powers come back online, so make the most of it while you can.

Getting on Yamato's good side I can definetly support, but when it comes down to it he really just seems to want himself on the top of the pile. If we want to sway him, we're going to need to convince him that whatever Reason we follow is "Powerful". That, and become very popular in JPs so that if he ever does try and overturn us at a crucial moment it would undermine him.
The Exaltation wont be back up for another 10 hours, and there's still stuff that can be done without its assistance

Ignoring this crisis would do literally irreparable harm to his view of Amu, because theres no way he didnt receive a report notifying him the moment we woke up. It's best to take the initiative before he decides that Amu is just a child, rather than a potential equal and comrade.

And again: There's no reason to antagonize him. Yamato isnt the one we need to worry about cutting us off from JPS in a crucial moment in an internal power struggle. That is going to be the forces of Law. And I'm saying we'll need him because no matter what we try to do, JPS is going to be their opening move in an attempt to gain a foothold in the Vortex World. It's just too perfect for their purposes to ignore. And the Desu2 party is simply far, far too weak to stand against an Alpha Strike of that caliber divided. Even including Alcor in that, who's simply around Yamato's level for now, rather than anything truly special in the grand scheme of things.
Not only just as TehChron just said, but Amu herself has Compassion 5, she might not forgive herself even if she was tired at the time, if she didn't do something when she could. Not to mention as such, that with that rating if it doesn't resolve quickly, that she might end up running out the building to chase it because she 'has to do something'. Probably better to go along with her natural inclinations and suggest purposes and ways to her that fit her internal narrative.

In this regard, gently trying to wake up Dia to make sure she is alright after all the problems, would fit her lines of thinking, it's a compassionate thing to do. Also it would relieve her of having to watch her as much, leaving her more time to do things herself, which also fits her compassion.

After that she and perhaps her Chara can go and try and make themselves useful in various ways. Specifically Amu could consider this attacking by a murder cone to be due to the seal not being good enough. And considering that it's constantly jumping around anyway and is near impossible to catch right now, perhaps improving the seal could reduce its threat and allow the organization to finally put a stop to it. Which again channels her compassion in to a useful route.

The above also keeps her from running outside where the Law and Chaos factions would find it much easier to identify her and try to 'acquire' or terminate her. Which in her current state is more easily achieved as well.


Perhaps some one else has a better idea on what to do though? I'm sure there are other ways one could go with the various natures of Amu after all.
Like I said:
[x] Groan in frustration, check to see if the link with your Exalt has repaired. Ask Nadeshiko for information on the way as you search for the nearest authority figure to take you back into JPS HQ downstairs. You can't do anything right now, but there's still the Dragon Ring.

People are out there, dying at seemingly random. There's got to be something you can do.

Its a decent start that covers the necessary bases, but it can be easily touched up and improved upon with whatever works.
TehChron said:
Alright, so long as we don't go in there with a mindset that we can go in there and expect to be in the driver's seat, then there shouldn't be a problem.
Well, us(and Exaltation) aside, Amu would pretty much just hope she can be allowed to help, at least going by her Virtue spread. If denied she'd find another way to assist, not try to seize control unless nothing else would do..
TehChron said:
Like I said:

Its a decent start that covers the necessary bases, but it can be easily touched up and improved upon with whatever works.
The last time we tried to do anything in regards to our Exaltation we gained a point of limit from the stress. It'll tell Amu when it becomes available. There's no need to risk when you already know the answer.
Cytokinesis said:
The last time we tried to do anything in regards to our Exaltation we gained a point of limit from the stress. It'll tell Amu when it becomes available. There's no need to risk when you already know the answer.
Then we can skip that, check on Dia, and move on to the JPS underground.

[x]Ask Nadeshiko about the Demon attacks, check the egg of the new Chara to see if there's been any change. See how your other Charas are doing, then find someone to take you down to JPS headquarters.

People are dying out there, seemingly at random. There's got to be something you can do to help.
[X] Be a child, and have fun with your friends.
-[X] Stunt: You may have to go back into the fray once your powers come back online, so make the most of it while you can.

Amu has friends. I like her friends. They should get their time to shine too, and they aren't going to get that if Amu is constantly making a martyr of herself, worrying them and her family.
[X] Be a child, and have fun with your friends.
-[X] Stunt: You may have to go back into the fray once your powers come back online, so make the most of it while you can.

Anyone who doesn't take "Any use of my powers would cause mental damage" as an excuse for something no one's even asked us about is an idiot.
[X] Be a child, and have fun with your friends.
-[X] Stunt: You may have to go back into the fray once your powers come back online, so make the most of it while you can.

Seriously though, I can't stress enough. What Amu is operating on is the equivilent of having a spiritual broken arm, and the Exaltation hasn't been able to put a proper cast on it yet--so Any usage of power or over stress risks aggravating the injury.

She deserves a little downtime after what she's pulled, and on the street level, DeSu canon should remain relatively unchanged, which means we'll get some potentially potent Demon Tamers showing up soon, including a Megaten Protagonist.
Alectai said:
DeSu canon should remain relatively unchanged, which means we'll get some potentially potent Demon Tamers showing up soon, including a Megaten Protagonist.
It's the evening of Sunday, and Dubhe is still alive.
Uh, shit.

Not sure then, Dubhe is pretty bullshit, and he only died canonically because they got lucky.

Going to have to hope JPs is up to the job. Because Amu doesn't have the Essence or the strength to win a fight against a Septentrion.
Alectai said:
Uh, shit.

Not sure then, Dubhe is pretty bullshit, and he only died canonically because they got lucky.

Going to have to hope JPs is up to the job. Because Amu doesn't have the Essence or the strength to win a fight against a Septentrion.
That's why some suggested she go to the seal instead and see if one could undermine Dubhe from there instead, it also allows improving Amu's standing with in JP.
Even just showing up at JPS itself to see if she can help alone would do wonders

Its not like they'd actively try and work her to death when the situation is only just starting
Vaalintine said:
We may be a Solar, but we can't deal with everything. The DS2 Protagonist isn't going to just up and kick the bucket because we weren't there to hold his hand. Heck, he's the one who keeps others from biting the bullet.
Missing the point entirely.

It's not about us going in there to solve the problem, its about using that as an IC pretext to further Amu's position within the organization overall, thus giving her and, through her, the Exaltation, a better grasp of the developing situation.

Information is power, and dismissing that simply because people want to give side characters development time when it can just as easily be done with a heroic team up later on is foolishness.