the issue is by word of gm modern forces are already trained past the point of quick and easy boosts. There is not that much beyond leadership we can do to directly increase the effectiveness of modern troops. Turning ourselves into high-end strategic archery artillery would actually be a fairly effective way to boost our fighting ability. Being able to call down a storm of golden arrows would be a big force multiplier, and I believe we would only need a few charms to do that.
Considering the nukes issues with harming high level entities... it's probably likely that some how giving extra weight to a modern day armies ability could help a lot. Either by giving soldiers some kind of level of 'magic', or alternately perhaps by trying to improve the seal to make normal 'physics' count more heavily against invaders... or perhaps do both.
Reinforcing the seal would help with the outer areas in general any way, as well as make it harder to break down further parts of reality...
I guess alternately Amu could try learning to make new pieces of stable reality herself?
Maybe? I'm a 3rd year physics major and I'm only grasping what he and Baughn are talking about abstractly. Hell if I could try to explain it much less use it myself. That bit is basically saying that demons are sitting outside reality and figuring out how to get in by making themselves appear like humans metaphysically? I think? ... Probably not honestly and someone will correct me and I'll feel like an ass and slink off trying to forget my shame somewhere else.
As some what mentioned, it probably means all humans come from the same root. And considering the interactions between Exa and Exo and them having a key they could agree with on each other, this seems pretty much confirmed for Exalted and SMT humanity.
There Autochthon was responsible for the original design of Exa, it seems quite likely this key came from him. And considering Autochthon was involved in creating that reality and considering things like Exa were considered some of the highest grade of what is possible. This implies that Autochthon must have been in contact with humans, as well as acquired human technology that apparently allows for the creation of ultra-tech.
And thus possibly the Primordials used human technology to create a reality that will support humans, with kind of human like physics as long as one doesn't look to deep. When one thinks about it like that, this seems a bit to much to be just a coincidence, no? One can start wondering what the Origin of the Primordials was in general due to this...
And if that's the case for them... what does that say for the SMT reality? Another place which has human ultra-tech in it, which is built in a some what different way (but still decipherable for Exa) to create a human physics environment... Does this mean that God possibly has a valid sign key from the Rindler as well?
Thus... are all these realities in the end from the same root?
have you seen the in a nutshell video about vacuum collapse? it's a bit like that with an area of space with one set of physical laws existing within a larger area of space with different physical laws. However someone figured out a way to cross over from one set to another and into a form that can support their mind on the other end of the divide.
so we have at play 4 sets of physics. Motanic physcs which is what our exaltation runs on, simulated physics which earth runs on, metaphysics which the realms that demons live in run on, and ladder physics which is a universe that exists outside the metaphysics universe. Exalts are partially made to be able to function in hostile realities and force the local laws of physics into compliance, so we may be able to move between these systems at some point if we take the right charms.
It wouldn't be strange if the ladder physics is fundamental in this case though, and that the various more conceptual realities are something constructed on top of it then. Conceptual realities being inherently stable in this setup would after all be kind of strange, and this is possibly some what confirmed in how with out active support both Exalted and SMT human physics realities collapse. Which implies they are non-stable states.
Thus leaving one to wonder about the realm the demons live in really...