I have a feeling that's likely to vary a lot by state and socioeconomic bracket.

I was thinking that as well with perhaps some weighting with the lower caste and untouchables have worse diets so maybe the merchants and warriors we usually encounter will be taller but still I worry more about standing out on the street standing taller than the average male around.
I was thinking that as well with perhaps some weighting with the lower caste and untouchables have worse diets so maybe the merchants and warriors we usually encounter will be taller but still I worry more about standing out on the street standing taller than the average male around.
Worry? About standing out? Just further proof of Hiei's intrinsic weakness. :V
I am worrying a bit, Hiei would not worry about standing out. Though when you get black bagged Hiei will know enough to run from the HRT you 1 v 5ed

"I'm a goddamn golden god darling!"
-Deirdre's last words

I feel like this character is solidifying to an amalgam of Rarity and Dennis Reynolds. It's terrifying and exhilarating.
Well, it is in a dangerous neighborhood, but c'mon. You just need to be more dangerous than the neighbors though!

Weird I do not see the dangerous neighborhood on the sheet. That also removes it as an option. My character'set place is full of drones, parts, and stuff like that so not sure if people want to meet there.
Weird I do not see the dangerous neighborhood on the sheet. That also removes it as an option. My character'set place is full of drones, parts, and stuff like that so not sure if people want to meet there.
Odd that doesn't show up, it's there. Guess it only gives that stuff in the Chummer file. Anyway, it's nice. Has a shooting range, pool, and there's a club nearby. But if we really want to go to the...apartment, apartment, apartment in a bad neighborhood.... Hmmm, such tantalizing options! :p
SO what do your character's do in their free time? Like Hiei parties, dives, bar crawls. and just finds random shit to do?

Mostly play video games or take care of her little half-brother Ryan. Bar crawls and a 4'11" girl who looks like a little kid don't exactly mesh well, even if she could get in with her Aster Finch ID and probably charm her way into a small discount too.

But in regards to a meeting place, you could meet at Aster's apartment. But if you swear in front of the 6 year old kid, she'll probably shoot you, then hand you off to her Street Doc friend/surrogate father figure to... 'fix' you. So probably not the best idea.
Mostly play video games or take care of her little half-brother Ryan. Bar crawls and a 4'11" girl who looks like a little kid don't exactly mesh well, even if she could get in with her Aster Finch ID and probably charm her way into a small discount too.

But in regards to a meeting place, you could meet at Aster's apartment. But if you swear in front of the 6 year old kid, she'll probably shoot you, then hand you off to her Street Doc friend/surrogate father figure to... 'fix' you. So probably not the best idea.

So far we seem to have a decent mix of interests among characters.

Alright so meeting places:
Briar Patch: Low lifestyle
Deirdre: Dangerous neighborhood and gets attacked at least once a month
Patchwork Cat: Has a witness
Kes: Dangerous neighborhood

I think the best meeting place is my character's house it seems, normal neighborhood and medium lifestyle so we are not particularly likely to be interrupted or attacked. This will likely need to all come up IC, Hiei will not want to volunteer her place but also will not want to go to dangerous neighborhoods without good reason unless she has a guarantee from whoever is running those places.
Alright so meeting places:
Briar Patch: Low lifestyle
Deirdre: Dangerous neighborhood and gets attacked at least once a month
Patchwork Cat: Has a witness
Kes: Dangerous neighborhood
It's worth noting that Deirdre's neighborhood is relatively dangerous. The effect drops security response by one tier from a AA neighborhood to an A neighborhood. So it goes from 1d6+4 minutes response time to 2d6+3. Plus, you don't know about her visitors yet, and since they're scaled for her anyone that wants to run up against the whole crew will be leaving in pieces. :p
So I went over my sheet, remaking it from scratch because the original chummer file had already been set to career mode. I can't remember for the life of me how to get it to a decent .pdf format; will figure that out again in the morning.
Character Sheet should be updated now, I think. Seems to be, at least.

Lifestyle boosted up to Medium (with workshop area for Magical Lodge), and I've made some slight adjustments to gear, spells and qualities; took a Mentor Spirit (the Fire-Bringer, giving +2 to Manipulation spells) and Quick Healer, which combined with my already high Counterspelling skill should provide a lot of utility for team support.
I'm gonna have to drop out, sorry. Work, school and sleep are messing with me. Thanks for considering my character. :)
Hmmm, who would party with Dierdre? I mean, plenty of fun for everyone after all, club's nearby, dealer is live in... Perfect storm of awesome right there. :D
Well, this sounded interesting, but all I've managed to cobble together while reading through to the last page is "Tricked out Terminator Bounty Hunter, riding the thin line between "just enough" and "Too many" cybernetics, that's in Mumbai because of a Hunt that ended up with his target downed, turned in, and later on waking up in the middle of some asshole trying to pry his "Other" arm off cause the left is gone."

I've mostly only got snippets of reactions like "His response to someone trying to use Kung Fu on him is to hamstring the guy with his forearm mounted shotgun"

Sounds like I'm too late anyway, though.