Rough character concept: Charming, dead-eyed elf with some low-key ware and enough drugs in her system to give you a contact high off her blood. Recently finished a job as a secretary-with-benefits for an Ares junior rep off the books and has shacked up with an ex-boyfriend and dealer from the Vory while she looks for more opportunities to upgrade and feed the beast. A bit sadistic, but professional and restrained as long as things haven't gone loud. Then, all's fair in love and war.
Rough character concept: Charming, dead-eyed elf with some low-key ware and enough drugs in her system to give you a contact high off her blood. Recently finished a job as a secretary-with-benefits for an Ares junior rep off the books and has shacked up with an ex-boyfriend and dealer from the Vory while she looks for more opportunities to upgrade and feed the beast. A bit sadistic, but professional and restrained as long as things haven't gone loud. Then, all's fair in love and war.
Sounds fine to me. Feel free to stat her up.
Page 418 of the core book says, "When contacts look for an item for you, they use their Negotiation and Charisma for the Availability Test, with their Connection Rating serving as a bonus to their Social limit."

How is their negotiation and charisma done? If my character has her naval officer friend get her some milspec gear what is the roll to acquire it?
I can't recall if there was an official errata for Cyber Snob to drop the points and the grade of the required ware to alpha. Is there, or might that be house ruled?

Edit: Went a different direction, though I'm there in spirit.
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Page 418 of the core book says, "When contacts look for an item for you, they use their Negotiation and Charisma for the Availability Test, with their Connection Rating serving as a bonus to their Social limit."

How is their negotiation and charisma done? If my character has her naval officer friend get her some milspec gear what is the roll to acquire it?
Under the Swag section in Contacts:

Swag: This is like networking, except you're specifically trying to buy or sell something. A contact can use her connections to find potential buyers or sellers. Contacts looking for traders follow the same procedures for Availability and Fencing Tests (p. 418) that PCs do, using their own Charisma and Negotiation skill instead of yours, along with their Connection rating as extra dice (they're better at it than you are). If you're willing to sweeten the deal for the potential trading partner, let your contact know in advance—they're good, but they're not psychic

So once you've written up your sheet, and it's approved, I'll get a sheet done for the naval officer.

And pro-tip: milspec gear is one way to get a HTR on your ass. it kind of ruins the game.
Thought it would be something significant, Maheshkumar is the 8/3 contact and is a relatively high ranking military officer she is sleeping with. Is that fine?
Assuming this is a Connection/Loyalty split, Chargen connection cannot be more then 6. You can max out loyalty instead though!
Gallowglass - Face/Infiltrator
Deirdre Ó Cearbhaill, aka Gallowglass

Product of black-site research in to combining prenatal gene-modification and Awakened abilities for a branch of the nÓg's spec ops with the intent of creating low-profile infiltatrators able to rapidly leverage combat enhancing drugs and abilities, Deirdre was in the small fraction of those that washed out when they failed to develop properly. Rejected from transfer to more conventional special forces due to marginal psych evals, she was disavowed and dumped in France to become Someone Else's Problem.

Using cunning and manipulation she slowly wormed her way in to the social fabric, going from tending bar to eventually running a boyfriend's fashion outlet. Yuri, the man in question, was a low ranking member of the Vory and the business was a front for their local drug operation. She quickly indulged, old conditioning and ware drawing her in like a moth to the flame. Noticing how well she handled herself, especially on the uppers, the Vory began using her for odd-jobs, intimidation, shake-downs, and eventually the odd bit of wetwork when they needed hands outside of the organization.

All good things had to pass though, and after one especially Kamikaze fueled bender she was on the run. Her friends covered the deaths, but the damage to reputations and business lost meant Deirdre was no longer welcome there.

Floating from run to assassination to day job, she finally fell in to a somewhat cushy gig acting as a negotiation aide for crews and corps. Her last job for an Ares suit brought her to Mumbai where she found Yuri. Old habits die hard and she decided to stay, splurging on an apartment for them and setting out to find some work in the shadows.

A willowy blonde elf, she tends to dress professionally and favors less ostentatious armored suits. She manages to exude charm and placidity in spite of her loathing for the unaugmented masses around her, but her cold green eyes are the portals in to the maelstrom of her soul.

Money, money, money.

Mina threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Starting Nuyen Total: 19
6 6 3 3 5 5 1 1 4 4
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Under the Swag section in Contacts:

So once you've written up your sheet, and it's approved, I'll get a sheet done for the naval officer.

And pro-tip: milspec gear is one way to get a HTR on your ass. it kind of ruins the game.

Assuming this is a Connection/Loyalty split, Chargen connection cannot be more then 6. You can max out loyalty instead though!

I took "Friends in High Places" which gives me a pool to make contacts with that requires the contacts to be at least connection 8.
Are we using information from Shadows of Asia?

Also you said milspec gear would get an HRT on us, why is that? I have an armoured drone with a grenade launcher and the steel lynx is the go-to combat drone for riggers with it'so heavy mount.
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Are we using information from Shadows of Asia?

Also you said milspec gear would get an HRT on us, why is that? I have an armoured drone with a grenade launcher and the steel lynx is the go-to combat drone for riggers with it'so heavy mount.
Mainly for game balance. Mil-spec armor sets are kinda bullshit in terms of their defensibility, and from a narrative perspective, even if your contact managed to get it for you, it will be investigated.... HARD. Those kits don't come cheap.
Mainly for game balance. Mil-spec armor sets are kinda bullshit in terms of their defensibility, and from a narrative perspective, even if your contact managed to get it for you, it will be investigated.... HARD. Those kits don't come cheap.

Well yeah mil-spec armor is stupid because you cannot hide it so you are spending a good chunk of cash on something you can only use for direct attack type stuff. I mean other stuff like MilSpec sensor suites or MilSpec aerial recon drones. MilSpec small arms and ammo are already pretty reliably acquired through gun runners or even just decent fixers. A Yamaha Raiden is just like 14F and my character can beat that reliably.
Well yeah mil-spec armor is stupid because you cannot hide it so you are spending a good chunk of cash on something you can only use for direct attack type stuff. I mean other stuff like MilSpec sensor suites or MilSpec aerial recon drones. MilSpec small arms and ammo are already pretty reliably acquired through gun runners or even just decent fixers. A Yamaha Raiden is just like 14F and my character can beat that reliably.
Oh, that stuff is attainable. I'm using the Chummer program, and set it to Priority like you said...just to check, I leave it at Standard and Maximum Availability: 12, as that is what it defaults to, yes?
I don't know if prior experience with the game is a requirement. I've RPed before but not Shadowrun and never online.
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