Here's my formatted text-only character sheet.
== Info ==
Name: Kesin Kar
Alias: Kes
Human, Male
5'10", 170 lbs
Age: 26
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Movement: 14/28, 2m/ hit, Swim: 9, 1m/ hit
Composure: 6
Judge Intentions: 5
Memory: 6
Lift/Carry: 9 (75 kg/50 kg)
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Karma: 0
Nuyen: 5665

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D,1
Attributes: A,4
Special: E,0
Skills: C,2
Resources: B,3

== Attributes ==
BOD: 4
CHA: 2
AGI: 7
INT: 3
REA: 5 (9)
LOG: 2
STR: 5
WIL: 4
EDG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 1.86
Initiative: 8 (12) + 3d6
Rigger Init: 10 + 3d6
Matrix AR Init: 10 + 3d6
Matrix VR Cold Init: 3 + DP + 3d6
Matrix VR Hot Init: 3 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10
Physical: 7
Mental: 4
Audio Enhancement [+1] (Only with audio Perception)
Vision Enhancement [+1] (Only for visual Perception)
Social: 4
Audio Analyzer [+1] (For musical performances)
Astral: 4

== Active Skills ==
Automatics Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Blades Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Gymnastics Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 9
Intimidation Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 4
Longarms Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Navigation Base: 0 + Karma: 6 = 6 Pool: 9
Pilot Ground Craft Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 10
Pistols (Revolvers) Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 12 (14)
Running Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 7
Sneaking (Urban) Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 12 (14)
Swimming Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 7
Unarmed Combat Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 9

== Knowledge Skills ==
Area Knowledge: Mumbai Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 6
English Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 5
Hindi-Urdu N
Matrix Games Base: 2 + Karma: 0 = 2 Pool: 5
Ares Macrotechnology Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 5

== Contacts ==
Kamala Lal (Street Cyberdoc) (CON: 2, LOY: 3)
Arnav Ganjoo (Former Ares Shadowrunner) (CON: 3, LOY: 1)

== Qualities ==
Biocompatability (Cyberware)
Code of Honor (Warrior's Code)
Exceptional Attribute
Quick Healer
SINner (National) (Indian)
Will to Live (Rating 1)

== Lifestyles ==
Apartment (Medium) 3 months
+Dangerous Area [-20%]

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Bone Lacing (Plastic)
Cyberears Rating 1
+Sound Link
+Audio Enhancement Rating 1
+Translat-ear Rating 1
+Ear protector
+Audio Analyzer
Cybereyes Basic System Rating 2
+Image Link
+Vision Magnification
+Thermographic Vision
+Vision Enhancement Rating 1
Reaction Enhancers Rating 2
Wired Reflexes Rating 2

== Armor ==
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit 9
Urban Explorer Jumpsuit: Helmet +2

== Weapons ==
Pool: 10 Accuracy: 5 DV: 10P AP: -2 RC: 3
Ares 'One' Monosword
+Quick-Draw Holster
Pool: 10 Accuracy: 5 DV: 8P AP: -3 RC: 3
Cavalier Deputy
+Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+Gecko Grip
+Laser Sight
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 14 (16) Accuracy: 8 DV: 7P AP: -1 RC: 3
Combat Axe
Pool: 10 Accuracy: 4 DV: 10P AP: -4 RC: 3
Defiance EX Shocker
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 4 DV: 9S(e) AP: -5 RC: 3
Ingram Smartgun X
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
+Sound Suppressor
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 6 DV: 8P AP: - RC: 5
PJSS Model 55
+Shock Pad
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 12 Accuracy: 8 DV: 11P AP: -1 RC: 3 (4)
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 9 Accuracy: 7 DV: 6P AP: - RC: 3

== Commlink ==
Erika Elite (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 4, FWL: 4)

== Gear ==
Ammo: Hollow Points (Submachine Guns) x400
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Heavy Pistols) x250
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Shotguns) x150
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x190
DocWagon Contract, Gold
Fake Job Permit (Bounty Hunter) 3
Fake Licences (Firearms) 3 x4
Fake Licences (Large Blades) 2 x3​
Flashlight, Infrared
Signal Scrub
Sim Module
Standard Tags x50
Ultra-Glide Industrial Lubricant (liter) x2

== Vehicles ==
Suzuki Mirage (Racing Bike)
+Sensor Array Rating 2

== Karma Expenses ==

== Nuyen Expenses ==

== Description ==
Moderately tall, wiry man. Constantly twitching. Haunted look in his eyes.Always has sword out prominently, but tries to conceal any guns. Fairly obviously cybered; pure neon green eyes and gunmetal silver ears. Doesn't realize it, but he speaks fairly quietly because of enhanced hearing

== Concept ==
Repentant Street Samurai
How does this look? I primarily focused on stealth and pistols, but I also gave myself some moderately good skills in most forms of physical combat, as well as an implanted smartlink, so I'm at least competent in any fight.
As an aside, I think Chummer bugged out, since it was telling me I was at -20 Karma even when I'd deleted everything it's possible to spend karma on. It wouldn't allow me to save the sheet as complete, so if there are any typos or errors, it's probably my bad for trying to do it by hand. Let me know and I'll fix it right away.
Edit: Formatting was messed up.

I'd recommend also getting some Stick-n-Shock ammo; makes you feel a whole lot more professional, and unless you're dealing with teams already aware of your tactics, stunning is almost always a better option then killing.

Are we using information from Shadows of Asia?
Also you said milspec gear would get an HRT on us, why is that? I have an armoured drone with a grenade launcher and the steel lynx is the go-to combat drone for riggers with it'so heavy mount.
And I didn't mention before, but yes, Shadows of Asia is canon.
Hmm. To monofilament whip or not. I've tried to keep relatively legal, but now that I'm thinking about it aren't tailored pheromones Forbidden? That may be the tipping point...
Most of my character's sheet is complete, as is their backstory... but then a second background, just as cool as the original one, occurred to me (which wouldn't really require me to change anything I have at the moment). Now I must make a choice between the two...

Basically just making last few adjustments. Be up soon.
I wish I could say I had a finished character, but I'm having to learn the rules (of which I only knew like 30% to start with) along with planning my character's stats and backstory. Combine with all my other life obligations and an ironic distraction of playing Deus Ex Human Revolution (Adam would be so broken in Shadowrun) and I only have about 85% of the stats and a rough draft of the backstory done...I hope the cutoff isn't at least for another few days or I won't make it.

I'm picturing that when Metahumans first showed up, one little dinky town in Sothwestern American for unknown reasons got a crap-load of people becoming Elves. A sort of mix of native american and southern ideals lead to some of the most laid-back and not-an-inherent-sense-of-superiority elves you will ever meet. It's also the ass-end of nowhere, and as a result a large portion of the town is SINless even today.

Here is born our heroin, Calamity (Her steet name, it's both the name Calamity and the event Calamity...subject to change) and finds that she is incedibly talented in magic (as in she has any talent at all, making her the second magic user in her town). Training under her grandfather, the only other Shaman in town, she picked up the art fast enough. But she was beset by a wanderlust (really she just wanted to see someplace other than her two-bit town before she died) and set off to make her fortune., where do you suppose a shaman with no SIN and rather loose morals would gain employment?

(I'm still adding the rest...hope to have it out in a day or two)
Deirdre loves you already. <3

Except for that lack of a sense of superiority. You live longer, you're prettier, smarter, and more wonderful. Get people to give you free stuff, slash the throats of anyone that touches your ears, live a little!
Sorry, these elves sense of superiority is stunted...they are just too chill.
I wish I could say I had a finished character, but I'm having to learn the rules (of which I only knew like 30% to start with) along with planning my character's stats and backstory. Combine with all my other life obligations and an ironic distraction of playing Deus Ex Human Revolution (Adam would be so broken in Shadowrun) and I only have about 85% of the stats and a rough draft of the backstory done...I hope the cutoff isn't at least for another few days or I won't make it.

I'm picturing that when Metahumans first showed up, one little dinky town in Sothwestern American for unknown reasons got a crap-load of people becoming Elves. A sort of mix of native american and southern ideals lead to some of the most laid-back and not-an-inherent-sense-of-superiority elves you will ever meet. It's also the ass-end of nowhere, and as a result a large portion of the town is SINless even today.

Here is born our heroin, Calamity (Her steet name, it's both the name Calamity and the event Calamity...subject to change) and finds that she is incedibly talented in magic (as in she has any talent at all, making her the second magic user in her town). Training under her grandfather, the only other Shaman in town, she picked up the art fast enough. But she was beset by a wanderlust (really she just wanted to see someplace other than her two-bit town before she died) and set off to make her fortune., where do you suppose a shaman with no SIN and rather loose morals would gain employment?

(I'm still adding the rest...hope to have it out in a day or two)

Southwestern which America?
So I've got a basic idea for my character although I haven't actually started the creation process yet. I'm thinking a female Cat burglar or pickpocket, probably an indian national and human. Think that'll work?
Convenient map

edit: A lot of the locations like mana hotspots seem to be kind of publicly confirmed locations, Montana for example is crawling with horrifically lethal critters but is not marked on the map since the people interested in the Horrors there are keeping it quiet.
Last edited:
This still hiring? If so, what are the local mystic traditions? Hermeticism is out... how does magic work in Shadowrun India? And what are the local metatypes?
Hiei - Rigger
== Info ==
Street Name: Hiei
Name: Yuuma Satake
Movement: 6/12, 6m/ hit, Swim: 4, 3m/ hit
Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Human Female Age 25
Height 5'6" Weight 135lbs
Composure: 8
Judge Intentions: 10
Lift/Carry: 5 (30 kg/20 kg)
Memory: 9
Nuyen: 1765

Name: Yuuma Satake
Alias: Hiei
Metatype: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135lbs
Age: 25
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green

== Priorities ==
Metatype: D,1
Attributes: A,4
Special: E,0
Skills: C,2
Resources: B,3

== Attributes ==
BOD: 3
AGI: 3
REA: 5
STR: 2
CHA: 5
INT: 5
LOG: 6
WIL: 3
EDG: 5

== Derived Attributes ==
Essence: 3.5
Initiative: 10 + 1d6
Rigger Initiative: 10 + 1d6
Astral Initiative:
Matrix AR Initiative: 10 + 1d6
Matrix Cold Initiative: 5 + DP + 3d6
Matrix Hot Initiative: 5 + DP + 4d6
Physical Damage Track: 10
Stun Damage Track: 10

== Limits ==
Physical: 4
Mental: 7
Social: 6
Astral: 7

== Active Skills ==
Animal Handling : 0 Pool: 4
Archery : 0 Pool: 2
Armorer : 2 Pool: 8
Automatics : 3 Pool: 6
Automotive Mechanic : 3 Pool: 9
Blades : 0 Pool: 2
Clubs : 0 Pool: 2
Computer : 0 Pool: 5
Con : 1 Pool: 6
Cybercombat : 0 Pool: 5
Demolitions : 0 Pool: 5
Disguise : 0 Pool: 4
Diving : 1 Pool: 4
Electronic Warfare : 3 Pool: 9
Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 2
Etiquette : 1 Pool: 6
First Aid : 0 Pool: 5
Forgery : 0 Pool: 5
Free-Fall : 0 Pool: 2
Gunnery : 3 Pool: 6
Gymnastics : 0 Pool: 2
Hacking : 0 Pool: 5
Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 2
Impersonation : 1 Pool: 6
Instruction : 0 Pool: 4
Intimidation : 0 Pool: 4
Leadership : 1 Pool: 6
Longarms : 0 Pool: 2
Nautical Mechanic : 1 Pool: 7
Navigation : 0 Pool: 4
Negotiation : 1 Pool: 6
Perception : 3 Pool: 8
Performance : 1 Pool: 6
Pilot Aircraft : 1 Pool: 6
Pilot Ground Craft : 4 Pool: 9
Pilot Watercraft : 4 Pool: 9
Pistols : 0 Pool: 2
Running : 1 Pool: 3
Sneaking : 0 Pool: 2
Survival : 0 Pool: 2
Swimming : 1 Pool: 3
Throwing Weapons : 0 Pool: 2
Tracking : 0 Pool: 4
Unarmed Combat : 0 Pool: 2

== Knowledge Skills ==
Alcohol : 1 Pool: 6
Bars and Clubs : 1 Pool: 6
Bengali : 1 Pool: 6
Chemistry : 1 Pool: 7
Diving : 1 Pool: 6
Economics : 1 Pool: 7
Engineering : 1 Pool: 7
English : 3 Pool: 8
Fashion : 1 Pool: 6
Hindi-Urdu : 3 Pool: 8
Indonesian : 1 Pool: 6
Japanese : N Pool: 0
Korean : 1 Pool: 6
Literature : 1 Pool: 7
Naval combat : 1 Pool: 7
Punjabi : 1 Pool: 6
Smuggling : 1 Pool: 6
Underworld : 1 Pool: 6
Watercraft : 1 Pool: 6

== Contacts ==
Arav; Mumbai; Fixer (5, 2)
Hansaraj; Mumbai; Street Doc (2, 3)
Maanika; Mumbai; Pirate (5, 2)
Maheshkumar; Mumbai; Military Officer (8, 3)
Xue; Calcutta; Corporate Manager (8, 6)

== Qualities ==
Dealer Connection (Drones)
Friends in High Places
In Debt V
Lack of Focus
Latest and Greatest
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)
SINner (National) (Japan)

== Lifestyles ==
Apartment 1 months

== Cyberware/Bioware ==
Control Rig (AGI 0, STR 0, Physical 3) Rating 2
Cybereyes Basic System (AGI 0, STR 0, Physical 3) Rating 4
+Image Link (AGI 0, STR 0, Physical 3)
+Smartlink (AGI 0, STR 0, Physical 3)

== Armor ==
Armor Clothing 6
Armor Jacket 12
Armor Vest 9
Diving Armor 7
+Chemical Protection 4

== Weapons ==
Ares Crusader II
+Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+Gas-Vent 2 System
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 6 Accuracy: 7 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 4
Ares SIGMA 3
+Folding Stock
+Slide Mount
+Slide Mount
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 6 Accuracy: 6 DV: 8P AP: - RC: 3 (4)
Colt M23
+Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 6 Accuracy: 6 DV: 9P AP: -2 RC: 2
Grenade: High Explosive
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 4 DV: 16P (-2/m) AP: -2 RC: 2
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 4 DV: (10m Radius) AP: - RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 2 Accuracy: 4 DV: 2S AP: - RC: 2

== Commlink ==
Meta Link (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 1, FWL: 1) x2
Vulcan Liegelord (ATT: 0, SLZ: 0, DP: 5, FWL: 6)

== Gear ==
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x160
Ammo: APDS (Submachine Guns) x200
Ammo: APDS (Machine Pistols) x160
Ammo: APDS (Sniper Rifles) x40
Ammo: APDS (Assault Rifles) x120
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Assault Rifles) x160
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Submachine Guns) x200
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) x160
Ammo: Regular Ammo (Machine Pistols) x160
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Assault Rifles) x160
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Submachine Guns) x200
Autosoft (Horizon CU (Pilot)) Rating 4
Autosoft (MCT Fly-Spy pilot) Rating 4
Autosoft (Ares Matilda (Pilot)) Rating 4
Autosoft (Roto-drone (pilot)) Rating 4
Autosoft (MCT Fly-Spy Clearsight) Rating 4
Autosoft (Ares Matilda (Clearsight)) Rating 3
Autosoft (Roto-drone (clearsight)) Rating 4
Autosoft (Horizon CU (Stealth)) Rating 4
Autosoft (MCT Fly-Spy (Stealth)) Rating 4
Fake License (Firearms License) Rating 4
Fake SIN (Sakura) Rating 3
Fake SIN (Hitomi) Rating 1
Grenade: High Explosive x12
Grenade: Thermal Smoke x12
Spare Clip (Ares Crusader II) x4
Spare Clip (Ingram Smartgun X) x4
Spare Clip (Ares SIGMA 3) x4
Spare Clip (Colt M23) x4

== Vehicles ==
Ares Matilda (Large)
+Standard Weapon Mount (Drone)
++ArmTech MGL-12
+Autosoft (Targeting) Rating 3
+Sensor Array Rating 4
GMC Pheonix
+Sensor Array Rating 3
Horizon CU^3 (Minidrone)
+Autosoft (Clearsight Autosoft) Rating 2
+Sensor Array Rating 3
Horizon CU^3 Professional (Minidrone)
+Autosoft (Clearsight Autosoft) Rating 4
+Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
+Realistic Features Rating 2
+Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT Fly-Spy (Minidrone)
+Realistic Features Rating 2
+Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
+Weapon Mount
++Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR
+++Shock Pad
+++Imaging Scope
+Autosoft (Cavalier Arms Crockett EBR) Rating 3
+Sensor Array Rating 3
MCT-Nissan Roto-drone (Medium)
+Weapon Mount
++Shiawase Arms Monsoon
+++Electronic Firing
+++Smartgun, Internal
+Autosoft (Shiawase Arms Monsoon) Rating 3
+Sensor Array Rating 3

== Karma Expenses ==

== Nuyen Expenses ==
9/22/2016 5:20:07 AM 565 Starting Nuyen

Born and raised in Akita to a traditional upper middle class family Hiei grew up in a world of safety and security with a set future. The entirety of her life was planned out for her, she was to receive a proper education going to excellent schools until she found a found a proper husband working with the government or a corporation to settle down with. Once settled in naturally she would be a proper and demure wife, not like the rambunctious women of the south or influenced by foreigners. Naturally her parents could have arranged a marriage for her but felt that she should have the freedom of a modern woman at the very least.

This ran rather contrary to Hiei's own feelings rather rapidly who loved the freedom of the seas when they went to the beach. As a young girl she excelled as much as expected for someone not pressing their nose to the grindstone in particular loving mechanical and technical hands on learned when available to her as well as various sports programs. Her performance and corporate influence that her family had was enough to secure her a spot at a good junior college in Neo-Tokyo, something that her parents were hesitant of but allowed as it would look good for her to have a good school from a good location when potential suitors came looking.

Even at this time Hiei continued to be constantly seeking her freedom and new thrills and experiences though her parents saw it simply as a phase and even that allowing her to explore Neo-Tokyo would help her through the phase sooner to settle down and live her life properly as intended. Instead this was Hiei's big break to be free from parental oversight and relished in it. A junior college meant for a woman to enjoy her hobbies while also learning proper maternal duties naturally had simple and lax criteria making it rather easy for Hiei to make short work of her classes and exult in the night life of Neo-Tokyo. Always out, always exploring, always experiencing she continued to buck against the strict social trends her family wanted and instead dove into the less civilized parts of the world.

Yakuza are naturally extremely dominant in Neo-Tokyo, not simply in the black market and illicit parts of society but well into the legal and gray regions of the city. Clubbing all throughout the docks naturally resulted in her rubbing occasional shoulders with them but even as she got herself invited to more private affairs she was always little more than arm candy though through them came into contact with the riggers and smugglers who operate for and with the Yakuza. Her first fling was with a blonde haired blue eyed gaijin elf who ran drugs from the large transports which never left international waters. He was so clever and worldy to her always fast with a quip and even as a gaijin could roll with the yakuza muscle.

The first time she felt the waves, really felt them rather than playing in them or simply dreaming of them was when she got in a race with more arm candy use the drones for the smugglers and she was hooked. She took to the feelings of shedding her body for a machine designed to cut the waves like a chiphead to a BTL, it was her drug, and she was good at it. A couple more races and toying around around with lower end drones showed she had real skill with machines in both working on them and being them. Talent is something yakuza are always looking for and as formal social outcasts will take on almost anyone to join their ranks so soon she found herself part-timing for the smugglers and yaks doing little things like ferrying messages across the city wearing a roto-drone.

Whenever she was involved things always seemed to go off with a hitch, she was like a good luck charm and her flirty nature made her popular as well as a kind of mascot though she did not simply sleep around, it took something special about someone for her to really spend time with them. Skills and willingness to try new things meant she rose fast in the eyes of some though never truly in rank having never truly even aligned herself with anyone instead merely associating with them and getting paid well allowing her to continue her nightlife partying with ease.

All good things must come to an end though, or at least so her parents told her when junior college came to and end and she graduated. Though she never did formally finish, parting ways with her family and leaving much of her saving behind to pay them back for the college she would never use, instead she went south with some of her friends running rigger jobs all the way south to Kyushu. It never occurred to her she was not even 20 yet and technically a shadowrunner she simply loved all the colorful people and fun experiences she had while people were paying her to jump into a plane or ship and for a few hours experience being beyond her body as only rigging or magic allowed.

Friends came and went in her lifestyle so she was always asking and learning about the world and dreaming of saving up to buy a submarine of her, one she could jump into and swim in for her the rest of her life. She took on the name 'Hiei' at this point after the name of one of the many Japanese warships throughout the years and lived on the beaches rather significant paycheck to rather significant paycheck refusing to ever slow down and instead looking for ways to speed up.

This chance to finally go faster than before came when she was recruited to come along with a group setting up shop in Shanghai. They had some serious nuyen, some major connections, and their leader, Xue, was headhunting some of the best smugglers and riggers in the PacRim. Feeling honored her name came up and smelling a real party she hopped on board right away getting her first real feel of the shadowrunning world in the dangerous streets of Shanghai. The money was better than ever before and the boats faster, more complex, and more beautiful than anything she had ever used before.

They were a team composed largely of riggers and rather quickly became a tightly knit group of around twenty though many came and went at times with a smaller core around Xue who ran it all like he was born for it. They worked for anyone and everyone with dangers far above and beyond anything she experienced dodging customs patrols in Japan. Here this was the real world with jobs ranging from straight pickups as drones were sent from one rigger to another in a chain to move cargo without needing to move people to running subs on wired rigs to salvage pirate victims. Corps, gangs, warlords, and pirates all fought and died in the city of Shanghai making Hiei learn to fight for her life with her physical form.

They were a good crew and they did what was needed, including blowing off steam when needed. Shanghai is a pirate paradise which makes it a just plain paradise for people with the funds to enjoy it. Every big score was celebrated with a party, liquor, drugs, sex. It was all on Xue to make sure heads were cool enough to keep enough in reserve for replacing, repairing, and upgrading. Most of them were young like Hiei and the paydays they scored was like just throwing money at them so never felt the need to save. It was from Xue that Hiei started to learn some of her good habits like planning for the future and cultivating contacts who can serve as more than friends at a party. Networking was a thing her father did but was never something she even tried to comprehend until Xue showed how to use it to work their way up in the world.

Unlike the rest of them Xue had plans, big plans for his life and maybe even the world, he was a dreamer but unlike so many he was a dreamer with a plan. When they got big enough and worth enough he sold out, went ahead and sold everything to Saeder Krupp and in return they rewarded him immensely. He runs some branch in Calcutta now for the growing SK enterprise there and for the entire subcontinent. It was not a sellout though, they knew it was coming and he gave them warning, they had one last party before they went ahead and split ways promising to keep in touch.

Taking her skills, her money, and her drones Hiei decided to settle in Mumbai for now after Shanghia, the water is nice here, the city is thriving, and the shadows are nice and deep. This is her first time truly alone and truly in the shadows and already it is exhilarating for her. Taking out a loan from some local yakuza she bought a fast car and started getting to work. Arav is a local club owner who fronts for the Dawood but plays independent, she met in clubbing and through some friends got work and relations through him. It is a nice club near the waterfront serving fun, fast, and young clientele just looking for a good time who do not mind the shady deals in the back of the house.

After a couple low end jobs while she felt out Arav and Arav felt out her she ran into a friend from Shanghai, Maanika, a former officer on a pirate destroyer she had gotten a frigate of her own and now ran out of Mumbai terrorizing Pakistan, Arabia, and anything which strayed into her sights. They hit it off rather quickly and Hiei has done a few minor favors for her with Maanika promising to repay them soon.

The most recent development in her life since coming to Mumbai has been her friend/boyfriend Maheshkumar, a naval officer of the warrior caste she met him at a bar she frequents not far from the military docks where she teases the local sailors and fishes for drinks, compliments, and rumors. He was the boldest and the brashest of the bunch, blatant but beautiful cyberware she taunted him like all the others. At first she toyed with him to get on base and see the military ships, to feel the hull of an attack submarine but he was fun to be around as well. His job was his caste and so took it extremely seriously and like all things in life threw himself into it heart and soul. She respected that and respected how in his free time his threw himself into enjoying himself. He is smart, witty, and funny, knows that with her life and his caste marriage is never an option so they can never be that serious but can enjoy each other a great deal in the meantime.

Hiei is five feet six inches of toned muscle, bone, and circuitry. An active lifestyle with a great deal of time spent in the outdoors has left her body marked by the sun and form lean and slim. Keeping her appearance is also a significant source of pride for her taking time out of the day to ensure she always looks presentable and carries herself with well earned strength and confidence. With a slim petite face and symmetrical features she has a traditional prettiness that is considered 'marred' by her darkened skin among traditionalists in her home though aids her in blending in with her current home. Always choosing to flaunt what she is a silver plated jack is implanted just behind her right temple generally left exposed for all to see but easily covered by her thick waist length black hair. With the jack covered the only sign of her augmentations are her bright green eyes with a color just outside the normal range of human features.

Arav - Fixer and D-company front: Working out of a D-company club he is a local and of the Vaisyas caste. A smallish man without much apparent strength of his own and is a middleman between D-company and the world without opening revealing being D-company giving him a bit more freedom in who he works with. A middle man in all things and looking the role clearly standing just 5'3" putting him a bit under the average Indian and the body type of a man who has put very little physical effort into life. He has a clear appreciation for nice things often wearing custom tailored outfits, designer watches, and drinking from the top shelf putting on aires of importance for those he works with.

Maanika- Pirate: Captain of a fast frigate and pirate raiding primarily Muslim nations she is recently back from China where she and Hiei occasionally worked or played together. She is intending to make a great name for herself eventually as an independent pirate and is rather hungry for opportunity as a result. A 5'2" somewhat homely woman she is naturally well built but has been significantly enhanced with cybernetics. Overall she has a severe look with her body type and short cropped hair but is overall a rather friendly individual when not into her work.

Hansaraj - Street Doctor: A shudra by birth his parents worked in a AA Japanese corporation allowing him access to excellent education opportunities he would not normally have managed. Things were going great for him, an entirely corporate paid for medical education meant he would likely be set for life, at least, until the corporation was bought up by SK. With most of the assets liquidated his parents simply managed to retire early but he was left with half an education and no way to pursue it. Since then he has taken to the shadows leveraging his knowledge as he can to help others.

Xue - Saeder-Krupp manager:

Maheshkumar - Indian naval officer:

Chummer File
Conundrum threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Starting Nuyen Total: 16
5 5 3 3 4 4 4 4
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