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Considering how Thunderbolt is alreading making herself a nuisance, you would think they be happy to have her off their hands.
They know us asking for a release, a random prisoner we shouldn't even know would definitely set some alarm bells off in their headConsidering how Thunderbolt is alreading making herself a nuisance, you would think they be happy to have her off their hands.
The downside to you having no idea who Grimer is in universe is Thunderbolt loses her prison buddy, unless she remembers to mention him, which she might be too starstruck to do/hj
-[] with the stipulation that Gun convinces the restoration to also agree and gets them to not attack us. Non aggression between the three of us till the Black arms are gone then we go back to dealing with each other.
This kind of stipulation can't be made. Because the Black Arms are already gone. They're not in Green Hills anymore. They're in space, on the Ark. And that's a fortress that can't be cracked anytime soon.
Yeah, but we lose out the chance to try to study one of them to figure out a pretty decent counter. In case the conch breaks again or at least make our machines non-packable by their magnetic powers I think we give one and we try a check with the other action if it fails we got rogueHonestly, I think prisoner exchanging both Zeti is a net positive for us because we are the ones they have a huge advantage over, due to their magnetism. It means the Zeti will have to attack GUN to get their hands on them, which is an attack not aimed at us. It'll be harder for them to escape when they're guarded by flesh and blood instead of hackable metal. Trading them for Thunderbolt and their assistance in the mission to free Chuck seems fair to me. If they need some greased palms, throw in the Ragnite Research to sweeten the deal.
Getting rid of the fat one does means less resources needed to handle them, we just need one to study.. and we can get a hero unit out of the exchange.. Its a pretty solid moveThe alliance is something we need, but giving them one of the D6 may be too much.
Counter idea they might try to kill us again and mimicI just had a thought.....
If Tower was supposed to be dead...and the Shattering revived him....who else from the Sonic Franchise (and other Sega settings) were revived by the Shattering?
Cause I just thought of the perfect method of getting Whisper off our backs!
What if the Shattering revived her old team!?
If they ARE alive again...we can round them up, and just ship them to Whisper! That might AT LEAST reduce her violent anger against us...
Ask for any other minions of ours they have prisoner too. They might not have anybody else but it's better to ask.[] Yes (When the Black Arms return, you and GUN will collaborate to fight them, collaboration next turn to study the Black Arms, material)
-[] with some conditions
--[] thunderbolts release into our care in exchange we give Zomzom as a prisoner instead
--[] assistance in extracting, Chuck Thorndyke and his grandson from Zakvok
This looks good. Anyone has any comments about this?
[Insert El Risitas clip here][ ] Yes (When the Black Arms return, you and GUN will collaborate to fight them, collaboration next turn to study the Black Arms, material)
-[ ] with some conditions (write in: warning depending what is asked, heart check only with Eggman stats will happen. If not meet the condition Wont happen)
Seems like killing her would be easier.Cause I just thought of the perfect method of getting Whisper off our backs!
Thinking about it, @Kingster How would Towers react if we offered him a collab to finish Gerald original research, the one that he wanted to use to save Maria?
He is obligating us to a collab to research the black arms material, so may as well net us the cure this turn.
Sounds like Hope from the Archie Comics.and your young new head scientist damn near mutinied at the idea of having to work with Eggman in any capacity.
Or Snively.
Ehhh unlikely considering Any Archie gun wpuld KNOW about Snivly
And it says young, I doubt Snively was able to get younger after meeting us.Ehhh unlikely considering Any Archie gun wpuld KNOW about Snivly